Beloved Father, truly, truly, I offer my thanks to You for permitting this grace of allowing us to offer a full bow in celebration of welcoming a new month on this day, in attendance to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, with all things in the cosmos united in heart and body, here under the watchful gaze of heaven and earth.
After the passing of a historic and great period of transition, we welcome the month of March when we can enter a new dimension in which national sovereignty can be established that fulfills the ideal of a new cosmos. Please grant that all the events that will be woven into this month shall work closely with April to enable all rallies, which are planned with the start of heaven and the new history, to be entwined within the core of the Father's heart.
Now the era has come in which we can welcome a sovereignty of love, under which we can sing the praises of a tranquil reign of peace in the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, founded in Your love, together with the True Parents and all things of creation on this earth.
Father, I pray that You will be able to erase the memory of all the courses in history during which You, Father, were at the center, taking great pains to establish the standard of the eight stages, from the era of the individual to the cosmos, for the sake of fallen humankind on the earth. Let all the times of victory and the days of achieving the milestones through devotion in a realm of unity with the True Parents be connected in joy.
Moreover, let all the courses and days of advancing toward the kingship of a peaceful, ideal world and a liberated world of peace centered on God's ideal family in the heavenly and physical worlds be connected in joy.
Please grant that the heavenly and earthly worlds form Your sovereignty of love, augmented with ardent hope spreading from Your victorious heart, erasing the memory of all the anguished moments, and passing and advancing toward the new, victorious month of April.
Now, I pray that You will allow us to fulfill the way of loyalty and filial piety and the way of the family of a saint and divine child in the presence of Heaven, while we raise high the torch in the new age that begins from March, and renew our mind and body with inner fire. I pray and wish that You will transform this world into one in which the entire cosmos, as a united entity, attends God.
Moreover, I pray that You will transform this era into one in which all people sing Your praises, establish a foothold on the earth, and serve and attend Heaven as citizens of the heavenly kingdom. I pray You will permit a world of love to unfold under Your victorious authority.
I fervently pray and hope that You will permit us to take pride in the many victories, as seen from Your standpoint, rooted in the ideal of creation, by having the blessed families in the heavenly world and blessed families in the earthly world now connect as one heart, one body, one mindset, and one nucleus. I sincerely pray that You will permit us to be proudly victorious from the viewpoint of Your original ideal of creation through connecting these families to the united realm of Your mind and body, and through attaining unity of heart even with all things of creation.
As we honor and adore this occasion and offer an invocation across all nations, I pray that You will be with us because of all the emotions we are preparing in our hearts for the commemorative day that approaches. I pray that this can be connected to the ardent wish of the unfallen Adam's family not to fall but to gaze upon the authority of victory in place of the day marking the commencement of Your creation envisioned at the beginning of time.
Please forget all traces of the Fall and let the era of high noon settlement make way for the era of sovereignty founded on love. By doing so, I sincerely pray that You will permit this to become Your era, Father, during which we can sing praises and glorify Your victory for eternity, and be proud of heaven and earth under Your independent sovereignty of love.
I fervently pray that the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind can now complete their responsibility of bridging the spirit world and physical world, and form a higher, broader, and deeper point of convergence with Your heart. I pray that the glory and all manner of joy that enraptures You in happiness can converge, with True Parents' heart, in this world through all spheres of human life, enabling the world to become a liberated kingdom of God on earth that is offered together with the entire universe, with joyous praise to the Father.
I sincerely pray, Father, that on this day, You will permit the heavenly citizens who have been blessed by Heaven, who face toward the new world, to become one in the heart in connecting with the Korean Peninsula and the world, just as the Korean people commemorate the March First Movement. All this I fervently report and proclaim in the name of the True Parents. Aju!