Beloved Father! We know that the only thing remaining before us is the will of heavenly morality. And we know that the center of that will is you, Father, and the True Parents. Furthermore, we know that the people living on the earth must become the true sons and daughters of the True Parents.
Not only that, but we also know that what you want of us is to have all humankind become one brotherhood and to have all humankind become your true sons and daughters.
Father! We also know that the sin of blocking the way off and violating the people who want to stand in the position of the sons and daughters you are hoping for is a greater sin than any on this earth. Violating the true sincerity of humankind is also a sin that can not be borne. But since we know that causing the true love of brothers to be lost is an even greater sin about heavenly morality, we earnestly hope and desire that you will guide us to become those who do not forget this.
Father! In the presence of heavenly morality which is seeking to awaken us from a deep sleep, when someone says he is not able to get up because of another brother, how can he say that he is being led by the shepherd?
Please don't let us stand in that kind of position.
By representing heavenly morality, let us take responsibility for that brother as well. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who can prepare hidden altars. And please establish the ideal of the eternal son that you desire, and please let us realize that your gaze is always upon us.
Please allow us to feel the touch of your love, and please allow us to hear your voice appealing to us. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to experience your heart which is aching and exhorting us, to resemble your heart, and to follow the example of your internal character, and to become the head disciples of Jesus Christ, who can be grateful bowing down to you even if we die ten million times for the Will.
Father! Please let us fight with hearts of righteous indignation and hearts for the common good representing heavenly morality, facing the many enemies who are blocking the way. Please let us go forward enduring again and again to offer you the day of victory. On greeting the day of victory, please allow us to be able to report to you the sorrows that we endured during that time, and please lead us so that we will be able to go to the place where we can cling to your precious hand and receive comfort.
Please allow us to awaken all humankind who are sleeping on this earth.
Since the entire world that you created is in the realm of lamentation, please mobilize us and let us restore this, and please allow all humankind the wisdom of heaven so that all may become people of the Kingdom of Heaven by each individual fulfilling his responsibility.
Please let us become sons and daughters who acango forth without minding even if it is a course of struggle. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become heaven's elite troops who can go forth for the Will alone even if we have to give up everything we have.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
Please Let Us Become True Sons And Daughters Of The Eternal True Parents
Beloved Father! We know that the only thing remaining before us is the will of heavenly morality.
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