45 min read

Letters from True Parents during the World Tours

Most of this correspondence was lost, but True Mother saved the letters that Father sent to her, and she made this precious treasure trove available for this book.

The World Tours and the Global Mission - True Parents Legacy
God sent the Messiah at his Second Advent to earth to save humanity. In advance, He prepared the environment to realize a world of peace.

During his first world tour, True Father sent handwritten letters of encouragement to True Mother, True Children, Church President Eu Hyo-won, and other members. He sent the first letter from San Francisco on February 15, 1965. This was followed by dozens of letters and postcards. 

He described the tour and offered his encouragement to those he had left behind in Korea by expressing his feelings. In these letters, we can especially get a glimpse of True Father's deep love and high expectations of True Mother, True Children, and all Unification Church members, along with his thoughts and emotions regarding the tour. 

The leaders at church headquarters also reported their activities to True Father through letters. 

Most of this correspondence was lost, but True Mother saved the letters that Father sent to her, and she made this precious treasure trove available for this book.  

Letters from True Father to True Mother 

1. Dear Omma, It has already been 20 days since I left home. I left behind me a lot of history as I passed through Japan. But now I am in San Francisco, and as I gain a sense of a new cultural lifestyle and visit scenic spots, I think of you. 

When I think about how you are alone, living in such complicated circumstances for the sake of the Will, I am so concerned. I am sure you have a lot of uncertainty due to your inexperience. Nonetheless, I hope that during this period, you will be victorious over your circumstances through a lot of prayer. 

After coming to America, and as we remain apart, I realize all the more how precious we are to each other and what a great mission we share. The feeling that comes with that realization is something I am truly grateful for. 

How crucial is our lifelong duty? Our historical destiny as a couple is to take responsibility for heaven and earth. We have a mission to do what no other couple can do. We occupy the central position where our deeds, both good and bad, will influence the whole.

Therefore, we must become a shining couple our whole life long, one that fulfills the duty of loyalty and filial piety toward heaven, working hard for the world, and liberating and accomplishing the historical Will. 

To fulfill this serious responsibility, I am offering all my sincerity before the American members, the Japanese members, and heaven. When I see the earnest expressions of the members and the sight of them devoting themselves, I feel they are indeed heaven's children. The more I feel that, the greater the awe in which I hold Pmy arents' position. 

I am slowly becoming familiar with the various problems and issues. Japanese members and American members are very different from each other. I will omit the details and save those for next time, but we must possess heaven in our hearts and convey the heart of heaven to others. 

Please comfort the people who are close to you and develop your motherly presence. I will also work to complete this tour with strength. I focus my concern on the position of our homeland and our international mission, imagining a new tomorrow. There is so much I want to say, but I will stop here and wait for the day when I can see you again to deliver those words to you. I wish you well.

Please forgive me for stopping here. February 15, 1965, San Francisco, California 2. Omma, the days are flying by. It has already been a month. As I think about the mountains and rivers of Korea, I feel as if it is a foreign country far, far away. As it says on the stationery, I am in Las Vegas. 

This place is famous worldwide for its casinos. I left Los Angeles this morning and created one holy ground on Mt. Whitney, a high mountain, and another in Death Valley, the lowest elevation in the Western Hemisphere. After establishing these holy grounds, I traveled for three hours and am just now settling into my hotel room. 

I will be departing at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, so please know that I will be keeping up with my tour schedule. I do not think I will have time to write a letter tomorrow.

Even if you do not hear from me, please do not worry about how things are going. I ask that you fulfill your mission, studying English according to your set schedule and trying to resolve problems with prayer. 

I received the letter you sent to Los Angeles the other day, answering my letter from San Francisco. I was so happy to hear about Hyo-jin and Ye-jin! Nothing can indeed stop me from thinking about them, no matter how far away I am from them.

Please be careful in the middle of your pregnancy and take care of your health. I take my courses, and my sense of duty is directing me to fulfill my responsibility in America. 

I am keeping to my itinerary today and tomorrow and heading toward the southern part of the United States. I am working sincerely to accomplish this great heavenly mission. I felt very close to the American members that I met in San Francisco and Los Angeles. I am well, with hardly any discomfort. 

Since they are all family members, I hardly feel any distance, so please know that I was at ease. From now on, America's fate depends upon their efforts. 

I only pray with hope that this large American continent will be set ablaze with heaven's fire. The people who are traveling with me are Young Oon and Bong-chun and two young Americans, making a total of five people.

We will travel throughout March until we arrive in Washington, DC. I am keeping my mind strong since I was told we have to cross through the desert for a week because several states, in addition to Nevada, are in desert regions. 

I deeply realized that the future destiny of the Unification Church is to fight here in America. I am astounded by its widespread modern facilities and advanced transportation system.

That is why I realized that the full-scale development of our movement cannot ignore America. I feel that Korea is such a small country. Nevertheless, when I consider our devastated homeland from a providential viewpoint, I feel the greatness of our mission and pray for its success. 

As I anticipated, the American members who joined us as the Principle are the same as church members in Korea. When it comes to the Will, we are no different. Other than that, I feel responsible for the close family members whom you have been working hard to raise.

Please take good care of them. They are in a position of a sacrificial offering for the sake of the Will. I am truly grateful to you, Omma, that even though you bear responsibility for such an enormous mission, you can relate to them with a steadfast heart and treat them all in the same way.

For this, I am truly grateful to Heaven. Please maximize your talent for doing that, make good progress, and bear good fruit during this period. 

This is the chance for us to experience the preciousness of our relationship with heaven. Please tell our children that I am doing well. Please give my best wishes to all the members. I am using this time while I am traveling to write to you briefly. Please take care of your health and fulfill your responsibility. That's all for now. February 25, 1965, Las Vegas, Nevada  

3. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma, I am wondering how our church is doing. I hope you and the children are safe and sound. I would like to hear about the results of the revival team.

Whenever I think of you doing your very best to fulfill your responsibility as a young woman with a delicate frame, I believe that heaven will look upon you tenderly. Now, my thoughts move across the Pacific Ocean to Korea, where I miss the people and the land that I love. It is natural for people who are separated by distance to yearn for the ones they love. 

Because I am the type of person who adapts well to foreign countries, I do not feel uncomfortable here at all as I travel around the American continent. It is already March 6, 1:05 a.m., and I am writing to you after having traveled hundreds of miles, arriving at the Rose Motel in Little Rock, the state capital of Arkansas.

Just a few hours ago, in another state, at 8:00 p.m., I selected a holy ground. This is the tenth state in which I have made a holy ground since coming to America. During this tour, I found myself thinking about the tours I did in Korea before 1960. O, America, when will you bend your big body and bow in service to heaven? 

To accomplish this mission, I am leading heavenly programs, and my only desire is to bring victory and build a foundation for the restoration of the world.

I came here saying that I would not write letters, but I felt sorry when it occurred to me that you might be expecting them, so I am quickly writing to you. Our mission is becoming greater and greater. Our members at home and abroad are the same. I feel their profound sense of duty from the way they treat me. 

I cannot help but worry about your heavy responsibilities. Please study hard. Keep your body healthy, and pray a lot. I feel sorry that you have such a burden despite being so young and delicate, and I am grateful to you for following me so well.

Please take good care of your health, as I am thinking of bringing you here to America. I entreat you to stand large and victorious before heaven. May you be at peace at all times. In case I cannot write a letter to the church president, please convey this to him. I will stop here. – March 6, 1965, Little Rock, Arkansas 

4. Dear Omma: This is Washington, DC. I am writing to you from the capital of the United States. One month has passed, and I have experienced so many environments.

That is to say, as I went about my busy schedule, I had never before experienced such massive changes between the environment and climate of one location and the next as I have in the course of this tour.

As of today, I have selected 21 holy grounds, including the one in Washington, D, C that I established this morning at 11:00 a.m. You will be able to see pictures of all the holy grounds later. After coming from the west to the east, we will be heading north. 

While touring this large continent and selecting holy grounds in each state, I am hoping for the future development of America. When I first met the American members, many things left an impression on me. 

As I experience all of these things, I think about how sorry I am that you could not come with me. 

However, I know that it will be better if you come after I pave the way, and I am grateful for everything, as this is the way of the Will. I also know that it is valuable for people who love each other to be apart while thinking about each other because then when they reunite, they rejoice all the more. 

I believe, Omma, that you are doing much internal reflection and making resolutions for the future. I pray that this can be a productive period during which we can be more filial before the Will and be examples for others. I know you are working hard to take care of the children, but I have hope that your preparation for the future with patience and gratitude will bring light to shine brightly on your path of responsibility. 

Please take care of your health, study hard, and pray about many points. I hope your path will be lit up before you. 

I miss the children. Whenever I think that our children are waiting for Daddy, I take photos of the children and look at them. I look at your picture as well. Our children say, “We love Mommy.” As much as our children have such a special love for you, so do I. I want to hear about all the things they are experiencing while I am away. 

The American members are also very high-spirited. I feel that the members at headquarters are working hard to fulfill their responsibilities. Today is Sunday, the 14th, and we will be holding an evening meeting. 

On the 12th,h about 60 people gathered, so probably that many will gather tonight as well. The future of America rests with them and their efforts. 

Please give me an update about the headquarters. I will soon begin touring the northern part of America. 

Please tell the blessed members, regional leaders, and other members that I cannot send them letters but that I hope all is well. Please give them my best wishes. 

The climate in Washington, DD.C.is the same as the climate in Korea. I went sightseeing and saw many historic places yesterday. I went on a tour of the White House and the US Capitol.

I learned a lot through these visits. I traveled around the city while praying for America to have a bright future. I will write you again. Goodbye for now. March 14, 1965, Washington, DC 

5. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma: How hard you must be working to fulfill your mission for the Will despite your heavy responsibilities for the children and your busy life! I know you will be enduring until the end and working hard for the sake of the future. I am grateful for this. 

We departed from New York yesterday, and after a busy day, we stayed at the Holly Motel in Brattleboro, Vermont. And just before leaving there, I picked up my pen to write you. Today, we are busy getting ready to depart for Cleveland, Ohio. I am sorry that I only have a short time to write and convey news to you. Since we are trying to return to Washington, DC, for Parents' Day on April 2, we are extremely busy. 

It is still winter here in the northern part of the country, so it's freezing. 

I received your letter the other day in Washington, DC. I felt indescribable joy upon receiving your letter. 

I realize how important it is to communicate with you while we are apart. Furthermore, the children and the Seoul members are constantly on my mind. While we are separated like this, although each of us has to take care of many things, I feel that a greater power is bonding us together even more strongly.

Therefore, I hope that you, Omma, will experience how precious and great it is to have endured for the sake of the Will when you look back on this experience in the future. 

In this world in which we are living, I again realize how important it is to march forward toward victory, shedding tears as we fulfill our great responsibility and mission.

Omma, I feel I have so much to be grateful to you for. All that we do is for the sake of the Will, which is so great and high, and the work we will have to do is proportionally to that. So, let us keep going forward. I am praying for the well-being of all members who are close to my heart. Please take care of yourself and the children, and fight bravely until we meet again. 

While I travel, dreaming about a tomorrow that will be filled with hope and the world stage that we will reach together. I rejoice in thinking of the days to come when we will embark on speaking tours together. I yearn for the day when you will become the great True Mother who will bring victory over evil and fulfill all her responsibilities. 

Whenever I miss you and the children, I look at pictures of you and yearn for when I will see you again. 

When I think about Ye-jin attending school and how much she has already grown, I am concerned about how you will handle your growing responsibility for her. I also miss Hyo-jin, who should be growing well, although I know he is looking for his Daddy. 

I trust that you will do well and that you will become the kind of woman who will be most precious to me, in whom I will take much pride as the woman of all women. When I think of this, I realize what a happy man I am! With this, I will move forward.

Please become the highest, most precious, and victorious True Mother. I am also striving to become the True Father who lives for the sake of heaven and earth. 

That is the only thing on my mind. Please take good care of yourself.
March 20, 1965, Brattleboro, Vermont 

6. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma: Night has passed, and today is March 25th. In three days, it will already be two months since we parted. I think you must be going through many experiences during your busy life in Seoul.

I am so sorry that you are unable to live an easy-going life. My heart goes out to you, knowing that you must always be careful in your public life, lived among numerous people who are centered on the Will. Furthermore, I feel so bad that you have to deal with all those people around you while you are carrying a child in your womb.

Especially, I am concerned about you in your condition, trying every morning to go to the holy ground. But on the other hand, I think it is such a beautiful thing that you are doing. I am grateful that you have become a great example for many people.

Only I know the great mission that you are trying to surmount and the cross of the heart that you carry. All I can do is pray that you will become the True Mother who will be exalted and honored by multitudes of people. 

Please give everyone my regards. Please explain to them that I cannot send letters to each of them. I assume that you are often anxious about the children. I try to picture them and imagine how they are growing up so quickly. 

Despite my busy days traveling through the northern part of America, I still want to stay in touch with you, so I am writing. Unlike the southern states, the northern states are cold this time of year. The weather is changing, but there are still many snowy days when we must drive cautiously.

Although I think about the great significance of traveling to these far places, I still often think about how the course of restoration has been filled with sadness. As I view the different scenery in each state, I realize the vastness of this land and the magnitude of heaven's providence. It makes me reflect on the labor required for heaven's providence of restoration. 

I am so grateful that you pray for me and accompany me in my heart wherever I go. I also salute you for taking such an important responsibility, and I am very much looking forward to seeing you demonstrate 

your heart for the Will in the future. I hope that one day, you and I will be able to travel around America together. Please always take care of your health and work diligently to pave the way. I hope you will guard God's dignity by fulfilling your responsibility and thus increasing our hope for tomorrow. As time goes by, I am keen to know more and more about what is going on in Korea. 

Today, I am writing to you from Denver, the state capital of Colorado. When you see this letter, you will probably search for Denver on a map. After breakfast, I will drive to Salt Lake City and have a reunion with Sang-chul.

Today, it is already Thursday, and I think that you must be wondering a lot about my situation. So, despite my busy schedule, I am writing you. Next week, we will celebrate Parents' Day in Washington, DC. Therefore, we are pushing ourselves to travel quickly. There in Washington, I will write you again with the latest news. Again, I urge you to take care of your health and not neglect studying. 

When can I ever have enough time in my busy life for you? Once our youth is gone, it will never return, so let us cherish it and use each moment for the Will. I am sorry to mention this every time I write to you as if I am asking you to make a new determination.

The reason is that, as a husband, I have responsibility for you, and I know that you will be grateful for it later. Anyway, who else can say such a thing to you? You already know how precious this time is, so I apologize for saying it, but please keep this in mind and make the extra effort, being so serious about it to surprise me. Furthermore, it is good for you to think of me deeply in your heart. 

That kind of experience is also necessary. I believe that you understand well that I am always yearning for you, the precious True Mother who is centered on the Will. Whether we die or live, we must overcome many things to carry out the Will. I will stop here, but please take care of yourself. March 25, 1965, Denver 

7. Dear Omma, I read the letter you sent me, including your report about Parents' Day. Thank you for your hard work. Indeed, you are so precious as the Mother, and for this, I am truly grateful. I know that you worked hard for two events during my absence. I am so happy that you have fulfilled your responsibility before God, as He desired. 

When I think about the manifestation of Parents' Day on earth, I realize how serious our position as True Parents is. This event is indeed a wonderful responsibility, and I cannot help but bow down before this incredible mission – that we can finally fulfill this day that should have been established 6,000 years ago when God was happy with the original world.

How much blood, sweat, and tears were shed by countless prophets and ancestors who sacrificed themselves and suffered through the course of history to establish this day? 

God alone knows the ups and downs that I endured on the sorrowful path of indemnity to establish one woman, True Mother, and I pledge, by attending you as that woman, to be victorious in bringing peace. 

At the same time, I consider that Parents' Day could be instituted as the day of God's victory only after I had offered my youth and 40 years of my life, experiencing the pain and suffering from heaven and earth as I walked a path in the twilight and headed for the new dawn. That past, filled with many bitter sorrows as I made the long journey for the heavenly law, makes me think of you, Omma, as even more precious. 

However, even though we welcomed the sixth Parents' Day, I must again impose on you responsibilities and missions for you to carry. I deeply sympathize with you, Hyo-jin's Omma, that you are destined to go along with me continually so that we may achieve the level of global Parents.

Until the last moment, we still have to keep advancing until we reach the goal; then, we will have vindication over the enemy. I know how grave your motherly responsibility is, bearing so many crosses. Therefore, even though I am abroad, please understand that I am praying for you sincerely. 

Especially as you are now carrying a child, please take care of your health. Make tomorrow shine by fulfilling your responsibility. Both heaven and earth regard you as so precious. You and I are recognized as the substantial representatives at the center of Parents' Day, the day that all humankind yearns for and will rejoice over. As the whole cosmos is offering that day to us, we have to make it shine. 

Although you are young, may you realize a heart that is lofty and high? As you carry heaven's burden and the burden of the world, may you fulfill the responsibility of the Holy Lord who creates the realm of victory, where your life of good fortune and historical significance bears fruit as the Mother, in whose bosom all heaven and earth long to be embraced. 

We cannot forget about the great number of people who have resolved to give up their lives for us. We have also been given the solemn command to become the original beings of light so that we can give life to the people who attend us and regard us as their beacon of life.

If people from many countries, in addition to Korea, Japan, and America, want to serve us, we will be in debt to them. We must not leave even one point of darkness in the background of history. Don't you think I know the hardships faced by those leaders who are assuming responsibility? 

Hallelujah to the holy day, Parents' Day! May we, the substantial beings of this day, give glory to God and attend Him! Let us build up our virtue and shout out for restoration to fulfill the mission of the Parents! 

When I think about this letter, together with the content of the letter to the church president, I realize that you must be exhausted. Thank you for your hard work. I am ever praying that you will be victorious. May you remain healthy by taking care of yourself and fulfilling all of your responsibilities. 

I spent Parents' Day in Washington and was busy tidying up afterward. The reason I could not write you until now was because many people came to see me and I had to deal with some matters here.

This was the first Parents' Day in America and the first time America attended me. Because I wanted to celebrate Parents' Day in the capital of the United States, I concluded my busy national tour, passed through San Francisco, and flew to Washington, DC, on March 31. With the deep sincerity of the Washington members, I celebrated this historical event. Members from many regions attended. 

God was with us, and we spent three days together with no regard for day or night. We had an excellent experience. 

Even as I spent that time solemnly, I was thinking about Seoul. With your chair placed next to mine, I thought of you, crossing the continent and the Pacific Ocean in my heart.

The American members dressed in white holy robes and offered bows as they prayed to achieve honor before heaven. This was the first time I conducted a ceremony with people from all five races. The event was very successful, and I resolved to expand it more on a worldwide scale. 

As long as I am in Washington, my days are fully scheduled. Besides that, I need to meet with some critical people. By the middle of July, I will have to depart for Europe. I will update you on my next itinerary later. I hope that you will always be at peace. April 7, 1965, Washington, DC 

8. To Omma: I have created many new memories during this time, and it is difficult to believe that 70 days have passed already. It must be natural to yearn for our homeland when we experience a different way of life.

I find myself reminiscing deeply about the path I have walked for 45 years. It was a path for the Will that no one knew. Only heaven supported me as I endured the cleaning up of our homeland's past and strove with tears in all seriousness and determination to succeed in the course of restoration. 

Let us advance toward victory, singing praises for the mission of the noble True Parents, who are the only ones who are offering their lives in this way. Let us express genuine gratitude for the sake of the nation, passionately paving the way for hope for our homeland.

Since my life is for the sake of the Will, I am making a new resolution before heaven to offer all my determination and loyalty. 

Today is one day before April 17 (the 16th day of the 3rd lunar month), the anniversary of the day I anointed you, Omma, to fulfill heaven's mission. It reminds me of the past when I toiled hard and endured a long to pave this road.

In this foreign country, I offer sincere gratitude for your great heart. Ever since I placed you in charge of the heavenly mission and set you on a path that even heaven and earth have been concerned about, it was your heart that created the path to victory. 

As the mother of several children, you again are in a position of having to worry, but I sympathize with your path and will spend April 17 together with you in my thoughts.

The more ups and downs there are in our past, the more we should be able to sing praises for the value of what we have experienced in the face of history, should we not? 

Let us run the course of restoration with strength. We must invest all our sincerity and effort for the sake of our kingdom of heaven, our world, and our blessed land. In the course of our determined life, for whom are we going to run?

We only have one precious life. Let us offer sincere gratitude for the ultimate purpose of our life and offer high praise for the mission of the noble True Parents. With sincere gratitude, let us advance toward victory tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and on and on. 

I think about how great you will be five years from now, and I begin to imagine a picture of what you will become in the future. If ten years pass, and then ten more, I expect that the world will look at our past as it unfolded and recognize that we acted nobly.

When that time arrives, the public image of the Will we pursued and of our family will be different from today. I am resolved to build the family of the original homeland as the true example that God desires. 

I know you also will have spent March 16 reflecting on the past. Who knew that our Holy Wedding was so historic? Wasn't it a day when heaven alone rejoiced while Satan grieved?

When I think that when we started the family of the new heaven and earth, heaven was trying to give us blessings, and Satan was trying to slander us, I wish that we had offered even greater devotion and sincerity at that time. 

I also think about our young children; I miss them. Of course, I look at their pictures from time to time. 

Spring is arriving here now. I believe it is probably spring in Korea as well. I would appreciate it if you could 

take some time to enjoy the spring weather. I hope you can find solace in loving all creation as if I were with you. I am going to visit several historic sites in Washington, DC, with our members. 

In the middle of your busy life, please be at ease and take care of your health during your pregnancy. 

Please also try to take vitamins. Hearing your voice last night on the phone was deeply moving for me. 

Let us gather many stories to share when we are next together. Forgive me for not writing more neatly. April 16, 1965, Washington, DC 

9. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma: We departed on April 30 and arrived in New York after four days, on May 3 at 10:30 p.m. In the car on the way back, they were saying that letters were waiting in several places. 

So I was praying aloud and hoping in my heart that your letter would be there too. 

As. soon as I arrived, I asked, “Are there any letters for me?” and I was surprised to receive letters from you and the church president. The last time I received a letter from you, I wrote a reply then and there and gave it to Bo-hi to mail to you, but since you indicated that you have not received it yet, I think it may have gotten lost. I am trying to remember what I wrote in that reply as I write this letter. 

This will be the first time I am sharing news with you since our last phone call. I'm sorry to hear that your pregnancy has made you exhausted. By the time you receive this letter, it will have been more than 15 days since you last heard from me. Not knowing your situation, I was excited to receive your letter, thinking that you already received mine. 

I met with many important people, mainly in Washington, DC, during that time. I will explain that to you in more detail later. I think that if they had seen Hyo-jin's Omma, they probably would have thought more highly of me! 

All I am worried about is that you are healthy. Please do not be anxious about going into labor; everything will work out. Since that moment is close at hand, do whatever you think is best. 

When I went to New York, I realized that to place you on the world stage; it would be necessary for you to come to America and learn how to live in America by living with me.

However, I'm sorry that our current circumstances do not allow it. Whenever I come to New York and am unable to be there together with you in Seoul, I think about you more and more. Every time I think about you, I believe it is helpful for us, and I am grateful to heaven for it. 

Around 25 members accompanied me as we visited the most important locations in New York City. I will send you pictures later. I realized deeply that the power of this civilization will make a major contribution to building the kingdom of heaven in the future.

Today, I received letters from London and Rome. We will build churches in these places. We also will go to the Netherlands, and we will go to France. During my time in America, I will select several missionary countries and implement this plan. Please anticipate this and pray hard for its success. 

I seem to be tired. Please forgive me. I will stop here. Please take care. Please send the church president my regards. Everyone is doing well, right? If you are planning to write to anyone else who is close to us, please give them my warmest regards as well. May 4, 1965, Washington, DC 

10. To Hyo-jin's Omma: Time flies by so quickly. In just a few days, it will be four months since our parting. I felt at peace when I heard the news about headquarters, so thank you for sharing that with me. I understand that you are doing well, and I hope you will continue to be loyal to the great mission. 

Until now, without me, you have been carrying a heavy responsibility with a serious heart, and whenever I am given reports about it, I always feel reassured. May you establish the way of loyalty and filial piety in your heaven-given mission forever! I constantly picture you being honored throughout all generations. 

Upon you, so pure and precious, may God's peace dwell for eternity. 

Truly, I sincerely wish to comfort you after you worked so hard for the Parents' Day event that just passed. I imagined that you fell fast asleep after it was over, and I prayed that peace and health would surround you.

I was deeply concerned about you, and before the ceremony began, I prayed for God's blessing and good fortune. I know that your heart is full of love for me. I am excited about the day when everything you have deeply experienced during your life course will be a blessing to our family. 

It is now 1:40 a.m. It is a calm night on this side of the world. These nights make me miss the nights back home. When I think about the fact that it is afternoon right now in our hometown, it seems so strange.

But I am writing this letter now, just thinking it is nighttime. I wonder how Omma will be sleeping. I know you are always thinking about America. I know that you wish me to come back as soon as possible. 

Amid that kind of precious heart, may you have a sweet sleep. That is what I wish for you. I hope that although we are separated between our home and foreign land, tonight, everything you are talking about and thinking of will become a condition that God can be proud of, that emits a beautiful fragrance. 

You are pregnant now, and I hope the baby in your womb is healthy. Mother, please be grateful that heaven is greatly protecting our family.

How much I hope that we can become a family that brings grace to the destiny of heaven and earth. God and the Unification Church members also think this way, so I feel we must concentrate more on the education of our children. 

As I joyfully imagine changing the course of restoration, which is full of sadness, pain, and heavy burdens, into a great and glorious achievement, I think about how much more I will have to endure, and I make my determination to do that.

Likewise, my having to advise you to become not just my faithful wife but also a faithful daughter for heaven pains me, knowing how much you will have to endure to go down such a path. 

Again, as my Omma, you should be able to be honored by all women even after you go to the spirit world, and all heaven and earth should be able to praise you; that is why I have to tell you again to go to this path. Yet, my heart aches to do so. 

All those who are working closely with me want to see you. As we share the same destiny with heaven and earth, I hope your blood, sweat, and tears can become the fertilizer for you to soon become a True Mother, blooming like a peaceful, sweet flower. That is why I want to advise you and raise you, so please accept my words joyfully. 

After I return to Korea again, I will have to push you and bring you with me. I am in that kind of position, so please sympathize with me. Heaven will have to do it; the earth will have to do it; it is all because they know the preciousness and greatness of your position and are trying to lift you. So even though the final cross of heart comes to you, I hope you will triumph over it beautifully. 

Please become the Mother who will be truly respected by people who empathize with her precious life as a woman and become the example of meritorious virtue for all time to come. Omma, your life should be able to disclose even greater height and preciousness than mine. 

Whenever you tell me how busy it is in Seoul, I feel immense gratitude toward everyone for their hard work. Their accomplishments are directly proportional to their efforts. I received the letter that the members signed in blood, and you forwarded it to me. Likewise, I am keeping my 21-day condition.

I just took a bath in preparation for it, and now I am resuming my letter to you. This letter is getting longer and longer because I am thinking that you may be wondering about the news here in America. 

If you examine the lifestyle here, the meals are fine, just as in Korea. During this tour, Suk-hee and Ki-dedicating themselves to serving me and did not feel uncomfortable or inconvenienced. 

When I have time, I struggle to master English. I need a lot of time. Omma, you should also do some conversation practice. I have concluded that memorization is the best method. Besides that, most of my time is spent meeting people. I can see that the progress is as I had imagined. 

I think about living with you in America shortly. I think of this whenever I see something good. 

Furthermore, please take care of your health and keep your spirit up. Offer solace to the members and heaven by singing cheerfully throughout the day. I will stop here. Please give the members my best regards. May 21, 1965, Washington, DC 

11. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma, How hard you have been working! I am truly sorry to hear that you were worried about giving birth prematurely, and it is a relief to hear that everything is progressing normally. 

In addition, hearing that Ye-jin and Hyo-jin are playing cute tricks and getting along well together makes my heart yearn for home. Furthermore, I know that the first ten days of August are when you may go into labor, and I am extremely sorry I will not be able to make it home before then. However, I know that heaven will be with you. 

During the first ten days of July, I will pass through Canada and South America, and then I will arrive in London, the capital of Great Britain, on July 15, I will pass through the continent of Europe and depart through Greece to Egypt and Jordan, finally crossing over Asia to arrive in Korea during the last ten days of September or the first ten days of October.

I know how anxious you are. I especially hope you can take care of your body and stay healthy. I know that you are living in crowded and complicated circumstances, but even if things are difficult, please hold fast, and soon, the day will come when everything will be resolved. 

My lifestyle here in Washington is no different from my lifestyle in Korea, but when I eat and when I wake up in the morning, there are times I am immersed in thoughts of my home in Korea.

I know you are curious about what is happening here and how you must be waiting day after day for the mail carrier, and I feel apologetic for not being able to send you letters daily. 

Yes, it is now 4:15 a.m. on June 8, and I should be getting ready to go out, but I started writing to you instead. During this time, I have met many people. I try to study English when I have time, but my proficiency is not improving. Yet, I continue.

You, Omma, will also have to study English. I realize this even more after coming to America. Even if you only do a little at a time, please continue your 

studies. I am stopping the flow of time to send you my sincere devotion to the Will. I will end here as I pray for your peace and good health. – June 8, 1965, Washington, DC 

12. To Omma: I was just looking at the picture you sent me that Ye-jin drew, and I am very pleased with the wisdom of our growing children. Looking at the picture makes me think of how much they have grown and developed. I want to see them so much.

Hyo-jin also looks like he has become quite the little cutie now. The image of him looking for me, his Daddy, is clear in my mind. They must have grown considerably. I want to come back home quickly and see them. 

When I think of our new baby, my heart leaps, and I am counting on my fingers the days until August 7, when our new baby will be born. You seem to be worried, but just entrust everything to heaven, and there will be no need to worry.

I offered a prayer to Heavenly Father, and my heart is with you even though I am not there.

Since things are no doubt becoming more difficult, please be cautious. I got a glimpse of your worried heart in Ye-jin's letter. You should proceed with the childbirth however you think best. I just want you to be able to go through it with a peaceful heart. 

Furthermore, this is a time when loyalty is demanded of us. The efforts of headquarters and our mission countries are also necessary. It is great to hear that Korea is doing well. I am grateful whenever I read their reports. 

Everything is going well, thanks to heaven's efforts. We must have even greater resolve to accomplish our true heavenly mission. Japan reported that they are developing like Korea.

America is also developing. I was grateful when I realized that heavenly fortune was working together with me when I visited all of these places. 

All we need to do is quickly accomplish the establishment of God's Day. We must advance with that goal in mind. I want to do everything to help you go over the hill victoriously and obtain the glory of the victorious Mother.

Let us keep going with the hope that a bright light will illuminate our path. Please take care of your health. Let us take care of the members and prepare for the future so that we can establish blessed families and offer them to heaven. Then, let us hasten the restoration and bring results and success to heaven and earth. 

You will receive our travel plans from Bo-hi. We will travel according to this itinerary. I want to follow the Will, knowing that you will pray for the heavenly path that we are about to walk.

The American members are making a lot of effort both spiritually and physically. Please keep in mind this image of our sincere members following the Will. I met many people during this time.

I guess you must be quite curious. The members here, including my travel companions, are healthy. As I watch heavenly grace cover the entire movement, anticipating the selection of the remaining holy grounds, I am preparing for our departure. June 22, 1965, Washington, DC 

13. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma: I know the daily newspaper is publishing false accusations, but I am praying for peace. Before we know it, we will enter a global transition. It has already been six months since I left home.

Because tomorrow is July when I leave for Canada, we are very busy with preparations for our departure. As of today, my work in America is finished, and tomorrow, I will begin touring again to establish holy grounds around the world. There will not be a moment's rest. 

I returned from a meeting with two United States senators before writing this letter. From this meeting, I was able to make a rough assessment of America's circumstances.

In addition, I met former President Eisenhower on the 25th and a few senators a couple of days before that. Meeting with the current leaders of the world, I came up with many ideas. I know that many things relate to the world mission centering on our great Principle. 

I am so grateful for you whenever I think about how hard you are working to fulfill your responsibilities. I only ask that you face heaven and carry out your responsibility as a filial daughter.

I am writing this letter as I sit in front of Hyo-jin's and Ye-jin's pictures. I feel as if we can see each other. As I look at their pictures and write this letter, I think to myself, “I have to return quickly to see them.” How I truly miss them. 

And as the days come closer to your delivery, I am so sorry that I cannot be there. Please discuss with church president Eu Hyo-won and come up with a plan for when you go into labor. Please be cautious about your meals and consider your nutrition.

I am concerned that in Hyo-won's report, the lack of funds is affecting you. But at the same time, I am grateful that you are very frugal. Everyone must offer everything with a sincere heart and filial piety so that heaven can take responsibility. 

We are all doing well here. The American members are trying both spiritually and practically. I am praying that God will guide them for their future. I am again sending you my itinerary, so please look at it and ease your heart. I will be protected and will return safely. Meanwhile, you will have to work hard for the children. 

We are planning to visit 40 nations. After we depart, I will let you know where you can contact us. I am 

praying for Korea's current situation. Thinking this trip is to pave the way for Korea's future, I would like to relieve my regret about the Korean people. I am worried because you said the drought is severe.

The worse it gets, the more the church members must exert themselves. I am sorry that the members have to work so hard during this hot season. I sympathize with you having to take the position of being an example to the members under such circumstances. I realize how important the role of the leader is. 

I pray that you may find peace. Please excuse my hasty writing. I am in the middle of a hectic schedule. Please be safe until we meet again in the middle of October. Take care of yourself. – June 30, 1965, Washington, DC 

14. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma: We just left Madrid, Spain, and are flying toward England. It is 8:15 p.m. on July 14. The sun is shining down on the fields and mountains of Spain. It will be twilight soon. Spain is an agricultural country, but their fields do not look very fertile, and there are not many mountains or trees. 

Looking from the airplane, the distant sky and land look soft due to a faint fog. In two hours, we will arrive in London, England, the central nation of Western civilization, and I am flying with great wonder and thoughts of meeting with Young Oon Kim.

She said she witnessed several people over two months, and I believe that she will bring them with her to meet me today. The sun is beginning to hide behind the western clouds, and the fields and mountains are starting to darken. As we fly over the Straits of Dover, I hope our visit will open a path that elevates the Will. Going to England truly makes me feel like I am returning home. 

Today, we rode a tour bus in Spain and visited the palace and museum. The royal palace was built over 26 years ago, and an incredibly great number of works of art that encompass all of European civilization are kept there. The museum has around 3,000 paintings, including many famous masterpieces. 

The airplane is now entering the clouds. The sunlight is changing to a sunset glow and flickering in through the window. Now, the stewardess is pushing me to have dinner, so I will have to stop writing to you here. 

Flying to England, I am eagerly anticipating news from home. I am thinking of all the church members, and I hope that they are doing well. Furthermore, I hope that you, Omma, are healthy and that our children are healthy.

I want to hear about all the activities, and again, I am excited about the day we can all meet once more. Please put your heart at ease and know that all of us are safe and sound.

Please give my regards to those members close to us. As I ride on the white clouds and look across the fields and hills spread out like a garden, I am crafting memories from the sounds on the plane and the view from the window.

The sunlight is now dimmed by dark clouds, and even the bright cabin has become dark, so I will stop here. Take care. July 14, 1965, in an airplane heading to England. 

15. Dear Hyo-jin's Omma, It has been a few days since we arrived in Germany. In comparison with the American members, I feel more loyalty from the members here. The German citizens are very diligent, and I felt it even more when I saw how their country has recovered since the war.

Around 60 percent of the entire country was in ruins after the war, but the German people created their nation anew. Taking in this fact made me reflect upon Korea's position, and I realized the weight of our responsibility.

I was excited to hear news from headquarters after arriving in Germany, but I have not heard anything yet, so I wonder. 

Today is August 4. I think about how today reminds me of you and offer a prayer remembering this time last year.

Since it is August already, and you are heavy with child, you must be worried and concerned, so please entrust everything to heaven. I was in the living room getting ready to go out when I noticed that our itinerary had changed, so I decided to write you a report.

As for the name of the baby, if it is a boy, we should give him the “Heung” character, and if it is a girl, we should give her the “In” character. 

Thanks to all of your prayers, everyone in our group is safe and sound. 

We will leave Germany tomorrow and arrive in Italy on the 18th. Please send your letters there next time. 

You will probably have given birth by then. Please give everyone my regards, and please take good care of your health. I keep thinking about my homeland. The children are doing well, right?

And please tell the church president to prepare 20 handkerchiefs like the ones I brought from America and put the same stamp on them. I want to bring gifts back, but because of the weight issue, I do not think it will be possible.

Please ask him to do this as a substitute for the gifts. I hope that you all find peace. Our lodging in Italy has been changed on the itinerary. August 4, 1965, Germany 

True Father's letters to the members 

16. To President Eu Hyo-won and all members: How have you all been doing? I have started to miss all of you. It has already been 20 days since we parted.

On the day I departed from Gimpo Airport, we said goodbye, and my heart was deeply moved as I thought about the past, present, and future. I was grateful to heaven for the gathering of almost 1,000 young people who came out to send their Teacher off with such a sincere farewell.

I felt sorry that I would be leaving them behind, but I offered that feeling in my heart for heaven's glory. The resolutions I made as I was saying my farewells and waving goodbye are still resonating in my heart.

While I was circling the plaza and heading toward the deck, I vividly remember you members waving goodbye with your hearts full of hope that I would fight hard, just as you also pledged to fulfill the Will.

I finally entered the boarding platform, and later, as I looked at the ground of my homeland below, I thought, “Land that has been with me for more than 40 years, take care,” and was so filled with gratitude I could not say anything else.

At that moment, as I departed for my first world tour, I prayed and pledged my heart to heaven, saying, “My homeland, please nurture and raise our members well.” 

As the members were cheering, I prayed in my heart as I boarded the plane. I wanted to stay a bit longer to look at the members, but the crew advised me to just go inside. I took my seat and looked out the small circular window, hoping that everyone would remain well for two months, when the plane started to move, and I could not see anyone anymore.

Several minutes later, we started heading toward the runway and finally took off. The airplane rose slowly above Gimpo Airport and reached more than 10,000 meters before turning east. When the land of Korea disappeared, and Japan started coming into view, the landing lights turned on, and we landed. 

As I prepared to receive the Japanese members' greetings, I noticed that it was late in the day and starting to get dark. At that moment, the Japanese members recognized me and received me with enthusiastic cheers, crowding in front of the control tower.

When I tried to exit through customs, I was completely overwhelmed by the members' cheers. Thereafter, we rode on the expressway for 40 minutes to get to the church headquarters. The area near the highway has been developed so much in 20 years; it is entirely different from the image I have of it from before. 

All the members participated in a welcome rally where I spoke about my thoughts and impressions and gave a lecture in Japanese.

I stayed there for 12 hours and then went to Tokyo. Thereafter, I toured Japan for 15 days before departing for America on the 12th, where we arrived at 5:00 a.m., also on the 12th. 

I felt a new sense of dignity as I met the American members who came out to welcome me with happiness. Thereafter, we drove to the church, and I gave a message of greeting. Continuing my life in America, I have visited many scenic spots and the prominent features of each city. It was not until several days had passed that I thought of Korea and picked up a pen as I called out our members' names. 

Although I know you will have a lot of work to do and will have to make a great effort with a complicated schedule, I will not worry and only wish for heaven's protection upon you. 

On the 19th, I am going to leave San Francisco and embark on my tour of the entire American nation. I am planning to arrive in Washington, DC, on either March 24 or 25, so almost 40 days will be spent touring America.

I will be sending the schedule from here in San Francisco, so you will have to send letters to those addresses as well to make sure I get them. I will send you the next part of the schedule later on, so just be aware of that, and please work hard to sincerely fulfill your responsibilities. Goodbye, everyone. February 15, 1965, San Francisco. 

17. To all family members: Through the news that you have conveyed, I know that my country is safe. 

When I left Korea, the mountains and rivers of my homeland were in their winter. But spring has already come and gone, and now it's summer. Already, six months have passed.

As I miss my home country, which is so very far away from here, I started thinking that the way of the Will changes in the same way that nature changes.

How can I forget my land and my people, especially you church members, whom I have come to know through my blood, sweat, and tears over the 40 years of my life? Even in my dreams, I can never set aside my hopes for your peace and good health, as well as the peace of my homeland in the future. 

However powerful and dominant the culture of a foreign country, I only bow my head naturally before the noble power to which I am connected in heart. I truly realize there is a cohesion that is stronger than the bond forged from the common suffering we have endured together through many ordeals.

That cohesion is the tie to our homeland, a reality that transcends the ages and the world. How can someone like me forget the mountains and rivers of my native land?

The more countries I visit, the more I experience the heart with which I prayed while I was touring Korea. There is a poignancy there that I cannot find in any foreign country. 

When I visited Japan and America, I felt that our ancestors did not accomplish their responsibilities. My thinking was that we, as their descendants, must indemnify their responsibilities in our age. I realize that the present Unification members stand in this position.

However, when I think about how patient we will have to be and how long we will have to fight, I feel that we must prepare to bear the cross again. But I feel that heaven's misery is much greater than that of our people.

When looking at the path of the Unification members, who are the pillars of heaven and earth, I see we are pitiable. Nevertheless, who knew of the great agony and sorrow of Heavenly Father, who has been educating and leading us? 

When I think that it was human responsibility that brought the great mistake upon heaven and earth, I just want to cry with embarrassment and sorrow to the point of choking. Nonetheless, we, who are standing in a sacrificial position, decide our fate and whether we move upward or downward on restoration's path. 

We must not forget that we are sacrifices, and we do not look around, question anything, or leave the altar. We are the ones who must know that, although there are hardships in Korea, greater hardships exist in the world, and we must triumphantly bear the nation's cross and move forward to overcome the worldwide Golgotha. 

We must become champions dashing forward to carry the cross of the nation and world. As I have been passing through foreign countries, I keenly felt that I must plan for the worldwide foundation and decide to dispatch young people from Japan and America to each nation.

This year, we must go to more than 12 countries and soon go to 20 countries. I am thankful to heaven for young foreign members who are resolved not to be defeated by the young Korean members. 

I am now in Washington, DC, and I am very pleased to see young Japanese members who are assigned to do missionary work in Brazil. I am pleased with one young Unification member's courage. He may be but 21 years old and ignorant of the language, but he is headed to a foreign country at the risk of his life. 

You members in Korea, to save the face and dignity of Korea, please realize that the foreign members are truly hoping that you within the mother country will fulfill the responsibilities that are required by heaven.

Korea must set a model of how to go the path of the cross by shedding blood, sweat, and tears as a tradition in front of young Unification Church members throughout the world. We need to do nothing apart from that. Is there any more precious treasure? 

As we move forward, going on and on in patience, a bright tomorrow will soon welcome us. Korea seems to be having a severe drought, however, the more difficulties we encounter, the more we must overcome by believing that a path of loyalty will be revealed to us.

For that reason, I intend to begin this in the hottest season. As I shed sweat in the heat of foreign countries, I would like to feel as if I am experiencing sweat and difficulties together with you members who are working hard in Korea. 

Tomorrow is July 1, and about half the time of my visit to America remains. I am trying to glorify our church members' futures and their loyalty through fulfilling the heavenly responsibility throughout the world.

I would like to tour the foreign mission countries after writing a letter saying that we are all working together. I am praying that the protection of heaven will be upon you members rather than on me. 

As I write this letter, it looks as though I am asking you all to follow the path of suffering again. But what else can we do, as this is our destiny? Isn't the world of people who have inherited the way of the Teacher and the way of the Father coming toward us, the Korean people? Let's go forward with patience. 

Let's try our best to be loyal. 

The summer witnessing period is coming again. What will the three-year course and four-year course bring to us? Seeing the current conditions of Korea and the world, I hope that you will become people who will receive praise for putting up with these situations, surviving, and not dying. 

If I proceed now, I will arrive in Korea in the middle of October. Please understand that I cannot respond to all the letters from so many members. I should ask to be excused for not being able to convey news regarding foreign countries.

Even though there are many things I would like to write, it is time to say farewell and stop writing, as I hear applause and I must make my appearance.

Based on the reports from Seoul, I want to thank you members who are working hard. Let me excuse myself now with this letter, hoping that all of you will become loyal servants in front of this heavenly mission and hoping you will all be healthy until we meet again. I hope that you have peace. June 30, 1965, Washington, DC 

True Father's letter to his son Heung-Jin 

18. Heung-Jin-ah! Our gentle and diligent Heung-jin, do you miss Appa and Omma? Appa and Omma are the ones who love our Heung-jin more than anyone; that's why we miss you so much. 

We are now in San Francisco, which is the closest part of America to Korea. We are going to New York on the 26th. You and your brother and sisters are loving each other and getting along well, right?

When Appa and Omma come back, I'm sure you will have grown considerably. You must study hard so that you can get better grades than your older brother and sister.

You are the handsome one, Heung-jin, so if you can do that, how fine that would be… I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We miss you and want so much to see you. We will say goodbye for now. – December 24, 1972, San Francisco 

True Mother's letter to her son Hyo-Jin 

19. Hyo-Jin-ah! I miss you and want to see you. My son, whom I always call out to and think of and run to and hug, my good, cute, precious, beloved son, whom I never want to let go of, I miss you.

The heart of heaven, which loves your parents, is like that. So Hyo-jin, though we are separated for a while, you are heaven's happy son, and your sister is heaven's happy daughter.

Whether you are asleep or awake, and whether something is big or small, if you live a life of consulting heaven for everything, you will experience greater blessing and love. 

Our filial son, Hyo-jin! Our good-hearted and wise Hyo-jin, I love you. I know you will become a filial son of heaven, a filial son of earth, and a filial son of the universe; you will become a good example of a filial child. 

On Children's Day (the Korean National Children's Day on May 5th), we only talked over the phone, and I could hear how much you have grown into a young man.

Both Appa and Omma feel so sad that we are too busy following the Will and have such little time to spend with you. Yet, we feel so proud and secure because of you. Hyo-Jin-ah, you are different from other children.

Even though you run around with your friends, you must remember your origin, God, and not damage His dignity. So you must study harder than others, make more effort than others, and strengthen your abilities more than others. To do so, you must study when others are sleeping. Don't waste even one minute, even one second. You must surpass world-famous PhD holders. 

I know my Hyo-jin will be able to accomplish anything if you'd like to. Appa and Omma are always proud of you. When we see you shortly, can you surprise your Appa and Omma a lot? Hyo-Jin-ah, I am sending a few photographs so you, Heung-jin, and your sisters can look at them together. 

Please love Heung-jin a lot. Since you are the older brother, you represent Appa. If there is some good food, let Heung-Jin have some first, and if there is anything good, think of your younger brothers and sisters first. There is no one else in the world who is like each of you to one another.

You and Heung-Jin are precious brothers to one another. Isn't that right? “Appa, Omma, please love Heung-jin more than you do me.” You should be able to say this, right? You'll become the best older brother, won't you? 

Being the best does not only mean wearing nice clothes and being good-looking. That is just the outside. 

Your heart is what makes you the best. You know this well. Appa and Omma have giant dreams for you. I am talking about dreams for the wonderful and filial Hyo-jin. Omma is waiting and always praying for that. Stay healthy. Goodbye. – May 12, 1973, Belvedere 

The Beginning
The purpose of the third world tour was for True Parents to begin leading world mission activities from the United States.