History Of The Providence Through Restoration By Indemnity
Very few people know the real meaning of salvation, which has been hidden in the heart of God.
Sermons about God's Dispensation
Latest Spiritual Messages
Very few people know the real meaning of salvation, which has been hidden in the heart of God.
Even though you are part of the nation of America, you tend to think individualistically all the time.
The most lonely person in the world is someone who has no one who recognizes or understands him.
The people of this world are impatiently waiting for peace. Furthermore, everyone without exception wishes to enjoy freedom.
Countless people live on this earth, yet no one can confidently say that he possesses Heaven in his mind.
God's lamentation is that humanity, whom God personally created, did not unite with the heavenly value
These Bible verses metaphorically describe Jesus as a stone. They also describe how the stone which the builders rejected became a cornerstone.
You are leading a life today, forming a connection with society and the world based on your individual self.
I formed trinities, but you probably do not really understand their heavenly value.
The quality of comprehensiveness is contained in the providential life of Jesus.
When we look at ourselves as people, after our minds and bodies become one and all humanity becomes one, it is our responsibility to unite with nature's laws and rules of operation.
Today countless people are living without clearly knowing their purpose in life.