Wonmo Pyeongae and Aewon
True Parents founded the Aewon Volunteer Organization, which organizes voluntary service work, on March 25, 1994. Aewon consists of 18 service groups that carry out international aid, North-South unification activities, distribute food for the needy through “Aewon House,” and more.
On August 16, 2011, True Parents recommended the establishment of the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation, and on February 20, 2013, at Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, the foundation was launched with True Mother presiding.
The Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation is developing enterprises of sharing and service that enhance True Parents' vision for peace, and that support and nurture people of great ability.
The Foundation was launched with the ambition to provide scholarships domestically and internationally, to people of ability who dream of peace. The Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation supports education that helps them develop into international leaders.
1. In the word Wonmo, won means “round” and mo means “mother.” Wonmo should become the source of peace and true love. This foundation was established as a pillar of true love directed toward an everlasting peaceful reign in heaven and earth, the world that starts from True Parents. (2011/08/17)
2. The word Wonmo, in the name of the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation, is made up of the Chinese character won, meaning “round” and the Chinese character mo, meaning “mother.”
All people must become round, with no angles. You should be like a mother who makes a harmonious family by completely embracing all family members with their various personalities. Wonmo means “the mother of mothers.” If anything becomes entangled, it enlarges, diminishes, rolls here and there, becomes spherical, and returns to its original position. Only then can it resemble the Heavenly Parent.
In the word Pyeongae, pyeong means “even” or “level” and ae means “love.” Pyeongae is about caring for people who are not cared for, and who are at the bottom of society. It is about loving them horizontally, bringing them into a cosmic realm that is filled with true love, where there is no high or low.
When we sow seeds of true love, trees of peace will sprout and grow. The vision of the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation is to accomplish a God-centered world of peace through practice, as quickly as possible.
By leading the way with people of real ability, it helps create a worldwide culture of heart based on sharing and service, through various social service programs. (True Mother, 2014/02/10)
3. True Father gave his blessing, saying, “The Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation is the highest gift I am bequeathing to Mother in my lifetime.” This allows us to better appreciate its value. While tending the eternal Heavenly Parent and sharing true love through this foundation, let us advance and actualize a world of peace.
I hope you will become victorious people, engrave True Father's desire deep in your hearts, and participate in the ideal and vision of a peaceful world rooted in the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation. (True Mother, 2014/02/10)
4. You should become the owners of history going forth with the heart of parents, widely promoting the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation, which was established by True Parents to benefit all humanity.
My strength alone is not enough. By gathering and investing ourselves, we will inspire future leaders who are needed by this society, this nation, and all nations of the world. (True Mother, 2014/02/09)
5. To date, I have created more than 30 organizations that can move the nation. You have to make local chapters of each of these organizations in every country. After putting these in order, I am transferring them.
I have set up an endowment to provide each of these organizations support to supplement income from monthly membership fees. Until now, only I invested financially in these groups, but in the future, we require a system in which conference participants also contribute. We will create a combined endowment, the interest from which will fund an annual conference.
Furthermore, we will provide scholarships so that young people receive a high level of education. This will revive the world, with the result that outstanding people of the world will form blessed families. (285-280, 1997/06/15)
6. The family has eternal value. Yet, while love inspires courage and hope, it is often defeated and does not automatically change external circumstances. Our lamentable society is wallowing in materialism, the loss of its humanity, moral breakdown, and a lack of a clear sense of values. It will be healed only through the practice of true love that puts others first.
True love gives, forgets, and gives again. True love with utmost sincerity puts one's only a pair of socks on the feet of one's neighbor who is suffering in the cold. True love is when one completely sacrifices oneself for the sake of a total stranger.
The mind of true love demonstrates concern and respect for others and believes that the value of human beings lies in their character rather than in some material standard.
We neglect our neighbors who may suffer due to adverse family environments, material poverty, or because of physical disability. Aewon is a voluntary service organization that provides support and educational programs for the needy through the practice of true love.
Voluntary service not only directly benefits the life of one individual; it becomes a guiding light inspiring others who can influence the character of a nation. We realize that today's global village culture in which we live together with our neighbors urgently calls for the dignity of humankind, belief in love, and collective social awareness; further, that the age has come for the recovery of the original human nature that practices absolute values, transcending nation, religion, and ideology – in other words, unchanging true love. (True Mother, 1994/03/25)
7. You own the Era After the Coming of Heaven. Therefore, you should follow and do the work I have handed down. If you do that, your descendants will respect and thank you.
While your descendants pay their respects, if you are grateful in front of Heaven, God will embrace heaven and earth and say, “My world has been completed.” Your safe arrival and eternal life will begin from there.
You need to have concern for the education of children and lead them well. Out of this concern, I gave a large endowment and created the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation. (2011/10/01)
8. Because you are in the course of restoration, do not use money for the sake of your children. You must use it for the sake of the world and the sake of the children of the world.
Then the domain of the world's fortune will open. If you are going to use it for the sake of your sons and daughters, you are breaking down the world's fortune. True Parents have prepared a scholarship endowment for the sake of the sons and daughters of blessed families. We are setting this up to support the education of the second generation of blessed families. (164-113, 1987/05/05)
9. The reason we are operating businesses in Las Vegas is so that we can use half of the profits from those businesses for scholarships. There are many sons and daughters of the Cain world in difficult circumstances. Unable to go to school, they fall behind.
Therefore, after having unified the nations, I am making an organization to encourage learning. The first work that the Abel UN must do is to establish this scholarship foundation. From where will the endowment for this foundation be drawn? When the world enters the realm of Abel, we will have all the resources we need. (593-138, 2008/06/14)
10. I will develop the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation even more. I invested all of True Father's Seonghwa funds as seed money for it. Furthermore, I will evenly distribute the benefits to all people and bring them to understand the original Will of Heaven and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. It has been said that there is no perfection in ignorance.
First, we must teach people, not only through words but through our actions. For that reason, we set up the Aewon Volunteer Organization, and by practicing service and sharing, we are giving help to neighbors and children who have been neglected. Nonetheless, I will not be satisfied with this alone. We will advance and spread love to more people. (True Mother, 2013/02/20)
11. The Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation supports multicultural families. True Parents are the originators of multicultural families for peace. In the 1970s we began international Blessing ceremonies, and now there are many international-blessed couples.
Families with parents from enemy countries such as Korea and Japan, or Germany and France, are fulfilling the task of bridge building, engendering sincere reconciliation. We have also blessed people across the barriers of culture, between East and West and between races, making a foundation for world peace that is blossoming in all cultures. (True Mother, 2014/02/10)
12. All work depends on people. Outstanding people are the pillars upon which world peace will be constructed. Through their influence, excellent families, organizations, and even nations will develop.
It is necessary to have a clear and appropriate standard for what a person of magnificent ability is. In the Principle, it is the person who completes the three great blessings. The three great blessings are the blessings of Heaven which teach us to be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion over creation.
We can view a person who has completed those three great blessings as worthy. We can call that person a filial child in the family, a patriot in the nation, a saint in the world, and a holy child in the cosmos.
True Parents have exerted themselves during their lifetimes to educate people to complete the blessings of Heaven. In his quest to find the Principle, you do not know how much Father cried, feeling the sorrowful heart of Heaven as he read and read until his Bible was tattered.
There were times when he spent all day at this. There were times when drenched in sweat, he spoke passionately for more than ten hours. You might collapse if you speak to someone while investing all of your energy even for one or two hours.
You should strive to follow the life course of the true parent, true teacher, and true owner that True Parents have shown. The Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation must actively raise people of ability for the sake of continuing the work of True Parents. (True Mother, 2014/02/10)
13. Do not make your goal just to attend school, study, go to a good university, and get a job where you will earn a lot of money. The most important goal is to become a person who fulfills the three great blessings given by God.
Become a person who loves Heaven, loves people, and loves your country. If you develop your intellect, skill, and ability with that goal, you will realize a great vision.
The Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation will provide active support so that you can become people who achieve excellence through your dreams and the dreams of our Heavenly Parent. (True Mother, 2014/02/10)
Sunhak Peace Prize
On February 20, 2013, True Parents established the Sunhak Peace Prize. The Sunhak Peace Prize, which was established for the sake of honoring those who implement the peace teachings of True Parents, will be awarded to individuals who devote themselves and make noble sacrifices for the sake of world peace.
On August 11, 2014, at the Seoul Press Center, the Sunhak Peace Prize Organizing Committee announced the eligibility requirements for the prize and the transparent and impartial process by which the prize winners would be chosen.
14. In front of Heaven, I made a promise to accomplish something by 2020. I will work in many ways to establish the right environment so that my promise will certainly be realized. We first accelerated our efforts to accomplish a long-range dream when the population of the world was three billion.
Now it is over seven billion. I want to make our fervent desire known to these seven billion people as soon as possible. Accordingly, through the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation, we will give our support so that many people of ability, of all social standings, who are working for the sake of peace, will take on larger roles.
If we practice true love using a life of sharing while working hard, a bright and happy world will arise in the future. We want our descendants to live and enjoy life in a world without indemnity and bitter pain. (True Mother, 2014/02/09)
15. The participants in ICUS are eminent people from the United States and other countries, including numerous Nobel laureates. After these people meet me once, for some reason they want to meet me again.
If they do not come to the conference, their health suffers. When they come, there is a good atmosphere and I can see they are happy.
I have offered honoraria for many years, guided the conference, and upheld their prestige and reputation. After saying that I would make a prize like the Nobel Prize, I gave awards of $200,000 on three occasions. (303-075, 1999/08)
16. There are many people in the world now who respect me, and I am trying to use my influence to encourage them to serve America. Accordingly, I made the United to Serve America organization, the initials of which are USA.
Through this organization, we held revivals in 250 American cities. I also gave awards to Christians who had anonymously carried out meritorious deeds. We called those awards the Diamond Prize. On that foundation, we built an interdenominational coalition.
In this way, we are reviving the nation. The Christian cultural realm must generate a movement to protect young people and families that are heading toward destruction. This is a good goal. Therefore, I am giving an award to the core personnel of this Christian organization that came out and quietly sacrificed all that they had. (234-157, 1992/08/10)
17. We must bequeath to thousands of generations of descendants the vision and thought of peace. To facilitate this, and to enhance True Parents' vision and thought regarding peace, we will establish a peace prize.
Through the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation, I am preparing the Sunhak Peace Prize, which will be awarded to a group or individual who serves sacrificially for the sake of world peace and true love.
Through this prize, we will support and encourage people who devote themselves to the sake of the genuine ideal world of peace. We will work so that this prize will have the highest value of any prize in human history. (True Mother, 2014/02/10)
18. The Sunhak Peace Prize, which is offered globally by the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation, will surpass the Nobel Peace Prize. Recipients of this prize will stand in a historic position where the people of the world will respect them for their great contribution to Heaven's Will and peace for all people.
I hope you will take great interest in the aspirations of the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation to forge a noble path in history. Please become partners and participants in helping the enterprises that are promoted by the foundation to thrive. (True Mother, 2014/02/09)