Distinguished religious leaders gathered here and throughout the world!
My earnest wish is to see a truly peaceful world. As we conclude our welcome of the.
New Year, we have learned the profound and mysterious wisdom of Heaven. I have said that we have arrived at the final point of all religions, which must realize the world of peace that God and humankind have longed to see.
Consider all that took place in the world this year. We not only had the coronavirus pandemic but also, in many parts of the world, heavy rain and wildfires caused by climate change.
Recently, there was a massive wildfire in Colorado and tornadoes in the central United States, which resulted in astronomical property damage that defies description, not to mention the loss of many lives.
This is the reason we must join our hearts together. With these global changes, we are realizing once again that there are limits to human effort. The only way for us to become one, therefore, is to become the children of God, our Creator who owns the universe.
However, even though the spirit may be willing, the principles of the Creation still need to be upheld. In other words, human beings have a responsibility to fulfill.
And because God could not abandon fallen people, He has been carrying out His providence of salvation.
Among all people, God selected one person to be His chosen people and unfolded His providential work. A chosen people. Yet as a chosen people they need to fulfill their responsibility to receive Heaven’s blessing.

After a long preparation period of four thousand years, the providence to save and restore the people of Israel through indemnity was begun when Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son, was sent to earth. At the time, Israel was a vassal of the great Roman Empire.
At a time when it was said that all roads lead to Rome, Heaven’s providence with the people of Israel began with much urgency. The Roman Empire at that time was in a situation where its very future was unpredictable, with many broken families and its young people in chaos.
In contrast, the people of Israel had firm and strong families that centered on God, and the Roman Empire then wanted to follow their example.
The issue is that, following the principles of Creation, our Creator created all things in pairs.
Consequently, once the only-begotten Son was born, a woman also had to be born. However, those who should have helped with this, such as Mary, Zechariah’s family, Judaism, and the people of Israel, were all unable to fulfill their responsibility.
God had toiled for four thousand long years to send His only-begotten Son, and yet, the people of Israel, who should have formed a protective environment in which he could carry out his mission, let him go to the cross. How could that happen? Jesus came to have nowhere to stand.
On the path to the cross, he said that he would come again. He said that upon his return he would hold the Feast of the Lamb. He meant that he would seek his bride.
Since then, the history of Christianity has continued for two thousand years. The truth is, however, that Christianity has not known the true nature of Jesus, or God the Creator.
Therefore, even though Christianity put love first, the great powers in the world prioritized their interests before all else. In their egotism, they did not practice Jesus’ love, and this brought about the end of the age of the Atlantic Civilization.
The Creator, however, is an eternal being. He created everything in the world with eternity in mind.
Humankind can be saved only by the True Parents, who, though born among fallen humankind, have the condition of having no relationship with the Fall. The only-begotten Son was born two thousand years ago.
And yet, the only-begotten Daughter could not appear because the people of Israel were unable to fulfill their responsibility.
Heaven then chose the Korean people as His chosen people and raised them in preparation for the birth of the only-begotten Daughter. That is why the Korean people need to advance to the position where they can serve God directly.
To do so, they need to meet the True Parents, be reborn, and be resurrected. In other words, it is only through True Parents’ Blessing that they can become the children of the Heavenly Parent.
Heaven’s providence, oriented toward goodness, permitted different faiths to blossom where they best suited their localities. Nevertheless, the final destination for those religions and their leaders is the place where they can receive their True Parents’ Blessing. Only then can the entire world truly serve our Heavenly Parent.
Moreover, a heavenly unified Korea and a heavenly unified world can be realized only when the Korean Peninsula, which should become our Heavenly Parent’s homeland, accomplishes its responsibility.

I would like to ask the politicians to listen to my words. I have said before that there are limits to what can be achieved by human effort. The Korean people, who should uphold Heaven’s providence, need to follow the path of practicing True Parents’ words, for it is only then that Korea, the Korean Peninsula blessed by Heaven, can become the heavenly unified Korea and ultimately realize the heavenly unified world of true freedom, peace, equality, and happiness under our Heavenly Parent.
Only twenty or so days remain until the New Year. Not only those of you gathered here today, but also all religious believers in the world, need to join their hearts in fervent prayer and devotion to reveal to the world the authority of Heaven by which the Heavenly Parent can be substantially manifested on earth to govern it.
The Korean people need to fulfill their responsibility to create such an environment, and we all need to work together to realize a world of true peace and happiness. You are now living in a golden age blessed by Heaven, which can only come once in your lives as well as in history.
Therefore, you have to work hard so that the record of honor will read: “You have fulfilled your responsibility. The blessings and grace of Heaven are overflowing in your families, your nations, and the world.
You are the true children of the Heavenly Parent who made this possible.” Please know that the moment when this is recorded will be an unforgettable moment of eternal blessing for all of you.
As long as God is with us, we will certainly welcome a vibrant year of the black tiger filled with hope. Let us bring this to fruition. Thank you.