You must consider yourselves fortunate grandchildren today because you have met True Parents, whom Heaven and humanity have waited for.
How should you introduce True Parents from now on whenever you meet people in different places?
Our Heavenly Parent’s wish after the Creation was to become a parent. The Fall, however, caused God to become a sorrowful Heavenly Parent. Yet, Heaven continued to conduct the providence of salvation and found and anointed central figures whenever necessary. Heaven raised the Israelites based on the ideology of the chosen people. The Messiah, however, could not find a nation because of human disbelief.
Heaven kept its promise, while humanity did not. As a result, Heaven has had to carry out a difficult providential history through Christianity for the past two thousand years. The preparation process for the Messiah was extremely difficult. Whenever a central figure failed to fulfill his or her responsibility, Heaven did not work through that central figure anymore.
A providential indemnity course is not at all easy. Christianity was supposed to fulfill its responsibility and welcome the returning Lord. Yet, Christianity failed to do so. Before your grandparents are your True Parents, they are humanity’s True Parents as you have understood through this thirty-day workshop on the Divine Principle and True Parents’ life courses.
True Parents’ courses were difficult indemnity courses. The country where True Parents were born must become our Heavenly Parent’s homeland. You are historic figures because you can attend True Parents.
You are in a position that everyone will envy. You have understood and testified about how precious your grandparents are. Therefore, you must always live with grateful hearts, and prepare for every single day in excitement, and your lives in that manner. You must learn much more in the future. Until now, leaders have emphasized the creation of the environment to members.
We must create an environment with our Heavenly Parent at the center. You must partake in its creation. To demonstrate to you the creation of an environment, I brought you here to participate in the thirty-day workshop. You must attend True Parents as your absolute center and aim high for the future.
Next year, many Seonghwa Students will join you in a two-week educational workshop for the creation of the environment to spread this environment. I would like to applaud your efforts throughout the workshop once again.
Mother said the following on 5.27 by the heavenly calendar (July 5, 2013) at a breakfast meeting, at which three second-generation True Family members, Yeon-ah nim, Sun-jin nim, and In-sup nim participated:
When I invited peace ambassadors and leaders of WFWP to Cheon Jeong Gung recently, I told them that life was valueless and without hope if they do not know True Parents. Those who came for the first time were particularly moved when I explained that God was a lonely and piteous being.
Even the Divine Principle mentions meeting True Parents, the Messiah, as our hope. We have also followed this path of faith. Have those in the first and second generations led a life of gratitude toward True Parents? There must be no complaints or grumbling on our path. The reality of both the second generation and the first generation deeply concerns me as I see a lack of the most basic element of faith a heart of gratitude toward everything.
Just as is mentioned in the Bible and the Divine Principle, being grateful to Heaven first is the standard a common person of faith holds. However, we have unconsciously strayed into a self-centered life of faith. Heaven had to undergo so many trials for four thousand years to educate the Israelites, and to foundation needed to form a nation where God could dwell and send the Messiah in their midst; yet, when the Israelites came to meet the Messiah in reality, they could not fulfill their responsibility. Indemnity is fearful and painful. We must ensure that our descendants do not undergo any indemnity by fulfilling our missions.
We must be able to feel the sorrowful history that our Heavenly Parent had to undergo. Many saints have come and gone; yet, only True Parents revealed Heaven’s sorrowful heart. We also understand the term “liberation of our Heavenly Parent” because we are aware of this providential history.
Foundation Day is the start of Cheon Il Guk. Since Korea is our Heavenly Parent’s homeland, all nations and peoples must come to Korea and enthusiastically cooperate to make Korea the homeland substantially.
What is the present stance of the United States? Is it in a position where it helps others or in a position where it receives help? What can we do to bring about victory in the providence? What is the stance of second-generation members?
The True Father should not be considered only the Messiah but in the context of the victorious True Parents. All people and organizations must testify about True Parents. This is a precious blessing and a shortcut to, accomplishing the ideal of a true family. You must testify about True Parents while you are still alive.
I have begun a new page in history through Cheon Seong Gyeong, Pyeonghwa Gyeong, and Champumo Gyeong. The rule of the thumb method no longer works today. You must not consider our church to be an umbrella organization. Your traditions testify about True Parents. Though you have attended True Parents, you have not truly known them and this has caused serious problems.
The biggest cause of the difference of heart between first and second-generation members lies in the parents not being able to create the right environment for them. Though the True Children and you are still imperfect, I will work at setting matters right.
Heaven has conducted the providence where the Cain world must be loved before Abel; as a result, True Parents had to leave the True Children in the care of our elder families and take the lead in advancing the heavenly providence. From such a standpoint, we can say that the True Children grew up in more pitiful circumstances than you did.
Second-generation members grew up with their parents, while the True Children were always neglected. An environment could not be created. Blessed families should have protected and educated the True Children. True Parents could not love the True Children in the same way they loved Cain.
I will work toward firmly establishing Heaven’s and True Parents’ traditions, by the Principle. In following that tradition, I will love the second-generation members more than I love the True Children. I will erect the Cain children who will then educate the Abel children.
Though we say we understand the Principle, we have lived until now, ironically, without properly understanding the Principle. How do we understand the providential history of restoration through indemnity? Heaven’s providential history of restoration established the Israelites as the first Israel and Christianity as the second Israel.
Please deeply consider what kind of foundation would have been formed if they had met the Returning Lord, handed over all these foundations to him, who attended him.
Heaven has prepared for Foundation Day for a long time. As we know, God did not work again through a central, it did not fulfill their responsibilities. We must help second-generation members and ensure that we are all victorious. We must cooperate through all possible means.
The first Israel and second Israel must cooperate with Korea, the third Israel, and ensure that it is restored at all costs. Vision 2020 is our goal to find and establish the True Parents’ royal authority in Korea. Providential first and second-generation members must march together to find our Heavenly Parent’s homeland.
The three providential nations, Korea, the United States, and Japan, must change by investing their maximum effort and by living up to their faith at the risk of their lives at this point. Substantial changes must be visible to a certain extent within three years. Only by achieving this, can hope to exist.
Kwon-jin was assigned as the person in charge of education in Las Vegas and has been conducting activities in my place, trying to yield results in the last place Principal Father laid a foundation. I am trying to help him stand as a son of True Parents by making him start from the very bottom and witness through the Principle and Father’s teachings.
Since True Parents cannot visit all 190 nations, we considered Las Vegas, where people from around the globe come, to be the best place to serve as the center for education.
At this point, you must advance with big responsibilities. Do not worry about the gap between first and second-generation members. If the leaders who have been set up create the right environment, all of our concerns will disappear. When we look at Moses’ and Abraham’s courses, we understand how central figures create the right environment.
We are the problem. Those in charge are the problem. The United States is like a desert. Leaders must carry out the mission of finding and feeding on grasshoppers and wild honey. In the early days of the providence in the United States, True Parents actively conducted a university-based movement. We must revive this movement.
We must save for a billion people; however, since we cannot do it through our efforts alone, we must search for talented people who can join us through a movement based on university campuses.
Don’t talented people around the world come to study at universities in the United States? Why aren’t you making use of that environment?
Bringing about a revival of activities on university campuses is an important mission for us. Therefore, we must push it forward. Second-generation leaders must find all second-generation members and families that are resting and educate and love them so that they fulfill their responsibilities centered on True Parents.
We must all go together. Please guide them in true love. When we go to the spiritual world, we must be able to all breathe under the same heaven.
Only when we attend True Parents on Earth can humanity become one big family.
Our lineage does not refer to the seeds in the fields but refers to the precious children of a providence that is based on true love. Our mission is to gather everyone and move forward together. Let us all set up indemnity conditions through donations and voluntary activities in churches and go forward together.
As people born through the blessing of True Parents let us not fall but advance together. Education based on true love is important.
From now on, high school students, middle school students, and elementary school students who desire to become future church leaders will receive education yearly with the True Children and True Grandchildren here in Kona, Hawaii, a good geographical location and the center of the Pacific Rim providence. Ten students each from Korea, Japan, and the United States and ten students from another continent will be selected to join this yearly two or three-week workshop with the True Children and True Grandchildren.
Let us all become proud people of Cheon Il Guk. We must treat members with the heart of a parent and the heart of living for the sake of others. May the United States, which was at the center of True Parents’ providential history for forty years, carry on the providence by becoming its center.
After delivering this message to Japanese leaders at hoondokhae on 5.15 by the heavenly calendar (June 23), True Mother presented everyone with coffee harvested from the Hawaiian Queen Coffee farm.
Welcome. This place is a significant providential center in Father’s providential history, and a center connecting the east, west, south, south, and north within the Pacific Rim providence. Before I start explaining this point, you need to understand that God’s providence of salvation after the Fall was painful. It was a difficult historical time. According to the principles by which God conducted the Creation.
Seeing humankind multiply in great numbers caused God infinite sorrow and pain.
Under those circumstances, God still chose a lonely person, set up a people, and opened a way to save a nation and the world through the four-thousand-year history of the providence of salvation. Then he sent one person in charge of completing the work.
However, what did the Israelites do?
They could not follow him. The person who was supposed to become the center of God’s providential history ended up going to the spiritual world without being able to complete what he had come for; hence, he had no alternative but to say that he was going to return.
The Israelites, however, were unaware and a tremendous indemnity came to their descendants. The act was an enormous sin among sins; yet, Jewish people were not aware of this. Their future could not be easy as a result.
Presently, the total number of Jews equals only two percent of the number of Christians. They are still unaware that their being the chosen people and the center of the providence has all come to an end. When Jesus said he was coming back, he meant that he was coming back through the foundation of Christianity.
Two thousand years of providential history have passed; hence, it is now time for it to be revealed. It is time for it to be revealed. That is why Father conducted the providence, focusing on making Korea God’s homeland for twelve years in the 2000s.
One must not lightly think that it will simply happen because Father said so.
Because Father spoke about this, the people who are on earth, must successfully realize it at all costs. You must achieve it. You have the responsibility.
It was during the era of the Roman Empire that historically human civilization was prepared to receive the Messiah, wasn’t it?
If Jesus had used the Roman Empire’s foundation and had appeared as humankind’s parent or as the Messiah, it would have been easy to expand to a global level through the Roman territory. The history of human civilization passed through the Italian peninsula, the continent, and then an island nation; it then passed through a continent again, an island nation, and the country finally entered a peninsula.
Hence, a path to go onto the world through the Italian peninsula opened. There’s a saying that says the sun never sets on the British Empire, which was centered on an island. Right? Britain also began a path heading toward the world.
We were supposed to attend the Heavenly Parent and finish what our ancestors hadn’t concluded. However, this is not possible through the power of man alone. Even though man has been shown several times that the salvation, happiness, or peace of humanity cannot come true through the power of man alone, man has not been able to understand this.
Christianity conquered the world through an island nation’s civilization. However, when Christianity became corrupt, Puritans started immigrating to a new region, the Americas.
After the course returned to a continent again, America could rise to the central position through WWI and WWII. When this happened, the victorious nations helped the defeated nations for the sake of world peace. A good example is how the United States helped Japan. Instead of asking for compensation from the defeated country, the victorious country y helped it instead.
In other words, because the time has come for the parents to come, all countries have become brothers and sisters. Now, as restored siblings, we must attend True Parents. True Parents must be revealed and attended to. Do you understand what this means? We feel both grateful and ashamed for being in a position where we can fulfill this responsibility. Is this a joy or a misfortune?
If you can become ancestors who can accomplish joyful and grateful acts, complete everything within your generation, and enable your descendants to live in a peaceful, happy world; this is, to live in Cheon Il Guk, how honorable would that be?
What is there for you to lose from the standpoint of the individual at this precise time?
Is there anything you want to hide from Heaven? It is the same with children. Children want to boast about what they consider the most valuable in front of their parents. Six of my grandchildren came here. One day, they visited a coffee farm and roasted some coffee. The next day, they attached their photographs to the coffee they each had roasted and brought it to me saying, “Grandma, please have this.”
The children’s hearts must become your hearts. When you have done something you want to boast about or consider a miraculous deed, you would rather not keep it to yourself. You boast about it to your parents. You want to present it to them.
With such a heart, you must be able to return everything to heaven without making any adjustments within your lives. That’s the difference between you, who live in this era, and future generations. You are also different from those who lived before you.
I do not individually know how deeply you have realized the preciousness of the position you are in. You must be grateful to your ancestors for your emergence at just the right time and age and for enabling you to live a life in attendance of True Parents. In addition, if you were leaders, the days during which you worked with True Parents will become unforgettable memories and a source of pride. Isn’t that correct?
You all have many varied good aspects; yet, you must not keep them to yourselves. We are born because of our parents, and when we die, we go back to our parents.
Hence, you must not hide your good traits as a result of looking at them individually.
In the 1990s, the state of affairs relating to the unification of Korea was earnest.
The True Father, who was conducting an anti-communist movement and a unification movement, met North Korea’s Kim Il-sung for the sake of the unification of the homeland. He also met the USSR’s Mikhail Gorbachev. He did that at the risk of his life. He was the central figure in all respects and the central person had to resolve those circumstances.
From now on, you must not limit yourselves to just knowing. Father invested in all these areas for you and the salvation of humanity. Hence, if you put Heaven in a disadvantageous position, you will face difficulties in the end.
You must know this. That is why the Pacific Rim era began based on Hawaii. Regarding Hawaii, we find that it is located right in the middle between the East and West, between Asia and the United States.
That is why I plan to conduct education for second-generation members here. In the Pacific Rim era, Japan must become the center and embrace Asia and the world. Japan must educate the world.
When a strong person nurtures determination, the determination to become something, desiring to become the best in a field, that person is likely to achieve it.
Even when it comes to trivial issues, people in the world invest so much effort into them day and night.
Can we let ourselves perform less impressively than they have?
Neither heaven nor earth can change. However, you are not just yourselves.
Therefore, Japanese people must set some indemnity conditions. That is why you must liberate your ancestors and forefathers.
After you liberate your ancestors, we must make an environment free from all indemnity and witness with all our might. You must witness with maximum effort and at the risk of your lives. That is why I have made Cheon Seong Gyeong and Pyeonghwa Gyeong which is like the essence.
Do not forget this. Have grateful hearts! Please become people who invest effort day and night with the determination to help people, even if it is one single person, learn more about True Parents. You must live a life of practice. Do you understand? Will you do that?
When your hearts are down, please watch the Foundation Day video and recharge yourselves. You must be able to produce descendants who are more talented than you and more capable in all aspects before your lives on earth come to an end.
This path is the only way to repay some of your debts to True Parents. Isn’t that right? How can we beautifully pass down this tradition for eternity? Everything depends on you. We cannot allow any unnecessary twig in our culture. It must have no shadow. It must be transparent. You must become citizens of that type in Cheon Il Guk. Do you understand?
The kingdom of God on earth and in heaven is still a dream. However, we are in a position where we can realize it. This is how precious each one of you is; it indicates how much effort you must invest. You must live up to your faith. Do you understand?
Day 15, 5.20 on the heavenly calendar (June 28) Kona, Hawaii
Now that the first anniversary of Father’s ascension is getting closer, you must become first- and second-generation members that prepare for the future more urgently than at any other time.
If you do not prepare, your lives will become more difficult. Until now, many second-generation members have been more preoccupied with how they should live instead of how they should lead a life based on the church. It is time to educate second-generation members who can think of the future of our church and take charge of a new future.
During Father’s time, Father took all the responsibility. The generation that had a direct relationship with Father is now in their sixties, seventies, and eighties. The gap between them and young second-generation members is too wide.
I must put everything into order and establish the tradition. During the past ten months, Father’s sermons, which are the guidelines for our lives, were compiled. It was prepared in the same way an unpolished stone is trimmed into a radiant gem.
All the sermons and speeches Father gave after 2000 have been organized; Cheon Seong Gyeong has been readied and published with Pyeonghwa Gyeong. Champumo Gyeong will be ready sometime this year.
I founded the Universal Peace Academy, being aware of the pressing need to foster middle-level leaders in their thirties, forties, and fifties. Thorough preparations are necessary for everything. We must be able to settle down more as each year passes.
The United States must also quickly work on fostering second-generation members who are revived and filled with youthful spirit so that they become young leaders representative of the future. We need young second-generation members as future leaders who are dedicated and invest effort with clear goals based on God’s will.
True Parents conducted the providence in the United States for thirty-four years not only for the U.S. but also for the global providence. Hence, America must take the lead and cooperate to bring salvation to nations around the world.
Leaders, however, could not understand Father’s intentions and put True Parents in positions where they had to overcome many adversities and face many critical moments. The United States must become a country that you can boast of in front of the world. The eldest son must embrace younger brothers.
Father started this important providence at the age of forty. You must be grateful, become a hundred percent united with True Parents, The mother, and be united with God’s will.
Leaders must treat members like their children; only by doing so can the members become interested. You must be able to teach the tradition of living for others’ sake, living for the world, to your children and grandchildren. I hope to see swift action by our American members. In the future, speaking Korean will become compulsory for leaders. Furthermore, members’ competency in using the internet must quickly improve.
The mother asked that the following be emphasized:
First-generation, members have taken the lead until now, even risking having to sacrifice themselves, with the True Father at their center. In the same way, second-generation members must become one with True Mother, completely invest themselves at the front line of the providence, become victorious, and stand strong in glory.
First-generation members must provide second-generation members with their wholehearted support to Grandchildren so that we all become victors in front of Heaven. First-generation members must lead. We can only go forward.
We are now the leading people in this Cheon Il Guk age, with True Parents at the center for the first time in history. If first- and second-generation members unite and lead lives of gratitude toward Heaven and True Parents at all times, the environment can also be put in order. Second-generation members’ responsibility is important. I am planning to select Seonghwa Students from each of our church regions to join the True Grandchildren in workshops starting next year.
Day 5, 5.10 on the heavenly calendar (June 18) Kona, Hawaii
I will send high school graduates to Korea and educate them. Korea saw recent rapid development through the blessings from Heaven and True Parents. Koreans must understand this heavenly providence. They must realize the heavenly truth and be grateful. The Israelites followed an arduous course after Jesus’ crucifixion, but they did not understand the reason.
If Korea does not accomplish its responsibility, Korea will face difficulties. Heaven has given us everything. We must cultivate it well. We must fulfill all responsibilities assigned to us with a heart of gratitude and return honor and nobility to Heaven and our True Parents. As people who live every single day in the same era as True Parents, we must realize who we are and move ahead. We must be grateful to True Parents for making us true sons and daughters.
Please fulfill your responsibilities. The reason Jews could preserve their tradition and maintain their identity until now lies in their family education system. After the crucifixion, the Israelites were unaware of indemnity. For one world to be achieved, languages must first be unified; therefore, all blessed families and second-generation members must thoroughly learn Korean.
That is why I am planning a program to select second-generation members (high school graduates) who will be eligible for full scholarships to Sun Moon University after passing certain exams. I instructed Rev. Kim Ki-hoon to conduct a national lecture tour in Korea to educate members.”