We Have To Present Victorious Unified Front

We struggled against Satan's force under the slogan of "All Out March" in the past three years of the term of the 2nd 7-year course for our propagation.

Now, we have greeted the New Year of 1970, and under the slogan of "We Have to Present a Victorious Unified Front," we must work for our Heavenly Father in this one year.

We struggled against Satan's force under the slogan of "All Out March" in the past three years of the term of the 2nd 7-year course for our propagation. Without "All Out March," we cannot gain a victory for our Heavenly Father's work.

In this one year of 1970, we have to accomplish our responsibility for many serious problems, centering on the Asian area. Therefore, we must set up a new slogan of "We have to present a victorious unified front" for our good struggle.

It is not easy to gain the final victory over the enemy. To win a victory against Satan's force and to gain "one day of triumph," our Heavenly Father has performed His providence for the restoration of His Kingdom.

God has struggled against Satan from the time of Adam's home and through the ages of Moses and Jesus to gain "one time of victory."

Then where will it be accomplished?

We can say that there is no place other than Korea in this world. We know that there must be a process of struggling to win a triumph. Then, what kind of struggle are we forced to go through? This is a serious problem for our Unified Family, the children of Heavenly God.

We do not struggle to gain any leadership in this country. We do not fight to get any economic benefits for ourselves. We are struggling only for our Heavenly Father's work and for all mankind. With the fate of our Heavenly God and all mankind, we are fighting against Satan's force. Transcending our race and country, we are struggling against our enemies across the world. Therefore, we have to win the final victory without fail for Heavenly Father's work.

Of course, it will be accomplished in Korea. But how will it be won? It must be won by an individual. By a man and a woman, it should be won for our True God's ideal.

According to the providential history of Heavenly Father's restoration, the struggle was performed by a man, an individual. Centering on only one man, it has been acted out.

As a matter of fact, Jesus had the responsibility for such a struggle 2,000 years ago. At

n that time, Jesus was forced to struggle against the Jewish people and the world of that age. In other words, Jesus was representing all mankind of his age and the nation of Israel. Representing all saints in the history of God's restoration, the Heavenly Father guided human history, and Jesus struggled as a man, an individual.

To gain victory as this one individual, all problems that were desired to be resolved by history and God should be solved perfectly by one individual, Jesus. But Jesus could not win the victory and was crucified on the cross.

To win such a triumph, it was indeed impossible for only one man, Jesus, to achieve. Centering on our Heavenly Father, Jesus should have had his own country and religion. He should have had his own home for himself. He should have had his brothers and sisters.

Before such conditions were perfectly settled, it was impossible to gain victory as an individual, one man Jesus Christ.

Through the Divine Principle, we are easily able to understand in detail. We can understand the fact that Jesus Christ couldn't triumph alone without his brothers and sisters, home, religion, race, and country.

After such fundamental bases were settled, Jesus could win a victory and could get married to a woman. With such a spouse, he could gain a perfect triumph. She could be the first woman who won a victory in human history.

But Jesus Christ failed to fulfill this idea and couldn't realize his correlative idea.

And he was forced to be crucified on the cross. Accordingly, the road of restoration for God's providence remained undone.

If Jesus Christ could establish his individual base for his perfect triumph in that age, he would have been able to gain new brothers and sisters, a new home, a new tribe, a new religion, and a new country. He could also have built up a new world for the Heavenly Father.

But he failed to make up such conditions and was obliged to die on the cross. In truth, he had to fix up his internal (spiritual) standard first, and his external environment should have been arranged second. But, owing to his failure to establish his external world, he also lost his internal (spiritual) standard.

Consequently, for the restoration of both internal and external scopes, Jesus Christ has worked for a period of 2,000 years, and we know this fact clearly.

There are many civilized countries on this earth. So many races live on this globe. But, in Korea, the work of restoration for Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father has been achieved. A great standpoint of resolution for restoration, representing all mankind, was fixed steadfastly in Korea.

Of course, this great work of restoration should have been welcomed by all people in Korea. But they have not welcomed this work, and this must be a historic disgrace to the Korean people.

We know that all religions must assume the leadership of spiritual guidance for our race. Especially Christianity, which has a close relationship with the current thought of the world, has to take charge of this scope. All Christians in Korea must help this great work for our Heavenly Father. They have to protect God's providence in Korea.

But they revolted against this work, and their rebellion must be the second dishonor of Christianity in Korea. Two thousand years ago, Judaism rebelled against Jesus Christ, who represented our Heavenly Father's providence for the period of 4,000 years from the time of Adam's fall.

Now Korean Christians are revolting against God's work, representing the Father's providence from the time of Jesus Christ. This is a tragedy for all Koreans and all mankind in this age.

Under such unfortunate circumstances, the Unified Families (Unification Church) are struggling for True God's work. For this fight, an individual base for victory must be settled steadfastly.

Please Let The Unification Movement Resolve The Grief Of The History Of Troubles
We have come to know your heart which was indignant when Adam fell in the Garden of Eden.
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