23 min read

The Providence for an Ideal Community

True Parents offered many deep prayers for the Pantanal to serve as the primordial and original foundation upon which ideal villages can be established.

Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America - True Parents Legacy
God has been leading the providence of restoration to save fallen humanity. According to the Principle, God’s providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation.

Preservation and development of the environment 

The Pantanal, the world's largest wetlands and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located near Jardim, is a region of God's creation of which 80 percent remains preserved in its original state, untouched by human hands.

True Parents offered many deep prayers for the Pantanal to serve as the primordial and original foundation upon which ideal villages can be established. Father also planned to flash-freeze fish caught in South America to market them throughout the world and build large-scale fish farms in South America.

In addition, because South America's climate is warmer than North America's, Father felt the area presented a good opportunity to develop fishing tourism. 

1. The path of restoration transforms death into life. The only way one can follow this path of life is by self-sacrifice. It is a difficult path full of tragedy, but we have no choice.

We are trying to be object partners to God, who is a being who invests and continually forgets that He has invested. Heaven invests and forgets. The path of faith is essentially one of throwing away your current self and continually seeking your future, resurrected self. 

That is why the path of the one who leads the effort to realize God's providential Will is the most critical path and the path of greatest trepidation. A leader must invest in him or herself. I have heard that my success in the United States is leading many senators and eminent people worldwide to try to meet me. 

Nevertheless, I am staying in secluded mountain valleys and on farms with only water and grass, places that interest no one. 

We are drawn to this primitive environment which is like our original home, where God first created us. 

We return to nature. This is a restoration. We need to love the water and the grass. How profoundly God labored to make every single element of the creation! In a river, there are diverse species of fish, and after God made each one of those species, He was not sad.

He liked them all. If Unification Church members catch and eat fish for a month, in return, they must take a bag of grain or some other kind of food and feed it to the fish in the river. This is the cycle of life. (276-024, 1996/01/02)

2. I bought about 5,000 acres of farmland in South America, which is currently being farmed. We can be self-sufficient if we live there and manage this farm. Surprisingly, every imaginable tropical fruit tree grows there.

Before the purchase, we visited the farm when the owner was not there, and saw all the tropical fruit trees in the garden. They were planted in a garden with a yard where chickens were walking around.

The smell of pineapples was fragrant, but they had just been left there. When I asked why the pineapples were just left like that, they explained that they had not just been left there, but would be picked and eaten when they were ripe. 

Furthermore, there was a banana tree that produced bunches of tiny bananas. The people there do not care much for large bananas. When I asked for delicious bananas, they would bring me the tiny ones.

If you stand beneath a banana tree when the bananas are ripe, the banana smell is so fragrant! Just by gathering this fruit that grows naturally, you will never starve. It is a real mystery that people can die of hunger in such an environment. This kind of thing happens because there is no leadership. (267-031, 1994/12/27)

3. Normally, you need to wait more than 50 years to fell trees, for example, pine trees. So I was surprised to discover that in South America they can harvest trees only five years after they are planted. They are very thick, so they can be felled even at that young age.

They are about 15 meters high. When I saw this, I was surprised. The trees are of fairly good quality. Ebony is said to be one of the more expensive trees that grow in the tropics of South America. People say that a post made from the trunk of that tree will last for 100 to 150 years.

This is perfect news. Imagine being able to cut down these trees on a cycle of five to ten years. That would produce a large income. We can build a sawmill and produce lumber as soon as the trees are harvested.

The lumber can be used to build houses, and we can prefabricate houses following an ideal model. We can establish other business enterprises using materials from the area, and manufacture bricks to be used in producing modern homes.
(267-030, 1994/12/27)

4. The lumber used in Brazil is brought in from Paraguay. The price for the trees from the virgin forest is incredible. The land there is at least three times the size of Jeju Island and is packed with trees.

That lumber is ideal for construction. There are enough resources to design and produce prefabricated structures and sell them to people who build farms and ranches. (267-036, 1994/12/27) 

5. God first created the environment. Therefore, when we as the Unification Church go out to witness, we also must first create the environment. I have come to South America for that reason, to create the environment.

We are planning an ideal model for farmland, forest, and fishery. To accommodate people who work there, we will build houses on this one-million-square-foot piece of land. 

This should serve as an example to all Unification Church members. You must work wherever you go, whether in Africa or anywhere else. Where there is water, you have to build a fish farm.

Where there is land, you have to plant trees. The world is facing problems concerning oxygen. If the trees in the Amazon Basin are cut down, Europe will face a serious oxygen shortage. Therefore, Europe is trying to restrict the cutting down of trees. Brazil wants to develop the Amazon Basin and is asking Europe for compensation. 

This is the situation. Therefore, the time has come to plant trees on every bare piece of land. We need to cultivate forests. (281-067, 1997/01/02) 

6. South America is a place where you can enjoy the benefits of nature. When you come to know all the regions in South America, you see that it is best to establish villages with a culture that embraces nature to gradually solve the problems of water management and development, rather than building a city with a culture disconnected from nature.

Then there will be no problem with pollution. The person who controls and cares most for the management of water in these regions will eventually lead the world. (294-174, 1998/06/14) 

7. Why are we building a ranch and farm in Uruguay? Brazil and Uruguay have an abundance of resources that can sustain a self-sufficient ranch and farm.

We can distribute calves, lambs, and the young from other animals to 160 nations, where people can raise them and also become self-sufficient. If you give them money, it will soon be gone, but if you give them calves, they will multiply continuously. 

Doing this will overcome one obstacle to global prosperity. In the process, you too can own ranches and farms. Furthermore, the world will become one big territory for operating fisheries or recreational fishing tourism. 

When we first went to the Pantanal, about 2,500 acres of land cost $70,000. A farm with 700 cows was $700,000. Here in Paraguay, everyone raises chickens too. I plan to lead everything to create an ideal hometown or nation.

I can build a kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and college in the middle of the farm. It will be a place where all five races can truly live together.

This is why people from the 160 nations should come here, receive training, and return to their nations to develop the land in their hometowns. Recreation is a part of this, so they will be able to fish and hunt while they are here. There are practical preparations underway to take advantage of these opportunities. (266-140, 1994/12/22) 

8. I am planning to operate a fish farm. I supply live fish to Japanese restaurants that cook fish picked from the fish tank. I developed this practice, and research carried out at my direction led to enhanced filtration systems that permit live fish to live in tanks for a long time.

Currently, we are in the process of researching how fish caught in Alaska, such as king salmon and silver salmon, can be transported and sold live on the Japanese market. Live fish go for three to five times the price of frozen fish. Why do we need a fish farm?

It is because people want live fish. Distribution of live fish caught in the wild is possible, but distributing live fish from local fish farms dramatically reduces the distribution costs. 

Therefore, in the future, our tanks should be allocated to families and villages. One manager can supervise all the production, calculate annual fish consumption worldwide, and request the appropriate payment through a bank bi-annually.

If we do this, even people who do not like fish will buy and eat it because it will be so convenient. This kind of organization is very promising in terms of creating a low-cost distribution system.

If one person can manage a fish farm, he or she can run a business, even in the middle of a sightseeing park. One additional benefit is that we can market sashimi as much as we want. (207-120, 1990/11/01) 

9. If you catch fish in the Paraguay River, you usually end up throwing away much of your catch. Our people should introduce fishing tourism, buy the fish that the tourists catch, flash-freeze them by the riverside, and ship the fish to Japan, Europe, and China. Since the fish will have been flash-frozen, when they are thawed out, they will be as fresh as they were by the riverside.

Using a 10,000-ton boat, we can transport fish that have been caught in the Pacific and Atlantic, as well as those that have been cultivated in the 160 fish farms on six continents, as far away as the opposite side of the world.

When there are fish here, there are no fish in the north, and when there are fish up north there are none down here. By setting up a distribution system that can balance supply and demand, we can establish an economic base. (270-063, 1995/05/04) 

10. Because there are no mountains in most of South America, you can channel the water wherever you want. When you dig for water, you need to locate your well where the groundwater lies; otherwise water will not appear, no matter how deep you dig.

You can earn a living just by selling water. By evaporating ocean water, you can make as much water as you need. 

Today because of the advances in engines and other technology, we can bore tunnels and construct aquaculture buildings in places that are 4, 40, or even 400 kilometers away from a water source.

I could construct a building for a fish farm taller than the World Trade Center. There are more than 1,000 kinds of fish in the Pantanal, but they can be cultivated inside a building by using a computer with the proper software. Imagine!

Anyone who might pass by and want lunch will be able to buy and eat whatever fish they desire. In other words, we can make a place where we can make sashimi with any fish you want. (302-100, 1999/06/01) 

11. I have a special interest in South America. I am trying to observe how fish migrate there during the beginning of winter. If we want to generate tourism, we should think seriously about how to take advantage of the four different seasons.

Winter is always a problem, but if we coordinate well with the four seasons, I think we can build a full-scale tourist business. Furthermore, since this area is on the opposite end of the Earth from Kodiak, Alaska when one side is going into hibernation, the opposite side is entering summer vacation. The two alternate. 

The issue for us is how to overcome the challenges of the four seasons through stimulating exchange between the northern and southern hemispheres. Fishing takes place in the summer and stops in the winter.

How are we going to promote fishing through all four seasons? I want to bring people from Kodiak to visit Korea. In Korea, for example, summer is a hot season, so they would like to go to Kodiak during the summer. Consider, however, that it is not summer in South America; it is winter.

So we can go there and compare the two. Let's make a foundation to allow the Korean people to feel that they have moved into another season. If we can create such a program for tourism, we can utilize it anywhere during all four seasons. (270-300, 1995/07) 

Supporting Local Communities 

True Parents created roads in the Pantanal and donated 29 ambulances. They realized that people living there could not get to the hospital because of the poor road conditions. Therefore, while donating the ambulances, they also constructed roads.

Furthermore, they founded a school in Jardim and educated talented potential leaders. By broadcasting the best educational material from the United States using videos, they have striven to raise the standard of South America's education. 

The place after Jardim over which True Parents offered the deepest prayers while they were in South America was Chaco, an area of 250,000 square kilometers in the Grand Chaco region, which spans Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina.

In August 1999 True Parents directed Japanese national messiahs to pioneer the farms in Puerto Leda, located within the Chaco region. True Parents oversaw the purchase of 80,000 hectares of land in Leda and began to develop it. 

Focusing on Leda, they planned to create a model farm, model fisheries, and spin-off businesses, thereby promoting a culture harmonious with nature. Leda was an extremely difficult place to live, but True Parents dedicated resources to transform it into a beautiful village where people and nature can profitably coexist. We re-created Leda and made it into an ideal village where anyone would be happy to live. 

12. People living in the Pantanal region cannot travel freely because there are not enough roads. 

Therefore, I must build roads, and in this way, create an environment where the people can move forward and go out into the world. I heard many stories about mothers who cried frantically because they could not take their sick babies to a hospital.

So, I provided one ambulance to each area in the Pantanal region. 

This means that those ambulances were donated by someone who has no relationship with the area. The value of what I gave them would amount to $500,000 today.

The governor, chief of police, may, and hospital administrators of each area gathered when I presented the money for the ambulances, and I obtained their pledge that they would use it properly.

Now if someone makes a phone call to the police station, the officers immediately drive the person to the hospital. I am hoping to continue this movement by inspiring more contributions. It started with 50 vehicles but, in the future, I want to increase this number to 500, or even thousands, so that eventually doctors will be able to make house calls. (276-196, 1996/02/19) 

13. We can educate people in South America just as we did in the United States. If people in South America have televisions and VCRs, American programs can be broadcast and people can follow along with a textbook to receive the same education as people in the US.

We are providing a system beginning with the opportunity to study on their own and then gather once a week, or once every two weeks, to receive guidance and participate in a question-and-answer session based on what they have studied. If they need a car to travel to those gatherings, they can use the ambulance. The ambulances I donated can serve dual purposes. 

An educational system will be established to connect students to a college. It could include kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools or high schools, depending on the population of that province. 

Farming methods, tree planting methods, fish farming methods, and how to deal with the wilderness will be taught by the time students finish the fourth grade of elementary school. Therefore, when students graduate from high school, they will be professionals in their field. College graduates will become teachers and leaders in these regions. We need to establish this system. 

We can train high school students to watch over the farms and ranches. They need to be taught to develop and manage these farms and ranches.

Education in various fields of expertise will be taught at the ranch at a fast pace for students from the age of 16 up to the end of high school and on to college – 20 years in total, including the completion of a PhD course.

Students in our system will not need to worry about having enough food at home. Everyone will become self-sufficient. (276-197, 1996/02/19)

14. I built a school in Jardim. Since not everyone can be accommodated in the kindergartens and middle schools, we are calling people of exemplary talent to be educated at the headquarters.

We will have a kindergarten in each city, and then build an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school. We will send those who perform well in high school to study at our college, where they will gain a general education in fisheries, forest management, agricultural methods, and the manufacturing industry.

We will expand what has been built in Jardim. Furthermore, I am planning to build a college and a university following that same system. 

I am making dynamic plans to build schools throughout South America. My vision is to build elementary, middle, and high schools in 33 cities in 33 South American countries.

Approximately 230 square meters of land are needed to build two classrooms, which can accommodate 500 people. We will build these classrooms using sliding partitions that can transform the two classrooms into six or seven classrooms. 

Then, even if hundreds of tourists go there, they can all be accommodated in that one building. It can be used as a place to accommodate tourists as well as to educate and train residents. (281-300, 1997/03/09) 

15. There was a day when I shed tears as I traveled across South America. As I crossed the boundary of Argentina and Uruguay and crossed over the top of the Andes Mountains, while the sun slowly set, I cried as I spoke to a Brazilian missionary. I prayed, “God, in the future I will come here and develop this place. 

Father, please do not forget.” 

Where must the Japanese go? I wanted to send them to Paraguay, which I consider an extension of Korea, but the Japanese members were not prepared to go to South America. They all opposed the idea. I had no choice but to send the national messiahs to Paraguay instead.

They went to Puerto Leda and were assigned to work on an area of land of some 80,000 hectares. Miraculously, they were able to purchase this land and develop it. 

Let us make this impoverished city into a new city, one whose culture agrees with nature. It takes six hours to get from Leda to the Victoria Plaza Hotel, and I will connect them.

I told the Japanese national messiahs to build a plaza, a hospital, schools and a multipurpose center instead of a sports center in the village, where 19 clans of the native peoples, Indios, are living. I also asked them to buy land. 

As part of those preparations, we established numerous operational bases two hours away from each other. In addition, 182 information booths will be set up, one every 50 kilometers along the Paraguay and Amazon Rivers. The Japanese should set up the booths and guide the tours.

Therefore, when people come searching for this place, I, as the owner, will have erected the pillar of the new family education. Since we have gone through these things, you need to realize that this is not just someone else's responsibility; it is our responsibility.

As you tour that region, you should always shed tears as you think about the extensive groundwork that True Parents initiated to overcome the obstacles. (407-176, 2003/05/15)

16. The Eve nation has the central mission of the restoration of heaven and earth. Who must shed sweat and suffer on the Pantanal?

Japan is surrounded by the ocean. SSaltwatersurrounds it. Originally, when we speak of water, we are referring to the ocean. The water in the ocean evaporates and circulates through the atmosphere, resulting in saltwater becoming fresh water to replenish mountain' streams.

In the same way, the job of the Japanese is to work here with sincere devotion, creating a cloud that shares new water with the world. You are not suffering so that you can live well.

Rather, it is to make a foundation for future happiness. Without sacrifice, you cannot make a foundation for happiness. You should go through even more hardships than I have, and stand in the position of a mother to nourish all the people of the world. (1999/09/21) 

17. You have been sent to the Pantanal for 40 days. These days conditionally rrepresent40 years and 400 years. For 400 years, the Christians gathered in the catacombs while under persecution and carried out the victorious settlement of paradise.

The Japanese people need to work for at least 400 years to support the well-being of the world; 40 years is not enough. You should do this with pleasure because you are saving the world. With the idea of an earthly paradise in mind, we are preparing the Pantanal as a tourist kingdom.

The people of the world have to pass through this place. Everything that God created remains here in pristine condition. We must make a beautiful earth. To accomplish that, I gave this responsibility to the Japanese people, and you must not complain. As the mother nation, Japan needs to fulfill this mission completely. (1999/09/21) 

18. I told the Japanese national messiahs to quickly pioneer the farms in Puerto Leda, Paraguay. The Eve nation has the responsibility to at least set up a farm as a model where the world's people can be educated. (321-254, 2000/04/24) 

19. In places like Peru, a limitless number of sardines can be caught. We told the people who catch sardines that we would make sardine powder. All the conditions are favoring us. Heaven is allowing for all this to take place.

But there is almost no one who can embrace this breakthrough and celebrate it. To return to the ocean, we need to take an interest in the fisheries business. To prepare for this, we plan to settle in the Pantanal with Leda at the center and carry out this work through the Japanese people. 

Realizing that conservation is the most important task in the Amazon region, we must take measures to prevent pollution as we develop business enterprises that can solve the problem of food shortages. (326-281, 2000/07/15) 

20. In Brazil, many biracial people are half-African and half-Spanish, and in Paraguay, there are also many half-Asian and half-Spanish people. That is why on May 16, 1995, I started the 17 Nations-speaking tour of Central America and South America from Paraguay.

The Guaraní tribe must gain the support of the Indios. That is why I let the people in this area use our boats, and I even pay for the fuel, so that they at least can gather at the church one Sunday a month. That is also why I made the house on the Leda farm massive. I want to hold gatherings there. 

This is why the Korean members must be called to come here and work in unity. And the Japanese members will do likewise as a separate group. The Koreans will pioneer separately, and next, the Japanese will pioneer, and thereafter, the Americans will pioneer.

This is the plan. Next, the leaders of the six continents will pioneer, and finally, by connecting this momentum to their respective regions, we will arrange it as a global effort. (326-232, 2000/07/13) 

21. I want to build a refrigeration company here in the Pantanal so that the fish caught here by the local people can be sold throughout the world. To achieve this, we need refrigerated containers.

Since there are companies that rent refrigerated storage containers, it might be good, at least at the beginning, to rent and use these containers. We are trying to make 180 bases, and the Japanese people are organizing that at the Leda farm. We can rent the refrigerated containers, freeze and store the fish in them, and then sell them. 

The challenge will be preserving the freshness of the fish. If we can create a method for this in the Pantanal, there will be no problem pioneering it on the world market. (387-186, 2002/07/22)

22. The raw materials available from the land areas will not sustain us for even 50 more years. Therefore, a problem will arise. In 100 years, food resources from the land will be depleted.

That is why we have to pioneer the sphere of the ocean. For this purpose, I directed Japanese members to focus our Paraguay River basin efforts on the Leda farm, to create a model farm or a model fishery, an ideal city culture agreeing on nature. (409-093, 2003/06/20) 

23. The Japanese national messiahs have entered South America and, working on the Leda farm, are pioneering the Paraguay region. I asked them to stay there for three years, and three years have not yet passed.

I directed them to develop the entire region of Paraguay. I am doing as I have prayed before heaven. That is why I want to use Japanese marine capability to develop Paraguay and Uruguay to a higher level than anywhere else in the world. (418-207, 2003/09/24) 

Providence for the Southern Cone 

The four Southern Cone nations, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, have abolished customs taxes and formed a common market. Through them, True Parents have been working to establish a model nation; they desire to expand this effort to all of South America. 

24. Presently in South America, goods are being exchanged without the collection of customs taxes between Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil too to develop the Southern Cone into a common market. This is a step toward them becoming one country.

I am trying to unify these four countries so that economically they are like one country. When I spoke with the presidents of Paraguay and Uruguay, they explained that it was difficult and frustrating for them to be sandwiched between the big countries of Argentina and Brazil. (271-032, 1995/08/15) 

25. We have to establish a model nation to serve as a standard. I am trying to create this model nation by working with Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina. Paraguay and Uruguay stand as plus and minus to each other, as do Argentina and Brazil, respectively.

So, I need to create a plan to bring together these two pluses and two minuses on the left and right. All customs taxes have been abolished between these four countries, so economically they function as one nation. In Uruguay, we built a bank, a convention center, a department store, and a hotel. We are planning to establish branches of this bank in these four 

countries. Then commerce will be possible throughout the 33 nations of Central and South America. Thereafter, North America and South America should also unite as a plus and a minus. (268-057, 1995/02/07)

26. If the four nations of the Southern Cone – Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay – join together into one nation, that one nation would represent four-fifths of South America. In this way, most of South America would be united. The time is coming when customs taxes will be completely removed and all goods will be able to pass freely from one nation to another.

This means that shortly, all nations will become one nation. In line with the global trend, South America needs to become one nation. The similarity of its various cultures is yet another dynamic that is leading the individual South American countries to become one nation. In Brazil and Argentina, there are large areas of undeveloped land.

The government is considered the owner of this land, but these governments have not been able to manage them. People build ranches, but that is not enough. In the future, we have to plant trees to produce more oxygen. We have to create a completely green zone. (269-158, 1995/04/17)

27. By bringing the four nations of the Southern Cone together, we can raise talented people to foster networks for unification in South America. After making a federation between Sun Moon University, the University of Bridgeport, and Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, we will build four universities of the highest standard in the Southern Cone by importing financial resources and academic wisdom from the United States.

We will even mobilize Europe. Starting from these universities and focusing on the underdeveloped nations, people from 160 nations will gather here, unit all the cultures. 

I want to set a worldwide standard of peace and establish a school to educate talented people who will lead the world. I also want to make a world exhibition village in that region where we will showcase the culture that connects all 160 nations on an equal plane.

This university will then become a destination for tourists from all over the world. Furthermore, if facilities are built to accommodate those who want to study abroad, students from all over the world will be able to come and go. The ideal world will be represented in the context of these several interconnected projects. I am holding talks to accomplish these things. (269-163, 1995/04/17) 

28. I plan to make a central bank in South America. I will create it after conferring with the presidents of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. We have a bank in Uruguay, and the Bank of Paraguay is offering us shares.

Argentina is also ready to do this. In this way, we will establish branches of the bank in these four nations, connecting the best bankers in South America to establish a central bank. We will make a bank that is bigger than the banks of any one nation and establish it as a credit union to promote the distribution of capital. That is why we are getting into this business. (282-201, 1997/03/12)

29. The Unification Church must tie together the universities, the media, the theological world, and the financial world. I will create a foundation for the financial world through a bank in South America. 

We need organizations to manage the world's stock markets. England, Japan,n and Taiwan determine the price of gold and silver. In the future, the four nations of the Southern Cone, which includes Brazil, will have to do this.

I have settled here to lay the foundation to operate a cutting-edge Wall Street-like stock exchange on a global scale. For this purpose, I have been educating bankers since 1980. (300-290, 1999/03/24) 

30. In Paraguay, I have given directions to create a model for the ideal world on a 74-acre area of land. If it succeeds, the Paraguayan Congress and media will publicize it all over the country.

All of South America will hear about it, and Paraguay will become a plus, and unite with Uruguay, the minus. If these two countries say, “Do it,” Brazil and Argentina will also join them, and by eliminating import taxes and opening a joint distribution system, these nations can all move as one.

The Paraguayan and Uruguayan governments have declared and publicized that Reverend Moon's plan to pioneer an ideal world is a worthy step toward the establishment of world peace. They have completely turned and are facing in the same direction. (266-138, 1994/12/22) 

31. If Korea is the north, Uruguay, the opposite point on earth is the south. The world laughed at our work to help support Uruguay financially. American leaders also wonder why we don't support the United States instead of Uruguay. But the Uruguayan president has faith in me.

I established a bank and hotel convention center there. Next, I built a department store, and we are working to organize a financial system to connect the bank, the hotel, a travel agency, and a department store. In the area of ideology, I have established a foundation that can communicate and cooperate with the Catholic community. (269-211, 1995/04/23) 

32. In the United States, our work started from the very bottom, but South America is developing from the top down, so this is a faster process. In Uruguay, since 1980, I have established a bank, a hotel, and a newspaper. If you look at the globe, you will see that Uruguay forms an axis with Korea.

They are on opposite ends of the earth such that, if you draw a line between them, it forms an axis of the Earth. My plan for South America is to make a duty-free zone covering its entire 33 nations. By eliminating tariffs and freeing up economic circulation, we will establish Uruguay as one of the leading developing nations. 

The Pope called for a consolidation movement and affirmed that Catholics should repent for the long history of fighting with Protestants that continues even until the present era. Therefore, the internal and external directions of the providence are coming into perfect alignment. (271-031, 1995/08/15)

33. I am involved with Paraguay and have suggested that the Paraguayan government's ruling party and opposition party are in a Cain-Abel relationship and should become one.

If the two parties become one and attend True Parents, it will become a nation that can receive the Blessing of the heavenly kingdom. It will become the blessed nation, a nation that can represent North America and South America as a central nation of the heavenly kingdom. I am involved in Uruguay, and now I am also reaching out to Argentina. 

Korea and Paraguay are also in a Cain-Abel relationship. This means that in the end, they must become one. Paraguay is the axis of the Southern Cone. That is why, together with Paraguay, I am leading a federation movement involving Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina.

These four countries represent east, west, north, and south. If Uruguay and Paraguay become one, on this same axis, Argentina and Brazil also will become one. (268-206, 1995/04/01) 

Establishing an Economic Foundation
Creating the environment to build God’s kingdom requires us to reclaim the physical world for God.
Ecumenical Initiatives - True Parents Legacy
Human beings live in deep ignorance of matters regarding spiritual reality because our connection of heart with God was severed due to the Fall of our first ancestors.