12 min read

Chapter 6 Predestination Christology

God’s predestination in terms of His Will is absolute according to the Principle of Predestination, and the core of the teaching is that when people fail to fulfill their responsibility, someone else will take their place.

Chapter 6 Predestination Christology

Father strictly applies the principle of predestination

God’s predestination in terms of His Will is absolute according to the Principle of Predestination, and the core of the teaching is that when people fail to fulfill their responsibility, someone else will take their place.

Father taught us that this also explains to Father himself as well and that he feels forceful about this. Father said that this is the reason that he has never been able to loosen the rope in his heart after he’d found out about the principle of predestination.

Father first thought that he must not let anyone steal this precious principle. As the archangel was able to stay one step ahead of God because he knew the things that God was going to do in the Garden of Eden, Father thought that it would be imperative not to let anyone steal the Words of principle, lest they use the Words for bad purposes.

However, the reason Father can reveal the Principle to the whole world now is that the time has come.

Father has a very close friend named No Pil Kwak with whom he used to attend high school. After he traveled to the South, Father visited No Pil Kwak’s house in Busan. That night, in a room filled with people sleeping, Father told No Pil, “Hey, No Pil. I may look like a bum right now but people all over the world will listen to the Principle I proclaim and follow me.”

No Pil Kwak heard this and thought “Aha. He was such a smart young man, but the difficult times he spent have made him nuts.” When I told about this to Father later, Father said, “Hey, the reason I told them that was because that’s how much I trusted him.”

That’s how much Father kept the Principle a secret until the right time came.

Father knew that, even though he was sent as the Messiah, his Messianic mission could be given to someone else if he were unable to fulfill his responsibility. Father said that that is why he was determined to fulfill his responsibility. He thought, ‘ I must offer the highest amount of jeongseong if I am to fulfill my responsibility as the Messiah better than anyone in the past, present, or future.

We must remember it in the deepest depth of our hearts that Father tried so hard to endure. It is easy for us to call Father’s name, but Father is earnest about the significance of hearing his name. Father always asks himself, ‘ Am I fulfilling the role of father well? Am I loving others more than myself? Am I sacrificing myself for others?

Shouldn’t Father be served by not only the people on Earth but also by the countless spirits in the spirit world? Furthermore, since there is only one True Parents of humankind, would not our descendants want to know about how their True Parents lived on Earth? They will investigate how much jeongseong Father offered and how much he sacrificed for humanity.

What Father worries about is that when he goes to the spirit world, if there is someone who comes up to him and says “Father has gone through many difficulties as the Messiah. However, I’ve sacrificed even more for the Will of God than Father.” Father would not be able to hold his head up high in front of God.

Father said that it is significant how Rev. Moon lived as the Messiah. Father said he must create the standard that he endured more hardship than anyone in the history of humanity.

Because Father has to remain as the magnificent Father for whom the newborn descendants can shed tears, this was when Father was born and this was how long he wore his physical body, and he endured many hardships. Father is always anxious and he never has any time to rest. Father once told us, “You don’t know the spirit world so you can get rest or stop if you'd like to, but I can’t do that because I know the spirit world.”

The time on Earth is like a blink of an eye when compared to the time in the spirit world. Father told us, “When we think that our position is determined by our short time on Earth, how could we live comfortably?” also we were told that “I will not comfortably die on a bed but will choose the death of martyrdom, speaking until my body no longer functions. That is the highest honor for me.”

When we go to the spirit world and Father asks us “What have you done on Earth? Did you do this and that?” then we must not answer him “Father did not talk about doing those things.” That is why it is Father’s responsibility to talk until he draws his last breath. That is why we see Father always talking to the best of his capacity every day.

What should happen now that we know this? Should we, his children, at least try to follow in his footsteps?

Even now, Father gives us directions that are nearly impossible to complete and goes out to the ocean to pray for us. However, the oceans are a very dangerous place to be. A storm can suddenly flip the boat over. Father puts his life at the mercy of the ocean in a small boat and spends a thousand, perhaps ten thousand times more serious jeongseong while he offers tearful prayers to make the condition of indemnification.

The principle of predestination also applies to the Father. The same rule applies to us as well.

The relationship between God, Jesus, and True Parents There are two things we must know in Christology.

First is the question ‘ Is Jesus God Himself?’ The answer is no, Jesus is not God Himself.

Christians believe that Jesus is God Himself. It can’t be avoided. Jesus is recorded in the bible as someone who prayed a lot to God. If Jesus is God, how could he have prayed to himself?

I debated on this subject in America with other Christian pastors for nine years. We must explain to Christians that Jesus is the son of God and not God himself.

Christians are angry because we believe the Father to be the second advent, and they think that we believe the Father as God Himself too. In other words, Christians have misunderstood that we believe in a different God than the God in which they believe. Back a few years ago, I explained this a lot to Christian pastors in America.

Jesus is not God Himself but a perfect human being who has equal value as God. We learned about the value of perfected men in Christology. That is why we explain that, though Jesus perfected himself and became a person who Satan cannot accuse, he is not God Himself.

When I meet those pastors in America these days, I tell them that there is no need to fight even though our doctrines are different. When I saw them putting their heads down, saying, “As Rev. Moon has fulfilled all the things that we wanted to do through our prayers, we must go through the process of learning his teachings now.” I felt that Christians truly will be convinced in the future. I also thought that “Fighting because of doctrinal differences is only a process. Christians will surely kneel before the wonderful works that Father left behind.”

We must teach about this to the Christians who still believe Jesus to be God Himself. I was attending a Presbyterian Church when I was in middle school. The level of reverence for Jesus was so great that the pastor even said that there was no God above in heaven once Jesus was born on this Earth. In other words, as Jesus is not a human being like us but God Himself, he is neither man nor woman. Therefore, Jesus would not have felt anything even if he had seen a woman.

During the 160,000 couple Korean Japanese sisterhood pact ceremony, Father said something very blatant as he was teaching the Japanese women.

“Is Jesus a man or woman?” “He is a man.”

Do you think he had a male organ? “He did.

“Then he must use which he has, right?” “Yes!”

The Japanese women had no choice but to answer. Jesus was a man and had

the male organ, Father therefore explained clearly that Jesus was supposed to marry a woman. Even when we look at this, we get to realize how great the difference between Christian pastors and fathers is. Christians are oblivious to this and keep throwing stones at us, saying “Why do you say Jesus is a human being and that he is a man?”

The second aspect we must know is that God wants humans to elevate to a position even higher than him because God is the parent of humankind and humanity is His children. It is just like in our family, where if the parents can’t go to school and be educated for a reason, the parents will want their children to succeed. If the children can succeed, their parents will be revered too. There are probably many among you whose parents went through so much sacrifice to put you through college.

Parents want their children to become successful, and parents want this with all their hearts even though they couldn't receive such a blessing. In addition, doesn't a subject partner also want its object partner to become better than itself? Just as such, we come to believe that the heart of True Love is to want others to become better than us.

I once got into a fiery debate with a Catholic priest. We debated over the subject of God. I told the priest that God is in the subject partner position we humans are in the object partner position God is the parent and humankind is the children.

Then I told him “God, who is our parent, wants his children to ascend to a position that is even higher than him.” Then the priest bellowed “No!” I asked him “Why not?” He was perplexed at the idea of humans ascending even higher than God.

So I asked him, “Father, are you married?” He said he is not married. So I told him “You don’t know because you don’t have a wife or children. When people get married, they bear children. When children are born, their parents want their children to become much better than they are. Just as such, when we say God is our parent and we human beings His children, God wants human beings to attain an even higher position than Him.” This is the Principle that Father taught us.

There was nobody in the history of mankind who said ‘ Human beings are God’s children, and God wants human beings to attain even higher position than Him.’

Father made definitions of God in many new ways. Father once defined God as a poor God. On the other hand, Christian churches call Him, glorious God, holy God, and omnipotent and omniscient God.

Then, how did Father come to realize that God is poor? Father was walking on the street when he met a truly poor homeless grandfather, and Father felt that God was just as poor as that grandfather. After feeling such a state of God, Father wondered who else could relieve the sorrowful heart of such a God. From this, he decided to walk the path of God’s Will.

Father also said, “I have come to find the physical body of Jesus which Satan took, and fulfill the mission that Jesus left unfulfilled.”

Father asked us “Is the body of Jesus holier or is the body of Adam before he fell at 16 years old, more important?”

Adam’s body before he was 16 years old was very holy because it was before he fell. However, Jesus’ body was like a stained rag since he came as the fruit of a 4,000-year-long history of restoration through indemnification.

Mother is Father’s great masterpiece.

When we look at page 112 of the 3-hour Divine Principle Summarized Hoon Dok Charts, we see a picture of True Mother on the right.

Mother was 17 years old when she wedded Father. She was very young, wasn’t she? I served Mother, too, when I was serving Ye Jin Nim and Hyo Jin Nim. Mother was so spiritually bright that she was able to reduce a topic that I couldn’t summarize in ten words into just one word. When she did, I was unable to find anything wrong with her conclusion.

Mother is such a great person. Moreover, Mother is educated by our great Father, and she has something that we cannot even imagine. Her greatness can be attributed to the efforts of Dae Mo Nim. Mother stands upon Dae Mo Nim’s foundation of faith.

Mother told me recently, “Hey, you know, Father, he keeps calling me, ‘ My half, my half.” That’s true. Father can try everything possible to become perfect, but he is only a half-person without Mother, right? Mother now stands in the equal position as Father. Many times after the Holy Marriage, I witnessed Father educating Mother about the providence of God very seriously.

Father said that, in hindsight, educating Mother was most the difficult thing. His ordeals of receiving tortures were easy compared to the pain he had to endure while teaching Mother. Father said that he would have said “Sorry, I can’t.” when God told him “You take the responsibility of fulfilling the mission of Messiah!” had he known that the Messiah, or the Perfected Adam, had to find a woman and raise her to become the perfected Eve, and that the task was so difficult.

However, Father took the responsibility without knowing about it and God thoroughly educated Father in self-denial. Father said “That alone was difficult enough, but I had to perfect Mother moreover. It was very hard. How could I express it all with words?”

Father was God’s masterpiece and Mother in turn was Father’s masterpiece. So if Father is the sun, Mother is the moon. We can’t look straight into the sun. However, we can look straight into the moon. When it’s a full moon, looking at the moon brings us joy and a sense of refreshment.

That is why, if we are to go to God, we must go to Father through Mother, and then to God through Father. We can’t go straight to Father. That is how precious and close to us our Mother is.

In 1992, Father appointed Mother as the chairwoman of the Women’s Federation for World Peace and made her proclaim Father’s Words on a world tour encompassing Korea, America, and Japan.

Father told us at the time, “As we see in the Bible, God created Adam and then realized that his living alone is not good. Then God took one of Adam’s ribs and made Eve, a woman well-suited for him. This story doesn’t mean to simply say that men have one less rib than women, but the rib bone, which is located close to the heart, symbolizes the partner of love.”

Father said that this means God created Adam, and Eve was created by Adam. Therefore, Mother who is the third Eve, is not directly guided by God but Father must guide Mother in God’s position.

Furthermore, as Eve seduced and led Adam to his fall in the Garden of Eden, the process of restoration must go in the opposite direction; Mother, who is the perfected Eve, must serve Father and help him become successful. Only then could she indemnify the first Eve’s sin of ruining the first Adam.

When hearing that Mother’s Words were easier to understand than Father’s, Father said jokingly, “Mother is receiving glories like the Queen Elizabeth and I am like Philip, watching the queen from behind the scene. I am declining.”

Then Mother told him “Oh, don’t go down, please stay where you are. I will go up to the top and pull Father.” True Parents exchanged jokes like that, but it meant that Mother was in the position to serve Father and help him become successful.

We must understand that Mother is in a high position that no one can match from the providential perspective. Even Father cannot complete the providence without Mother.

After Mother finished her proclamation world tour, Father spoke with joy, “Mother heralded the highest heavenly fortune, and she ascended to the highest of positions.” It was possible because Mother helped Father to obtain the position of Father.

I visited Pyongyang twice and could see that everyone in North Korea wears a badge withae portrait of Kim Il Sung near their heart (chest). I got a hold of one of them and asked what that was (the Kim Il Sung badge). Then that person answered.

“He (Kim Il Sung) has passed away, but I will always feel that He is alive in spirit and lives with me as long as my heart beats.” After hearing that, I was inspired to think.

We will have to lecture the Principle to North Korean people to unify this nation. We will only be able to beat them if we bring a badge that is even stronger than the Kim Il Sung badge.

So I created a Mother badge and showed it to the Parents and explained its meaning. Parents became happy and permitted to produce and wear the badge. Mother said, “Let men also wear the Mother badge.”

Later I received permission to make a Father badge and a three-generation badge. Unification House produces this badge and distributes it in Korea, Japan, and America, and we have also distributed it in the Cheongpyeong 40-day wives workshop for the Blessed Family wives around the world.

We call this badge True Parents’ ‘ badge to inherit heavenly fortune.’ Many members testify that they have experienced great spiritual miracles while wearing this badge.

One Blessed Family mother who wears a Mother badge went to bed with the badge placed on the top of her head and was sleeping next to her daughter when she had a dream. Blinding light started to emanate from the Mother badge. The door opened itself and the light reached the space outside the room. The Satan that had been lurking on the other side of the door screamed as they ran away.

I am certain that the grace will be with you if you wear this heavenly fortune inheritance badge. Father asked us to wear this bad when we came to Cheon Jeong Gung for Hoon Dok Hae. When the general election for North and South Korea happens, we have determined to wear this badge, go to North Korea, and lecture about the Divine Principle.

When Father was touring all over America to give his speech, Father also made a big Father badge and wore it on his chest. I heard stories that many guests who came to Father’s speech rallies came even though they had never seen Father before because they received great spiritual inspiration and grace after seeing Father’s badges worn by the members.

Chapter 7. Introduction to Restoration
Father walks a strict path of indemnity In his search for the Principle, Father realized that every Principle applies to him first and foremost.