The reason the Lord at the Second Advent was born in Korea
As a Korean, I am both amazed and gratified that the Lord came to this small country when there are so many countries in the world. The Second World War broke out when I was eight and just began attending elementary school. Japanese people had been treating Koreans very harshly even before the war, but things became even worse after the war broke out.
The Japanese took Korean women as comfort women and conscripted the men as laborers or soldiers. After Korea was liberated in 1945, the communists killed plenty of people, and the American army often interfered with us after they came to South Korea. I think it was tough for our people always to be pushed around by other countries. No matter how great a person may be, his fate is tremendously affected by the state of his country. So I often wondered: Why are we, the people of Korea, so incapable?
What sins did we commit? Do the people of Korea have less value than the people of Japan and America because our ancestors did plenty of bad things? I was strongly resentful about these matters. After hearing the Principle, however, I realized that our people had to endure a 5,000-year history of painful indemnity so the Lord could be born in this land. The reason the Lord was born in this suffering nation is that God is a suffering God.
If we are to become the elder son and the elder daughter who sympathize with the deep heart and the grave situation of God and realize everything that God desires, we cannot be born in a well-off nation. I felt that the Lord had to be born among this race because He could not have felt the sorrowful heart of God if He were born in a wealthy nation. All the painful history endured by our ancestors, that seemingly shameful history, was very valuable and worthy.
Traits of the Messianic Clan and Its History of Indemnity
So the Messiah came to the Earth, but how is it that his surname happens to be “Moon(文)”? Certain traits are common among members of the Moon clan. For example, many members of this clan have a strong spirit of sacrifice and service. Moon clan members are generally broad-minded and they don’t try to use others.
They have often been used by others, but their kind hearts never allowed them to hold a grudge. Father told us about his father as an example, saying he was a man of great kindness. For this reason, Father said we should refer to his father as “Chung Bu Nim” (忠父, the Father of Loyalty) and his mother “Chung Mo Nim” (忠母, the Mother of Loyalty).
In those days, old men often smoked cigarettes by filling crushed dry tobacco leaves into a pipe. Tobacco was not sold as packs of cigarettes. Instead, it was sold as crushed leaves packaged in small bags. The town where Father was born, however, was so small that it had no stores where tobacco powder was sold. So a large cigarette store located in another town had asked Chung Bu Nim to take a few dozen bags of cigarette powder to sell for them. It was a form of commission-based sales. He would sell all the bags and collect a small commission as compensation for his work.
Chung Bu Nim felt anxious when it neared the end of the month when an agent from the company would come and collect the money. He would worry about the unsold bags of cigarette powder. After a while, he came up with a solution.
Even though all the bags contained the same amount of tobacco, customers would handle each bag to see which contained the most powder. This would cause the powder in unsold bags to keep shifting downward, creating a space at the top of the bag. Chung Bu Nim would fill that space with tobacco from the other bags. If he began with five bags to sell, this process would leave him with just three.
Father said Chung Mo Nim was much better at economic matters. She was a practical person.
She told her husband, “Why have you done such a foolish thing?”
“If you empty two bags to top off the other three, who will buy those two empty bags? Don’t we end up paying for them anyway? We lose money instead of earning the commission. Please stop doing such a foolish thing.”
Then Chung Bu Nim replied, “No. The company gave me this responsibility because they trusted me. I have to sell all of them and give them the money. I don’t mind losing money. My heart is more comfortable that way.”
Another thing about the Moon clan: When a person who has borrowed money does not repay it on time, most people will go to that person’s house and try to collect the money. When a member of the Moon clan goes to collect a debt and finds the debtor in greater financial difficulty than himself, he is likely to empty his pockets to give the debtor his money. So he returns home with less money than when he started. That is an illustration of their generosity. The Messiah was born into such a generous clan.
Father told us that if the Moon clan did not exist in Korea with their great spirit of sacrifice and service, the Messiah would not have been able to come. The history of indemnity made by our ancestors played a role in preparing for the Messiah to come to Korea as well, but Father said the existence of the Moon clan also played a very decisive role. It is said that in our nation of 50 million people, there are only around 400,000 people who bear the Moon surname.
Then there was a rumor in the Moon clan that ‘ the Moon King would be born in the
Moon clan.’ What would have happened if the Moon King had been born during Korea’s Yi Dynasty period? It is said the Yi Dynasty rounded up and killed many children of the Moon clan.
Many boys were killed during the time of Jesus, and it was the same at the time of Moses. Within the Korean race, the Moon clan paid a lot of indemnity.
A slave in the Moon clan whose surname was Kim once saved the life of his master’s son by switching his son for his master’s to fool the authorities into taking his son for execution as a Moon clan member. The slave Kim raised his master’s son as his own for a time and later returned him to his rightful parents. This illustrates the path of indemnity the Moon clan had to endure.
Father’s birthplace, Jeongju-gun in Pyeongan Province, was where the Moon clan settled. Moon Seung Ryong, a second cousin to Father also born in Jeongju, told us the members of the Moon clan would become apprehensive whenever a woman in their clan became pregnant. They would remain that way until the baby was born.
The reason for their apprehension was that it was common at that time for babies to be born with disabilities. They often had deformities such as harelips or six fingers on a hand. When such a baby was born, everyone in the community would express sadness, saying “Oh, no. Another crippled baby has been born.” Such things kept happening to the Moon clan as a tribal indemnity. It was because a foundation was needed to be consecrated for God within Satan’s world. God’s providence cannot be advanced without a price. This is why it is said there was a history of much indemnity, or paying the price to Satan.
Father told us: “It is a great blessing to become a part of the chosen people with the Moon clan, so you probably have someone who originates from the Moon clan among your ancestors.” Father said the Korean people could not have become the chosen people without the Moon clan. After hearing this, I went to my mother and asked her about our ancestry. It turns out that my mother’s grandmother was a Moon. She told me that her grandmother was very kind and nice. I was relieved to hear that I, too, have the blood of the Moon clan in me.
Father told us: “During your life in this world, you must not try to use others. It would be better for you to be used by others. Furthermore, do not serve yourself but serve others. Do many good things for others. Even if it doesn’t earn you a profit right away, and you feel as though you lost something, your kindness will be passed onto your descendants
as a great fortune. You will be succeeded by many good people in your bloodline.” The Korean race is a special race that is such a clan as the Moons.
I’m sure all the brothers and sisters of our movement are aware that the Moon clan originated from Nampyeong in the province of Cholla Nam Do. It is said that the first ancestor of the Moon clan was born as an illegitimate child in a small village in the Nam Pyeong Myeon of Naju-gun, Jeolla Nam Do. Why was the Moon clan’s ancestor born as an illegitimate child? Father said: “It is because illegitimate children are born by the special Will of God.” He told us that God cannot find his lineage in the children who are born to a formally wedded couple, as such children are the children of Satan. That is why Jesus had to be born as an illegitimate child.
The Lord had to be born on the foundation of many events within the Providence of Restoration and thus be born into a special lineage that was not the lineage of Satan.
Father showed special abilities as a youth.
Our Father shared the time when he was very young. He especially talked a lot of the time when he was eight years old.
Father told us that as early as when he was eight years old, he could tell a person’s future just by glancing at him. If Father said, “I think that old man is going to die soon,” the man would die on the same day. If Father said that one of his uncles who lived far away would come to Father’s home on a certain day, even though it was the busy farming season, that uncle would surely come. People around him would say, “It’s a busy season for farmers, why would he bother to come?” but the uncle would surely come.
What was even more special was when someone in the town or a close relative of Father’s that he knew well was about to get married, Father would reveal what would happen to the couple in the future. Father would often say, “That bride and groom shouldn’t marry each other.”
When the elders asked, “Why not?” Father would tell them, “Unfortunate things will happen to them if they marry each other.” The couple would ignore Father’s advice and proceed with the marriage, saying, “Why would a boy like you say such an ominous thing?” Then, what Father had predicted would always happen after some time. He said this happened quite a few times.
So, then the elders of the town brought potential couples to Father and asked him, “How’s this man? How about this woman?” If Father nodded, then it was okay, and if Father shook his head, the marriage would be off. After a while, the word got around to nearby towns that a genius boy, a shaman, a prophet, had been born into the Moon family living in Jeongju.
People from distant towns came to Father with photographs of their potential spouses and asked, “Is this a good woman for me?” or “Is it okay for me to marry this man?” If Father put down the picture quietly, it was okay. If he tossed it aside, it was not a good match.
Every so often Father had stacks of photographs. Many people from different places came to him with their photographs. Once, it became so much that Father yelled, “I’m not doing this today! I don’t want to!” He threw the photographs on the floor and stomped on them.
Why did God give him such an ability? I thought about it, and I feel that God gave him this ability so he could fulfill the Will of God. What will Father have to do to create a world where there is no fighting, no hatred, the world that God and all humanity desire? Would we have to love even our most hated enemies?
The best way to help people love their most hated enemy is to have them marry their enemy. That is why Father matches many international couples.
When you look at the ancestors of Korean-Japanese couples, aren’t they all enemies? However, what happens when a child is born between a couple whose ancestors are enemies of each other? They can’t be enemies anymore. The father is happy, the mother is happy, and the children love each other as well.
So I realized, ‘ Aha! God gave Father such ability from when he was very young because Father had to bless enemies to each other on a global scale. He has to know how to match people if he is to match enemies to each other.
There are three great enemies in this world. They are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. These three religions believe in God just the same. However, they are enemies.
who hate each other. Father sent many peace ambassadors to the Middle East region and hosted many peace events. The people sent by Father were welcomed in both Israel and Muslim countries. That is because Father worked his entire life to unite them.
Father said that when these three great religions are unified, other religions will be unified as well. Once all religions are unified, a unified and peaceful world can be realized. Father said he is greatly concerned about how he will match and bless the enemies who hate each other so much and have been killing each other. It is possible, though, because they are all fond of Father.
Father once told us: “There is one final scene that I want to show God when I go to the spirit world. I want to show God these people saying ‘ Oh! Our Heavenly Father, we never knew You were our Parent. We human beings divided among many races hated, fought, and killed each other, but now we realize that we are brothers. We come from the same God. So we will not fight. Instead, we will love each other and help each other as we attend to you as our Parents.’ Then I want to show God these people returning to God with their arms around each other crying, ‘ We were wrong. We did it because we were ignorant.’ ”
Then Father said, “I have to be able to show such things to God and say ‘ Father, the mission of bringing the world of peace which you entrusted me with has been accomplished. The sons and daughters who betrayed you and turned their backs on you have returned.’ Only then I will be able to close my eyes with a smile on my face.”
Such a time is now approaching.
True Father receives his calling from God
True Father received his calling from Jesus when he was sixteen years old.
True Father had shown wonderful abilities since he was only eight years old. He was deeply concerned, though, over one issue.
His grandfather’s younger brother, Yoon Guk Moon, was a Christian pastor who underwent much suffering as a result of his patriotic activities. Father told us that watching Mr. Yoon Guk Moon made him question: “Why is our nation so weak? We are so powerless. I’m sad to see our nation suffering at the hands of Japanese people.”
Together with other children in this town, Father often hunted small animals such as birds and eels. Why did Father do this? According to Father, it was because of the children who were at a similar age as Father. During this period, people in Korea did not have much to eat. So the younger children would say to Father, “Older brother, I want to eat some meat. I want to eat something sweet.” They didn’t have anything to eat because the Japanese people took everything.
So, Father decided that he would make it possible for the children to eat meat. So he dug holes in the ground, used branches to construct traps, and then clapped and whistled. Then all sorts of birds from the sky would dive into the holes and be caught in the trap. He caught many birds with such traps, and the children would eat roasted bird meat to their hearts’ content.
The skin around their mouths would often be stained black after munching on burnt bird meat. Father would still have some birds left flapping about so he put the birds inside the waistband of his clothes. The birds would start pecking on Father’s stomach and sometimes even defecate. The birds caused him a lot of pain as he ran back to the town to them away to hungry others.
One of Father’s younger cousins, Yong Ki Moon, was one of the children Father fed in this way. Yong Ki-Moon also tried to catch birds like Father by clapping and blowing a whistle. No, how hard he might try; however, he could not get even a single bird to come down into his trap. Father was able to catch birds because he had spiritual abilities.
Father truly lived for the sake of others, beginning when he was still a child. He purchased large tracts of land in South America. He said: “Do you know why I tried to feed all those friends and give as much as possible? The Messiah, as is the case with God, is not supposed to let other human beings suffer from starvation.” It is the most difficult thing for God and the Messiah to watch people suffer starvation. That is why God trained Father to feed the starving children in a small town.
Father went to prison six times. He told us there are many types of sadness but the most difficult sadness is the one that comes from ‘ starvation.’ That is why Father thinks, “I must not let people starve. I must solve the problem of people starving to death.” Father still thinks “I must solve the problem of world hunger!”
The land in Brazil that Father purchased is so rich with sunlight and water that people can sow seeds and harvest the grain three times a year. In other words, it would be possible to harvest rice three times a year. Father said “We should cultivate farmland in Brazil and tell people in North Korea or anyone in the world suffering from hunger to come there. They can be given land to farm and fill their stomachs.” Then Father told us that God trained him in such things since he was young. Father walked such a path of the Messiah even before he was aware of it.
Father met Jesus when he was 16 years old. Father’s parents originally came from a Confucian background. They converted to Christianity as a result of guidance by Yoon Guk Moon, who was a patriot. So, Father discovered God and Jesus, and he started praying very sincerely.
What did Father pray about? Father said he prayed, “God, do you exist? If you exist, why does our nation have to go through such tremendous suffering? We are suffering from so much pain. What is the fundamental solution?” He prayed very persistently, seriously, and ardently about these matters.
Jesus appeared and told him “I came to fulfill everything that you want to fulfill, but I was unable to finish it. That is why I must do it with you now.” Father was so surprised when he heard the voice of Jesus saying “Let us do this together” that he was unable to answer “Yes!” right away.
Father was so surprised to witness the suffering of the spiritual Lord. What Jesus asked the Father to do, he said, was like trying to thread a needle hanging in midair.
Then, why did a sixteen-year-old boy first think about the image of a needle and a thread? I never asked Father about this, but I think I know the answer. Father had many sisters. In those times, women had to go out farming during the day and come back home and sew during the night. To sew, it is necessary first to pass a thread through the eye of a needle. Father must have seen his sisters trying to thread a needle in the dim light of oil lamps. You can probably imagine it too.
There were no synthetic fibers or electric lights in those days, and we cannot even imagine the amount of cotton there was that had to be sewn. His sisters must have worked late into the night on many nights. Father must have seen his sisters trying to thread needles and thought it was very difficult. Threading a needle is difficult even under a bright light, and it’s unimaginable how difficult it must have been to thread a needle as it swings back and forth in midair. He probably was able to answer yes to Jesus right away because he thought it was as difficult as threading a needle swinging in midair.
Anyway, after declining the heartfelt request of Jesus by saying “I can’t,” Father thought “If I were to live my life as I want, I would be able to live better than anyone.” Then a question came to his mind: ‘ What would ultimately remain at the end of my life?’ He suddenly realized that nothing would remain. Then he began to consider that maybe he would walk on the path that Jesus had asked him to go.
Then he thought again: “How could someone like me do this? What should I do?” He thought of the many obstacles, mountains of them, that he would have to overcome, and all the suffering he would have to endure.
When you go to Father’s hometown, Jeongju, Pyeong-An Buk Do, you will see that the house where Father spent his childhood faces a field, with a mountain beyond that.
Father used to climb that mountain (Mt. Myodu) to offer sincere prayers whenever he received inspiration. Then, he said God appeared. God appeared as a pitiful being and begged Father with a tearful voice that said Father, as the child loved by God, must take on the unfulfilled mission of Jesus because there was no one else on Earth who could do it.
Father said that the sorrowful heart and the sadness of God's voice penetrated deep into his bones. Then Father felt “Christianity taught me that God is the God of Glory, the God of Holiness, and the God of Judgment, and I believed Him to be so, but now that I feel him so closely, he is a sorrowful being who is in so much pain.”
He told us that after this experience, he would often shed many tears to see elderly men on the street begging because they reminded him of the way God appeared to him as a pitiful being.
Father prayed, “God, are you there? If you are, I can’t take on this task if I haven’t been deep inside your bosom. If you exist, you have to stay beside me and live with me so that I can always feel you.” Then Father asked, “God, what are the laws of the universe”? This was his first question to God.
He asked God, ‘ What is the origin of the universe, and what is the original relationship between God and human beings?“ Then God answered, “I, God, am the parent of humanity, and your human beings are my children. Our relationship is the relationship of parent and child.”
God continued. “There is no relationship that is more fundamental than the parent-child relationship,” He said. “All relationships are created through this relationship.
However, what saddens me the most is the fact that I have never been able to relate to humanity as a parent. My enemy has taken all of my children away. I still wander around in tears looking for my beloved children.”
Then Father deeply realized that God is in the position of greatest suffering and the loneliest place of all. Realizing that “humanity’s suffering will not end unless the suffering heart of our Parent God is first relieved,” Father answered, “Is it so? Then I will do it!”
God then spoke to Father again, saying, “Yes, you have to do it. You are saddened by the suffering of the people of Korea, but suffering people exist all over the world. You
must save all the people in the world and return them to me.” Father then accepted the request of God and Jesus.
How did Father endure such great pain? How could he endure vomiting blood? How could he stand right back up, even in situations where it would be impossible to get back up? Father told us it was because he knew that “humanity has never known about the pitiful God who suffers unspeakable pain. I have to first liberate God from such pain and relieve Him of His sorrowful heart. If I don’t liberate God from pain and relieve his sorrowful heart, who will do this? If we can’t liberate God from pain and relieve his heart, people will never be free from pain and the sorrow in their hearts will never be relieved.”
Humanity has always known God as the God of Glory, but for the first time in human history, The other has uncovered the truth that God is a pitiful God.
A Test Lets Father Experience God’s Love.
Father said God at first promised him an infinite blessing. God blessed Father as Isaac blessed Jacob: “You will be in the most glorious position among your brothers.” Jacob, though, had to escape to the hell that was Haran and spend 21 years there to avoid the wrath of Esau. Similarly, God sent Satan to Father, even though He had promised to put Father in the highest position.
I want to digress for a moment on this topic.
At which stage did Adam and Eve fall? Adam and Eve fell at the completion level of the growth stage. God established the Father when he was at the same stage in his life so that he could represent all of humanity to restore this stage.
Father needed to soundly defeat Satan in this matter of shimmering and pass the test.
The Providence of Restoration can only be completed when God’s 95% portion of responsibility and the 5% human portion of responsibility are combined. This is why Father had to fight Satan in a bloody battle known only to God and Satan during his quest to discover the Principle.
Then, what was God’s portion of responsibility here? God’s responsibility was to give questions to Father. For example, God would ask Father “Why did I not interfere with the Fall of your ancestors, Adam and Eve? Find the answer to this question!” When Father set out to find the answer to the questions, Satan attacked Father in the form of compressed air and tried to interfere with his breathing. It became so bad sometimes that Father couldn't even breathe.
It’s been already 50 years since Father told us this. He says when he prays, the time’s almost here. Father said Satan’s attacks were more ferocious than anything we could imagine.
Father said Satan’s attacks were beyond description. Placed in a position of having been abandoned by Heaven, Father endured excruciating pain, successfully found the answers to God’s questions, and managed to ascend to the completion level of the growth stage.
The Archangel was able to speak to Adam and Even when they fell. It is likely that the Archangel also spoke to Father, but he spoke to confuse Father. The Archangel spoke of things that were opposite to the Principle. Father was exposed to the danger of making mistakes because Father at the time was still in the Realm of Indirect Dominion where God could not intervene. In order not to be deceived by Satan, Father would go in the opposite direction of whatever direction Satan would ask him to go. Father kept fighting back. Father would work hard to find an answer to a question. When he brought that answer to God for confirmation, though, God would say it wasn’t correct. God had to do this to indemnify the history when the son denied his father; the father had to deny his son this time. When God denied Father like this, all spiritual beings of higher status such as Jesus would also deny Father and refuse to accept him.
Moreover, God even left Father when Satan’s attack became very harsh. Father said he felt so much pain because of this. Jesus had only God to depend on when he was bearing the cross. He only had God. God, though, abandoned him. That is why Jesus cried “Father! Why did you forsake me?”
Father spoke of such mysterious ways of providence. He pointed out that the physical pain of Jesus ended when the pain of the cross ended. Father said, however, that the pain he felt while carrying the cross of shimjeong was incomparable to the physical pain of Jesus. Father said, “What would you know even if I told you this?”
Father said that, when God abandoned him during Satan’s attack, it was as if he had been thrown into a completely black void. He could not even be conscious of where he was. The reason we stand balanced on the ground and enjoy the sunlight is that God protects us. When God abandoned Father, there was no light or creation. Father could not tell where his physical body was or where his spiritual body was. In such a position, Father felt, “This must be the situation Jesus found himself in.”
At that time, Satan appeared to Father and taunted, “Will you still not succumb to me?” Father, though, never doubted or held resentment against God because of the promise God made to him. Seeing that Father was unwavering, never complaining about his situation, Satan, in the end, raised his hands high and gave up.
Satan said, “Normally when a person in this situation blames God. I have never seen anyone like this.” Then, he backed off.
Then God came to Father in tears. He cried so violently it shook heaven and earth. God then embraced Father saying “I have finally found my son.” Father told us that God’s love was so great then that it penetrated the marrow of his bones. Then, Jesus and all the spiritual beings who denied and persecuted Father returned as well.
What did God’s love feel like then? Father said His love was completely absent of any hatred or enmity. There was not even a concept of such feelings. We human beings are prone to hate and feel betrayed when we are even slightly mistreated. Then we regard those people as our enemies. When Father experienced the Love of God, it was wholly different from any other love he had known before then.
We’ve heard that Father as a child was short-tempered, he liked to get even, and he once felt so angry just to lose a wrestling match that he could’ t sleep, right? He had a very scary character which dictated that he had to win. Father told us, though, that he changed completely after being melted in the Love of God. After this, Father couldn’t hold a grudge against anyone for too long. He said any emotion of hatred would cause him pain.
In the Garden of Eden, Eve fell for the sweet talk of the Archangel because the Archangel was excellent with words. Eve was intelligent, so the Archangel could not have deceived her unless he was good with words. The Archangel knew what God was going to do in the future, so he used God’s plan first. The Archangel’s words were very close to the Principle, but he spoke centering on himself. Here, Father had to wrestle with the Archangel in battles of wisdom, and it was very difficult to discern what was principled and what was not.
“Father, how did you know what was principled?” I asked him one day. Father said, “I was able to tell what was what because I discarded the evil mind.” So then I asked,
“Then what was the evil mind?” Father answered, “The evil mind is self-centeredness.”
It is explained in more detail in the Divine Principle chapter titled “Fall of Man”, but selfishness is centering on oneself. It means that the reason the Archangel became Satan was that he was self-centered.
If the Archangel had centered himself on God and Adam and Eve, he wouldn’t have fallen. The Archangel thought “I've been a faithful servant to God, but now I am just a mere slave that He has His son and daughter.” In other words, the Archangel reflected and thought “Who am I?” Such self-centeredness was the seed that grew into the Fall.
So we must remember that we are unable to meet God unless we completely discard our self-centeredness and deny ourselves while living a life of faith. Self-denial is significant. This is the first trait that we need in walking this path of faith. After choosing Father as the Messiah, God put Father through the harsh training of self-denial.
God had Father do not the things he enjoyed or wanted to do, but only the things that he hated doing and didn’t want to do. Doing the things that you don’t like, and doing the things you can’t do is the way to train yourself in self-denial. Then, Satan cannot follow you. Father realized that it was God’s plan only after he passed the rigorous training course of self-denial.
Father gave us an example. Father entered America in 1971 but the way into America was a difficult one. He couldn’t even go directly to America but had to take a detour through Canada. The Christians were about to kick Rev. Moon of the Unification Church out of the country even if said nothing and did nothing wrong. Father was a religious leader who wasn’t even widely accepted in his country. Christians in America were watching Father’s every move.
Father was in a very difficult situation. Nobody knew what would happen to him because of the connection between Korea’s Christianity and American missionaries. Then, God ordered Father to go meet President Richard M. Nixon. In the end, Father met the President. When Father first heard God’s order to meet Nixon, not only was he surprised, but he had no idea how to make it happen.
However, knowing that this was the Will of God, Father prayed with many tears. Father cried when he prayed, but he couldn’t cry in front of Mother or his children, let alone in front of the members. Why? Because Father was the hope of all hopes. Father thought about how we could follow him if we saw him shedding tears because he was worried or because he didn’t know what to do.
Father told us that he told Mother, his children, and us that he was confident, but then he would turn around and shed tears. We were dumbfounded when we later learned this. At that time, the people around Father were recommending that he doesn't meet President Nixon.
Father then had to shed many tears and set up a conditional period all alone before he was finally able to meet the President. As we can see from this, the things that Father does are not done easily. Father has offered immeasurable amounts of jeongseong to do things that ordinary people could not do.
Father is a human being just like us, but how is he different? Father knows the spiritual world, and he has the heart to fight and defeat Satan. That is the difference between Father and us.
How evil was Kim Il Sung? He killed plenty of people. Before Father went to North Korea to meet Kim, he went to Hawaii to offer Heaven the last prayer so he could overcome his hatred for Kim.
“I can’t hate him even if the whole world hates him and accuses him of being a murderer. If I hate him too, he cannot be saved. Then what kind of heart will I have to have when I see him? Yes, I will go there as his father who gave birth to him. People might say
‘ Kim Il Sung is a murderer, execute him, shoot him,’ but if his father were there, he would still say with the heart of a father, ‘ My son is a bad person, but I still want to see him in front of me.’ Kim Il Sung’s father would do anything to save his son’s life. I will go with that kind of heart!”
Father was able to hug Kim Il Sung without any hesitation when he saw him because he went to North Korea with this kind of heart. Kim Il Sung was able to feel Father’s love.
Bo Hi Park said something interesting after returning from Pyongyang. He said he stood behind Father and ended up hugging Kim Il Sung, too. However, when he hugged Kim Il Sung, his heart was filled with curses such as “You murderer!” He acted the same as a Father outwardly, but his heart was wholly different. Then he
felt that there was a clear difference between the hearts of parents and the hearts of brothers.
God molded Father’s character and his ability to love. Furthermore, because God is always with the Father, his ability to love is on a different level from ordinary people. I’ve felt that many times in my life.
Father discovered every detail of the Principle after fighting bloody battles against Satan. Father told us he sometimes feels angry to have to give the Principle to people who are unworthy and never made any contribution to the providence. However, he said he still gives the Principle without receiving anything in return because he has to save all of humanity.
I can’t fully express the sorrowful, indignant heart of Father. However, this knowledge will help you in some cases.
What Father needed to fulfill his Messianic mission
Father asked himself, “What do I need to begin the work of saving humanity?”
Ordinary people do not know God well. Nor do they know Jesus and the spirit world. They do not know what happens in the world that is invisible to them. That is why Father thought, “I must first teach people about these matters, I will need a systematic ideology.”
Then he felt: “I must have power if I am to educate humanity and bring them to God. I must have power, financial power!” He thought, “Oh, I need an ideology and financial power. Just as a train runs on two tracks, those two things will be equally important.”
Ideology and economy are like our mind and body. Just as human beings can have a wholesome life by uniting their mind and body, ideology and financial power are critical as well.
Then what is this ideology? It is the Principle. Then, what is the Principle? In simple terms, it is the Bible plus nature. Father explained all the secrets of the Bible that were not explained before. Father claimed victories in the wars against Satan to take back the secrets of the Bible stolen by Satan.
What is nature? Nature means all created things. Humans fell, but nature didn't. Nature has not changed, since it did not fall. It is eternally unchanging. Nature still has the character of God and lives for the sake of others.
Father realized that humanity has to live for the sake of others to return to God. He found this Principle more in nature than he did from the Bible.
If you read Father’s autobiography, there is a part that says, “Each species [of fish] feeds on something different. Living together in a complex system, they devour anything that dirties the water. Their act of feeding has the function of keeping the water pure. Fish are very different from human beings. Fish don’t live for their own sake. They live to clean their environment and improve it.”
Have you seen nature wage war? The created beings in nature live in harmony, help each other, and maintain peace. Strong animals, of course, sometimes eat weaker animals, but they do it not because they hate their prey but because they have no alternative.
If we human beings did not Fall, we would have never fought over food. Everything is created for human beings, so we can live in abundance easily.
Father has said the ocean has infinite resources. It is said that there are plenty of diamonds in the jungles of Africa where fierce predators like lions roam. They protect the resources from fallen human beings.
God calculated everything before He created this infinite amount of natural resources so that human beings would not have to starve. However, people wage war on each other, not because they are in need but because of their greed, trying to hoard as much as possible to satisfy themselves.
True Father told us that the other name for Principle is ‘ Natural Law.’ Therefore, the Principle is not a religious dogma that has to be taught within the Unification Church and that only Unification Church members must obey. Instead, it is the natural law that was created by God which must be obeyed by everyone.
Therefore, we cannot return to God unless all of humanity knows the Principle. That is why we learn the Principle. Besides the seven billion people on Earth, what about the people in the spirit world? Spiritual beings must learn the Principle as well.
So we need many Principle lecturers. We need an ocean of them. Father already foresaw this and told me, “Educate the wives of Blessed Families to become lecturers of Principle. Your husband went to the spirit world without fulfilling this task, so now it is up to you.” After listening to Father’s command, I felt, “Oh, this truly is my mission.”
Purpose for publishing Explanation of the Divine Principle and Exposition of the Divine Principle
The publication of Exposition of Divine Principle in 1966 followed the publication of Explanation of Divine Principle by nine years.
Exposition of Divine Principle was published when Father gave the direction to rewrite the Principle text to be more systematic and logical so the lecture could be given by just reading the book. One member who joined the church after attending a lecture on The Exposition of Divine Principle testified that he was greatly moved when he heard the lectures.
The explanationtheof the spiritual Divine Principle was shorter than the the Exposition of the Divine Principle, and it was almost like a written appeal. In the past, when there was about to be a war, the government would post a written appeal in all the villages around the country to recruit soldiers. The appeal would say something like, “Young people of this nation! We have a war to fight. Drop your hoes and plows and come defend your nation!”
Explanation of Divine Principle was a similar-written appeal. It was conscious of the strong opposition from Christianity at the time it was published. It called on Christians to “Come and rally!” now that the secret of God that had been kept hidden from humanity for the last 6,000 years had been revealed. It was similar to the way John the Baptist, while he was in the wilderness, shouted to the people “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” For these reasons, the Explanation of Divine Principle contained many more Bible quotes than the Exposition of Divine Principle.
Exposition of Divine Principle was published to develop lecturers. Father once told us, “I told President Hyo Won Eu to organize it so that a lecture could be given easily just by reading it, but he didn’t listen to my direction.” Then Father told me, “You must complete the work your husband couldn’t finish.”
There was a reason why President Eu did that. During the early period of our church, many people came to our church demanding that we return their husbands, wives, sons, or daughters or even the church members who quit their churches to join ours.
President Eu thought that he had to give a very passionate lecture, shooting out many examples at them like a machine gun so the people who opposed us would understand and accept us.
However, Father was very disappointed when he heard that many pastors and Principle lecturers still lecture the Principal like in the early period of the church, even though Heaven’s Will is materializing more concretely, thinking that to be the orthodox method. Father originally wanted people to lecture on the Principle while reading an Exposition of Divine Principles.
The book was very long and its contents were very deep. The lectures required a lot of time. Father directed us to summarize the Exposition of Divine Principle and create diagrams for it to save time. This is why today we have the Divine Principle Summary Hoon Dok Charts (1-hour, 3-hour, and 12-hour charts), and we are giving lectures with these charts.
In the early days, Father shed tears and sweat during Divine Principle lectures and Sunday services. His Words, filled with grace, caused many spiritual miracles. Many people received spiritual fire, spoke in tongues, and received revelations. Many received testimony from the spirit world about who Father was. This is why many such people joined our church even though Christian churches opposed us so harshly.
When I asked former President Eu “Why is the Exposition of Divine Principle so difficult to understand?” (because I was having much difficulty while studying the Divine Principle) he answered, “Did I write the book for the current Unification Church members’ level? No. I wrote it for the prominent scholars and theologians who will read this book one day.” Father once told us, “Scholars all over the world will have to wear the hat called
Divine Principle if they want to perfect their expertise. There will be no perfection in scholarship unless one wears the hat of Divine Principle.” For example, Unification Thought is one of the fields that has been perfected.
The top five lessons in Divine Principle
There are five most important lessons in the Divine Principle that you must know.
The first is Give and Take Action. The second is Human Responsibility. The third is Restoration through Indemnity. The fourth is the Model Course. The fifth and last is The History of Restoration From the Viewpoint of the Parallel Providential Periods.
The first, Give and Take Action, is easy. Simply put, it is the give-and-take action between the subject partner and the object partner.
The second is Human Responsibility. Christian people believe God will do everything for them, and so they depend on God. But there are things that even God cannot do for us. This is our human responsibility. This is the part which we must do.
The third is Restoration through Indemnity. When we sin, we must be saved from the sin after paying indemnity. Christians believe that people who believe in Jesus will go to heaven and those who don’t believe will not. Those who believe in Jesus, however, must practice his teachings, and such practice must yield results. This is what is different. Christianity has been teaching people incorrectly.
The fourth is the Model Course. This appears in the Principle of Restoration. We can find the first and the second Model Courses in Part 1. The third, fourth, and fifth model courses can be found in Part 2. So what is a Model Course? Satan, who refused to submit even to God, was not going to submit to our savior, the Messiah. So God found central figures such as Noah, Abraham, and Moses to demonstrate the model course for subjugating Satan. This is a Model Course.
Jacob’s course was the symbolic course, Moses’ course was the image course and Jesus’ course was the substantial course. A symbolic course is a course that exists at a distance so far away it can barely be seen. An image course is a course that is closer and more easily distinguishable. For example, a symbol of Korea is its flag, the Tae Geuk flag, and an image of Korea would be a map of Korea.
The central figures in the Restoration Providence did not do the things they did because they wanted to. God was behind their unconscious actions, and He did it to fulfill the Restoration Providence. Examples of this can be found in Noah lying naked in the tent and Abraham sending his wife Sarah to the Pharaoh.
God writes the play and human beings act it out. The reason is that God and human beings have to fulfill the Restoration Providence together.
These were the Model Courses that showed the path that Jesus had to travel. This is why it is written in John 5:19, “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doth, these also doth the Son likewise.”
The fifth is the Parallel Providential Period. The periods differ from each other in scope and magnitude. When we look at the course of human history, though, we can discover that many similar events were repeated. Historians view this phenomenon and call this the progression of human history in a spiral form.
Dual nature of God
Now let’s talk about God. Father researched about God more than anyone else in the world. So he knows a lot about God. After much research, Father realized that God has dual characteristics that are seemingly opposite to each other. In order words, God exists in a context of cor relativity, and He exists as the God of numbers.
I will explain the cor relativity of God first. Cor relativity means there is a subject partner and an object partner. The subject partner invests and gives. The object partner receives from the subject partner and then gives back. Father, though, said that when the object partner gives back, it does not give back the same amount it received. It gives back with interest. Just as with a bank savings account, we earn more interest when we invest more.
An object partner that only receives and does not give back cannot continue to exist. It causes its demise. When we look at it from the point of view of the principle of give and take action, we earn more interest if we give more. Father said that God never makes a deal where He loses.
God is at the center of the cosmos. Humans are the center of the Earth. God is also the parent. Humans are His children. You probably have your children. How do you feel about them? Our children can be loved unconditionally. We want to give them everything and we spare no cost. This is the love instinct parents have toward their children.
Where does all that love come from? It comes from God. God gives everything to humans because God is the parent. He does not ask questions when He gives. God’s children are supposed to receive all that God gives them and then return goodness to God with interest. What will happen when such good children become good sons and daughters, become patriots in their nations, and become great people? The children’s parents will look at them and think that all they had invested was worth it.
That is the profit the parents make from investing in their children. Parents do not ask for material interest in return for their love. This is because the sincere heart of the parents will generate interest automatically in correspondence to the amount of love that was invested.
Why do we call God our parent? Why does God have the shimjeong of a parent? When God created human beings, He did not think about Himself. He only thought about how much He could give to His children. God only has the shimjeong of a parent. The
shimjeong between brothers or spouses cannot reach that level. That is why we can call God our parents. This is the Principle of the love of give and take action.
Humans, too, want their children to become better people than themselves. One of the wonderful teachings of the Father is that since God is the parent, and we are His children, God also wants us to become even better than Him. We had never heard of such a concept before.
When I used to attend a Christian church, I was taught that God exists far above us. We humans are sinners, and we go to heaven by believing in Jesus. We call ourselves sinners even if we are saved. The distance between God and humans always remains far apart. When I joined the Unification Church, I heard the Principle of Creation and Father's words. I realized that God remained in the same place, but I was lifted. We are elevated to the level of God when we become His children. That was the difference.
God is our parent; thus He does not become jealous because we human beings become better than Him. It’s the same with human parents. We are joyous when our children become better than us. Father felt, “Ah, yes! God as our parent wants us humans to become even better than Him! Why so? It is because we humans are His children, and we are the object partner of God’s love.” You cannot hear anything like this anywhere else in the world.
Father once said, “God grows together with humans!” What kind of amazing thought is this? I could not understand how a perfect being such as God grows together with humans. So I asked Father, “Does God grow like a child? Christians will think we are crazy when they hear this. They keep persecuting us because we say different things, but now you say that God grows?” Then Father said, “God of course is perfect, but love cannot be felt unless there is a partner. You will know this if you have children. If your child is five years old, you have to play with your child as if you are a five-year-old as well.”
I was dumbfounded when Father told me this. Then Father said, “Love is invisible, right? So, if there is no external stimulation coming from another being, it’s as if love is not there.’ “ In those days, Father told us that our minds are inside our bodies.
People say, though, that they don’t know their mind, even though it is inside their body. They say God does not exist, even though God exists everywhere.
God appears at a place where there is a stimulus. Father once told us, “Hit your leg as hard as possible with your hand. It must hurt. This is the evidence that your mind
exists everywhere inside your body.” Our body is filled with our mind. When someone slaps our body, our mind works at the same time, and we automatically yell “Ouch!” As our mind appears where there is an external stimulus, God also appears where there is an external stimulus.
We can see from the fact that we can feel love through stimulus from a partner that love is correlative. God’s love grows about the growth of humans. This is why we can say that God grows, too. How about it? Can you understand? God and humans have such a very close relationship.
We are learning about the cor relativity of God, the God of love at this moment. We are also learning about give and take action. Father once told us, “If you can clearly understand give and take action, you could say that you come close to knowing the Principle completely.”
He continued, “If we continue to live for the sake of others, even if you do not get anything in return right away, the interest will be compounded and come back to you as a great sum. I continue to give because I know this. I give even when I wind up suffering a loss. Everything I have invested into this world will one day come back, and Unification Church members will become rich as a result of that. People will come, and money also will come. That is why I think I never suffer a loss.”
What is this “love?” It brings everything into natural subjugation. Why is that? An enemy is someone who has wronged us, right? So if we keep living for the sake of our enemy, the enemy’s heart will be moved and naturally be subjugated. It’s natural subjugation.
American Christianity has believed in the God of might, not the God of love. What is the God of might? Such a being tries to achieve His goal through violence. That’s forced subjugation. It is not natural subjugation.
Christians during the early founding stage of America persecuted the Indians who were living there peacefully. However, if the Christians had truly lived for the sake of the Indians and helped them with God’s love, the Indians would have listened to the Christians’ words. They would have said, “Ah, the God that you believe in is truly a good being. We want to believe in Him, too.” The Christians in America, though, failed to relate to the Indians in this way. Father taught us through the Principle about the God of love and the way to naturally subjugate our enemies by living for the sake of others while sacrificing everything.
Then what is the“God of numbers?” The Principal introduces to us the numbers 12, 4, 21, and 40. We can find the providence of numbers during the growth period of Adam and Eve. This providence of numbers reappeared in the Restoration Providence, since Adam and
Eve failed to achieve perfection. This is because the Providence of Restoration is the Providence of Re-Creation. The providence that involves numbers does not change. Twelve cannot become 13 and 4 cannot become 5. It cannot be changed easily. Its order is fixed. In the end, the God of numbers means the God of order.
Then what kind of God is the God of order? He is the God of science. All religious people, including Christians, think that God does not have anything to do with science, since He can work great miracles and perform infinitely great spiritual wonders. This cannot be further from the truth.
God is the origin of science. Imagine what would have happened if God had created everything in the universe including the sun, the moon, and the solar system while ignoring orderliness (science). Everything would collide with each other and be destroyed. The celestial bodies, though, run on certain orbits. The origin of science as such is none other than God.
Father discovered both the God of love and the God of science and wondered which God he should research more. Father already knew a lot about the God of love spiritually, and he was practicing a lot of love and service for others. That is why he decided to learn more about the God of science.
Electricity can only exist through the give-and-take action between positivity (+) and negativity (-). There are many fields in science, but Father chose to learn about electricity, since examples using electricity work well when explaining the Principle and the love of God.
Our Principle contains everything from the God of love to the God of science, from natural science to the Bible, theology, philosophy, and literature. The Principle truly is the most fundamental truth that can explain everything. Then, what do you think will happen if people learn about the Principle? People will be captivated by it.
Spread the great New Truth discovered by Father to the whole world
Let us take a look at page 5 of the 3-hour Hoon Dok Chart. The resolution of internal ignorance through internal truth is accomplished through religion, and the resolution of
external ignorance through external truth is accomplished through science. This is the New Truth. This is our great Principle through which The other reveals and explains the unexplained portions of the Bible.
Page 2 of the Divine Principle Hoondok Chart deals with human contradiction and the Fall. It also uses the term ‘ Selfish Motive.’
When I was young, I asked many questions to Father because I attended Father very closely, often eating and studying together with him. Those times have become extremely helpful to me. It was around 1955 or 1956, before Father’s Holy Marriage with Mother, so he wasn’t as difficult to approach as he was later. He treated us warmly, just like an older brother.
I asked Father about this “Selfish Motive.” I asked him, “You are a human being just like the rest of us, right?” “Yes,” he said. “Then how were you able to find the Principle which could not be found by a normal human being, and claim that you will save all of humanity?” He answered, “Because I threw away my selfish motivation.”
As explained before, people are in anguish because of selfish motivation. Our Original Mind leads us to do good things, but our self-centeredness tries to lead us to do evil things. This is why many religious people and others in philosophy or other fields in the past have tried to get rid of their self-centeredness. Humanity, though, has not been able to overcome self-centeredness.
You can’t help but receive blessings if you get rid of this selfish motivation. If you receive the Blessing, your Selfish Motive will be removed. Why is this so?
The human ancestors Adam and Eve could not share love centering on God. They loved centering on Satan. That is why they received the lineage of Satan. Instead of realizing joy, the love of Adam and Eve became the origin of contradiction. The root of life is embedded in the origin of human conflict. (True Families and I, p 2)
We receive the Blessing so that we can love centering on God. Then, living a life of sacrificing everything we have, including our lives, and living for the sake of others leads to overcoming self-centeredness. That is the reason everyone in the world must receive the Holy Blessing.
We have received the Holy Blessing and our lineages have been changed to God’s lineage. Those who were born to parents who have not received the Holy Blessing, meanwhile, still have Satan’s lineage. When does lineage begin? It becomes lineage as soon as the man’s sperm enters the woman’s body and fertilizes the egg inside the womb.
Since we must receive the Holy Blessing to sever Satan’s lineage and have God’s lineage, Father often said, “I must Bless everyone in the physical world and spirit world before I go to the spirit world so I can change everyone’s lineage to that of God’s, eliminate Satan’s lineage and create the everlasting eternal Kingdom of God. This is my responsibility.”
We learn the Principal and his Words today, but when I was very young, around 50 years ago – it was such a long time ago – there weren’t that many members. There were 2 or 3 people, maybe 5, 6. or 10 at the most. Father spoke day and night in the living room of the Old Headquarters Church with such a few people. His words then were very entertaining and the listeners were filled with grace.
It felt like the times when my grandmother used to feed me raw chestnuts after chewing them to make them soft for me. I enjoyed eating those delicious chestnuts without ever thinking it was a problem. It was just like that. Father was worried. Why? Because the Principle is difficult. Father worried: “Will these people understand the Principle?” That is why he tried to chew the Principle as if chewing raw chestnuts before feeding us.
There weren’t that many people there, so I kept asking him about things I didn’t understand. Father never grew tired of my questions and answered me diligently. That is why when people hear my lecture, they think, “Hey, I felt the Principal was difficult but her lecture is effortless to understand.” People also tell me, “I felt a barrier with Father, but now it feels like Father is right next to me. I feel your loving heart for Father.”
Please don’t think that you are listening to only one person as you are listening to my words. Please think, “Father is with me!” One of the missions Father gave me was this: “You listened to Father’s Words a lot since you were young, right? So, visit all corners of the Earth and spread the Word until you go to the spirit world.” Then I said, “What?” Then he said, “You have got nothing else to do!” I've accepted the mission given to me and I have been traveling around the world, giving speeches as the president of the Tongil Party. Father also asked me to continue to Africa to spread his word.
I have listened to Father’s words so much, and they are now the debt of love that I owe him. Father is telling me now to repay that debt. He said, “How many words did I give you night and day in the early days? I still want to speak to everyone in the whole world. However, I am too busy to do that.”
Father became so busy, teaching the top-level world leaders around the world. He became so busy that he did not even have the opportunity to say hello to us. That is why he would say, “You Thirty-six couple members, the so-called senior members, go and teach the younger members as I have taught you.” That is why I am here today.
Father's effort to unify religion and science
Father has done many things to unify religion and science. Religions have been performing spiritual works only abstractly, but Father has been explaining with practical theories that are scientific and logical. The Principle is good evidence of this. The Christians who still harbor abstract bias against our church suppose us, but this Principle overcame the entire Communist world.
One of the first outreach organizations that Father created was Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA). Father established PWPA on May 6, 1973, after hosting the first International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in New York City from November 23 to 26, 1972.
Father told us that when he visited hell in the spirit world, he found many prominent scholars known throughout the world in the darkest place. When Father asked them, “Why are you here?,” they answered, “We have sinned against leading people away from God by writing books with our self-centered thoughts while being ignorant about the existence of God. Because of our writings, many people come to hell without knowing about God and our sins grow day by day. That is why we cannot be liberated from hell.”
He said that the scholars were also sitting with their backs facing each other in a very lonely fashion and were suffering. When Father asked them, “Why are you sitting with your backs facing each other?” they answered, “It is because we have sinned not accepting others’ knowledge, while insisting that only our knowledge is correct.”
Father told us the most important reason he established PWPA was to educate scholars about God to help him succeed in liberating hell.
Father went on to say that the books that contain the truth about God will remain untouched, while angry mobs of people would throw away and burn the books that do not introduce God.
The purpose of the establishment of PWPA can be found on page 281 of volume 5 of True Parents’ Life Course.
“I believe every professor in the world must work in their own field and write to provide people with direction. I must start a new organization centering on universities, and that is why I have established Professors World Peace Academy.”
The providential meaning of Father's imprisonment in Heungnam
Father tells us that when we compare communism and democracy, democracy persecuted Father more than communism. Democracy did one good thing, though. This was that democracy didn't kill the Messiah. He says that if Father had stayed in North Korea much longer than he did, the North Korean government would have surely murdered Father.
God must have been in a great hurry. That is why God started the Korean War and had the United Nations and the United States drop bombs on North Korea. Do you know why the Korean War began? It was because of Father.
There is a famous story regarding an old woman, Mrs. Se Hyeon Ok, who is now in the spirit world. Mrs. Ok served Father beginning when he was in Pyongyang and the surrounding Christians ridiculed her.
There is a passage in the Bible about Peter being liberated from jail by angels. The angels blinded the jailer’s eyes to let Peter escape from the prison. Christians cited this and mocked her, saying, “If your Rev. Moon is the returning Lord, how come he can’t break out of prison?” Grandmother Ok was deeply hurt by this. She cried so much and prayed, “Heavenly Father! Please bring our teacher out of prison.”
God immediately appeared and yelled at her, saying, “Hey, don't pray for things I can’t make come true!” God told her, “Who would protect his life if he were in Pyongyang? I put your teacher in this so I can protect his life. He is safer inside the prison than he would be if he were outside. If he were not in prison, Christians, and communists would kill him!”
Who killed Jesus? It was the Romans and Jewish people who opposed him. Father was in the same position. If the Christians kept claiming, “Rev. Moon is bad, Rev. Moon is bad”, and framed him as a spy sent by the South Korean government, the North Korean communists would surely kill him. God could see no other way and had to send Father to prison. Then God started the Korean War to save Father.
When we think about it, the history of Korea as we know it exists because of Father. We know this but the world does not.