The power of the picture of True Parents

Now, the time when Abel had to sacrifice for Cain for the sake of the restoration of the rights of the eldest son

Sun Myung Moon  and Hak Ja Han Moon
The power of the picture of True Parents

Now has been the time when Abel had to sacrifice for Cain for the sake of the restoration of the right of the eldest son. Because of this, the spirit world has been using the earthly world. But on the thirty-first Children's Day, the positions of the spirit world and the physical world are being completely reversed. Now that the right of the eldest son has been restored, Adam becomes the center and the eldest son. So the archangel has to listen to Adam and attend to him.  

In the past, people opposed me and thought of me as someone who ought to die, but now they are maintaining the standard of respecting me. Thus, even if the devil comes and tells them to cooperate with him, they cannot do so. The devil cannot drag them to his side. They should introduce me to others and guide people.  

This is why we must seek to establish a family. The turnaround occurs in the family. The Fall occurred in the family. This is why I began the global indemnity effort as an individual, and, based on my family and tribe, won the Cain-Abel victory on the global level, returning with the right of the eldest son.

Where can the entire value of this victory be established?

Adam is the center of all value. The loss of Adam led to the loss of God's family, God's society, God's nation, God's world, God's cosmos, and even God's love. After indemnifying all this, we now return to the family. All families are to stand on the family standard rooted in the equality of all people before God. When we return to centering on this family, who is it that we are centered on? Everyone is following me as the center. Here, the devil cannot follow.  

While the devil defiled the blood, our side purified the blood of the fallen world.

This is why the Blessed  Families enter here. Once the right of the eldest son of a family in the heavenly nation is established, the realm of the second son of the family in the heavenly nation becomes infinite. This is something you can control at will, according to the providence. We are now seeking out and entering such families.

This is why those of us who are Blessed Families should be the foundation. For this, we have to use up all our living expenses and everything in our savings account.

We must offer everything for the sake of the nation. By doing this we replace it with the universe. This is the raw material of heaven. Seizing the day requires an expensive piece of raw material. You should become such raw material. So you should go to each family and shore them up. By killing the lambs and smearing the blood on their doorposts, the Israelites could avoid being struck. In the same way, just having my picture will prevent Satan from invading.

The ancestors will come in the early morning to greet you, and the spirits will take care of the house. They will govern your mind and heart completely. The time has come when such things will be possible. 

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