Please Realize A Victorious Israel By Liberating North Korea

Father! With hearts lacking in filial piety, we are longing for you.

Father! With hearts lacking in filial piety, we are longing for you. With hearts lacking in loyalty, we want to form a relationship with your true life.

Please receive us and gently embrace us. We who have become your sons must not be less than Jesus. We must become sons and daughters who can greet death with gratitude if we go to the point of death, centered on your will.

We know that without making that kind of determination we will not be able to subjugate North Korea, which has appeared as the central model of the satanic world, or the factions of evil spread throughout that land. We who are gathered here know clearly that that can be realized only by uniting with Unification Thought.

We know that this thought will have to be expanded to the people, to religions, and Christianity. We know that this thought will have to fit with the people, with religions, and with Christianity. Therefore, we ask you thrice over to allow us to fulfill this mission quickly during this period.

Please liberate North Korea and allow us to have a sovereign nation, the victorious Israel, a nation of hope which heaven has sought and you have blessed, Father.

Then please allow us to be able to praise the glory of victory within the realm of fortune of national unification, and all nations will attain their original nature.

And please bless this age as the age that can realize a world heaven can embrace.

Father! Since we feel grateful that you cannot help but give us internal responsibility, please always shower upon us your heart of mercy and compassion. We sincerely hope that from now on you will allow our Unification Movement to develop in reality and that you will allow us to go our way together with you, Father, and to share the blessing of glory and the praise of victory together with the entire world and the spirit world.

We humbly pray this in the name of the hallelujah Parents. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Become Partners Of The Love Of Heaven
We have come to know that you are looking for true fruit because you sowed true seeds, Father.
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