His Advent and the Purpose of His Second Coming Phenomenon at the Last Days and Their Meanings
People who do not know the Principle think about the Last Days and imagine that it would be an age when the ground splits open and fire rains from heaven; in other words, the complete annihilation of humanity. However, people who know the Principle believe that the Last Days is a very good age when Satan’s sovereignty ends and God’s sovereignty begins, the time when Heaven on Earth and in Heaven begins.
As the age when the Messiah comes is the age when Satan’s sovereignty will come to destruction, the root of sin is revealed. Now is the age when there are the worst kinds of people who commit evil crimes and good people who follow the Messiah to reclaim the sovereignty of God all mixed.
Therefore, this is an age of confusion where it is difficult to discern who is good and who is bad. The reason that now is an age of confusion is because the Restoration Providence (Salvation Providence) is the providence of re-creation Now that the Messiah has come back in order to finish the providence of re-creation, he has to re-create by creating order in the midst of chaos just as God created all things out of chaos through creating order.
This is an age where people are lost, oblivious about which direction they must go. The world will see a lot of crimes committed by adolescents because Adam and Eve were around that age when they fell in the Garden of Eden. This will become a big problem in society, but we who have no worries about falling into the evil way of life because we serve and follow the Messiah are truly happy people.
There will be many signs appearing at the Last Days. We have learned about this through the Father’s Words or through learning the Principle. What’s important here is that we understand the meanings of the phenomenon that will happen in the Last Days.
The ancestors of the Korean people went through an incredible course of indemnity to allow the birth of Father to take place in this land. I anguished too during the Japanese colonial period and the reign of communism, thinking “What kind of sins did our ancestors commit? Is it just that we are stupid?” I endured those hard times but now, in hindsight, it was the Korean people’s course of suffering to allow the birth of the Lord in this land. I believe I have already spoken about the greatest indemnity payment that had to be made by the clans closest to Parents.
The indemnity of the Abel side that is close to Father has all been paid. However, the Cain side who still opposes Father has indemnity left to pay. But Father says that their indemnity will be paid by an even harsher method. Large-scale disasters in Korea or foreign nations such as hurricanes or tsunamis are a kind of indemnity of the Cain side.
These phenomena, on the one hand, work to reveal the glory of the Father. How so? When such disasters happen, people will fall into despair, thinking “Oh, we can’t trust anything anymore. How will we live?” Won t the people of the Satanic world look to heaven and yearn for the hand of salvation when such tremendous calamities occur that cannot be overcome by human effort?
The members in the early days of the church heard a lot about how Heaven’s Will would be fulfilled in three years or seven years. However, Father’s words were not realized. I was so frustrated and I asked Father, "Father, what’s Heaven’s time schedule?’ In other words, I asked him “When will the Will be fulfilled?”
Father answered, "Look at the newspapers!" Father meant that the fallen archangel will do things before God does them in the world, so we will know what God will do when we read about worldly affairs in the newspapers. God follows Satan to restore the harm done by Satan.
I normally didn’t read the politics section in the newspapers, but after listening to Father’s words, I started reading them, at least the headlines, if I didn’t have too much time, to understand what was happening in the world. We can know the next step of God’s work when we understand what is happening in the world.
This is also an important thing that we must know in Eschatology.
There were many Last Days in the history of the Restoration Providence, but why did God keep extending the Restoration Providence? Father told us that it took God 6,000 years to set a condition by repeatedly extending the Providence of Restoration to find the path that Satan could not invade.
Then will God leave evil alone? No, he won’t. When I was a Presbyterian, I even thought once after listening to Eschatology, “The world must end quickly. I believe in Jesus so I will rise to the clouds and ascend to heaven.”
There are still many believers who believe that they will rise into the clouds and ascend to heaven and are waiting for the day when that will happen. Since the day they are awaiting has not come, they will begin to think that maybe the Lord will come in a physical body. Then the Christians will look around to see where the Lord has come and they won’t be able to help but to believe that Rev. Moon, who has accomplished such miraculous things, is no doubt the returning Lord.
Eschatology and the structure of the human body
When we look at Eschatology in the Divine Principle, it says that Heaven resembles one person’s body. Father once entered the spirit world and what he learned by meeting God who did not have a form was that God appeared in the form of a human being.
Therefore, no entity in the universe embodies the truth more than the human body.
Father knew the infinite value that the human body structure has, and he even told us that the human body is the foundation of his thinking. Father spoke about that often. Also, Father discovered that the Bible was written resembling the human body because the Bible is the Word of God. In other words, Father knew which part of the Bible was the head, the body, and the arms and the legs. That’s how he was able to unravel the Bible completely.
Theologians in the world still do not know the Bible in its entirety, but only partially. Father said that it is as if a few blind men touched an elephant and gave different descriptions of it. The one who touched its nose said, “Elephants are shaped like serpents.” The one who touched the leg said, “Elephants are shaped like pillars.” And the one who touched the elephant’s belly said, “Elephants are shaped like walls.” This is the reason theologians fight over the interpretation of the Bible.
However, after realizing that the human body is the perfect manifestation of the Truth, Father used the human body to find God. Father said that when he looks at a person’s face, the most mysterious part is the eyes. Also, when we look at the whole human body, the head symbolizes God, the body symbolizes humans, and the arms and legs symbolize all things.
When we look at the face, the two eyes symbolize the dual characteristics. In other words, they symbolize God. Which part of the face do you look at first when you look at someone? Most people look at the eyes. Father said that it’s so mysterious how the eyeballs move around so freely in such a small space.
Father also said that when we look at just the face, the eyes symbolize God, the nose symbolizes humans, and the mouth, all things. As such, the foundation of all Father’s thoughts is the human body. God always appears in the shape of a human body when he appears.
In leading businesses, Father also decides what to do first according to the human body structure. When Father originally started Tongil Industry, he said that “Tongil Industry is the key industry that will work like the spine in the human body.” The key industry which makes all sorts of machinery was the first business that Father started after offering much jeongseong. Father’s idea was that only when the spinal industry is firmly founded, other smaller businesses can attach themselves to the spine, forming an intricate and well-balanced human body.
Father tries to model his businesses after the human body structure like this. As it is expressed in Give and Take Action as well, our body’s metabolism must function properly. Businesses also have to be done in such a way to develop. We must realize that Father does not do business irrationally but always by the human body structure.
Father also said that the last industry that has to be formed is the ocean shipping industry. When the human body is completely formed, it must have blood circulation to carry on the functions of metabolism. Our body will be healthy only when we have a good metabolism. Father said that the ocean shipping industry is similar to the circulation of blood. He said that one day he will have large ships built to bring special goods from one nation to another nation, and then bring the goods of that nation to other nations, and even invite people over to the ship to educate them as well.
Strive first to become God’s perfect object partner Father said that we all must have spiritual experiences.
I had a lot of dreams when I first joined the church. Spirit world taught me whether the things I was thinking were good or bad. Father said that this was help from my ancestors.
I had quite amazing experiences too. I’ve come to have a more developed spiritual sense. Also, my Father and Mother are always within my consciousness. It could just be that I’ve spent so much time with Father and Mother but they are always in my consciousness. When I am doing simple tasks like eating, I always have silent conversations with Father and Mother. As a result, my spiritual sense became sensitive and Father and Mother taught me everything in a very detailed manner.
I worked as the regional director for Texas when I was living in America. Then, I was called by Mother suddenly to attend her for eleven months after Father went to Danbury. The thing is that I have a somewhat good brain but I am at the same time a bit slow-witted. One could say that I am tactless. I tend to analyze things when someone tells me a fact. So I have always been smarter than average people in learning about things like Geometry but I am slow in everyday politics, so to speak.
One day, a group of members were seated in a circle with Mother. Mother was speaking about something when she teased me, saying, "Gil Ja still doesn’t t laugh" since I wasn’t getting the meaning of the conversation that was taking place at the time. I was hurt inside but I still couldn’t understand the real meaning of what was being said. Then Mother told me, "You should pray to God for wisdom." That was the extent to which I was slow-witted.
I was praying a lot already. Mother prayed in her room, and we gathered at the holy ground at East Garden where True Parents used to pray. We offered a prayer vigil from midnight to two in the morning until Father was out of the prison. We were intellectuals who joined the church in its early days after listening to the Principles, unlike the spiritually sensitive people who joined the church through prayers.
But I still prayed very hard because Mother told me to. At first, I would pray “Please give me wisdom” and would get no answer. So when I prayed, I first offered a prayer for the greater purpose, praying for the safe release of Father from prison, and then prayed for my wish, “Heavenly Father! Mother says that I am unwise and slow-witted. Please allow me to have wisdom.”
After some prayers, I felt as if God was telling me, “That’s some foolish prayer.” But I still held onto it like a stubborn child for five months, nagging God for the same thing.
Then I felt in my heart that God was telling me, “You keep saying the same thing. This is getting old. You are annoying.” I became sure that God would give me an answer someday. So I kept on praying, "Heavenly Father! Mother says I’m slow-witted. Please give me wisdom." I prayed like a true fool. Then one day I received an answer.
The temperature was so low in New York that we shivered uncontrollably even after putting on many layers of clothing. It felt as if the wind was trying to penetrate our bodies and we were cold from head to toe.
It was an incredibly cold day but I did not feel cold at all when I received the spirit of God. It was as warm as springtime. I heard God’s voice while a mist embraced me warmly in silence.
God told me, "The wisdom you have sought from me with your prayers does not come from you but it comes from me to you in its entirety when you become my perfect object partner. What is mine will be yours, and what is yours will be mine." In other words, God told me that receiving wisdom is not the important thing but becoming the perfect object partner to God is. I received such a grace-filled and realistic revelation from God.
The Heavenly Mother that we must know
We must know that there is not only Heavenly Father but Heavenly Mother as well.
There is an old lady named Wol Gwang Lee in Daegu. She was very open spiritually so much so that she asked questions to God and God answered all of them. She was the first one to discover Heavenly Mother, and she had a special ability to heal people since when she was in a Christian church. She used her special spiritual ability to heal others but she refrained from doing it after joining our church and listening to the Principle.
However, sick people kept coming to her, asking to be healed, so she was sometimes forced to heal people. But she would pay indemnity if she healed people. She was so sick of it that one day she promised a pastor to participate in a healing prayer service but then broke the promise and didn’t go.
Then God became angry and left her. After God left her, she said that she felt as if she was thrown into a pitch-black void, unable to know whether she was falling or rising, unable to tell which was front and back. She became extremely surprised and called out to God, "Heavenly Father! Heavenly Father" from the top of her lungs. But her plea fell on deaf ears.
Then she suddenly realized, “Right! There’s also Heavenly Mother!” so she started calling from the top of her lungs, "Heavenly Mother! Heavenly Mother!" Heavenly Father would normally answer her calls with a manly voice, "Oh, yes, my beloved daughter" but this time God spoke in a woman’s soft voice, "What’s wrong?" So this lady told God, "Heavenly Mother! Please save me. What should I do now that Heavenly Father has abandoned me?" She begged her desperately.
Heavenly Mother then said, "Then wait. I’ll go ask Father." After much time, Heavenly Mother came back and scorned her, "Why didn’t you keep your promise? Heavenly Father is extremely angry at you because your mind changes more than a dozen times a day." Then the lady begged for forgiveness, saying "Heavenly Mother! Please forgive me just this once. I will never do it again." Then she left after saying, "OK. I’ll go ask him again and come right back." Then she came back and said, "Heavenly Father said there was no way for Him to forgive you but He will forgive you just this once because of Heavenly Mother."
Heavenly Mother was surprised. For so long, humanity has always been asking only for Heavenly Father even though there was Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Mother asked Mrs. Lee, "How did you find me?" and said "Thank you" to her. However, when she listened carefully to the voice of Heavenly Mother, it was the voice of True Mother.
After hearing this story, I always called out "Heavenly Mother!" together with Heavenly Father, and I think the one that gave me the above revelation at the holy ground in East Garden was Heavenly Mother. It is because I felt motherly love.
In other words, I felt the God who was more well-balanced and I called out for Heavenly Mother together with Heavenly Father. I have revealed to you Heavenly Mother so please call for her too when you pray.
It is difficult to describe how warm it feels in my heart when I call for Heavenly Mother together with Heavenly Father. Even Heavenly Mother said "How did you know I existed? Thank you." Please know that there is Heavenly Mother who is so kind and warm.
What We Must Do in the Last Days
Since many decades ago, Father has had a great interest in China. It was because Korea was the Adam nation, Japan the Eve nation, and China the Archangel nation. Father said that God’s providence can only be fulfilled when the archangel nation returns to the bosom of God.
Father said many times ‘ I have to quickly normalize the diplomatic relations between Korea and China.’ Mao answered Kim Il-Sung’s call for help and sent 300,000 Chinese soldiers to kill many Korean people. Normalization of the diplomatic relations between these nations was difficult because there was such strong enmity between them. Father worried about this a lot.
Then one day, twenty years ago, a Chinese jet was on its way to North Korea when it crashed into the Kangwon province of South Korea. China was greatly worried that their jet had ended up in the enemy state, and that they wouldn’t get their plane back. Also, nobody knew what would happen to the pilots. However, the South Korean government treated these pilots well. They gave the pilots good food, took them on tours, gave them a lot of gifts, and returned the jets safely. The Chinese government was immensely surprised. They began to feel that Korean people had good hearts.
That served as one of the forces that led to the normalization of diplomatic relationships between the two nations. At that time, Father told us that if we offer sincere jeongseong to fulfill the Will, something will happen, such as an accident, that leads to the advancement of the providence.
Then there was the 911 in America in 2001. I was working in Washington D.C. and when I turned on the TV, I saw in the news the burning World Trade Center Towers melting like rice candies after planes had crashed into them. 3,000 people died that day and not even their bodies could be recovered.
Muslims think that Bush and the American government contemptuously discriminated against them. At the same time, America was sponsoring a few nations that were hostile towards the nations in the Middle East. All these factors fueled their hatred, which led to the suicide attack. They called it a holy war, a Jihad.
In addition, there was an instance where white Americans beat up and killed a few Muslim youths in return for the violence committed by their people. Americans, who weren’t even able to find the corpses of their families and loved ones, put pictures of their dear ones near the site of the attack and lit candles in their memory.
Why did such things happen? I would like to give my interpretation based on Father’s Words to which I’ve been listening. Since long ago, Father has worried about the Arabic nations or the Islamic nations. The religious names may be different but Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all believe in the same God. These three religions also share a common root; Abraham. However, now these people have become sworn enemies and are killing each other.
The biggest problem is how Muslims witness people. Muslims do not witness like Christians whose motto is ‘ Love your enemy. Sacrifice yourself.’ Their Bible is The Quran. They welcome those who accept the Quran but smite with swords those who don’t. So Muslims are similar to Communists. They employ similar methods. Father was thinking "I must embrace these people. How could I do it?" and then the terrorist attack happened.
I had an epiphany regarding the attacks. It must have been that President Bush and other national leaders (the Christian pastors) did not follow Father’s Will that such attacks happened. Father went to America and told its people "Help unfortunate people. Live for the sake of African Americans, Native Americans, and poor people." Father always instructed and taught them to be like that but the leaders did not follow Father’s directions. That is why the Muslims began to harbor such hatred against these people which ultimately led to the attacks.
Since the attacks, we have begun to put more effort into peace activities involving various people. One month after the 911 attack, Father gathered thousands of leaders in New York and Washington from the three major religions and spoke to them. He solemnly told them "You must not use violence" but also comforted their heart by saying "You must have been hurt to do such a thing."
Father understood their positions and scorned them; many Muslims cried. Many countries treat them like the enemy but Rev. Moon understood their predicament. Muslim leaders began to come forward to Father after that point.
Father sent many peace ambassadors to The Middle East. Those particular peace ambassadors worked very hard not only in the Arab world but also in Israel. We do not have any enemy. The reason is that Father is the king of peace who brings enemies together. So everyone welcomes whoever comes bearing Father’s name.
So I believe that the attack happened for a reason. We do not have anything to worry about in this perspective. People of the world commit despicable things like murder, but we all know them to be a sort of indemnity that advances God’s providence. Father also said:
"The Will will be fulfilled without sacrifice only when people believe me and listen to my word. But they end up paying a great sacrifice because they don’t listen and they oppose me. God’s providence has a schedule for completion therefore God has to force people to sacrifice to meet that schedule. That is why my heart aches so much."
The Unification Church members who have entered the Last Days have no worries because they know this in its entirety. Father told us that the members of the Unification Church will be the richest people in the world. People of the world lose hope and commit suicide but we never have that situation. When these calamitous Last Days
pass, there will come the age of Father, he said. Everything will be revealed when the age of Father comes. Therefore, the world may frown and scream for their lives but we always remain smiling.
Father said "Guys, you know, my heart feels that this is extremely urgent. I can vividly hear the cries of those who pass onto the spirit world and fall to the pit of Hell." When we went to Hoon Dok Hae in Han Nam Dong, Father used to ask us "Do you hear their voices too?" We had no choice but to answer, "No, we can’t hear."
When a landslide happens, many houses become swallowed by the dirt. Father peered into the future and told us that people would come to join the church just like landslides. Father sees things spiritually. Father then asked us "Do you see that too?" But we couldn't see it.
People are becoming confused in the whirlpool of political, economic, and social problems, and they are becoming less and less trusting of one another. They will then come to our church, saying "Let’s go to True Parents! That is the only path of survival!" However, they can’t come to Father directly so they will come to your house and you must tell them "We all must learn the Principle. Let us do Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents’ Words," Educate them in this manner.
That is why we have so many Hoon Dok home churches. Father taught us that we must teach the Principle in the home churches. However, we must open our mouths when we teach people. When many people come to our homes, we should host parties and have rallies, but we need to have our mouths open when we eat. We must not close our mouths. People of the world have no choice but to lose hope and cry, but our members will always be full of hope and vitality.
We must continue to receive the Father’s Words teach the Principle and read True.
Parents’ Words even after Father goes to the spirit world. Then as Father said, "Everything that is invested with your full heart will all be returned.“ Everything we have invested will come back to us.
Will not lecturers who teach the Principle to the world will appear first? Those who give good lectures will have nothing to envy in the world. When Father saw Christians constructing big churches, Father said "Do you know why they build such big buildings? It’s because they will invite you to their buildings so that you can lecture about the Principle."
Listening to Father’s words, I felt a sense of satisfaction was already arising. Our church doesn t have a lot of large buildings, however when I looked at the buildings of The Catholic Church or The Presbyterian church, I felt as if my stomach was becoming full, thinking ‘ This is where I will give lectures in the future.’ so we must study hard to become good lecturers during this opportunity that we now have. We must remember that the Last Days are what God has prepared for us.
Jesus laid the foundation for Spiritual Salvation through the Cross
There are two important aspects regarding ‘ The Messiah: His Advent and the Purpose of His Second Coming.’
One is the problem of salvation through the cross and spiritual salvation, and the other is the family of John the Baptist and the family of Jesus.
Korea is a host for many Protestant and Catholic churches. When we look at some of the many apartment complexes here, we see a multitude of red crosses here and there as if they are competing against each other. However, the cross was considered a mere tool for Rome, used to execute members.
That is why the thief to the left and right of Jesus were also put on the cross even though they were not the Messiah. Therefore, the cross itself does not hold much meaning. Rather, it is an eye-sore when we view it as the tool that murdered the Messiah; who came to Earth as the parent of humanity.
That is why the correct thing to do is to remove the cross from the church. This is the reason that there is no cross in the Unification Church. I heard that many Christian pastors in America, who follow the Words of the Father, have already taken down their crosses on top of their churches and buried them in the ground.
According to Father’s Words, the cross itself does not have a direct relationship with human salvation. The cross is nothing but a symbol that we must resent and condemn. However, Christians make gold and silver necklaces in the shape of the cross and even kiss them. Christians do such things because they don’t understand.
We must now understand salvation through the cross completely. I cringe whenever I see a cross, thinking ‘ The Jewish people hung the Messiah on that thing.’
But why does the concept of salvation through the cross exist? How did Jesus, who was crucified on the cross, die after at least fulfilling spiritual salvation? To summarize,
this was because Jesus did not condemn the Roman soldiers who stabbed him with their spears but rather forgave them. Jesus tearfully prayed to God, ‘ Father, they do not know what they do. They do not know that their actions today will return to their offspring as great difficulties. Please forgive them."
According to Father’s Words, Jesus did not offer the prayer because he was happy. What was there to be happy about? He could not fulfill the mission that he came to fulfill. He was greatly grieved and appalled.
The reason why Jesus offered such prayer was that he understood since he was going to the spirit world without fulfilling God’s Will, there would be a second person coming to Earth as the Messiah. Also, Jesus knew that he had to create a stepping stone upon which the new Messiah could come. However, the stepping stone in this Earth upon which the second coming of the Messiah could happen (Abel’s shimjeong) was not going to be made if Jesus went to the spirit world hating his enemies. The world could receive the second coming only if Jesus loved the enemies. So Jesus offered the prayer which struck Satan at the heart.
Father told us that there was no trace of hatred or a concept of an enemy in God when he experienced His love. God never hates his enemy. The love of Jesus united with the love of God exists where there is not even a trace of hatred and the concept of the enemy.
There is no excuse that Satan can accuse in the place where the love of God and Jesus are completely united. This is because Satan can never do that. If we want to beat Satan, we have to do what Satan cannot do.
According to Father, God is omnipotent and omnipresent but He can’t do anything when Satan accuses him. God became incompetent. Some theologians in America say, "When we look at the Bible, corpses arise from their graves, and Jesus promised that he will return on the clouds. Why are these prophecies not fulfilled? It means that God did not keep even one of the promises he made. Maybe God doesn’t exist!" Some theologians employ this logic to boldly assert that God is dead. About 40% of the American Christian theologians say this.
What was Satan originally? Satan was originally the archangel and he was not an evil being. The archangel Lucifer was the being who received God’s love the most before the creation of Adam and Eve. God loved the archangel, and the archangel also loved God in return. When I first joined The Unification Church, I was greatly shocked to hear that "God does not hate the archangel. God cannot hate the archangel."
How did the archangel become Satan? The one who knows the archangel’s motivation in becoming Satan better than anyone else is God. The archangel became Satan because of God’s love. The archangel was satisfied with being a servant of God, but when he saw God creating Adam and Eve and pouring down the parental love to Adam and Eve, a love greater than the love he was receiving, the archangel felt envy and he wanted to receive that love too. The archangel thought ‘ If I seduce God’s daughter, I can become God’s son-in-law, and maybe I will be able to step up to the same position as a son.’ As the archangel’s motivation for falling was God’s love, God cannot hate him.
I once heard a testimony of Hoon Mo Nim about Satan and Dae Mo Nim.
Dae Mo Nim spent her entire life serving True Parents and raised and offered True Mother to True Father. Dae Mo Nim considered that now that True Parents had arrived and there would be Blessed Families, ‘ There won’t be sin anymore. People will not sin anymore.’ However, even Blessed Families continued sinning, and some even went to commit sexual sins. I was beside Dae Mo Nim and watched her praying day and night. Dae Mo Nim practically lived in her ceremonial robe. This was because she would light the candle and scream in her prayers, still to no avail.
So she prayed, "Heavenly Father, please take me to the spirit world quickly." According to Father, Dae Mo Nim could have lived three years longer before she went to the spirit world.
When Dae Mo Nim went to the spirit world, the archangel Lucifer was traveling everywhere to make people do bad things, and the evil ancestor spirits who were being controlled by Satan kept coming down to us to make people sin. This is why Dae Mo Nim made a strong determination to bring the archangel back to God. When Dae Mo Nim approached the archangel and tried to take him to God, he said "No, I can’t go. I’m scared." However, the archangel was forced to go to God by Dae Mo Nim; who stuck to her like a magnet.
When Lucifer came, God saw him and said "Hey, you are here!" not even remembering him as the fallen Satan. God rather said "You came! Welcome! I knew you would come one day so I made a position for you. Please come. You’ve gone through much suffering because you took someone else’s position, right?" Come to think of it, Satan did take someone else’s (Adam’s) position, right?
When I heard that God said "Yes, I knew you would return to me, longing to have your old position back. Welcome", I was reminded of a Bible verse. In the bible, what did the father of prodigal sons do when his second son came back to him without a penny
left? Was t the father overjoyed to see his son from he considered dead, giving him his ring and hugging him by the neck?
I asked Hoon Mo Nim, ‘ Hoon Mo Nim, then what happened to Satan afterward?’ Hoon Mo Nim answered that Satan became very quiet. Therefore Dae Mo Nim has done truly great work. Therefore, the miracles in Cheong Pyeong are happening because of Dae Mo Nim’s great contribution and spiritual power upon Father’s victorious foundation.
God cannot hate Satan. This is because God is well aware of the motivation that led him to become Satan, and even Satan must return to the beloved servant that he once was. The reason Satan accuses people is because he has a grudge and he complains, unwilling to return to God. Therefore, God cannot do anything if Satan accuses. It’s as if He becomes incompetent. And the Messiah is the only one who can stop Satan’s accusation.
After learning about the concept of Satan, I’ve realized that the scariest Satan is none other than ourselves. There is the original archangel Lucifer, who is Satan, and there are many evil spirits who do the bidding of Satan, but we must realize that we are the scariest Satan. We have inherited original sin from our parents and our ancestors, and if we go deep into the meaning of original sin, selfishness, and self-centeredness are at the core.
Father once told us in Han Nam Dong about harboring hatred against others: "If you may blame others, saying ‘ You hate me. You ignore me. I hate you that is because you have the elements of hatred and arrogance in you."
Father told us if we didn’t hate others, then we would see everyone as good people. However, you can’t help but see others in that way because you see them from your standard." In other words, if we put on a pair of yellow glasses, the world would be covered in yellow, and it would be covered in red with a pair of red glasses. That is why Father told us "Don’t judge from your perspective." He also said that when we realize that the scariest Satan is none other than the self-centeredness in ourselves, we will pity Satan instead of hating him, and we will also develop a sense of sympathy for Satan.
The Messiah’s abilities and responsibilities
Who can stop Satan’s accusations and protect the people from them? Unfortunately, God cannot prevent Satan’s accusations. Why is that so? It is because Satan conspired with humans. Therefore, the Messiah has to appear among humanity to uncover the identity of Satan, and accuse Satan, ‘ Are you not the Satan who has committed various sins?’ satan then will not be able to deny it. That is the Messiah’s ability and responsibility.
Satan raped Eve out of his longing for God’s love. Even though Satan fell out of his self-centeredness because he wanted to receive God’s love more, Lucifer also hates the 6,000-year-long sinful history that he has caused.
Did Satan himself know how horrible was the sin he committed? Satan did not know it initially. Lucifer, Satan, actually wants to return to his old position of faithful servant of God.
Then who can return Satan to his original position? Only the Messiah can do it. Father’s been saying recently, "I did what even God couldn’t!" It is because he has stopped Satan’s accusation and liberated God.
Father then also said "You will never fully comprehend, no matter how much you study the Divine Principle. There are only three beings who know the Principle thoroughly; they are God, the Messiah, and Satan. However, even Satan’s knowledge of The Principle is limited to the level of the growth stage of the completion period because that is when he caused the fall of humans.
I was relieved when I heard this. It is because we can’t know the Principle perfectly no matter how often we give lectures. Therefore, we must convey the Principle as it is.
Father also told us that we should not mix our words when we give a lecture about the Principle.
Satan knows that God cannot hate him, so Satan speaks even to the Messiah, "Oh, Messiah! God cannot hate me. Therefore, you cannot hate me either. If you are God’s son, and if you have come to Earth as His representative, you must want me to return to my old position as God wants me to. If not, I have nowhere to return. Therefore, you cannot hate me." Satan wouldn’t let go of the Messiah so easily.
Father’s Words regarding this can be seen on page 340 of volume 7 of True Parents’ Life Course.
"What is the reason God could not subjugate Satan? What is the reason humanity could not subjugate Satan? There is only one reason; one aspect that Satan claims. Satan claims, ‘ Even though I have fallen, is it not the rule of the Principle and God, therefore
God’s son has to love me first before people can enter Heaven from the standard of the Principle?’ God could not deny this when Satan made this claim."
God and humans are trapped in the Satanic claim ‘ Those who wish to perfect themselves and enter Heaven must set the condition that he has loved me. He cannot reach perfection unless he does so.’
Even Father remarked, "What’s aggrieving God and the Messiah is the fact that they cannot harm Satan." They cannot attack Satan. They must bring Satan to natural subjugation. Otherwise, Satan says, "I am a bad being but you are God, the Absolute One. Therefore, your love must also be eternal, unchanging, absolute, and unique. I am a harmful being, but if you hate me, your love cannot be Absolute Love." Satan knows the Principle.
Sometimes when we report to Father about the persecutions we had to receive from the world, Father says "I want to attack my enemy just like The Mafia." Do you know the Mafia? Originating from Italy, they are formidable and violent gangsters who commit murder, robbery, and drug smuggling. People can’t even find the victim’s bodies.
God is in such a position where he wants to kill his enemy but he can’t. God does not kill his enemy. Father says "God’s strategy is to bring his enemies to natural subjugation. Do you think I would try to do anything other than that?" He also says "I wasn’t a kind person from the beginning. I had to train myself, bite my tongue when I had to, to walk the path of the Messiah even though I was an impatient person with a need for revenge and bad manners!"
That’s the Path of the Will. That is why the Father is walking the life course of Jesus today. Jesus was able to escape from Satan’s accusation because he loved his enemy instead of hating him. Satan took away Jesus’s body but he cannot make accusations against Jesus. That is how God was able to utilize his omnipotence to resurrect Jesus.
Had Jesus been crucified on the cross with hatred in his heart, God could not have resurrected Jesus. Through Jesus, who was resurrected by God, we can at least receive spiritual salvation. We cannot talk of salvation with only Jesus who was crucified on the cross. We must believe in the resurrected Jesus to receive spiritual salvation. Father has always been walking the life course of Jesus.
Father has also reclaimed the body of Jesus which was lost at the cross, and he is fulfilling the missions that Jesus was supposed to fulfill with his body.
Have you ever heard the reason why Father wanted to build Panda Motor Co. in China? Father wanted to help China because he had to advance the providence in the archangel nation. China is economically developed now, but the nation was in bad shape at that time. He told Mr. Moon of the Tongil Industries Co. to give all the possible technologies to China. Then, he instructed Mr. Moon to give all of the profits generated from the company to China after the company was built.
The reason the gap between developed nations and developing nations is widening is due to the fact that developed nations are unwilling to reveal their technologies and monopolize them. Nations like Japan, primarily, do not have many underground natural resources. They live off of the exports of products that they have made with their technologies. They receive a lot of money in patent royalties.
However, they should not do that if we are to realize a world of peace where there is no war. At that time, Tongil Industries also had a mechanical factory in Germany.
Therefore, Father told Mr. Moon to gather the technologies from Germany and Japan and give them all to China. Mr. Moon, who has recently passed away, said "But Father! If we give them all our secrets, Tongil Industries won’t make any money for the next decade or two."
When he heard this, Father yelled, "Hey! The reason I'm building a car factory in China is not to make money. I do it because I have to bring China to the central position in
the providence! All profits generated by the factory must be returned to them! They are atheist who do not believe in God! Would they just believe the existence of God if they were told me? They are hungry so we must feed them first. Then I have to tell them to listen to me. They are bound to come to me once their stomachs become full."
In addition, Father did not try to attack Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung but rather embraced them with love. Father met them and brought them to a natural subjugation with True Love. The unspoken pain of God and the Messiah is that they can’t do anything to Satan even though he is so evil. However, worldly people kill and wage war against others to settle their enmity. The vicious circle is continuing today.
What is, however, God’s strategy? God’s strategy is to move Satan’s heart and bring him to natural subjugation. Satan’s strategy, of forcing people to subjugation, is different from God’s strategy. The human history of wars has been that of forceful subjugation and it only begets vengeance. God’s strategy of natural subjugation is slow.
However, moving the heart of Satan into natural subjugation is the only path. That’s the way to the complete victory.
Salvation of glory and salvation of shame
The Bible tells us of two kinds of salvation: salvation of glory and salvation of shame. The salvation of glory (Timothy 2:10) is the salvation that those who have suffered with the Lord will receive, and the salvation of shame (Revelation 6:16) is the salvation that Christians who opposed the Lord will receive when they finally know the Lord.
Those who receive the salvation of shame will return while saying ‘ Mountains, rocks, cover me! What shall I do with this shame!" Didn't Saul, before he became Paul, for example, try to kill the believers of Jesus before he repented through the miracle of Damascus and returned? (Acts 9:1-30)
Accordingly, many Christians who persecuted the Returning Lord will repent and return in shame, saying ‘ What shall I do with this shame?’ This is what we are working to realize.
Satan did everything as he wished, but God is waiting for the day that Satan surrenders, saying ‘ I must end this world where I was the king, so please accept me. I will never do it again even if you asked me to.’
Father loved his enemies his entire life
There are three things that Father did when he went to Japan.
First, Father made preparations for the providence, second, he studied in school, and third fought he against the Japanese government.
Father said that he took the role of a leader and fought against Japan after making an underground organization during his time in Japan. Father engaged in the independence movement for his nation while searching for God’s will, so he used to hold a great enmity against the Japanese people.
Back then, anyone who was caught while engaging in the independence movement was tortured in horrible ways. Father told us that one of the tortures he received was being beaten while being hung by the arms behind him. Ordinary people could not endure such torture.
Every time he received such harsh torture, Father desperately prayed, "Father! I am in Japan in the position of a parent, but the children do not recognize me because I have not fulfilled my responsibility as a parent. However, it is my fault, not theirs. Please forgive your children in Japan." Father did not hate them even for a moment. Father forgave and loved the Japanese people just as Jesus forgave and loved his enemy.
Then in 1942, there was a place called the Imperial Palace in Tokyo where Japan’s emperor lived, and there was a bridge called Nijyu-Bashi leading to the palace.
Standing on the other side of Nijyu-Bashi, Father offered a desperate prayer, "Heavenly Father! Even though your Japanese children do not recognize me and try to kill me, I do not hate them. In twenty years, your Japanese sons and daughters will kneel before me, subjugated, and I will offer all of them to you."
Afterward, missionary work in Japan began in 1959, and 20 CARP leaders from Japan came to Korea around 1962. They visited Korea for the first time. I served these CARP leaders also with other members.
As soon as they came through the main gate of the former headquarters church, they took off their shoes, kneeled in front of Father, and cried out, "True Parents.
Please forgive the sins our ancestors have committed. We will practice loyalty and filial piety with our lives for God and True Parents." Their tearful apology made even us cry.
Father was greatly moved, looked to the sky, and said "Yes. The promise I made to heaven during my time in Japan 20 years ago has finally been fulfilled." That’s the kind of person Father is.
That was in 1962 so it was exactly 20 years later when this occurred. 1942 was when the Second World War was in full blossom. Even though Father received such harsh torture from Japanese people, Father forgave them and did not build a barrier in his heart. Father told us that this is the reason Japanese people come running to God’s Will simply after listening to the Principle. If Father hated them and held resentment towards them, "You Japanese scoundrels!", then his barrier of hatred would be so elevated that nobody would be able to huddle through the barrier and come to Father.
The reason witnessing in Japan is effective and its church flourishing, and the reason that Japanese people come to Korea to offer their hands in many activities, is that Father built such a foundation of heart when he was in Japan.
We realize how strong Father’s true love is when we think about situations like this. Father once told us, "When someone asks me ‘ How does Rev. Moon live this life?’ I will give my answer simply like this: I have lived my entire life sacrificing myself for my enemies who have tried to kill me. I have loved them and lived for their sake.
Father walked the life course of Jesus, and that was the course of loving one’s enemy. People of the world were all melted by that.
For this reason, Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung were surprised. Father saw spiritually that their hearts had turned around. That is why when Father told Gorbachev, "Let’s meet!" Gorbachev said "Yes!", "Kim Il Sung, let’s meet!", Kim Il Sung said "Yes!", and they met True Parents.
Didn't Gorbachev meet Father and say "Rev. Moon, please help me with your international organizations and financial foundation."? Father responded "I am here to help you following God’s Will. However, helping you with money is only temporary help. If your nation is to develop eternally, it must believe in God. Human strength alone cannot do it. Therefore, liberate religion."
Then Gorbachev liberated religion. Father then told him to tell Kim Il Sung that the unification of Korea must be done through peaceful means, not through violence.
Gorbachev answered "Yes." Father also instructed "Leave the youth in your nation to me. They will become great leaders and revive The Soviet Union." So he discovered students who were fluent in English.
University students in the Soviet Union can speak English well. I spent ten days with them as well as teaching them the Principle. I did this three times and I noticed that they learned British-style, formal English. When I asked them "Hey, how do you folks speak English so well?", they answered that they must learn the language of their enemy if they are to beat them.
Father initially told 200 students to come, but the number later became 4,000 with everyone rushing. They helped Gorbachev’s democratization movement which led the Soviet Union to welcome democracy. They have grown up to become today’s competent workers and received the blessing of God as His children.
When Father met Kim Il Sung for the first time, Kim Il Sung whispered into Father’s ears, "You are a person with no enemy. I have realized that you have sacrificed your life for world peace more than anyone else. I trust Rev. Moon completely. I think the
unification of Korea can be easily realized if we work together." Then, as if he knew that he would die first, Kim Il Sung asked Father, "If I happen to die before you, please teach my son Jung Il."
I met a few North Korean women myself when I went to China as the president of the Women’s Federation. When I told them that I was the president of WFWP, they told me "Oh, that’s Rev. Moon’s organization, yes? We know him well. We respect and love Rev. Moon." They knew it already. Father melted the hearts of the enemy nation with only one project called ‘ Panda.’ They also knew that Father created several other investments for world peace.
There are many false Lords in Korea as well. There was a person claiming that he was the Lord and that Rev. Moonwass John the Baptist. When asked why Rev. Moon is John the Baptist, he said that John the Baptist was as famous just as Rev. Moon is now famous. This person is making preparations in hiding without the world noticing him; therefore he is the Lord.
When I met such people during my tour, I reported such people to Father as soon as I could. Then Father as, id "The Lord must of course receive the calling from God, but what’s really important is subjugating communism."
Jesus loved his enemy while he was being crucified on the cross. However, the Father fulfilled the mission of Jesus without dying. This is something only the Father can do because he knows God’s Will and Heart perfectly. Father is the only one capable of waging the war of heart. Such a war of heart exists behind the Principle out of people’s sight.
I went through a lot of hardships too when I listened to Father’s Words in the early days. At that time, Father never went to bed before midnight. Every time Father spoke at night, I kept looking at the clock, thinking ‘ Father should be ending his speech around midnight. ’ However, Father once continued to speak until 1 and 2 a.m
. Can you imagine what Father said? He said, "I can’t stop talking if there is at least one among you who wants me to continue speaking."
Father told us that he must go to bed after midnight. It is because people visit Father by offering jeongseong, and most of them offer jeongseong after midnight. People normally go to bed before midnight. However, people who seek God offer their jeongseong after midnight, so Father has to embrace them.
Father told us if Adam and Eve hadn t fallen, they could have spoken to God at noon and midnight. Heaven’s door opens during those times. This was the testimony of Mrs. Seok Cheon Jeong. Mr. Seok Cheon Jeong was the father of Su Won Jeong who was a member of the 36-couples.
That is why Father told us that if we are to offer jeongseong for something important, we should pray at noon or midnight. Father considered these two periods in a day very important.
Father stays up late at night, pulling the spiritual strings. Father also told us once "I am talking to you now but do you think that is the only thing that I'm doing right now?" I am offering jeongseong so that those who would otherwise have joined the church ten years ago join in a year and those who would otherwise join the church a year from now come knocking at the door of our church tomorrow.
I was in Alaska once and there the sunset happens around ten o’clock in the evening. During that time Father slept very little and went out to the ocean to fish at five in the morning every day without failing.
When Father fished in Alaska, we always waited until it was ten at night. Because it was only then that Father gathered his fishing rods back and returned home. Father departed at ten and the return home took one hour, which meant that he arrived around 11 PM. Father was always looking at the ocean quietly the entire day. I used to wonder what Father was thinking while he was watching the ocean, but Father always looked so peaceful as if he was sitting inside of his living room.
I did’ t know Father’s heart but this is what Father told me one day.
"Hey, you think I'm just catching fish on the boat? When I’m in the middle of the ocean on a boat, fish come and tell me ‘ Father, please stay with us longer.’ and the spirits of heaven come down too, and all creation play with each other and I become drunk in their happiness."
He said that the ocean water air, and even heaven, become joyous. Then countless spirits would come to Father and tell him while crying, ‘ I am someone who drowned in the ocean at such hour on such day. Please liberate me." Father listens to all their pleas and liberates them. All the while, he plays with the creation and fish as well.
Father has kept very busy. We do not know this well because we can’t truly see. We were only angry when the fish didn’t bite the bait.
It’s difficult to tell how quickly the hours pass by when we serve Father closely. We also don’t become tired. Maybe we enter the dominion of Father, our physical selves being led by Father’s spirit self.
John the Baptist failed to serve Jesus.
John the Baptist knew that Jesus was born of his father and Mary. This information is not revealed in The Exposition of Divine Principle. Father told Hyo Won You, "Don’t write about anything that is not in the Principle unless I give you permission."
We received a lot of persecution in the early days because of what we said about John the Baptist. Korea is predominantly Presbyterian whereas America is Methodist. In The Methodist Church, the highest respect is reserved for John the Baptist. He is the saint among all saints. It is no wonder why there was such commotion once we were taught that John the Baptist failed to do his responsibility. The Methodist church takes the saying of John the Baptist, "He must increase, but I must decrease." as that he was only being humble.
We interpret this differently. We interpret that John the Baptist failed to do his responsibility, so Christians become angry. They will become even more angry if they hear that the younger sister of John the Baptist was supposed to be the wife of Jesus. They will be enraged if Zechariah if they hear that the father of John the Baptist, is the father of Jesus.
Father told about this to the Japanese women who joined in a sisterhood pact with Korean women.
John the Baptist was born six months before Jesus. He is, therefore, the older brother of Jesus. The Jewish people considered John the Baptist great because he lived an ascetic life, eating locusts and wild honey. However, after close inspection, John the Baptist realized that Jesus was born between his father and his aunt, Mary. In this way, John the Baptist could not truly believe and serve Jesus who was proclaiming himself as the Messiah.
Even though she was in the position to become Adam’s wife, Eve was in the position of Adam’s younger sister. However, the archangel who was in the position of a servant, stole Eve. Therefore, Jesus, who was in the position to take the opposite course in the restoration through indemnity, had to steal the sister from John the Baptist who was in the position of the archangel. Christians will jump up and down in anger when they hear this.
Zechariah became mute when he first heard from an angel that his wife was pregnant with John the Baptist. He doubted the angel’s words because his wife was too old. Do you think the younger sister of John the Baptist was born? The younger sister of John the Baptist did not play any role in the providence, and we cannot even find a trace of her name in the Bible. Jesus knew the course that he had to take and begged his mother three times in his life, at 17, 27, and 30 years old, to be wedded to the younger sister of John the Baptist. However, Mary turned down her son’s plea completely.
Mary was a single woman when she became pregnant. Therefore, Jesus was a bastard and was in a low position. That is why the Jewish people even today scoff when somebody tells them that Jesus was the Messiah.
I went to the land of Jewish people in 1980, and they had what is called the Wailing Wall. It is the western portion of the Holy Temple that King Solomon constructed, and the Jewish people with their bread-shaped black hats were reciting the Laws of Moses. When I approached them and asked "Do you think Jesus was the Messiah?" they answered "No!" They say that they respect Jesus as a prophet, but nobody could be the Messiah since Elijah has not appeared from the sky yet. It’s truly amazing.
They are the same as the Christian people of today. It must have been very difficult for them to believe that Jesus was the Messiah in that kind of circumstance. I could understand this better when I was sent there. Mary gave birth to Jesus after receiving the revelation, and Jesus was able to survive with the protection of Joseph, therefore he was a righteous person. The Jewish law at the time stated that unmarried women who become pregnant must be stoned to death. However, was Mary not saved because Joseph told people that the baby was his? Mary, who knew the law of Jews, must have been very scared.
Jesus was the half-brother of John the Baptist. The younger sister of John the Baptist had the same father as Jesus. Mary was aware of everything. If she had allowed Jesus to marry his half-sister, it would have been against repel Jewish law. Mary opposed Jesus being wedded to the younger sister of John the Baptist, and Mary is now beating her chest, lamenting that she did not allow the marriage of Jesus.
Jesus and Mary were abandoned by Zechariah’s family. The three-year public course of Jesus was his journey to find his wife, and he was killed without being able to fulfill that mission. Father taught us that if John the Baptist’s younger sister believed Jesus to be her husband and followed him wherever he went, then heaven could have protected them, preventing the crucifixion of Jesus.
Father said that Jesus was murdered because he could not set the condition with which heaven could protect him. The crucial reason for the crucifixion of Jesus lay in John the Baptist. Jesus was the Abel family and John the Baptist was the Cain family.
However, because the Able family and Cain family failed to unite, the tribes could not unite, the races could t unite, and Jesus was crucified in the end. This lies in the deepest fathom of the Principle, and this is something serious we must solve in this day and age.
I can tell you this now because Father has already proclaimed these things. Father said, "The Exposition of Divine Principle that I told Mr. Hyo Won You to write was only a portion of the Principle that I knew." The reason Father could not reveal the entire Principle was because of the opposition from Christians and theologians. Father said that he will write the Original Divine Principle when the time comes. I recall Father saying this.
These days, I see that the contents of the Principle are coming out more and more. I told Father once, "Father once said that you will write the Wolli Wonbon again, but I think many of the contents of the Wolli Wonbon have already come out in Mother’s speeches that she’s given on her tours." Father sat still after saying ‘ Yes, I think what you are saying is also right.’ Just like this, new Words are being revealed as the time comes.
The root of the Unification Church faith
We cannot give perfect Principle lectures with only The Exposition of Divine Principle. We must listen to Father’s Words often and read the collected speeches of Father from the first volume if we want to give good Principle lectures. Father used to talk a lot about the circumstances and the heart of Jesus from the first volume of Father’s Collected Speeches (Father’s Words in 1956) until he had the Holy Marriage with Mother.
When Dr. Bo Hi Park joined the church, he was the first person to use a recording device to start recording Father’s Words. Father’s Words were normally written down as notes before recording devices. Father used to talk about the excruciatingly painful heart of Jesus, connecting the hearts of God, Father, and Jesus, and speaking until his entire body was covered in his sweat and tears.
I also told my youngest son "You have to start reading from the first volume of Father’s Speech Collection", and he began reading. After he started reading Father’s Speech Collection, he told me that he now feels like he can realize the base of the faith of The Unification Church.
We cannot use only the Principle in our ministry. We also cannot use only the Words that we receive daily. We can convey the inspiration of God only when we lecture centering on the Principle and Father’s Words. In other words, we must first thoroughly study the Principle and then read from the first volume of Father’s Speech Collection which is the root of the faith of the Unification Church. We have to turn Heaven’s lonely, sorrowful, and painful heart into our root of faith and assimilate the Words that the Father has given us today.
Giving lectures through reading the Principle means that lecturers are discouraged from combining their own words into their lectures. In other words, we should speak according to the Words, and nothing else. We can easily find Father’s Words regarding certain points in the Principle as we read the Principle through. We can engraft the Principle in people’s hearts if we add Father’s Words just a little to the Principle, and anyone will be able to accept the Principle.
I believe this book ‘ A Testimony to God’s Word in Regard to Divine Principle’ will help you in your study and lectures of the Divine Principle.