Please Allow Us To Leave The Satanic Realm And Become One With You, Father

Oh, Father! We know that the ideal world of the original creation which you desired is a place centered on your love where true children and true families can feel joy, and all of creation can be harmonized and joy overflows.

Oh, Father! We know that the ideal world of the original creation that you desired is a place centered on your love where true children and true families can feel joy, and all of creation can be harmonized and joy overflows. But when we think about the fact that through the fall the original world, the land of the original homeland, came to remain before humankind as death, how could this not be something to lament about?

Through the fall, we lost you, Father; we lost the land of the original homeland; and we lost the original Taste Parents, and the ideal original true family, the ideal tribe, the ideal nation, the ideal world, and the ideal cosmos. We lost them all. A world where authority is centered on you, Father, should have been realized in a natural environment, but due to having collided with the sorrowful fate called the fall, humankind came to have no relationship with you, Father, and the world became a world which has no relationship to the world of your ideal.

When we consider the fact that you who are our Lord could not be our Lord, and we received the blood lineage of your enemy Satan and were dragged down into the realm of darkness which Satan dominates, we must reflect once again on how exasperating and regrettable a fact this is, and we must bear in mind at this time that it is your hope and is the hope of humankind to expel Satan who has been our enemy for millions of years from this earth up to the spirit world where multitudes of spirit people are staying.

Father! We are people who cannot feel in our lives how much is left of the foundation of Satan's power and authority. We have come to realize, Father, that as we spend hour by hour and even as days pass day by day, up until now we have not been able to feel in our lives of faith how much Satan's power and authority have invaded the realm of our lives and how much they have invaded this stage on which we live our lives.

The more we think about the fact that we certainly cannot go into your presence without clearing up what has become dirty, standing in the middle of a path of tears crying out to our father, we come to think again that we are in a desolate and pitiful position where we cannot help but hope for your touch of salvation.

Oh Father, you know we are in such a situation! Please extend your mind and heart of compassion and once again protect the path we must go. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will separate us from the satanic realm and make the area around us clear.

Father! Our minds and bodies are not able to form a direct relationship with you.

We know that the root of sin which Satan can control remains. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will please bear with us which have not been able to do the good our minds desire, and have not been able to escape from the realm of such lives, and our bodies which delight in acts of evil we do not want.

Father! We will have to be segregated from Satan in our courses of life, and we will have to be segregated from Satan in our courses of resurrection. We have come to realize the fact that we will not be able to become citizens of heaven if we do not become one with you and if our daily lives and our entire lives are not the ones you planned for us. Therefore, please allow your sons and daughters who have gathered here to all offer their entire minds and bodies and be able to rush towards new lives and lifetimes.

We earnestly ask that you will allow us to become people who are able to determine ourselves before you once again at this time.

We have humbly and earnestly prayed all these things in the name of the "True Parents. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Have Minds That Long For You, Father
Father! We must become children. We must become children who insist to you that we are hungry when we are hungry
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