Expanding the scope
On the foundation of pioneering Japan in 1958 and America in 1959, overseas missionary work began in earnest in 1965 after True Parents' first world tour. The first world tour created momentum for sending missionaries to many nations, including Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Jordan, and Brazil.
Missionaries were sent out continually after this period, and this led up to a world mission conference at the headquarters building in Japan during True Parents' February 1975 Japan tour.
There, they decided to send missionaries to 95 nations. Missionaries eventually were sent to 127 nations beginning May 5 of that same year. The Unification Church went on to set a record in the history of world missions by planting churches in 195 nations.
1. We must save the world. We must send missionaries to 120 nations by 1974 without fail. For this purpose, I selected 120 holy grounds in 40 nations. We must send out these missionaries during the second seven-year course. Who will be sent to foreign countries?
If I send blessed families, there will be less persecution, so I am thinking of sending blessed families instead of single church members. Nevertheless, if I cannot find the right blessed family to send, I will send someone whose parents or grandparents are from that nation or who has some other connection to that nation. If a member has blood ties to a nation, I will send him or her there.
Once we begin the third seven-year course, we must have these 120 nations set up as the foundation for world evangelism. We are preparing for the third seven-year course during the second seven-year course. (052-081, 1971/12/22)
2. In 1975, I will send out 360 missionaries to 120 nations. Up to now, I have been sending one person at a time, but now I will send three at a time. One will be Japanese, the second will be European, and the third will be American. I will create an international task force with 1,000 Europeans on one team, 1,000
Asians on another, and 1,000 North and South Americans on the third. This international task force consists of 3,000 people who will work in each nation for a month. They will zealously witness and win 1,000 people.
One team consists of 1,000 people, so I am saying each of the 1,000 will witness one person per month. I believe it will not be a problem for each person to get one person to join us within three months at the most.
Even if members are not good at witnessing, they each have to be able to find one person in three months. In this way, the membership of the Unification Church will rapidly increase in number.
I am preparing so that in the future, the Germans, French, and any other brilliant people in this international task force can be assigned to international missionary projects. They will engage in missionary activities for three years. After three years, they will have laid a complete foundation. (073-137, 1974/08/16)
3. Our missionary teams are not composed of people from the same nation. This is the first missionary campaign that is stirring things up by sending out a German, a Japanese, and an American people from three nations at once.
If any mission nation causes a problem for them, it will become an international issue. If a nation oppresses a Japanese member, the Japanese government will come to its defense against that nation. If it persecutes the German member, Germany will come to his or her defense against that nation. Thus, the entire world will get involved.
The entire human race will accuse the offending nation. I am sending these missionaries out to save humankind, to give the world hope, and to campaign for goodness. The people who oppose us will have trouble. The people who live for and support goodness will not. (091-062, 1977/01/23)
4. Just as Christianity expanded globally on the foundation of Jesus commissioning 120 disciples, the Unification Church must send three missionaries to each of the 120 nations to expand globally.
Everyone must depart for their mission country between the end of April and the middle of May.
This year, 1975, we must pioneer missions in 120 nations. This will expand the four-position foundation established by Jesus and his three disciples to the world level.
Then, the national-level foundation will have a horizontal, global-level foundation for the reciprocal relationship that allows spirits to return to and cooperate with the earthly world. Hence, we need a national standard. Only when we offer complete and total indemnification will all spirits be able to act freely on earth. (078-016, 1975/05/01)
5. God's Will can be accomplished only when worldwide Christianity becomes a strong, united organization that can mobilize all nations. If we stand before God in the position of Abel, we will receive protection, and God's Will can be realized centering on Christianity. If that does not happen, God will leave. If God were to strike something, He would first strike Christianity. We are in such an era.
The world's issues must be resolved based on the Cain-Abel dynamic. This is God's perspective. God cannot fail. So, God's hope is for one group to take this responsibility. That group is the Unification Church.
This reality is right before our eyes. Who will take responsibility to defend this truth even if it means throwing themselves, mind and body, into fighting this reality? We are accomplishing this by sending missionaries to 120 nations. We are now in a position to develop a strong system based in America. We have to regain the worldwide territory of Abel. (076-331, 1975/03/15)
6. The Unification Church has been working on the national level, but now we are expanding internationally, so everyone at headquarters, including all blessed families, must assume responsibility.
The 36, 72, and 124 Couples must represent the world by standing at the forefront and bearing the cross during the third seven-year course. The 36, 7,2, and 124 Couples symbolize the 12,70 and 120 disciples who stood with Jesus on the national foundation.
Because the 70 disciples represented the nation and the 120 disciples the world, the blessed members u,p to the 124 Couples have to take the lead in suffering and be responsible for the whole world. Given that, it was originally the 124, 72, and 36 Couples who should have been sent out as foreign missionaries.
(077-220, 1975/04/12)
7. Why do I send out Japanese, American, and German missionaries? The nations that the Unification Church had to find, centering on Korea, were Japan, America, and Germany. Connecting these four great nations will eliminate the communist sphere.
Because Japan, America, and Germany need to shoulder this global and historical responsibility, they are called to accomplish the mission of restoration that the 36, 72, and 124 Couples were not given a chance to do. They will do so by going out to the world in their place and paying indemnity.
Starting from now, missionaries from those three countries have to step forward on behalf of their families and sacrifice themselves so that their families can find their place again.
Although your ethnic and national background might be different from theirs, you must understand that those missionary members are your representatives on the missionary front line. Your families must become completely one with them in solidarity. Unite with these missionaries until the completion of the third seven-year course.
We must change the world's fortune. This is the significance of the third seven-year course from the providential perspective. So, if possible, we must create a system that allows you blessed families, beginning with the 36 Couples, to represent, oversee, and guide these missionaries.
Let us create a system in Korea by which you can serve as itinerant workers in the world's six regions and then gradually expand that system. As the work in the mission countries develops, we must deploy representatives of the 36, 72, and 124 Couples so that everyone can unite as one, internally and externally, during the seven-year course.
Doing so will change the fortune of world restoration. Doing this with your families as the base is part of the third seven-year course. We are at an urgent and breathtaking historical turning point. (077-221, 1975/04/12)
8. To establish a global foundation, I sent missionaries from Japan, Germany, and America to 120 nations. I wish we could have sent Koreans as well, but at that time, it was difficult to obtain passports.
They did not let people out of the country easily. In addition, the attitude about the Unification Church would have compelled the authorities to reject us. That is why I had no choice but to send people from Japan, Germany, and America.
The members of these countries, which were enemies during World War II, were sent to live in countries all over the world. They did not live in luxurious accommodations.
They slept in small cubbyholes. I told them, “If you are going to guide the lives of this nation's people, you have to suffer more than they are suffering. And regardless of what difficulties you face, you must unite with one another.”
I instructed them to work together as a team, with one person in charge of the church, one in charge of finances, and the third in charge of media.
(110-187, 1980/11/17)
9. I need to create a strong movement, a proactive organization that can lead the world. This is the international task force that will be launched in 1975. I will have this task force take the lead and proliferate across the world.
During Jesus' time, the 120 disciples symbolized the world. Therefore, we must now establish missions in 120 nations. Starting in 1975, we must create missions corresponding to this number. We have been going out overseas one by one, but this time, I will send out teams of three.
Each team will have a Japanese, an American, and a German. With me as the center, we will be a team of four. In this way, we are transcending race. We are becoming people of a new nation.
We have entered a global era. The team will represent the world because we are in a providential realm that allows us to establish Adam, Eve, and the archangel on the national level.
That is why I am sending out teams of three missionaries. They will depart from America, the archangel nation, go to Japan, and finally engage in activities in Korea. When we connect seven nations, including China, the archangel nation of Asia, Great Britain, the Eve nation of Europe, and Germany, the archangel nation of Europe, I believe a path will open, allowing us to travel freely to any nation of the world. (073-255, 1974/09/22)
10. Because of World War II, the young people of Japan consider America an enemy nation, as do the young people of Germany. That is why most of the young people I invited to America were from Japan and Germany.
The place where the Japanese and Germans go to America, their enemy nation, and love her more than they love their nation will give birth to a new nation that transcends all races. Someone must set such a goal and work to achieve it for the sake of the world.
When we think of how young people from Japan are transcending their nationality to accomplish this in America, there is no question that they will become the pride of Japan. Historically, Japan and America have a complicated relationship.
When the things these young people are doing right now are recorded in history, they will become an inspiration that will bind Japan and America together in the future. In pursuit of this goal, the young people of Japan are taking the lead in this work to create a world where people live for the sake of others. This is something of which you and all Japanese people can be proud.
In America, I will unite Koreans, Japanese, and Taiwanese. If we begin to exert influence on the East with America in our embrace, a path for Japan's salvation just might open up.
When we consider the current state of affairs in Taiwan and the Republic of Korea, I believe that this path is the only way to revive Asia, which is being progressively influenced by the communist sphere. (072-027, 1974/05/07)
11. America is the archangel nation. America embraces everything because it is the restored archangel and has to bring back everything that was lost and tie it together. America is in the position of Abel in its relationship to Europe. We can conclude that the easiest path to God requires us to unite the four nations of Korea, Japan, America, and Germany, focusing on America.
I could not create this unity in Korea. I had to go to America, the center of the free world, and build a global base. This is by the Principle. I mobilized Japanese members to join me here in America.
Thereafter, I mobilized Germans, linking them to the Americans who followed me and presented Korea. I used this strategy to connect these four nations, and it is the Japanese, not the Germans or Americans, who must facilitate these connections. The Japanese must do it all. That is Eve's task.
Japan stands in the mother position. Japan must restore the two son nations. Of the two, America stands on God's side, and Germany stands on Satan's side. That is why the Japanese members in America are embracing the Americans and Germans.
I stand in Adam's position. Japan stands in Eve's position. That automatically makes us a pair who then can become one. When this happens, I, in Adam's position, can embrace all three. When we can naturally embrace the two nations that stand in the position of sons, we can go to the original hometown. This is based on the principled perspective.
When I sent missionaries to 127 nations, I sent Americans, Germans, and Japanese. I said to them, “You need to become one, centering on the Japanese member.” They must do this naturally, not because they were ordered to. The Japanese missionaries have to unite with America and then create unity with Germany. (119-245, 1982/09/13)
12. The entire world is waiting for the autumn harvest season. People who have opposed the Unification Church until now have no choice but to desist. The general feeling of opposition against the Unification Church is completely disappearing.
The world is calling for people to reap the harvest. God is greatly anticipating the mobilization of these people. Humankind is waiting for them, and God wants to send them.
That is why I am asking you to connect your resolve to mine and to be determined to go out on my behalf.
You must resolve to inherit my tradition and worldview and become my new second self. Then, even if I were to disappear, it would not be a problem.
That is why I proclaim that heaven and earth will connect with the spirit world when the leaders of the Unification Church worldwide, including the representatives who are living in their mission countries, make the same resolution that you have made.
The fact that this opportunity was given to us is historic. It is a global opportunity. Although it is not visible to the world, it is a historic event of global proportions. From this day forward, each of you is my second self.
Even if you face persecution or find yourself in difficulties, do not be self-centered, but instead take my perspective. As my second self, I think, “What would a True Father do in this position?” This must be your way of life. (131-320, 1984/05/19)
13. Countless children of the Unification movement spread across the world must merge their hearts in the love of the Heavenly Parent. Deeply bonded to each other in God's love, their hearts must be rooted in the nation and the cosmos, not in the narrow emotional context of personal relationships.
When they do, the foundation of heart upon which they can communicate with God will be solid enough for them to say, “Even all the people of the world cannot change my determination.
This bond of heart cannot be severed in the middle of our journey along this path.” In other words, there will be no obstacles if this providential connection of heart originating from Korea flows out to the world through the regional and national headquarters.
The missionaries hope that such a connection of heart will come, and once it has come, that it will weave its way through their mission countries. If that kind of unshakable bridge of heart is in place, then a new wave of heavenly fortune that will transform the world and history can go across that bridge.
If we are talking about Korea, then the center is Korea. From the perspective of providence, the center must be a single point. The supporting pillar or foundation for that center must not tilt. If it does tilt, it will cause everything to break down. (051-071, 1971/11/01)
Deals of the missionaries
As more and more missionaries were sent across the world, persecution arose. In particular, missionaries sent to communist nations had to work underground because of the risk to their lives.
On January 22, 1976, our Villa Aublet church in Paris, France, was bombed, and members sustained injuries, some serious. French Unificationists strongly protested by holding a march from the Eiffel Tower to the Trocadéro.
With the support of a European team, they continued to make public speeches and hold outdoor meetings until March of that year. During this time, on January 29, a crowd of more than 300 protested against our church and attacked and damaged a witnessing center.
A few years later, on December 18, 1980, Masaki Sasamoto, a Japanese missionary to Tanzania, died a martyr. One after another, missionaries in each nation faced persecution.
14. Up to now, in 1976, we have sent missionaries to 127 countries, including countries in Africa. Four of these countries expelled our missionaries for opposing the Communist Party.
Those four countries lean far to the left. The frontline missionaries in the other 123 countries are suffering so much, but when they encounter difficulties, they offer tearful prayers and receive guidance.
Do the rest of you receive guidance through prayer? If you have not experienced that, then you are not a Unificationist. You have to be receiving guidance all the time. No matter how much I try to explain this to people who do not believe in the Unification Church, they do not understand. (085-078, 1976/03/02)
15. Persecution was most severe in 1975 and 1976. I sent out the missionaries in 1975. I did so to shorten the time needed to complete the providence. What we originally needed to accomplish by 1981 had to be accomplished by 1976. At that time, the entire world opposed the Unification Church.
After I sent missionaries to 127 nations, there were instances where missionaries were thrown in prison while I was getting persecuted.
(136-071, 1985/12/20)
16. The more I ask you to persevere through suffering, the more God will help you. The spirit world will help you. God lets me know when our missionaries are imprisoned. This is true. It is real. I am very much aware of it. Whenever I faced such difficulties, God appeared and helped me. I am proud of those times.
Those were the golden years of my life. This is the time of my life that is kept most secret. It is a time I do not talk about. I am the one who knows this very well. (189-243, 1989/04/09)
17. The missionaries who were sent throughout the world in 1975 were persecuted. They faced this persecution head-on so that they could overcome it all at once. People were talking about us, saying, “I thought that the Unification Church was active only in America, but I found it in our nation as well.”
People from Japan, America, and Germany are enemies of each other. But people from these three nations must become one. They must fulfill their mission from their providential positions in this new age. That is why they are persecuted. They are paying the price in place of the world.
The rumors from America spread to each nation, but we are in an age when something good that is said about us in America is likewise repeated in other countries. In 1977, I will begin a campaign to turn everything around. On the day we turn everything around, it will be easy to witness. If I were witnessing, I could bring 84 people within a week.
All I would need is a one-week workshop. I am doing certain things right now, whenever possible, to usher in a time when witnessing will be much easier for you. (089-252, 1976/12/01)
18. Until 1976, the whole world opposed the Unification Church. Eventually, all the world will oppose us.
From Judaism and Christianity to Islam and Hinduism, all religions and citizens of every country, including the Communist Party, must join forces and assume the attack position.
Otherwise, we will not have the qualification to say that we were victorious over everything. That was the meaning of our church's great struggle in America in 1976.
After I sent missionaries to 127 countries in 1975, the world turned upside down. The missionaries of the Unification Church bore the cross of opposition from the United States embassy in each country.
They were driven out and encountered all sorts of ordeals. This will be the very thing that eliminates Satan's world. Even if I do not oppose Satan's world, that world will attack and oppose me.
In that position, we cannot be afraid of any person or nation. We must stand strong, absolutely loving God. Like David, who stood up to Goliath, our missionaries must go forth saying, “You storm clouds of opposition coming from all directions across the world! I am coming in God's name. Come! Attack me!
Hit me! Do as you wish!” The Unification Church is one organization in history that has welcomed such a fight. (136-234, 1985/12/29)
19. If you look at America's churches, you can no longer see young people. Therefore, I think we have to help young people become like us and then send them to the churches.
Next, there needs to be someone who will take responsibility for defending us from communism. You have to understand that our brothers and sisters are working underground, putting their lives on the line and fighting behind the Iron Curtain in communist countries. One person sent me his dying words, which read, “Teacher, the end is coming.
I will see you in the spirit world.” This is the battle we are fighting. Who will defend the world against communism? We are the ones. (087-025, 1976/04/23)
20. In December 1980, one of our missionaries became a sacrifice in Africa. When I heard that report, I said, “You have walked your course. You will become the ancestor of the Unification Church in that country.”
I believe that if you die for the sake of the world in a position similar to mine, you will become the world's ancestor. I am also walking that path. Even if we are inclined not to pay attention to this solitary missionary, the truth is that he lived a public life of service greater than that of anyone else. (111-019, 1981/01/11)
21. One of our missionaries was executed. Our missionaries went through many hardships because they did not have a solid foundation to stand on. In some countries, communist forces executed people who were following True Parents because, in their eyes, these people posed a serious problem.
When they were about to execute a Czech woman missionary, they asked, “What is your last wish?” Our missionary's last words were, “I lack nothing. If I can die after offering a full bow toward the place where True Parents are, I have no regrets.”
One of our missionaries was shot and killed by the police in Africa. He was Japanese. He yearned to see love prevail and was intent on seeing God's kingdom of love. He, therefore, went beyond the national borders, even walking the path of death in a lonely place.
Yet, he did not fear death. His heart was, “Even though I may die alone in Africa, far away from my parents, relatives, and homeland, I have no sorrow. I am a victor. Why would I be afraid of death when I have revealed the way of heaven, which is the way of love?” How historic this man is! He could do that because he had discovered the path of love through True Parents.
The education provided on the path of love is genuine. A promise made in a position of love will not be forgotten even after tens of thousands of years.
Recognizing that we have a spirit body and a physical body, the process whereby you connect through a heart of love brings the cells of your spirit body and physical body to resonate with one another. Consequently, promises made between loved ones rooted in love will never be forgotten. (139-055, 1986/01/26)
22. When you are struggling in your mission country, think about how I was persecuted, my prison life, and my ongoing legal battle, and you will gain strength. Know that no matter how difficult, you must overcome and take responsibility for your mission.
Future generations will be influenced by your life in the same way you are influenced by mine. It is the same. This will go down in history. Everyday events do not go down in history. Miserable and shocking events are what leave a mark on history. In Africa or South America, open societies are not an issue because they are places of freedom.
But our members who work and persevere in closed societies, where they face imprisonment and even death, will have an enormous impact on history.
(119-010, 1982/07/03)
23. You missionaries stationed in open societies may not realize that other missionaries are stationed in closed societies. Among those missionaries, some participated in the 2075 Couples International Blessing Ceremony.
All they can do to commemorate it is to celebrate it as their wedding anniversary. And the people who were witnessed by these missionaries, can you imagine how much they want to meet me?
However, they are unable to see me. I want them to be here in these public meetings, but they cannot come. They have to meet me on the street, clandestinely, to receive instructions.
This is the truth. You have to remember that there is a record of your suffering, but the record of the missionary work done in the shadows of these closed societies is also great.
You have gone to open societies, and no matter how difficult that may have been, it was easier than the situations of missionaries stationed in closed societies.
Missionaries there could not relax their hearts for even one moment. When they speak the truth, everything can break down because of one word.
(119-010, 1982/07/03)
24. People who went to the spirit world after living in the communist world may accuse us, saying, “The Unification Church had a global mission, so you should have come to the communist world and proselytized. Why didn't you?”
You must be aware that even now, we have members imprisoned in nations under communist rule. In 197,6, we sent missionaries to the entire world from Belvedere. In effect, we were inviting the world to persecute us. When I was faced with problems, the missionaries around the world were persecuted.
No spirit people in any nation can accuse us, saying, “Reverend Moon! If there was a true path, you should have let the people in our nation know about that path. Why didn't you let us know?”
They cannot accuse me because our missionaries were out there. If what I say is true, there is no doubt that the Unification Church is bound to experience many days filled with God's blessings. (091-160, 1977/02/06)
Opposition from the left
It was finally discovered that communist forces were involved in the bombing of the Unification Church building in France. Members of the American Congress and people of distinction both in and out of the United States government noted this incident.
The fire department and the police were mobilized upon receiving information that the Belvedere Training Center was going to be bombed. People held demonstrations against True Parents in New York City. An international cadre of leftists was behind most of this opposition.
25. On January 22, 1976, a bomb exploded at the Villa Aublet Unification Church in Paris, France. From the perspective of the Will, this incident may seem like a giant setback, but I do not think so. On the contrary, I think it is a good omen.
We observe that the Communist Party and Christianity on the world level are attacking the Unification Church. We are a small minority group, so it is the same as a strong person attacking a weak person.
You may have already seen the article in The New York Times describing how the Communist Party and conservative Catholics and Protestants are demonstrating in opposition to the Unification Church. But overall, the public seems to sympathize with us.
When a strong person strikes a weak person, people's hearts tend to sympathize with the weak person.
They do so even if that person did something wrong. But the Unification Church has done nothing wrong.
When the protesters called for the expulsion of the Unification Church, the French police told them, “Our nation is one of religious freedom, and citizens are not being harmed by their actions, so there is no issue here.”
This incident demonstrates that once people come to understand that such protest is just a way to oppress a weaker group, the public will rally completely to our side. (082-173, 1976/01/24)
26. Two members, a man and a woman, were injured by the bombing in France, and they are now a hero and heroine. The fact that they were not from France but from the Netherlands and Norway makes it even more noteworthy historically.
The foreigners' sacrifice is a foundation upon which the international task force can stand. Since this incident happened while we were working for the sake of France and Europe, the French people must bow their heads before the Netherlands and Norway.
Many American, French, and German members are on the international task force, but it is because of one person that this team has become highly esteemed. From this standpoint, it is an extraordinary incident.
Through the bombing in France, the members of the international task force showed they were willing to offer their lives; they established a tradition of fighting for heaven. When we see that a bright, new historical standard has been established, we recognize these individuals as heroes. (082-179, 1976/01/24)
27. When Satan's side attacked us in the past, they did so with words. They had verbally assaulted but had never before exercised force or damaged the Unification Church. The bombing in France, however, did set a condition for God's side to pay indemnity and advance beyond that point.
The bombing of the Unification Church in France allowed us to pay a historic indemnity condition. Satan struck a realm that should not have been struck. This was a condition for us to take the offensive.
The opposition and persecution we face are in vain. It signifies that God is preparing the external conditions that will enable the Unification Church to be victorious in the end. (083-017, 1976/02/05)
28. At the time of the Yankee Stadium rally in June 1976, a great battle will begin. I know that the opposition forces will use many tactics to attack us. They will try everything possible.
On the day of the rally, we will welcome a historic turning point. We have about four months left before that day arrives. This will be a phase of disruption. The opposition forces are making frantic, last-ditch efforts because they know they will be driven out and rendered irrelevant.
The terror attack against the Unification Church in Paris is an example of this.
There is a chance that this phenomenon also will occur in America. There was a bomb threat at Belvedere, and the local police and fire department responded. Because a bombing took place in France, we have no choice but to take such threats seriously.
The New York Times officially reported that Christian conservatives and the Communist Party conspired together to attack us, so if we claim that the Communist Party is working behind the scenes as well as attacking us in broad daylight, American citizens cannot deny it. Now, we are moving to the next stage under favorable conditions. (082-230, 1976/01/31)
29. In 197,5 in New York, many people gathered and protested against me, causing a giant commotion.
Articles about us were published on page 4 of The Daily News for five days. That such a big newspaper initiated this coverage shows that I have become a target of the media. It was a giant event for the media.
We must now launch an offensive operation. When the heavenly order comes, regardless of what America or the rest of the world says about it, they will be pulled toward heaven. (082-265, 1976/01/31)
30. Why do young people join the Unification Church? Young white people are joining at an increasing rate. Older adults on Satan's side might hate Reverend Moon of the Unification Church, but their sons and daughters are joining our church.
That is a kind of justice. We are being vindicated. Satan essentially took God's sons and daughters and killed them, but heaven's side does not respond by taking and killing the enemy Satan's children. On the contrary, heaven's side saves these young people. That is the difference.
That is why we can see now that an organization of opposing parents has emerged. Where else can we find the outrageous phenomenon of parents kidnapping their sons and daughters? Such atrocious acts are occurring in America, the leading nation of the 20th century. Such events have not been seen anywhere else in history. (098-019, 1978/04/02)
31. Whenever The New York Times and The Washington Post come out against the Unification Church, it is instigated by parents' organizations. Because young people are following Reverend Moon, groups of opposing parents spread rumors about how the Unification Church is brainwashing people.
Some groups kidnap young adults who have joined our church to deprogram them. In an attempt to counter these groups of parents opposed to us, we pulled together an association of supportive parents.
Of course, when the group of opposing parents gathers 350 people, the media is sure to add an extra zero and report that they gathered 3,500 people. If there are 35 people, they report it as 350 people.
At one meeting, we had almost 700 supportive parents, but the media deleted a zero and said that we had gathered 70 people.
This clearly shows that communism has already permeated the American media. The media is strongly influenced by communism. This is how they are fighting us. The media are committed to overthrowing Reverend Moon. The year 1976 was a time of hard-fought battles. (110-177, 1980/11/17)
32. The Unification Church teaches the way of filial piety, loyalty, and sainthood. If you wish to become God's son or daughter, it is not enough to be recognized as a patriot for your nation; you need to be recognized as someone who acts for the sake of the world.
You can be a filial child, but you must live for the sake of the world. The parents who look at things on the level of the society or nation have a different perspective. That is why the Unification Church faces opposition. The orchestrated emergence of organizations of opposing parents was manipulated by communists.
The worldwide opposition to us that gets parents involved is not the Japanese parents' doing. The Japanese Communist Party is opposing us, faithfully following the dictates of the world-level Communist Party. (084-209, 1976/02/29)
33. A trial is being held in America. That is why trials are taking place in Germany, Great Britain, and France as well. The Communist Party is manipulating this. As their united front spreads out, the democratic world is cooperating with communist efforts to rid itself of me.
I think something remarkable has happened. We must not lose this legal battle. If we win, the shedding of blood in the mission history of the Unification Church will draw to a close.
If Jesus could have left a testimony or record of having spoken before the Roman Senate and won the battle there, Christianity would not have become a religion of martyrs. I know this for a fact. I engage in this struggle to prevent blood from being spilled on the path trod by our future generations. (126-266, 1983/04/24)