Conditions for Registration in the Kingdom of Heaven

The Fall means to be separated from the Word in substance and heart. So you should first know the Word and practice it.

The Fall means to be separated from the Word in substance and heart. So you should first know the Word and practice it. In practicing the Word, we must proceed with a parental heart. Only those who substantiated restoration through indemnity can be given the Blessing. The lip service does not work. It is through your actions that you can become part of the heavenly clan; you become a life spirit of this nation.  

Among the spiritual phenomena connected to our life, are form spirits, life spirits, and divine spirits. Since they are the objective elements of the spirit world, they progress through the same destinies as those on earth. Once you become divine spirits, the course of restoration requires us to register our position. Thus, from then and there you register and enter your proper position.

This is the course of restoration. Once that connection is made and you are registered, however many mistakes you make or however many misdeeds you commit, you can no longer be governed by the laws established in the satanic world.  

Americans cannot be governed by Korean laws because their nationality is different.

When you enter a certain realm, only the laws of that realm will apply to you. Therefore, once you transcend the laws of the satanic world, they no longer apply to you no matter what.

In the end, earthly laws will not affect you either, since they do not apply to you. Here, you must set up corresponding indemnity conditions. Then you do not end up going to hell.  

Once born, we must eventually die. That is the formula. Then after death, where do we go? All Unification Church members know they have a spirit self. This spirit self must grow.  

What will become an issue for you in the future is that one day you will have to write your autobiography. Such a time will come. The question is what you have done since joining the Unification Church and what will be contained in that record.

If you worked at a company as an employee, it is not a valuable condition and such a record will not be helpful at all. It would be shameful to have worked at a company after joining the church. Such a time will come.  

In the future, a process known as registration will be established. When North and South Korea are reunified, you must be registered. The term tribal messiah is not the issue. The contents and facts associated with that term are what matters. From now on, the content of the term will become indemnity conditions for you to walk on your eternal path of life.

When you go to the other world, what matters is how much effort you made to have experiences in your heart, walking such paths, and even more so, to what extent you brought substantial results.  

You will not be able to find the path of salvation in the ordinary, habitual lifestyles you have pursued until now.

You must walk the path of complete indemnity. The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration, and the providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation. Therefore, to be re-created, you must enter the original position untainted by the Fall, the position of zero.

There, consciousness, habits that we have, and surnames like Kim or Lee, will not exist. You must enter such a zero position. Viewed from God's original standard of creation, every created being began from the zero point.  

Because of the Fall, this world is filled with everything contrary to the way of going to heaven. These must be cut off. This cannot be achieved by words.

The world is filled with the varied habits and customs of different races of diverse historical and cultural backgrounds, bound to the life and lineage of Satan, based on his love.

Dr. Sun Myung Moon

These habits are not eradicated by mere words. The Bible states that those who seek to die will live. This establishes the paradoxical logic: you must seek to die to live. You must invest your life.  

Because of that, we must launder everything. In other words, we need to restore them through indemnity. Such a process is necessary. As long as the habits or sinful nature that you used to have in the fallen world remain, you cannot form a relationship with God. 

The Ideal Kingdom of Heaven, Our Hope
Because of the human fall, God’s hope crumbled, and human beings’ hope also dissipated.


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