The purpose of PWPA
True Parents established the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) with world-renowned scholars to support research and activities for building a peaceful world.
The inauguration of PWPA was held on May 6, 1973, with 163 professors who were connected through Divine Principle workshops for professors and through the activities of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP).
PWPA has branch offices in almost every country and has hosted various world peace-related seminars and conferences. PWPA members interact and cooperate under the theme “academic contributions to world peace.”
On January 21, 198,6 under the direction of True Parents, PWPA opened several local rural-area schools in Korea to assist in educating underprivileged youth.
1. Pursuing the unity of the sciences, we invited professors from all over the world to annual conferences.
You cannot imagine how much attention that attracted. Initially, we were criticized, but now scholars say, “Reverend Moon deals with genuinely serious problems indeed.” Having reached this stage, we continue to advance. My thinking has been that, no matter what, we have to bring professors together.
Carrying out this strategy to achieve this purpose in Korea, I formed the Professors World Peace Academy saying, “Although professors around the world cannot function as peace activists, they can at least stand in the vanguard for peace by showing us the proper direction through their thinking and writing in their various fields.” This has been successful in Korea. In the future, we will form the PWPA in Korea, Japan, and China. (071-175, 1974/04/30)
2. We distributed the Professors World Peace Academy monthly magazine Gwangjang (Public Square) to universities around the world; therefore, famous professors everywhere now know of this Korean organization.
They will be able to gather distinguished professors from Asia, who can become the Asian Professors Peace Academy. This academy can then connect to Europe as well. Moreover, professors from all over the United States will create the core of the PWPA leadership. Money cannot buy such people; they are priceless.
What will we do after we create this worldwide organization?
True Parent plans that the activities of PWPA will be the basis for an institution similar to the Nobel Prize Committee.
I would like to establish an award foundation with prizes greater than the Nobel Prize, thus becoming the most prestigious of all prizes. (071-176, 1974/04/30)
3. It is not so much politicians as it is scholars who influence the world. Professors and scholars are the true creators of national policy. They serve as leaders in all fields.
Politicians depend on scholars' thinking and base their programs on their theories. Take a look at scholars and university students scholars are at the forefront and students follow. They need to be connected to us as the nucleus or in a sense, the spine.
Even though the Unification Church was persecuted, we tried to connect with scholars. However, this work is not easy. It is difficult to connect with them, especially since as the leader of the Unification Church I have become an object of global controversy.
While experiencing this I have been thinking about our upcoming activities in America. The success of this work does not depend on money. It depends on pouring out our most sincere devotion with a heart that loves the world.
(095-205, 1977/12/04)
4. Due to the disunity of mind and body in human beings, history has been a long battle between God's dominion and Satan's. This division on the individual level has expanded to the levels of family, tribe, and race, producing endless wars.
From the historical viewpoint, the religious and political realms fought, and the political realm always struck the religious side.
Furthermore, when the scientific and religious realms fought, it was always the scientific world that struck the religious realm. However, with the dawn of the Parents' era, the political, scientific, and religious worlds must unite and become one.
Until now, scientists and religious people were enemies. To unite them, we must first gather the scholars of the world. This is why I formed the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences and the Professors World Peace Academy.
These scholars need to work together with the Unification Church. Only then can the worlds of religion and politics be united. (215-065, 1991/02/06)
5. We need to bring the academic world into harmony. To achieve that, we have been hosting the ICUS. This is the only conference that brings world-renowned scholars together, transcending disciplines.
Furthermore, there is the PWPA, which connects countries through internationally known scholars.
This is a double-layered strategy. We will establish a national model and a worldwide model, then we will help those who are successful in their nations to move up to the world level.
We are opening the door for them to go out into the world. This is a foothold that can influence world-class academic institutions. We are also making nominations and recommendations for the selection of Nobel Prize awardees. We support scholars in achieving their highest aspirations. (209-245, 1990/11/30)
6. On the foundation of the ICUS, when we invite participants to join the Professors World Peace Academy, they accept. Then, if we have representatives from ten nations, we can cooperate with the leading scientific communities in those ten nations. We must guide scholars worldwide to join the PWPA.
We need to start in Asia and expand and connect to the scholars of the world. The day we unite global professors into one, we will be able to establish global policies for the world's future and carry out work that can have a global influence in various professional fields.
To achieve this, let us create publications in each field that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Our magazines about each field, whether it be economics, agriculture, or science, will be published by people who are well-known around the world and will gain global renown. Let us develop the intellectual resources that can have a good influence on global policy decision-making. (062-296, 1972/09/26)
7. When we succeed in establishing the PWPA on the world level, it will become well-known everywhere. Wherever we go, we will have a foundation. Based on that, I am planning to invite renowned scholars and create a touring team of professors. They should not give lectures in one university only.
Rather, they will go to famous universities all over the world and conduct six-month-long lecture tours.
We will provide their salaries. In this way, we will make a global team of professors who will tour the world. Then after that, whichever university you go to, scholars and students who have been connected to this will continue their interest, and come in droves.
If a student receives a degree under the supervision of a famous professor, then that student will also become famous worldwide. I will make it so that after five or six years the students under these professors receive their higher degrees.
When this happens, we will be able to gather experts, from these universities, including professors who are Nobel laureates. (062-298, 1972/09/26)
8. In the future, when we establish the PWPA, and 500 professors come to Korea to participate, the university campuses of Korea will be turned around. If we come to build a global university, we will bring in world-class university professors who have been selected by the PWPA.
We can create a global, internationally renowned university by bringing together world-class scholars in one place. When we can energize this university to create a theoretical foundation for a social system, then this country Korea will develop a global culture.
The reason America has achieved worldwide supremacy is that it has universities that can attract and educate the world's most talented individuals. The universities in the US nurture talented individuals who go on to take leading roles in the democratic world.
Students are educated to become ministers and heads of state in each nation. That is why America became the world's leading country. (060-231, 1972/08/17)
9. The Professors World Peace Academy is part of a plan to win over the university campuses in America.
I also established PWPA in Japan and Taiwan. Do you know why I launched this organization? By establishing PWPA chapters worldwide, I would like to create a global confederation of universities. I hope to establish a global university and train talented people from all over the world. (068-057, 1973/07/23)
10. When we originally convened the PWPA, Korean intelligence officials mocked us saying, “Although they mobilized all their energies, and even with the power of the government behind them, they could not gather more than 13 professors. And yet, Mr. Moon calls this the PWPA?”
So I told them, “You are seeing this from a national viewpoint, that of the Republic of Korea. But I am doing this from the perspective of Asia.”
Many people worked hard on all fronts to prepare the foundation to launch the PWPA, and based on that foundation it could be started in Korea. Afterward, it was possible to form the PWPA in Japan, but at that time we did not have a foundation to do so in the United States.
Therefore, through the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences as a stepping-stone in America, we gradually established the PWPA in various countries in Europe. (110-175, 1980/11/17)
11. You have Joined the Professors World Peace Academy. I am grateful for the work you have done despite the difficult environment and strong persecution. However, your work should not stop here. You need to develop activities to connect with Korean and Japanese academics.
Your professors are the ones who can do this. The time has come for Japan to start such a movement, and for scholars in America and Great Britain to do the same. You should make these connections as soon as possible. It is to save Korea and defend it from the communist regime.
We need to create this great interconnected body of professors to pave the way that Korea must go the way to realize the unification of North and South Korea. This body of professors must mobilize and become a powerful influence on Asia.
We have to make a foundation to assemble scholars, businessmen, politicians, and leaders from every field and inspire them to work together for this cause. No one but your scholars can do this job. (110-190, 1980/11/17)
12. You are the most intelligent and authoritative scholar in Korea, and now you must teach this country the direction it must go. For that purpose, you need to do research. But, the era of individual research has passed – this is now the era of team research. In addition, the era of team research carried out within the boundaries of one nation has also passed.
It is now the era for Asia's scholars to rally and research together. It is the time when scholars of the world can engage in shared research. Without doing this there is no way to lead the direction of the world. Therefore, scholars from the Republic of Korea alone are not enough.
Scholars from America are needed too. As a Korean, I have been working in this way to prepare this foundation behind the scenes. This may seem like a dream, but I achieved this unimaginable outcome because I understood clearly the direction that the world should take according to God's Will.
I hoped that I could be of some help and worked hard. All the intellectuals of the world should rally and do this work. (110-196, 1980/11/17)
13. If all Asian scholars rally and work together under the PWPA, they can create a new encyclopedia or any other type of learning that can represent Asia. That is why there is much work to be done in all fields.
Therefore, if you as professors can unite in mind and heart and cooperate, then I will contribute with all my strength to support you. To do your research, you will need a research office and meeting hall.
Therefore, I am thinking of preparing such a facility. However, can you lead such an effort across Asia?
Do you have what it takes to educate Japanese professors? That is why I am telling you to first prepare yourselves by studying Unification Thought and the Principle. If you do so, you will be able to lead them completely. (110-210, 1980/11/17)
14. The young generation is the main issue. We must save the university students, the younger generation.
I am talking about saving the university campuses. You must do this. That is why I have been working with the professors. From now on, those who are leading on world-level university campuses in the national system will have to stand on the front line when the time to unite North and South Korea comes.
You must stand at the forefront. You have to hold on to the new generation, shed tears for them as I do, and share with them the idea of the unification of Korea. I will establish the church as the basis for such activities.
Those who are responsible for towns should hold on to the elementary, middle, and high school teachers while shedding tears and planting patriotism in their hearts.
Then the unification of Korea will be no problem. Those who have received this patriotic training should go to communities and neighborhoods.
Everyone has a hometown. For this reason, I set up neighborhood schools in rural areas to carry out this work. I am not doing this for fun or as a temporary effort. This is by the providential plan.
It is not because I was taught that I am leading the providence of restoration through indemnity; it is something I have been doing by myself. This is why God cooperates with me. It is not coincidentally. (175-030, 1988/04/06)
15. We have to start by first mobilizing professors, and then their university campuses nationwide.
Furthermore, we have to mobilize the local, middle and high schools. Next, we must mobilize the elementary schools. Until now, we have not done anything to stop the communists from penetrating the schools, which they did through their textbooks filled with leftist ideology.
The Ministry of Education failed in its responsibility. That is why, no matter how we do it, we must mobilize the presidents of local universities and the principals of elementary, middle, and high schools.
The professors are the ones with the authority to move around and speak without restriction. I created local schools in rural areas to strengthen this movement. Let us love our hometowns. Patriotism starts from one's hometown.
That is why we have built these local schools to educate underprivileged people. If the spirit of patriotism burns in a professor's heart, he or she should go to their hometown, stay up all night shedding tears and educating and embracing these underprivileged people. (171-302, 1988/01/02)
The international chairpersons
The first international conference of the PWPA was held on December 18, 1983, goodwill at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center in Seoul with 550 participants including 70 international chairpersons from 72 countries.
On that day, True Father gave an address of encouragement entitled, “The Professors World Peace Academy and Our Resolution.”
Chairpersons from the 72 nations made a resolution and pledge to realize five goals: the universal reign of justice and goodwill under God, the brotherhood of all humanity under God, a world united in peace under God, a new religiously inspired humanity, and a new God-centered world civilization founded upon love and heart.
16. When we held the rallies for Victory Over Communism in 1983, I mobilized the professors who had participated in the ICUS in Chicago. On November 28, as they prepared to leave Chicago and go home, I asked them to come to Korea instead. I did not explain what we were going to do but just waited to see how many would agree to come.
At the time, we had 72 branch offices of the PWPA worldwide, and representatives from each office came to Korea. They had busy schedules since it was the end of the year, but they all participated.
Consequently, with these professors at the center, we had the VOC rallies. That is the kind of impressive foundation we have in the academic world.
(210-085, 1990/12/01)
17. In 1983, the chairpersons who attended the First International Congress of the PWPA adopted a resolution to hold VOC rallies. At that time, they came to Korea from 72 countries and adopted the resolution.
I gathered them and held VOC rallies in eight cities nationwide. The adoption of the December 18 resolution was a historic event. What will the PWPA leave behind in the pages of history? If you want to lead the world in building a peaceful world, you need resources. Therefore, I will provide those resources.
(142-197, 1986/03/09)
18. I made a base in Korea to unite the North and South. I gathered all the spiritual fortune of America Japan and the entire world and connected it to Korea. Many interesting things happened this time.
A high-ranking official from Israel asked me to help with relations with Korea. Furthermore, someone planning a movement that could affect America's destiny approached me and suggested we work together to resolve the problems of the world. Korea stands on this foundation.
All the world's intellectuals are gathering through the Professors World Peace Academy. We assembled scholars from 72 countries worldwide, gathered the world's fortune, and engrafted it onto Korea.
At the time of the Korean War, the UN forces composed of soldiers from 16 nations fought for Korea's independence, but could not achieve it.
Today, however, we are entering a global age when all the citizens of the free world should rally, unite,e and cooperate to achieve independence. Therefore, the VOC proposition is a historic event, for which scholars from 72 countries have come to Korea, and pledged and resolved to support. (130-112, 1984/01/01)
19. The international rally of the PWPA held in 1983 in Korea was to indemnify Jesus' foundation for the nation and the church that was lost. Jesus' death was caused by the failure of the 72 followers to unite at that time.
That is why I brought PWPA chairpersons from 72 countries to Korea. Through this, the Korean people could not help but support and cooperate with us. That rally included a proclamation of the Messiah. I asked these professors belonging to the democratic and communist worlds to listen to my words.
The PWPA chairpersons from 72 nations supported me. Even though the United States opposes us, leaders of the free world who are in high advisory positions support me. Based on this foundation, and centered on the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle, we have opened up a path.
Therefore, Satan, who has reigned over all things of the creation and blocked the destined path of the nation and the world until now, is withdrawing from the earth forever. If not for the efforts of True Parents and the Unification Church, this could not have been achieved. (131-013, 1984/02/20)
20. I have been working for some decades to bring together heads of state through the Summit Council for World Peace, and professors through the PWPA. This is why they are now publicly endorsing my work.
Now we have reached the stage where presidents of countries, university presidents, and media representatives can welcome me. Internationally, there is no field in which I have not contacted the people in the highest echelons.
Even politicians, economists, cultural ambassadors, and those with doctorates from famous universities are coming to follow my direction. (266-176, 1994/12/25)