5 min read

The 61st Children’s Day

God expects from us the same absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience that He expected from the first human ancestors.

The 61st Children’s Day

Today is the 61st True Children’s Day, right? If this day were a person, he would be past his hwan-gap [60th birthday, the completion of a sixty-year cycle]. Are all of you who are gathered here for True Children’s Day, which has passed its 60th birthday, the true children of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents?

Are you filial, sons and daughters? Are you a loyal patriot? If you are honest with yourselves, you cannot say you are 100 percent there yet, can you?

God expects from us the same absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience that He expected from the first human ancestors. So, we cannot give in to self-centered thinking or opinions.

Even if we have beliefs we have treasured for decades, if we are given to realize that our understanding of truth is incomplete, we must respond with complete faith. That is the path of a true child.

Isn’t it the mother who takes 99.99 percent responsibility for childbearing? You have heard this since long ago. Even though you knew this when, after sixty years, I said that I am the only-begotten Daughter, you were not one with me on that, were you? No one was.

As I have said, “The Only Begotten Daughter was born in 1943,” and “This Only Begotten Daughter had to be born with the support of a Christian foundation.” The development of the Christian church in Korea was shaped in large part by Presbyterian missionaries.

Presbyterianism arose from the teachings of John Calvin [1509–1564], who helped institute the religious reforms of Martin Luther [1483–1546]. Calvin’s influence on Christianity appeared especially in the Puritan movement.

The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth - II
Ladies and gentlemen, this assembly has great and profound significance within the providence of God.

After the crucifixion of Jesus, Christians, knowing neither the true nature of our Creator nor of Jesus, waited for Christ’s return and developed a system of faith based upon an incomplete understanding. This resulted in many problems. 

Thus, Luther’s call for religious reform led to the Reformation in 1517, and Calvin, one generation later, solidified Protestantism into a positive social force. Notably, Puritans shaped the development of the United States, a nation established by God as a foundation for True Parents. 

This year, 2020, marks 400 years since the Puritans arrived in America. These 400 years are an important period in providential history. 

That country has been going through a presidential election to select the nation’s leader, and it has become a Cain-Abel struggle, hasn’t it? Whether that nation can stand in a position to fulfill its responsibility will depend on who understands Heaven’s providence and attends to God. Korea will come to have a significant role in this area.

Northern Presbyterian pastors from the United States went out to the world to witness. While many traditional Christians expected Jesus to return on the clouds, certain groups in the area of Pyongyang, North Korea, who worshiped in the Spirit and Truth, stated that the Messiah would return to the flesh and that the Fall of our first ancestors was to do with sexual relations rather than eating a literal fruit of good and evil.

I was born in 1943, while Mrs. Kim Seong-do’s Spirit-let group was making substantial preparations to receive the returning Messiah. Kim Seong-do died the following year, and Mrs. Heo Ho-bin’s group inherited that responsibility.

Then, along with Korea’s liberation came its division into the North and the South, under communism and democracy, respectively. The communist regime in North Korea, where we lived, moved forward strongly.

When I was about six years old, one of the members of Heo Ho-bin’s group testified about me, saying, “She is the daughter of our Creator, God,” and, “She will become the mother of the universe.”

As we celebrate Children’s Day, do you elder members realize that for more than 60 years, you have remained in the position of not being able to fulfill your filial duty and responsibility in front of Heavenly Parent and True Parents and that now is the time to leap your present reality?

We cannot leave the Korean people in the position of making God wait because they did not know. They should not be placed in a situation where they cannot uphold God’s will, like the leaders of Israel long ago. These are urgent times, each day and every hour.

As citizens of Cheon Il Guk, your Family Federation members and the people of this nation now have many things to do throughout the world. I am not sure if you are aware that, due to the coronavirus, so many masks are being disposed of.

This is creating a mountain of garbage, and it is becoming a big problem. Moreover, humanity, in its ignorance of God’s providence and out of greed, is devastating the planet.

I thought that with summer over and with the coming of winter here, the typhoons would stop, but just two days ago, I saw on the news the indescribable damage a typhoon left in the Philippines.

We must repent and ask ourselves why these things keep happening now all over the world. And this is not the end of it.

As long as this planet exists, living beings must continue to exist, but it is humanity that, in ignorance, is blocking the way.

If humankind is to dream of the path to oneness, of hope for the future, we must teach people whom they should attend as the center and how to improve things little by little. If, in the position of attending God as their Heavenly Parent, this nation and the world can each create unity and then gradually fix what is wrong, we will have hope for the future.

What do you think? You must become one with the only-begotten Daughter, the True Mother, who is here on earth and can solve these problems and proclaim with a loud voice. You, the blessed families, must bring God’s chosen people to fulfill their responsibility.

As for the heads of families registered as Cheonbo, True Parents are your center.

Being a tribal messiah does not make you the center. You must teach that the center is God and True Parents.

I am saying that you should not cling to what you have. You have the responsibility to let go of everything and offer it all to Heavenly Parents and True Parents. That is the attitude that all blessed families and heads of heavenly tribes must have. Do you understand?

I hope you understand that only by taking this position can you celebrate True Children’s Day as true children.

True Mother’s Message The 3rd One Million Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World
At this point, a new movement must arise a movement of people attending God our Creator at the center of our effort to resolve all these problems and look forward to a bright future.