We know that you are lamenting that on the earth there are no embodiments of your words of goodness which you spoke in the Garden of Eden, saying, "It is good; it is good." We also know that as long as the condition remains that we must find again the lost words of goodness, we won't be able to find embodiments of goodness.
Father! Please reveal the words of goodness. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that through the words of goodness which have been found, you will please command us again, and through our minds and bodies you will carry out your special work of re-creation.
Father! Please come to us and establish the center of your words and carry out your work of conditions to be able to win over the authority of Satan.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that if our minds and bodies are held in the satanic realm, you will separate and divide us through your word and you will let us receive your seal of sanctification.
Father! Since we know that our minds need power to be reborn, please act through your power and please act through your omnipotence.
Earnestly hoping that you will cast out all concepts of evil, reveal the words of life that can give resurrection, and carry out the work of the resurrection of re-creation.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
Please Allow Us To Become Embodiments Of Goodness Through The Word
We know that you are lamenting that on the earth there are no embodiments of your words of goodness that you spoke in the Garden of Eden
Next Insight
Please Take Dominion Through Your Touch Of Recreation
Beloved Father! Together with all the things of creation which you made, we hope to offer before you, who oversee heaven and earth, praise of your glory and majesty.
Please Let Us Be Reborn Into A Life Thai' Is One With The Will
It will not do unless we determine the position in which we are placed, and can go straight in the direction of the goal which you have determined
Please Allow Us To Become The Children You Hoped For
We are binding together and offering before you our hearts and minds which long for and adore your precious and mighty internal character.
Please Bless Us To Become Sons And Daughters You Are Able To Embrace
Father! In your presence we are as naked children, so you will have to dress us, and you will have to feed us, and you will have to raise us while embracing us.