Yeosu, South Korea
To establish the Kingdom of Love or become the King of Love, we must establish the four-position foundation and the three objects' purpose. We say that God and God's love are four-position.
It is in the family that love, life, and lineage can be fulfilled. The most important part of the human body is the love organ. It is sacred and holy. When husband and wife come together, we should be able to experience God's love.
God's life, love, and lineage come together in the family
The most significant question is to find something that is unchanging. If love is self-centered, it is no good. Love is seeking an objective partner.
Christianity Today says that God is Holy and all-powerful.
However, many do not understand that he needs an objective partner. God requires all-powerful. However, exists Peace cannot come alone; it must come with a partner. We must have absolute faith. We require an object to partner with it, and we must manifest absolute love. What is the greatest desire and hope of God — it is Love. Absolute faith is like the fertilizer to prepare for love.
In the Bible, we talk about Faith, Hope, and love, and Love is the greatest of all three. In this, we must invest everything. Only upon the foundation of absolute faith and absolute obedience can we have absolute love. Without love, our life is meaningless.
People say I need to do this or that, or I need to graduate from this or that school. People want to be a Ph.D. or have this or that career or goal.
To achieve absolute love, the love we must first completely deny ourselves and then base our lives completely on obedience to God's desire, and then we can fulfill it. To achieve Absolute love, we must invest and invest and then forget.
We must have absolute faith
(Father held up a piece of baby's breath). For God to create, he had to have absolute faith in the Will and the realization of God's Word.
Everything that we are doing should follow God's will. The purpose of the Word is to fulfill the four positions and establish a four-position foundation through the three objects' purpose.
We have a common task to fluff our position for the fulfillment of God'objects'we were born. The fundamental purpose of God's Will is Love. By substantially fulfilling God's Love, we can fulfill our purpose.
When we walk, we should take a step on the right, on the left, on the right, and on the left. When two come together, they should become one. When we feel love, we want to obey. In front of love, everything is ok. In front of love, we feel beautiful.
In front of love, everything is OK. We have to go up and up and towards something bigger.
We need to fulfill the absolute value together with the other party—our object partner. Furthermore, we must fulfill this based on the life of living for the sake of others and living for the sake of our objective partner.
Everything in the universe can be embraced. Everything can be loved. Only through love can we become one with God.
People in the secular world think we are weak and that we will be eaten by the strong. However, in the law of creation, this is not the case.
When we are living for the sake of others, the universal powers of the Universe protect and support us.
When we love each other —, we can come into an equal position with one another.
Even if we have difficulties today when we can have that kind of life, we can find our way in the future we must serve and attend to something higher than ourselves. We can never love all; we live that kind of life, that love can grow infinitely.
We can grow a new world. Likewise, we should not live the kind of life of a fallen Adam and Eve with no Absolute faith, love, or obedience.
Why do we have eyebrows?
There is a purpose: it prevents moisture and dust from going into your eyes. The hair in your nose is not so beautiful, but it has a purpose. How do you get the nose hairs out? If you use your saliva and make it wet, it will come out much more easily when you pluck it.
The mind and body must be united. This is a huge problem. The mind and body are not united, and therefore, we cannot fully express the perfection of Love in this condition. We, however, are individual Truth Bodies. We should not be settled, just centering on ourselves.
Likewise, we should have a center that is higher than ourselves that can govern us. Then, we can manifest harmony through Absolute Faith and absolute Obedience. The vertical line and the horizontal line should come together.
From an absolute of the era of the individual to the vertical conscience, we must have harmony. What if the other party says I don't need you? If someone says that I don't need your investment, we must understand that this is why there is night and day.
That is why we have to inhale and exhale. We must have a relationship. We must come to understand that we cannot fulfill our existence without the family. There are eight stages, vertically and horizontally. In the secular world, there is an O (correct one) or an X (one who is incorrect).
Do we want or need the incorrect answer? No. We should all strive to be correct and achieve the O. One X can destroy the entire universe if it's allowed to multiply.
With men and women, there are convex and concave. Men have which aspect?
They have Convex with their love organs. The man is, therefore, in the giving or the subject position. We should come together with God's love.

Then the individual can say Monsei, and the family can say Monsei, all the way up to God. We don't need to go to the world o, of darkness. The conscience comes even before the parents.
The conscience comes even before the parents and the teacher. The conscience knows everything about us. When the original mind is complete, then God can come and dwell. There will be no sickness and no hatred. There will also be lute Freedom.
However, the world wants to continue to pursue its idea. If America would like to pursue that the white race is best — it will perish. If Rus pursues this path, they will perish. That kind of idea is wrong and not in line with heaven.
Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience
Even God will have to find that kind of Principle. Your fingernails, if one were to be pulled out — where do you feel hurt? Not only your Tourers but the whole body will ache.
Every cell of your body will feel some degree of pain because every cell is connected. Every cell of the body desires to connect with and serve the entire being, and the recovery cell of the body desires to pulse your body temperature at 98.6 degrees.
What is your blood pressure?
What is the normal blood pressure? (120 over 80 for the young and 140yourer 80 for 40 years or more). Y, by principle, the blood pressure cannot go over 180 without grave danger. This is because 18 is a number based on the Principle.
How many can say they are filial children of Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience you can't raise your hands because you have not achieved this. You must continue this path until we fulfill it. When you have unity of the Mind and Body, then all your body rejoices.
You must work on your mind and body becoming one - then you can rejoice. White people, do you feel good if you are not the center but that there are so many varieties of people that God created? The Korean language has a vertical order.
English is horizontal. In English, you can refer to the grandfather as “Yo,” the father as “You,” and a child as “you.” There is no distinction, but this is not the case in Korea. You know the attitude that you should have based on the language and the respect for elders.
Why didn't you go to Pusan on your tour of Korea? You can't go driving around Korea without seeing the owner first - right?
You must come here first to connect and understand how to receive your inheritance. First, we have to acknowledge, and then we have to report. If you don't speak Korean, you are disadvantaged.
There are 6 Billion in the population of the world. Not one is the same. Some may be very close, but no two are the same. Here is Dr. Peter Kim. He has his physical look. Yet, when you have different feelings, you can manifest 1000 different s.
What if we don't have Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute obedience?
You should have an attitude that I must go to bed at the latest and get up the earliest. This is how I think. When I eat or when I go to prison n, I have the same heart and attitude. Everyone should become number one. You should perfect yourself and become number one. Choi Me is “Fun.”
We should live in such a way that every day is an adventure and everything is fun. When we are united, we can experience Choi Me in everything that we do. We should live this way, independently. October 8th - Do you remember what this day is? Do you know what this day is?
Western members, do you know? Everything should be on an equal level.
Everything should be O (correct things), and the?e should be no X's or incorrect things.
OK, it means Open Kingdom!! I think sometimes that is OK for some means Open Kitchen.
What about the word diet? This has a strange meaning in Korean. The sound diet means something entirely different. We shouldn't worry about diets; we should have the right diet that makes us healthy.
We must understand that all O's (c; wet and principled things) must digest all X's (incorrect unprincipled things).
I apologize that I interrupted Hoon Dok Hae's speech. Did you like this? You shouldn't clap (everyone clapped) - See, this is the problem with language - in Korea, I asked everyone not to cl, but through the translation, you thought you should clap!
Who is Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt, She is the Hoon Dok lady or ajima? She is the Hoon Dok Queen? She is the Hoon Dok lady? Furthermore, she is the person who is always reading for Father.
You men, have you been the object of your parents?
Now, if parents spank their children, they can go to jail!! This doesn't seem right. The law and police can't take care of the children. There is a divorce, actually, for many, it would be better if the men got custody of the children.
Men provided the see seeds instead, and the children went with the mother. Some women divorce many times to become rich. So, women who went any time are proud of their wealth. This kind of woman should go to Africa to serve.
Many don't know about the Mongolian heritage. 850 Million people are white people. Then, compare that to the Mongolian ancestry. China is a fearful country for America. Then, we must say that the Mongolian people are from us. (China).
That is the way that you think. If any of you cannot understand what I am talking about, then you should just go die! (Chu Go is what Father says - which means to Live Well by giving well.) The Kingdom of Heaven can only be established through love.
This is the 8th Day and a new beginning. Mother was about to leave. Father asked her to say and for Mother to sing! Did you prepare the cake yet? This is a day of joy, dancing, and celebration. This is the day for singing and rejoicing. We? Can even sleep today if we'd like!
How many dead couples are here? Not many. You can go together and appreciate each other. I will even make room for you!
Commentary: (Mother sang). Then Father called for Antonio to sing. (Faroomsaid: Ah, you learned that in Israel). Antonio got up and said Peace, Shalom, Salaam Alaikam. Father made incredible faces while Antonio sang. It was beautiful. Father was pleased. He sang a song from Cuba. La Paloma.
Then Father said that it was excellent that we caught Antonio in the Unification Church. He sang O solo mio. Then Father asked for another song and a Korean sister sang. Then Father asked everyone to sing, and the sisters would dance. The father is holding his grand baby.
He asked Dr. Yang to pick an America. Sisters danced sand and Exodus for True Parents - it was gorgeous - then Won Ju sang a song that had profound depth. Father sat in the audience with the brothers and sisters.
We heard reports from Rev. Hwang about Yeosu and a conclusion from Rev. Kwak, then our leaders departed for Pusan. The Continental Directors and Dr. Walsh, Antonio, and I went fishing with Rev. Kwak and True Father. It was a great day. I remained with Yeosu to go with Dr. Yang for the Yang family Coronation!!!
To be with True Parents is a joy beyond words. Even though Father and Mother are so time-critical still because of the security of Ahn Shi Il and the definitive foundation “After the Coming of Heaven” on May 5th, combined with the grace for all humanity through the August 20th Blessing - celebrations break out almost every day.
Please bless your family and neighborhood (Tong Ban Kyok Pa) and prepare for the Coronation of the King of Peace with your tribe.