The Selfless Offering

This is something that can make a difference in my life, in the lives of all the church members, and in the future of the world.

Today I would like to share with you the most precious thing that Father has shown me. This is something that can make a difference in my life, in the lives of all the church members, and in the future of the world. I am going to give you my testimony about what Father showed me that gave me hope. By duplicating Father’s example, we can truly change the world.

More than ever, especially now that we have cable television, many churches are getting involved in the broadcasting medium. They are transmitting their message of Christ to the world. There are certain connecting themes in almost every program. Simply put, that theme is sacrifice. In other words, they show certain segments on what their church is doing usually how they are helping needy people in the world communities. These programs evoke interest by showing the audience that someone cares. These churches do not just dismiss the fact that the world is not perfect. They recognize the many unsettling things and many inadequacies in every aspect of life.

They are addressing these problems through church-sponsored programs that help the needy, feed the homeless, and help families in difficult economic situations a kind of sacrifice. More and more people are trying to get the public’s attention through that theme.

Everyone yearns deep inside their heart to connect with Heavenly Father. They want to realize the greatest hope that every man has an ideal world. Although everyone feels they want to realize the ideal, not many people know that the way to attain their goal of a harmonious, joyous, eternally prosperous world is only through Heavenly Father. But with that kind of desire present in every person’s heart, there must be an avenue through which it can be manifested in this physical world.

Many religions are providing their version of how mankind’s great expectations will ultimately be realized. But lately, more than ever before, Christianity is stressing the way to attain that goal is through sacrifice nothing else. This raises a very interesting point because we all dwell in an environment in which we experience problems. So when we find someone willing to give us answers or make those problems go away, obviously we will be very interested in their suggestions. Certainly, such a message attracts a lot of attention.

The most important priority

The greatest lesson Father is trying to teach us is that sacrifice, in every aspect of our lives, is the most important priority. It is becoming much clearer because the time is getting closer.

When you look at Father’s life, no person in the entire world has sacrificed himself for the sake of the goal Will of God more than Father has.

Many churches in the world have greater traditions and histories than us. Many have been around for thousands of years, but what Father has done within his lifetime, within the last forty years, is incomparable. Father has attained the foundation and is now in that position to make a difference in the world, to shake the world. That is amazing!

When you study Father’s life history, you can see that one step after another Father was shunned and rejected. Father had to go through tremendous obstacles and suffer numerous betrayals-several of which were committed by the people closest to him. Father had to endure all hardships to establish the foundation we inherit today.

When you look at Father’s life it breaks your heart. Every step of the way he had to endure the most difficult thing of all: selflessly giving his utmost for the sake of others, even those who completely rejected him.

We Offer Thanks And Praise For Your Having Chosen Us
Father! Each time we bow down and pray before the majesty of our sacred Father, the more that we consider the fact that you are not joyful, there is no way to keep ourselves from feeling ashamed and remorseful.

Being rejected is not an easy thing to endure in and of itself; but giving every ounce of your energy to someone who rejects you, even accuses you, is just unthinkable. Put yourself in that position.

Think of the worst experience that you had then try to put yourself in Father’s shoes. For example, remember some experiences that hurt you: many times those painful experiences of yours stemmed from rejection.

But how many of those rejections came after you had made a complete sacrifice?

That is the constant pattern in Father’s life.

From the time he received the revelation from Jesus Christ and was given the mission from Heavenly Father to proselytize Korea and bear the responsibility of True Parents, Father’s life story bears this pattern. That realization is overwhelming.

By carrying out his responsibility every step of the way, he met with rejection-rejection of his selfless offering to others.

Even the prepared people rejected him. Before it became necessary for Father to go to North Korea, Heavenly Father had prepared many sects in South Korea to follow the Messiah. For there to be a Cain and Abel union firmly set on a national foundation, then, according to the Principle, the Father should stand as Abel on the national level foundation. Based on that foundation of restoring the elder sonship position of dominion by Abel (South Korea) embracing Cain (North Korea), he could have expanded to the world level.

But that was lost when the chosen people failed to accept him. I don’t know their interpretation of what happened or the content of their revelations, but they did not live up to the expectations of Heavenly Father, which made it necessary for the Father to endure many hardships.

Sacrifice Is The Shortest Way To Heaven
The primary purpose of the Providential History for Restoration is to recover the individual’s and family’s horizontal relation with God.

I am trying to sift through this history and am piecing a heartbreaking picture together. Over the years I have discovered many details that are agonizing one thing after another. The tortures alone were incredible. But you don’t even see that in his face.

Father’s heart for America

When I first came here, America wasn’t what I thought it would be. As a little boy, I used to think about America as a very wonderful place. If there was a kingdom of heaven on earth, I thought that America was certainly close to it. But I was so disheartened when I experienced what America is all about.

If America did that to the heart of a little child, can you imagine what it did to Father?

Imagine yourself in Father’s position, with his mission. How would you have carried it out?

It was unbelievable to look at America twenty years ago and imagine what had to be done. But Father gave every ounce of his energy to make sure everyone in America heard his message. He began the Day of Hope tour, speaking about the Principle, and explaining the Will of Heavenly Father to the American people. He has continuously given every ounce of his energy.

He has built our movement in America, yet we have not lived up to Father’s expectations. Despite our shortcomings, Father has created a network of sincere people in America and now wants to move America toward God’s way. He is constantly gaining broader ground in the task of making his words heard. But coming this far obviously did not happen without incredible sacrifice and tremendous effort.

After Vietnam, America lost its ability to lead the world toward a certain goal. Father arrived just as Watergate was happening. Many who looked to America’s leaders as torchbearers of the spirit of the founding fathers were sorely disappointed because increasing numbers of politicians were shown to be deceitful people and the government was losing the trust of the American people.

The sixties gave rise to the free-spirited hippie movements which shunned traditional American values. Values that originally stemmed from Christianity were rejected for being too restrictive. This country’s youth wanted change because they saw so much hypocrisy and corruption. It was not limited to certain aspects of society but extended into many of the religious movements as well. Young people had a natural yearning to create an ideal harmonious world where everyone loved one another. But rather than centering on God’s way of realizing it, they centered on the satanic way. This resulted in many young people living with no boundaries or laws- promiscuously sharing themselves.

To Become A Living Sacrifice
The person, who needs to set indemnity conditions, has no freedom. He is a sacrifice.

That lifestyle was a product of the young generation’s effort to break away from a corrupt, hypocritical environment, trying to realize the ideal world by applying their methods. Because so many young people were involved in such experimentation, they created a sense of community.

Young people sought happiness and gained simple satisfaction through drugs, sex, and music. Because young people saw so many compromises on the part of the religious leaders, they participated in these things to break away from religion.

Although religion might have been good and just, they wanted nothing to do with it because it was taught by hypocrites.

Their new lifestyle brought them momentary joy and resulted in a generation being lost to the physical joy of drugs and free sex. Among these people were many idealists. They thought the way to change the world was to become involved in something that could change the masses. Consequently, many of them became journalists working in the print and broadcasting media. This satanically-controlled generation produced a lot of talent that would change and mold America’s future; many eventually became editors and major media contributors throughout America. Father arrived during their heyday.

Recently we witnessed the victorious completion of Father’s suffering course in Danbury where he initiated The Washington Times. Even before Father began The Times, he had started the News World and News World Communications. The reason for the advent of all this media was very simple: Americans were turning away from Heavenly Father and uniting with satanic, socialist ideology. Many current journalists, as products of the sixties, are usually of liberal political persuasions with many swinging toward socialism.

Capitalism stresses property and ownership; communism stresses distributing all the material wealth equally. The hook in capitalism and the free world is ownership, while the hook in communism is equality. But in “True Love,” ownership and equality dwell together.

It was Satan who separated these two qualities. Satan wants us to divide all these things-ownership stresses this division. Communism stresses just equality, neglecting man’s uniqueness.

Develop your uniqueness

Everyone has a unique identity no one like me or you. But how can individual uniqueness interchange with others?

Through love giving and sacrificing oneself for others. If I practice sacrificial love, then what I possess will also be yours. That would apply universally. Although each one of us is uniquely different, if we practice true love, that difference can be equally distributed everywhere. We are equal, not in terms of each physical individual, but because everyone can, through give and take of love, receive what God has manifested on earth.

God wants to give and take with mankind. He wants mankind to represent His position, and recreate this world centered on this relationship. God is giving Himself to realize this goal. You are the owner of the unique quality that you have received from Heavenly Father. Therefore, it is your responsibility to develop it fully so you can have the deepest give and take of love with Him.

Capitalism and communism each have an appeal: one is the desire for equality, while the other is the desire for ownership. Because there is no unity, conflict results. Father is telling us the only way to combine these two is through Godism.

American journalists wanted to bring about change according to what they believed. Disguising themselves behind a veil of “objectivity” they were trying to multiply their fallen lifestyle, saying “This is what America is all about freedom.”

Safeguard The Unified Front
The reason for such a motto this year is that the democratic world is the frontline in safeguarding God’s providence.

True freedom was losing its ground and its boundaries. In any wartime situation, the transgressors who invaded first wiped out the traditions of the opponent's people. That way, the people had no root, nothing to trace themselves to or connect with.

As the lost generation proposed, we should love one another we can do that only based on the teachings of God. That is the important thing. What the sixties generation wanted stemmed from a different source.

The Watergate crisis provided the leftist media with a way to show America how conservatism, representing mainstream traditional thought, was hypocritical.

America’s adherence to God’s way of living was gradually losing ground and, bit by bit, America was dying.

The reason Father started News World Communications in New York City, and later The Washington Times, was to communicate to the masses. Satan’s side was using the media to reach the masses, so Father also needed to have media available that presented God’s viewpoint. You must have a body to realize Cain/Abel's unity.

If Father and Unificationism represent the Abel side, America represents the Cain side. Father had to establish a complete body to deal with the media, he needed a vehicle. Therefore, he created the News World in New York City.

To save this nation

Wherever Father stays is the center of the Providence. Father’s dwelling place represents Abel’s position. Father first invested in the News World newspaper in New York City, and after that, he made The Washington Times. At that time there was no voice representing conservative America in Washington DC, the capital of America. All the conservatives knew it.

We invested an incredible amount of money to establish The Washington Times on a competitive scale. No one had been willing to sacrifice huge financial resources for a dying cause, but Father did it and not for his reasons. Father knew America was important for God’s dispensation because it represented certain aspects of Christian history and the free world.

Although it was not perfect and had many inadequacies, it still represented God’s side. Father also knew what America had done for Korea during the Korean War, so Father gave everything.

Father understood that if America continued to be dominated by leftist media and leftwing policies, America and the whole world would be in jeopardy. Father’s mission would suffer the most grievous consequences if he used the money to remedy America’s problems and save this nation.

With that kind of money, we certainly could have created nurseries, preschools, elementary schools, and educational systems for our children all across America. We could have bettered ourselves; but, instead, Father invested everything to save America.

Why am I stressing this?

Because now other Christians are upholding and promoting sacrifice, but the bottom line throughout our whole life has been sacrifice. Father’s entire life was sacrificed. How we built this foundation was upon complete sacrifice! Father has the kind of ingenuity where our church could have built bigger buildings than the Vatican.

We could have been the most elegant church if we had poured all of our resources for our benefit. Just think about the investments Father has made: none has gone for the welfare of the church. Everything went to the very people who hate Father. America locked Father up in Danbury.

Father could have avoided going to prison, for there is no extradition treaty between Korea and America. But he returned because he knew that by so doing he could provoke the religious community to stand up. This was important because more and more leftist media factions were encroaching upon religion, wanting to control religion and allow only certain religions to exist.

Father knew by going to Danbury he could ignite certain issues which had been dormant in the religious community. At least religious people would begin to address the problem of leftist factions trying to do away with religion and promote their own scuzzy, scummy, immoral way of living.

Influential people were using their power to promote satanic, socialistic agendas and the immoral, boundless freedom of the sixties generation. Father sacrificed himself to become an example for America to talk about. He realized that America was becoming increasingly satanic and religions were losing power which meant God was also losing ground. Because Father got involved in this issue, he kept the fire burning.

Following The Cosmic True Love Way
When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.

When Father entered Danbury, we began educating 7,000 ministers through videotapes sent throughout America. Father told these leaders that America was losing ground to the secular forces and this nation must wake up now! Father was willing to invest his resources to help the American people realize the seriousness of the problem.

Father will continue this investment until America is fully aware of this. That is his goal. This is what he did in every aspect of life the media, education, and religion. Father invested every ounce of his energy to wake up America to its decaying situation.

Now, what is the hope for the future?

The future of America lies in Father’s sacrifice. I am not saying we should try to profit from or capitalize on Father’s sacrifice. But understanding Father’s course, his suffering, and self-denial, shows us the way in which we can change America and the world.

Apply Father’s pattern

Father has encouraged you to start your family hometown ministry or tribal ministry.

You accomplish that by applying Father’s pattern and example. Without using words or conjuring up some scheme, just selflessly sacrifice. Simply practice and accumulate sacrifice and, when the time comes, that effort will be the determining factor in restoring your own family.

Even though all religions promise joy, happiness, ss, and eternal prosperity, one attains a good relationship only through self-sacrifice. Every individual who is involved in a marriage, age, for example, is enduring a great deal of sacrifice. Each party has to sacrifice for the sake of the marriage and the family.

We are the ones who most clearly understand that ideal relationships stem from sacrifice for one another.

But who among us will be its representative by manifesting that ideal?

In brief, the more we substantiate what Father is trying to teach us, the more we will become the leaders whom people will try to emulate. We will be the people worthy to represent that idealism to the rest of the world. But the only way that can happen is through the foundation of substance or by us substantiating what we preach. That is what Father has been telling us: that the foundation of substance is most important. From the beginning when you joined, you were driven to sacrifice through the formula course.

The fruit of that lifestyle will be the determining factor of the future. If we can show people that we have done more than anyone else in the world, then they will have no qualms about accepting what we teach.

The development of man’s yearning to attain joy can be divided into three phases.

During his childhood years, man experiences joy through the interaction of his physical senses with the environment. Certain things have to be exaggerated for children to get the message-physically stimulated to get certain points across. The second phase is the intellectual phase, where man’s joy comes from intellectual interaction. The final phase is one of internal or spiritual satisfaction.

When you come closer to death, you start satisfying your soul for our life on earth is to prepare for the spirit world. The closer you get to entering that final dwelling place, the more urge you feel to bring gratification to your spirit. But joy is not automatic, it must be realized through physical interaction, so you have to establish it.

The Realization Of The Ideal Of Love Starts In The Family
From where should the ideal of love start being realized? From the Unification Church? The nation? The world?

There has to be a structure or substance within individuals; based on the realization of that substance comes intellectual development which stimulates you to attain the greatest goal of unity with Heavenly Father.

Choosing God’s commandments

Adam and Eve were capable of realizing the importance of God’s commandments through their intellect. Adam could fall because he was put in a vulnerable position; God wanted Adam to become like the Creator through his own volition.

In this instance, volition is the most important element in the creation process of man’s perfection. Through his own free will, he must choose what God has commanded him. But the commandment Adam received from Heavenly Father to him was uncertain.

Because he wasn’t sure, Adam could be tempted. Based on his intellectual understanding, he should have tried not to separate from his Father by persuading himself, saying, “God is my Father. I know He loves me and I love Him.

There is one thing that He commanded me not to do.

Should I keep it or should I just abandon it?

Right now, a certain idea is pulling me to experience it. I want to grab it. Maybe it will give me some satisfaction, maybe God will be pleased.” But I’m sure another side of Adam was saying, “No matter what the outcome of this new idea, I should stick to my Father’s plan and direction.” Adam could have done that by himself, by simply realizing the importance of God. That is the base from which you can receive God, by seeing God as more valuable than the temptation.

Our childhood stage of development, when we experience physical things, is most important. But we do not live in an ideal world. The formation or physical period is completely controlled by Satan.

With every physical experience from childhood into the teenage years being influenced by Satan, when children reach the intellectual phase, they try to use their intellect to satisfy Satanic habits.

Habits can be a good thing, but they certainly can be used wrongfully. If you are living in a satanic environment, your habits can be wrong, and Satan knows it. The only way you can manipulate things is by knowing. Satan knows and manipulates God’s plan for his service. Satan completely controls the initial phase so he can control the world.

That is why Father is now focusing on restoring the cultural medium within American society “pop culture.” Ask yourself, “Why should American pop culture be the popular culture of the world?” It is devastating. Even Korea’s 5000 years of history is being devastated by American pop culture.

And what is the pop culture?

You know well. It brings you momentary physical joy. America’s motto has become to live day by day and it affects modern-day people. We have to improve it.

The most important thing, however, is that we must sacrifice. We will show other Christian broadcasters greater sacrifice than they could ever imagine. We will let them see for themselves all the suffering and sacrifice Father has gone through for the sake of the world, to liberate Heavenly Father, and to restore the world! But we need to generate more evidence.

People of the world are influenced by physical things. So we will show them what we mean in terms of substance we will inundate them with substance! We will show them what we are doing every week. People tend to believe what they hear in the media.

The more we know about Father’s life, the more we appreciate Father for his suffering; then we can truly bring victory to our hometowns and America. You have to appreciate Father’s course. If you don’t value it, you can’t do it. You can’t force yourself to do it. You have to value what Father has done and be grateful!

Father has created many physical establishments so that we could have the resources to make a difference in America and the world. But we need to follow Fin's father’s footsteps! Someone has to set an example to become the true ancestor in their lineage. Someone has to be the central figure in their household, to restore it; in their lineage and community, to restore them; in their nation, to restore it. You represent that person. Father needs you to fulfill the dispensational cause.

Without you, God’s ideal cannot be realized. So, once we understand that Father’s value lies in his great suffering for the sake of love, for the sake of God, and the sake of humanity, the sooner we can harvest the fruit of our labor.

Everything worthwhile requires suffering and sacrifice. Please do your best to bring Father’s victory to your hometown!

Our victory lies in suffering and sacrifice, so the more we can sacrifice the better. But our sacrifice could never compare to Father’s sacrifice. That is for certain! I have the luxury of going into the studio and making certain programs. Of course, it takes labor, but that is nothing! Of course,e we need to go out and witness, so we need a television ministry. Someone needs to speak the word. Those things are difficult, but they are nothing compared to what Father had to go through.

Do you understand what I am saying?

If you think selfishly, it is foolish, because your situation and Father’s position are incompatible. You admit that, right? (Yes.) But you want to become like Father, right?

(Yes.) That is the important thing. So if you want to be like Father, you must sacrifice. You have to understand the importance of sacrifice, and when you do, America will soon be in God’s hands.

I will try my best to make the second generation happy, through what Father has given me. I want to create an environment that we and our children can be proud of. I want our culture to be second to none. So, let us try our best to make that goal come true.

It will happen; it just depends on how hard we work. Father has given us the tools, all we need is our ingenuity, effort, and sacrifice to do it. I know we can have victory. Thank you very much.

Speech by Hyo Jin Moon Filial piety
We do have commonalities: we have basic emotions that we all understand and share, emotions that are innate within all of us.
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