Beloved Father! Please let those of us who are here become heartistic sons and daughters who can bear the heart-rending appeal shouted out by Abel. And through our senses and our blood, please let us relieve the heart of Christ which was pierced by enmity over not having been able to say all he had to say to the people when, representing the blood of Abel, he offered himself as a sacrifice of blood on the mount of Golgotha.
We thought that the footsteps of the many saints and sages who have come and gone in the course of history were their footsteps alone, but now finally we have realized today that those footsteps are the very footsteps we also must take today.
There are many people on earth, but since you have come to us who are so unworthy, please guide us to become sons and daughters who know your situation, oh Father, as you hope we will resolve the grief of 6,000 years for you.
On this earth there are many distinguished people, and there are many outstanding people, and there are also many people of ability, but you have come to us, even though we are so inadequate. -We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will guide us to become sons and daughters who can experience and feel keenly your forlorn situation as you ask us to understand the situation of heaven.
Just as long ago Joshua was strong and of good courage, today representing the people, we must be strong and of good courage, and representing the world, we must be strong and of good courage, and representing the earth, we must be strong and of good courage. Therefore, Father, please be with our inadequate selves. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will lead us to be able to indemnify and go beyond all the sufferings of history through our selves.
From among the Christians of the world, please allow there to appear quickly many people who are strong and of good courage like Joshua and Caleb who said they would have to go into the promised land of Canaan even if they died over and over again. We earnestly hope that you will lead us to be able to quickly greet a day of glory when we can harmonize with you, Father, and feel the throb of your life, the throb of life of resurrection through hearts based on heavenly morality.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
Please Let Us Become Heartistic Sons And Daughters Who Are Strong And Of Good Courage
Beloved Father! Please let those of us who are here become heartistic sons and daughters who are able to bear the heart-rending appeal shouted out by Abel.
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