9 min read

Message at American Clergy Leadership Conference

God is love. When you look at human history, you must all already be aware that this fallen world began from Adam’s mistake.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
An Outpouring of Love and Grace True Mother’s Visit to the United States

True Mother deeply invested her sincere heart and tremendous effort during her recent visit to the United States. At each event she participated in, she expressed her overwhelming commitment to fulfill God’s original will and to bring salvation to each of the 7.2 billion people on earth.

True Peace wishes to give a glimpse of the great blessing True Mother bestowed upon the eldest son nation through passages excerpted from several of the talks she gave, pouring out her heart, during this visit to the nation she and True Father had lived in for forty years.

On the morning of December 18, at Cheon Hwa Gung, where True Parents stay while in the Las Vegas area, True Mother spoke after hoondokhae to a group of especially dedicated members. She called them to speak about something close to her heart, the importance of witnessing.

True Mother had left the Cranes Club meeting but returned to have a photograph taken with everyone helping others to experience the rebirth that many of us take for granted.

On Friday, December 19, she spoke to a group of clerics in the American Clergy Leadership Conference, which is an organization, founded by True Parents in May 2000 to equip and empower religious leaders to rebuild the family, restore the community, and renew the nation and the world. She spoke to them during their organization’s National Convocation.

This speech is provided here in full. It is especially significant because the members of the ACLC, mainly Christian pastors, presented True Mother with a Proclamation of Loyalty and True Love, signed by all 330 of the religious leaders who heard her speak that day.

Another reason this event was significant is that an article about the event appeared in the Segye Times, describing the event and quoting from both True Mother’s speech that day and the proclamation of loyalty presented to her by the Christian leaders.

Though True Parents founded the Segye Times, non‐Unificationists work at the paper and subscribe to the paper and the article about the event appeared in the daily’s online edition. Following the speech are some responses to Mother’s message written by Christian leaders.

On December 20, True Mother inaugurated the Cranes Club, a supportive network of Unificationist professionals who aspire to contribute their expertise toward the successful establishment of Cheon Il Guk. The founding members of the Cranes Club introduced themselves to True Mother. The name of the club is derived from the first syllable of True Mother’s given name, hak. Mother was later described as “warm and happy to see the young businessmen and women in the room.”

Finally, we provide an excerpt from the speech Mother gave at the Christmas celebration with Unificationists, some of whom had traveled long distances to be with True Mother on this important occasion. Given her relationship with Jesus, she spoke deeply about the profound significance of his mission and our responsibilities today.

True Mother’s Message at American Clergy Leadership Conference

December 19, 2014, Las Vegas

I am glad to see your faces here today. I have missed you. Seeing you, one question popped into my mind: When we ask ourselves whether the nature of this meeting is public or private, when we think about Heaven’s providential work, what would our relationship be with the central figures?

You all have the title of minister of religion, isn’t that so? Minister of religion… That is not an easy job. Am I right or wrong about that?

God is love. When you look at human history, you must all already be aware that this fallen world began from Adam’s mistake. God will fulfill what he originally desired, no matter what. This is why he has been working throughout providential history to save human beings in the fallen world.

It took him four thousand years to begin the people of Israel, the chosen people.

We are well aware of all the indemnity conditions that these people and the central figures had to make during these four thousand years, to carry out restoration.

Heaven persevered and raised the people of Israel so that they might establish their nation. When it was accomplished, he sent his only-begotten son, Jesus Christ. Thus, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the only-begotten son, whom the people of Israel had eagerly awaited, came.

When we look at the Bible, we see that Mary conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit. There were also priests and others who were close to them. There were also the magi from the east who came to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Jesus Christ was born from suffering… Four thousand years had passed before Jesus Christ was able to come. Why, then, did he have to leave the earth when he was just thirty-three years old? Not many religious leaders throughout the two thousand years of Christian history have pondered this question.

This is the issue: whether those with the position of religious leaders have understood Heaven’s providence and have therefore stood in a public position, or whether they have sought their salvation above anything else. The world is celebrating the coming Christmas week. Are there any among you who asked why Jesus had to choose the path of the cross even though so many people had endured hardships so that he could be born?

It was because of the circumstances at the time… The well‐renowned people of the time failed to fulfill their responsibilities. Yet, when Jesus was about to depart this world, he promised he would return.

What did he say He would do after returning?

What is the Marriage Feast of the Lamb? [See Revelation 9:6–9] It meant that he would come back and have a family; he would become a parent. Jesus was meant to have become a True Parent at that time.

Then how was it that the people of Israel, whom Heaven had prepared through so much suffering and hardships, failed to carry out Heaven’s will? At the time, there was a great empire, the Roman Empire.

That is why the people of Israel clung to Heaven desperately. God did what he promised he would do. If the people of Israel at the time had fulfilled their responsibilities and become one with Jesus, what do you think would have happened?

The Restored Family Of The Returning Lord
This is the standard of historical hope and the standard of the hopes of all peoples of the present time.

America today has a great responsibility, which is why True Parents spent forty years in America, a time in their lives that was as precious as gold. They endured a difficult path. They are the True Parents because they are the parents who must embrace the world.

The history of America, as we know it, began in the sixteenth century when the Bible was published in English and Puritans fled their country seeking religious freedom, escaping the restraints that confined them. They wanted to serve God freely. This is why they risked their lives to reach the new continent. That was 1620. They arrived at Plymouth Rock, on the Mayflower. Isn’t that right?

They fought against hunger and bitter cold, but they did not forget to conserve the seeds they would need for the coming spring, for the future. They thought about their descendants. So when they arrived on the new continent, the first thing they did was build a church, in which to worship God. The next was a school in which to educate their children, and then finally they built their houses. You surely know these things well.

God… He blessed those who stood with him and tried. There are many nations in the world, but the United States became the central nation in the world, the nation that represented the free world. Its beginning was noble and commendable.

However, America is gradually forgetting God’s providence. God sent Rev. Moon here because he was worried about this country. To save this nation a nation that looked like a democratic nation yet was slowly being conquered by the communist world with its family breakdown, youth problems, and crisis of ideals… Rev. Moon said he came to this nation as a fireman to put out a fire, and as a doctor to cure sickness.

Many who listened to the voice of True Mother speaking to 3WW ACLC pastors their conscience joined this movement and were grateful to have done so.

However, it is true that as the movement became larger, people who did not know God’s providential will felt threatened. However, True Parents were leading the movement. Even worldly parents wish good things for their children. Would our Heavenly Parent think only about himself and abandon his children?

In the end, the United States put Rev. Moon in prison in Danbury. Yet, he forgave because he was the parent.

The reason I wanted to meet you so much is to tell you that you must now reveal the truth. The history of God’s providence has been developing stage by stage. Yet, some people still live in the Old Testament age and some in the New Testament age.

Are ministers of religion not the ones to educate and lead such people?

However, you should not just remain quietly in one place and think only about helping and saving them. As you have seen from the video just now, providential history has moved beyond the Completed Testament. Now we are in the history of Cheon Il Guk. What, then, should you do in such an age?

You are not people that concern yourselves just with matters to do with the physical world. You all know the spirit world exists. The spirit world is our ultimate destination.

We cannot live in our physical bodies for hundreds of years. However, there is an eternal world. If we are to go there, we must rid ourselves of everything wrong and that is of this world. We must shape our minds, our bodies, our families, tribes, and nations so that we can be welcomed in the eternal world. No matter how nice the place you stay in is, you will be lonely if you are the only one there. Do you understand?

The Religious Person’s Attitude
We have gone forth not longing for this nation in the present state of affairs, but longing for the eternal kingdom.

You are the ones who should lead your beloved families, your tribes, and your nation. This is why you must now reveal the truth. This world is still full of problems left unresolved.

People of the world live in a state of insecurity, not knowing what could happen to them the next day. The beautiful natural world is being destroyed through the fault and wrongful actions of human beings.

We live on earth for a hundred years or so, but our descendants will take our places in the future. You, the parents, should resolve that you will leave your descendants a better environment so that they may come to the eternal world after living joyful lives on earth.

Therefore, you must reveal the truth to your flocks about True Parents, who were supposed to appear in front of the people of Israel two thousand years ago. True Parents, the ones whom Jesus promised would come two thousand years after his untimely departure, have come to earth as the returning Messiah, and have completed and perfected the providential history of restoration through indemnity.

Moreover, you are children of True Parents who have given you a new life. You should think of your True Parents, and of the seven billion people on earth who do not know their True Parents yet.

True Parents came to America and invested much so that they could embrace the entire world through this nation. Las Vegas, notably, is called Sin City, but it can surely serve as the city where visitors can come to learn about the True Family movement, the purity movement, and practicing true love. Once they do, they will go back to their home nations, where these movements will automatically spread throughout the world.

Then, do you think perhaps the world might transform into one world centering on our Heavenly Parent within our lifetimes, instead of taking centuries or millennia?

You are the pioneers of Cheon Il Guk who need to advance constantly to welcome that day. You are the proud leaders of religious congregations. Do you understand what I am saying? I ask that you take the lead in this movement.

The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth I
The keynote address Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon gave on April 10, 2006, during the Third Assembly of the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace, in the Republic of Korea.