The trajectory toward unity
True Parents have emphasized that for North America and South America to become one, North America in the Abel position must help South America in the Cain position.
To facilitate this, True Parents created various organizations and met with top leaders from many nations to explain why unity is necessary. If North America and South America can become one with True Parents at the center, Europe, the realm of Christian culture where Catholicism and Protestantism fought, can also become one with True Parents at the center.
Then Judaism and Christianity, as well as Christianity and Islam, can become one with True Parents at the center. To accomplish this True Parents said that South America's Catholicism and North America's Protestantism can become one through the cross-cultural marriage Blessing.
1. If North America stands in the Abel position representing Protestantism, all of South America, the Latin cultural realm representing Catholicism, stands in the Cain position, the elder son's position.
Catholicism must work with the help of its younger brother Protestantism. Once they are united, they must be incorporated through the foundation that True Parents built in the United States.
I did not come here to follow the cultural realm of Catholicism. On the contrary, the cultural realm of Catholicism, including Brazil, must move forward through the Unification Church with True Parents at the center. (268-197, 1995/04/01)
2. When North America and South America become one, they will be like one country. Europe is also like one country. The European countries are doing this through a system of economic union. In the future, problems will develop between Germany and France.
Because these two countries are enemy nations, they will have concerns. What can be done about this? If we look behind the scenes of Europe's history and culture, we can discover an era when there was peace between Catholicism and Protestantism.
This was the era of the Christian cultural realm, and we should try to return to that same relationship.
If North America and South America can unite, it will not be difficult for all the nations of Europe to unite. After Europe becomes one, it will be possible for Judaism and Christianity as well as for Christianity and Islam to become one. Therefore, the key is how North America and South America will become one.
The prevailing culture derives from Christianity and is the leader in transforming modern society in North America. South America has opposed North America until now.
If these two continents were to become one, they would form a great power base. If this were to happen, Europe, North America South America, and then Asia would naturally join the Christian cultural realm.
That is why I must unite the cultural realm of Christianity in North America and South America and then connect it to Asia. I need to unite Asia with North America and South America. Without doing this there is no future. (268-311, 1995/04/03)
3. North American people need to go to South America to receive training, and South American people have to go to North America to receive training. Although they speak different languages, they will eventually become one.
By witnessing people from North America and South America, cross-cultural marriages will be carried out between Protestants and Catholics. This will unite them and they will become one nation. Once they participate in cross-cultural marriages they will come to listen to me.
The Christian cultural realm is one of brothers. Koreans and Japanese are enemies, but still, I was able to marry them in cross-cultural marriages. Therefore, promoting cross-cultural marriages between Catholics and Protestants will not be a problem, and through them, oneness will be achieved. (271-287, 1995/08/28)
4. If North America and South America become one, Europe will be united automatically and the mistakes of Rome, the nation of Israel, and Jacobs's family will be restored.
The history of division traces back to the conflict in Israel with ten tribes fighting two tribes, and then back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and even to where the mind and body became separated.
We need to mend all of these separations. From these divisions, the entire worldwide family fell under Satan's realm. All realms and levels of Adam's family, Judaism, Rome, Europe, and the world were divided into Cain and Abel.
When we reverse this, everything will become one. Reversal is how unity takes place. Total indemnification must be accomplished. The indemnification of the entire providence will be a great victory for the whole.
This can become an eight-level victory and a model for complete victory. If North America and South America become one, the fighting between the Roman Catholics and Protestants in Europe will come to an end and unity will be realized based on the realm of Christian culture. (269-200, 1995/04/23)
5. I have created a religious body that completes all of Christianity. This means the United States will have no choice but to follow the Unification Church. Cain and Abel will become one.
Because Cain and Abel have become one here, the US will become a plus. South America is a Catholic realm, so it is in the elder brother's position and therefore is a minus. If this oneness is achieved, the world will be united.
Since Jesus' time, what has happened to the nation of Israel and the divided world? Rome opposed Jesus, but through Jesus' death, Christianity developed into the worldwide realm of the bride. In the middle of all this, Islam appeared.
That is why Israel is in conflict. In the Middle East, Israel and Islam are in religious conflict. In the Far East, North Korea and the Unification Church are in the Cain and Abel positions. If they become one, the whole world will become one.
The United States must stand in the Abel position as a true elder brother nation representing the world, and South America, in the restored Cain position, must become one with North America.
Only then will the entire world be united. The unity of North America and South America represents the unity of Cain and Abel in Europe at the world level, and also at the level of the nation and the people.
This is a model for the unity of mind and body. Everything can be united by going in reverse. That is why I have paved the way and built a foundation by bringing North America to help South America. (267-043, 1994/12/27)
6. North America must stand in the position of Abel and save South America, which is in the position of Cain. For this to take place, everything must be invested. If the people of the United States adopt my mentality and invest their lives and resources for the sake of South America, saving South America will not be a problem.
This situation is similar to an area of high atmospheric pressure seeking an area of low atmospheric pressure. The United States, which is an area of high pressure, can save South America.
The people of the United States may be tempted to say, “We do not need South America, it is too poor.” Nonetheless, we need to invest everything for the sake of South America.
The members of the Unification Church are called to do this. A path to connect to the True Family can be made only by becoming one with South America, which inherited the authority of the elder son. There is no path to enter the true kingdom of heaven on earth if you are not connected to the True Family.
(269-153, 1995/04/17)
7. Protestantism must stand in the position of Abel and bring unity to Catholic South America. This is the point. All of South America was lost. There is no central point for Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.
There is no central point for the individual, family, nation, and world. But now, I have come to show you the central point for the individual, family, tribe, people,e, and nation.
By representing those nations and all nations globally, and achieving the model that the United Nations is looking for, we will come to be honored by the entire world as the model Abel nation, and thus achieve unity. This is the Cain and Abel dynamic.
The United States opposed us, but South America did not oppose us. The Unification Church will automatically arrive in the Abel position. Since we are in the age when the Unification Church can restore the authority of the elder son, the authority of parents, and the authority of kingship, no group can oppose us as we push forward in this direction. (269-285, 1995/05/01)
8. Both America and Korea are moving toward the fortune of unity. Therefore, if Christianity becomes one with the Unification Church, America will become the Abel nation.
That is why we need to unite the South American and North American nations. Their becoming one will influence the Protestants and Catholics of Germany to advance the realm of one Christian culture. In this way, the path to oneness will open in many European countries.
If this develops in the Muslim nations, it will be possible to unite Islam and Judaism through the dynamic of Cain and Abel. The public course always connects to larger levels. According to the pattern taught in the Divine Principle, I restored Adam's family and moved forward through Noah's family.
I paved the way as I received persecution worldwide. After we achieve unity between North America and South America and they in turn follow True Parents, the world will become one.
Looking at it from the Principle perspective, I was victorious because I restored Adam's family based online. I was victorious in restoring the history from Noah's time through Abraham's and Moses', and from Jesus' time through the time of the Returning Lord.
Now, if North America and South America can become one through my efforts, then North Korea and South Korea on the Korean Peninsula can unify and Israel and the Muslim world can unite. The unity of Europe will not be a problem either. This will happen all at once. (266-134, 1994/12/22)
9. True Parents have come to South America at a point of transition. I know very well the miserable history of warfare within the realm of Christian culture. I have come to South America, forgetting all those sad stories, and the people here know almost nothing about that history.
Since the Unification Church foundation was prepared with True Parents at the center, everything will be accomplished if the Brazilian people simply trust and follow me. This is the favor I ask of them. Absolute faith and absolute unity are necessary to reverse the absolute distrust and absolute disunity of the heart in Adam's family. (268-177, 1995/03/31)
The Seventeen-Nation Tour
True Parents founded the Association for the Unity of Latin America (AULA) and the Confederation of Associations for the Unity of the Societies of the Americas (CAUSA). Through these, they carried out Divine Principle workshops to educate leaders from nations in Central America and South America.
True Parents selected Uruguay, which is on the opposite side of the globe from Korea, as the base for the unity of North America and South America. The True Parents established a bank, a newspaper, an educational institution, a hotel, and a department store.
True Parents have worked to unite South America by bringing together the four nations of Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina and, at the same time, they tried to unite North America and South America as one hemisphere by stimulating North America to serve South America.
To further this cause, True Parents spoke in 17 nations from May to July 1995, on the theme, “True Family and I.” cannot be realized by North America alone. It needs a partner. But whom will it choose as a partner? Europe has always been divided, but this is not the case in South America. South America, like North America, has a Christian cultural background.
Therefore, I am thinking about how to unite these two continents, and I have invested everything into that.
10. South America was dealing with a sudden violent seizure of power and struggles with communists; even so, I went there and faced guns and swords to establish AULA and CAUSA. I continually invested money to conduct philosophical education. I am the one who knocked down communist power in the United States. (279-131, 1996/08/01)
11. The United States kicked me out, saying they did not like me. But South America welcomes me. That is why even though North America had to rise from the very bottom like a slave, South America will start at the top.
I have begun an educational program that is to be offered to 500 highly gifted people in each South American nation. The nations' presidents as well as college presidents and newspapers welcome this initiative. They are not in a position to lead and manage such talented people.
A time will come when the talented people I educate here in South America will come to lead North America.
The Catholic nations have a more stable family system than the Protestant nations of North America. The ideal (271-320, 1995/09/03)
12. I am uniting the countries of Central America and South America into one. Now that I am doing this, North America is helping me. Seeing this, Brazil wants my help, as do Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina.
If the South American people strive to place God at the center of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos, even more than I do, God will be able to come freely to this land.
If South America can become a place where the people attend God, there is a chance that it will be the first region to realize the kingdom of heaven on earth. (269-287, 1995/05/01)
13. From a providential view, if Brazil is in the position of Cain, Paraguay is in the position of Abel.
Paraguay is in the position of Abel because it is a multiracial nation that even includes Asians. From God's perspective, Paraguay stands as Abel because it is a nation that transcends race and loves all people.
If we conduct family education in Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina, they will naturally integrate. These four nations can come together in economic unity and leave the United States playing catch-up.
Then I will mediate disputes between North America and South America and unite Protestants and Catholics through the marriage Blessing. This will lead to a new transition period where North America and South America can be united. I will bless Catholic believers, Protestant believers, and North American and South American people.
Through carrying out the Blessing in an environment of such unity, a new culture will arise. Through this condition, North America and South America, as well as Catholicism and Protestantism, can achieve oneness. (307-061, 1998/11/06)
14. I am making plans to build the South American headquarters. If you draw an axis from Korea through the center of the Earth, you will end up in Uruguay. That is why this country is the second Korea. If I dug a hole through the Earth from Korea and poured water into it, the water would pour out in Uruguay. That is why I created a bank, a newspaper, and educational organizations in Uruguay.
I have invested immensely in South America, but especially in Uruguay. The government tried to turn back these efforts and expel us. We experienced all kinds of difficulties. Even so, our hotel in Uruguay is the most successful in all of South America.
We held educational workshops for leaders from the nations of Central America and South America in our hotel. Without our having a hotel, this would not have been possible. (566-091, 2007/06/15)
15. When I look up at the sky in South America, I feel as if I am looking at the sky in my hometown. The sky seems very low. The sunlight, air, water, and vegetation are good.
Brazil and Argentina could become the ideal kingdom of heaven on Earth. All kinds of animals live in this region. I took note of these lands almost 50 years ago on my world tours.
At the time, circumstances did not allow me to stay long. But now I am going to stay, no matter how much they try to kick me out. They need the foundation that we have paved.
All the achievements and legacies I have put in place throughout history make up the educational materials people need to help raise their children. They set the ideals for culture, politics, and family.
People will not be able to deny what is right in front of them. When they see further achievements and recognize the legacies I will be creating here, they will have no choice but to welcome us. (403-172, 2003/01/21)
16. I am saying let us establish the kingdom of heaven in South America. Living in this kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven is better than just living with your family members, your relatives, or people of your race. It is something family members can establish together. No one would find this attractive.
The people of South America are hoping that Reverend Moon will help their countries. Therefore, let us transform this environment into the one that I envision. Let us establish the kingdom of heaven on earth.
There is an abundance of land that can feed and accommodate all the people of the world. This land must be liberated. I want to solve the food shortage problem and other difficult problems faced by humanity. (288-079, 1997/10/31)
17. Paraguay is one of the poorest countries in South America. It is a pitiable country. Since this country has fallen into a morass of deep crises, I must go all the way to the very bottom and pull it out.
Paraguay is also a most dangerous place. I have already established Uruguay in the Abel position, so I will establish Paraguay as a partner for Abel. Here, the True Mother must become the center.
It is Mother who must unite Cain and Abel. Just as the Holy Spirit has to come and give birth to Cain and Abel and raise them, Mother has to make Cain and Abel into one. Uruguay and Paraguay need to achieve oneness. (270-126, 1995/05/14)
18. We have to liberate Jesus from his painful life. Jesus lost the position from which he could assimilate Rome. He could not unite the leading nation centering on a foundation of the family, tribe, and people. Let us melt Jesus' bitter sorrow by restoring this through paying indemnity.
By connecting 17 nations centering on 33 key people in South America, and mobilizing core members of their legislatures, Mother tried to liberate Jesus' bitter sorrow over not being able to move his nation. The founding principle of the new Israel, restoring what was lost, must center on John the Baptist's family and tribe.
Those 33 people represent his family, and they are central. They coordinated an effort to unite the 17 nations by mobilizing members of the legislatures in each nation when Mother, after receiving this mission, did her tour of South America.
It is connected to the world territory after passing through the United States, Korea, and Japan. (280-219, 1997/01/01)
19. Since we have passed the national level of Satan's world, I established the family foothold and expanded it to the world. Therefore, the age of True Parents has passed, and we are entering the age of world-level kingship.
This means that we are passing from the age of Cain-type kingship into the age of Abel-type kingship. We are moving from the age of Satan's kingship to the age of heaven's kingship.
Therefore, I am meeting leaders of the world during the 17-nation speaking tour. (275-283, 1996/01/01)