The chapter of Resurrection first deals with the providence of resurrection for people on Earth. How will the providence of resurrection for people on Earth happen? Our spiritual selves must attain the stage of divine spirit after going through the stages of form spirit and life spirit. In other words, we must experience the resurrection on the formation, growth, and completion levels.
The next part deals with the providence of resurrection for people in the spirit world. Our ancestors who have already shed their physical bodies, along with other spirits, must attain resurrection through cooperating with people on Earth and receive the same benefit. I will explain about these two things.
I originally knew resurrection as ‘ the dead arising from their graves’ just as Christian churches teach. However, I heard that ‘ resurrection means the growth of our spirit bodies’ for the first time when I joined the church. I was so amazed by this teaching and asked Father about it to find out more.
"Father, my spirit self must be growing inside of my physical self just as you have said, would there be a means of measurement, like a thermostat, to know how much my spirit body has grown, whether it can achieve the level of divine spirit?" I asked.
However, Father pretended he didn’t hear me and just said "Yes. The perfection of spirit self is the perfection of love!"
However, the term ‘ form spirit’ has a meaning.
There was a member in our church who died of carbon monoxide poisoning and then came back to life. When he went to the spirit world, the path leading to Hell looked easier than the path that was leading to heaven. There were also people at the other end of the path of hell waving to him, telling him to come and join them. So when he went to hell, there were beings that resembled serpents, dogs, and pigs. They looked like humans from one point of view but animals from another.
It means that only when we attain resurrections, our spirit self can grow from the shape of an animal to become the shape of a human being. That is why the spirit self at the formation stage is called form spirit. That particular form of spirit develops to the level of a life spirit, and it will ultimately become a divine spirit. A divine spirit illuminates light. So the purpose of our life on Earth is to perfect our spirit self to become divine spirit (luminous being). Everyone wishes to become a divine spirit.
The level of luminosity determines how close we can go to True Parents after they go to the spirit world. We will be able to go closer to True Parents depending on the brightness of our spirit selves. We will fall down according to the darkness of our spirit selves and ascend according to their brightness.
Perfection of spirit self is the perfection of love
Father explained to us about the resurrection of the spirit self as if drawing a picture. Father taught us that God has twelve sungsangs. Then he told us "Everyone is born with one of the twelve sungsangs of God. Therefore, it is easy for you to love and become friendly with people who share the same sungsang as you, but it’s difficult to love others who have the other eleven sungsangs. Therefore, you must work for them, sacrifice for them, and love them. In the end, you will have to love everyone who has the other eleven sungsangs. If you can love them all, your spirit self will become completed, and your character and love will be perfected."
If we look at the picture here, it has four directions. East means warm spring, South means summer, West autumn, and North winter. Each season has three months. Three months multiplied by four seasons is twelve months.
You have probably heard that there are twelve gates made of pearls in the spirit world. People are all different and they are bound to go through the pearl gate that befits them. Since there are twelve sungsangs and twelve months, there are twelve pearl gates as well.
If we only befriend the people of the same sungsang as us in the physical world, we will only be able to enter one pearl gate. We will not be able to enter the other pearl gates. If you hate a certain type of person, then you will not be able to enter the corresponding gate. As twelve months are different from each other, twelve types of people are all very much different.
Our spirit self cannot be perfected and become a luminous body if we cannot unite with all twelve types of people. The twelve pearl gates represent the gates through which twelve types of people enter. Therefore, if we cannot love certain types of people, our spirit self will have a shadow cast upon it and be tainted with darkness. We must learn to like all twelve types of people if we are to pass through all twelve months.
That’s why the number 12 is important. True Parents gave birth to more than twelve children. The first thing Father asked Mother to do after the Holy Marriage is that she must give birth to more than twelve children. Mother gave birth to fourteen children.
People’s characteristics are all different just as four seasons are different. You could say ‘ You and I have different characters; we don’t fit well together’ but you would be breaking the heavenly law of love if you said ‘ You and I have different characters; I hate you.’ How could the spring hate summer, and the summer hate autumn? We need all four seasons. Therefore, whether people have the same characteristics as you or not, you must love them all.
So when you give birth to twelve children, people you meet will remind you of your first daughter or second son and so on, making it easier for you to be friendly with them.
There is a saying: ‘ You must be like a child if you are to enter heaven.’ It is because children are kind. Children easily play with each other. Adults are’ t able to do that.
Adults measure each other up and they take a long time to become friends. That’s how adults are. Those who transcend everything and just love everyone will be able to go to heaven. We are being trained in that way of love on Earth.
Father said that the Principle will become the constitution of the nation of God in the future. The world where people cannot commit sin even if they try to, will arrive.
However, who will be the people who fail to achieve resurrection until the end? It is the people who never gave birth. You cannot simply study the loving heart of a parent and realize it. The loving heart of a parent is something we can only learn through having our children, sacrificing ourselves for them day and night, and raising them.
Therefore, Father said that the people who never gave birth to their own children will have a harder time for resurrection. Then what can they do? They must adopt children. Father’s been pushing the wives of the four saints to adopt children.
Back in the old days, I was inside the room where Father was having a meeting with pastoral leaders. They asked Father "There are members who are avoiding getting pregnant because of financial restraints. Would that be OK?" Father yelled and said "What are you talking about? They should have more children! Do you think Jacob would’ve given birth to a son like Joseph, his eleventh son if he avoided getting his wife pregnant?" Then Father continued "Give birth. Father gave birth to a lot of children as well. You must learn from it. Don't worry, just give birth. Babies come out to the world with their fortune."
You should also give birth to a lot of children, and if you can’t, please tell your daughters or daughters-in-law the same thing. Father once told us that if we have 100 million second-generation children, we will be able to have dominion over the whole world. That is why Father also said that he is always so happy to hear blessed families giving birth. So please do not worry about what you will feed the children.
Please remember that the number 12, and twelve children are important.
Ancestors are directly connected to individual salvation
Father normally doesn’t do this anymore but there was something he always used to say after someone reported to him, "Who did well here, and who did poorly?
Something bad happened to someone, something good happened to someone." Father used to say, "That happened to him because he had good ancestors. That happened to him because he had bad ancestors." Fathers often blamed their ancestors.
When I was in The Presbyterian Church, I thought I had nothing to do with my ancestors. I simply believed that the ancestors who didn’t believe in Jesus were all satanic. So we didn’t hold ancestral rites. However, Father taught us differently; Father often spoke about ancestors.
Father said that everything is connected to our ancestors. Our birth is connected with our ancestors, and the way we live is also connected with our ancestors. When people die, their ancestors come to take them. When people are just about to depart from the Earth, they say "My grandfather, my grandmother are here to take me." It also happens to be that our ancestors are the ones who will teach us the way of life in the spirit world. Therefore, if our ancestors are in a good place, we will end up in a good place as well. The opposite is also true, if our ancestors are in a bad place, then we will end up in that place as well. That’s how important our ancestors are.
I asked about my ancestors to Father one day.
"Father, according to your words, you told us that the cooperation from our ancestors is vital in our lives. Then is it our ancestors or God who gave us salvation? Between God and our ancestors, who cooperate with us more?"
"Hmmm. God saves us in whole, but ancestors have more to do with direct individual salvation."
According to Father’s Words, we must have good ancestors, and we also have to become good ancestors to our descendants. The good deeds done by our ancestors cannot be taken by God or Satan. Father talked a lot about the good deeds of ancestors.
Father said that we resemble our father and mother, and also our grandparents, but we do not just resemble their appearance, we have also inherited their cells. Our ancestors live together with us. We inherit the sins and good deeds of our ancestors. We can understand the relationship between ourselves and our ancestors after joining the Unification Church and listening to lectures on the Principle. Even if our lives are difficult at the moment, we can’t become reproachful after we come to know the Principle.
The reason why Cheongpyeong is so great is that we liberate the ancestors in the spirit world and send them to the training center led by Heung Jin Nim. They train there for one hundred days, receive the blessing, and then become Absolute Good Spirits. Then we must bring them to our home, live together with them, and let them cooperate with us. If we make 1,000 Absolute Good Spirits, that means we have 1,000 spiritual children. When we go to the spirit world, they will come to welcome your arrival, "Oh! Our spiritual Father, or Mother, you have come. Welcome to the spirit world. We will serve you well."
Then, blessing 2,000 Absolute Good Spirits is better than blessing 1,000, and blessing 10,000 is considerably better. That is why Father once said, "Do the members of the Unification Church know how grateful they should be for the works of Cheongpyeong?" If we have made many Absolute Good Spirits, we won’t go to hell at least, right?
So in the end, what matters is where our ancestors are coming from. If they come from hell, we will end up going to hell. If they come from a good place, we will follow them and go there as well.
The life of people on Earth and the good deeds of ancestors
The spirit world is a world of cause. We who live on earth are living in the world of results. There is no result without a cause. Therefore, we can't escape the influence of our ancestors even though we want to live our lives the way we wish.
Father once explained to us how the good deeds of our ancestors can operate. I’ve drawn a picture to help you understand. Here are high and medium-height mountains, and there is a valley between them. The person standing on the mountain will be called A, the one in the valley, B, and the one on the medium mountain C. A’s ancestors did many good deeds.
In climbing the mountain for 6,000 years, some people are still at the level of the Old Testament, some at the level of the New Testament, and some at the Holy Testament.
This sun represents the grace of God which sheds its light equally. Who do you think will receive the most amount of God’s grace? It will be A of course. A has an easy life since he receives God’s grace during his lifetime. He doesn t have to live his life so diligently thanks to the good deeds of his ancestors.
Person B is in the valley because his ancestors did very few good deeds. He works hard and diligently but only a few work out for him. His life is a difficult one. He may be smart and live his life sincerely but still, nothing works out for him as he wishes. In the valley where he resides, the sun shines for a very short time before it disappears, shedding only a small amount of light on him.
Also, person C is in the middle of the mountain, whose ancestors accomplished approximately a medium amount of good deeds.
However, I heard something very shocking from Father recently. Father said "Do you know why God is fair? He is fair because there are rich people and poor people." Those well-off deserve to live in riches because of the good deeds of their ancestors, and those who live in suffering must lead such a style of life because they must pay off the debt of their ancestors.
When we see one person (A) living well-off even though he doesn’t have much talent whereas another person (B) living in difficulties even though he tries very hard, we call it unfair. However, Father’s perspective is different. That’s not unfair.
Our position in this world is different from our birth. There is no reason to be jealous of someone because everything works out for that person; meanwhile, your life is so difficult. If you find yourself jealous in such a way, just think ‘ Oh, I must live harder to make up for the lack of good deeds by my ancestors’ and I must work harder.
If this person (B) finds the Principle and joins the church, he will realize that his ancestors left him only a few good deeds, and he will begin to work harder. His status elevates as he works harder. Father also told us that such people achieve the most elevation after they find the Principle. As God is the parent of humankind, Father told us that God listens to the prayers and the jeongseongs of such people more closely.
That is why such people achieve astonishingly fast development.
People on Earth must indemnify the sins of seven generations of their ancestors.
This time, I will draw a bamboo stick. Here is the bamboo tree and this picture represents one section of the bamboo stick. In this one section, there are seven generations of ancestors.
Father said that the sins of our ancestors in the spirit world are indemnified every seven generations. It moves up one step every seven generations. Father already knows about the ancestor liberation in the Cheongpyeong training center. So the horizontal seven generations are tuned to this vertical side first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh generations.
According to Father’s Words, we joined the Unification Church because of the good deeds of our ancestors for up to seven generations. We inherit the good deeds of our ancestors up to seven generations and we benefit from that.
We are the descendants of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh-generation ancestors who were fallen people. We therefore are the embodiment of both good and evil.
So this is good and that is evil. This person (the seventh descendant) has his goodness and then receives all the goodness of his ancestors. The good deeds of his ancestors have come down in such a way. So when you look at this person, he is even kinder than his father or his grandfather. He is born as a better person.
Father once told us many years ago, "You people are probably loved and trusted the most among your siblings. You couldn’t have joined the Unification Church otherwise. Who among you received the trust and love of your parents and siblings the most? Raise your hand!" I raised my hand too. I was the first child among six brothers and sisters, and I received the love and trust of my parents the most.
However, how good would it be if we were to live only with their good deeds?
Nothing’s free. We also inherit bad deeds from our ancestors and we must make indemnifications for them.
When our ancestors gave their good deeds to us, they gave them to us with a condition of making indemnifications for their sins. When we look at the members of the Unification Church, they are such kind people but many of their lives are very hard. They experience much difficulty because they are trying to pay back for the sins of their ancestors.
Father puts us through many difficulties so that we can quickly payback for the sins of our ancestors. Father does that because anything we fail to pay back will be inherited by our descendants. Then our descendants will have to continue making indemnifications.
We must endure all difficulties if we know the Principle and know the relationship between ourselves and our ancestors. When we are faced with difficulties in our lives, we should consider that ‘ I am suffering because I am making indemnifications for the sins of my ancestors. I am suffering because the payment can be made quicker.’ Our indemnifications will be finished faster if we are grateful for our sufferings.
The members of the Unification Church normally live difficult lives because they have to make indemnifications for the sins of their ancestors. As they have received all different sorts of fortunes from their ancestors, both good and bad, their life is often very difficult. So even though our lives may be difficult, we must walk a painful course, thinking that we are paying for the sins of seven generations of our ancestors as their servants, and ending the payment in our generation.
We can now make indemnifications for the sins of 210 generations of ancestors thanks to the special ancestral liberation in Cheong Pyeong. This has become possible through the grace of True Parents’ victory. We must be grateful to True Parents.
She has now passed away but there lived a grandmother in Daegu who practiced oriental medicine and was also good at face-reading; knowing things about people by analyzing their faces. She analyzed the faces of many high-position leaders of our church, and she said that they are mostly very kind but many of them have the fate of committing suicide, getting killed in a car accident, or other situations preventing them from living their natural age.
People who are destined to die before their natural years come to join the Unification Church, she said. She said she couldn’t understand why such kind people have such difficulties lying ahead in their lives.
She also said that as such people, we were able to avoid such misfortune because we joined the church and decided to follow True Parents. Such knowledge can also be found in the Principle. It says that we are the fruit of our ancestors of 6,000 years.
The members of the Unification Church must go through suffering and receive persecution. We say we have received persecutions after joining the church and Father understands it all when he sees us. Father knows how many good deeds our ancestors have done.
Additionally, Father’s been saying lately that he can see numbers on our foreheads. This number does not disappear even after 40 years of joining the church. Numbers appear like 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, or 20 years. Then when a woman comes to the matching place with her head down, covering her forehead, Father shouts "Put your head up. I can’t see your ancestors."
The numbers on our foreheads mean that our ancestors have pushed us to join the Unification Church and we will stay active in the church activities, but then after that time, our bad ancestors pull us to their side.
Some members receive the blessing after they get married outside the church. They joined the church before they got married, but then left the church for a reason, and returned to church with a man or a woman at their side to receive the blessing. Father told us that these are all works of our ancestors. That becomes their regret. These blessed couples give birth to their children outside the church and breathe a sigh of regret when they can’t give birth once they enter the church because now they are too old.
Then why do such things happen? It’s because if we are allowed to stay in the church for five years. After 5 years, the bad ancestors will start to pull us out. Even though they are aware that they will receive salvation if they join the church and offer jeongseongs. However, they are ashamed of being judged for their crimes and the fear they felt when they committed their sins creep in back to them. In fear of being judged for their crimes, they begin to want to escape and pull their descendants out.
Even though it’s possible to be pulled out by our ancestors after 5 or 10 years, we can stay in the church without being forced out by the temptation of our bad ancestors if we have offered jeongseongs of our own. Otherwise, what once inspired our hearts will give us scars, our faith in the providence of God will decrease, our relationship with other members will begin to crack, and we will begin to hate other members. Then we will be pulled out by our bad ancestors.
Then our good ancestors try again to push us back to the church. Then our good ancestors and bad ancestors begin to fight. This fight will ensue for 40 years. After 40 years, the number on the person’s forehead disappears.
Father said that this is why he can truly trust a member once it’s been 40 years since he joined. When Mrs. Hyeon Shil Kang told Father "It’s been 40 years since I’ ve joined the church." Father gave his blessing and told her "Congratulations. Things will now work in favor of you. Your wishes will come true."
If we are to repel the hands of our bad ancestors trying to pull out of the church, we must love and serve True Parents and offer jeongseong for the Will of God for more than 40 years.
The merit of our ancestors and witnessing
I will explain it to you this time with some drawings of humans. Father taught this to us in a very fun way. After listening to all of Father’s lessons, it becomes easier for us to understand the relationship between ourselves and our ancestors no matter how difficult a situation we find ourselves in.
Here is a drawing that resembles a person. In this drawing, the spirit world is the cause and the physical world is the result. This result is always affected by its cause. Then, this is those who have joined the Unification Church. We make different relationships centering on this particular person (the other person). We live among many relationships that we create.
For example, when I try to witness this person (the other person), our meeting is not only a meeting between us but a meeting of our ancestors. It may not be seen but your ancestors are there with you. The ancestors without physical bodies must borrow the physical bodies of their descendants for them to benefit, and that is why they always follow their descendants.
If we offer sincere jeongseong in order to witness to this particular person (the other person), then this person’s ancestors feel grateful towards me. Then, this person’s ancestors must repay the debt to my ancestors. This happens automatically. However, we must also understand that, even though we have joined the church, our ancestors may not necessarily have done better deeds than the ancestors of this person whom I am trying to witness.
In other words, I have joined the Unification Church and this person (the other person) has not joined the church yet, but the average good deeds of my ancestors (C) may not be higher than that of this person’s ancestors (D). For example, if the average good deeds of my ancestors is 50% (C), it could be that the ancestors of the person you are trying to witness have 70% (D) of good deeds. In that case, witnessing becomes difficult. It is because ancestors send their descendants to the Unification Church when the time is right.
Then why did the 36-couple families have to join the Unification Church so early and have to go through so much suffering while following the Lord? There are two reasons. There are people who joined the church because their ancestors (A) did a lot of good deeds.
Father said that the ancestors whose good deeds are recognized by God among other people are those who were loyal to their countries. There is no ancestor who can surpass the ancestors who were loyal to their countries. Next comes the ancestors who were good sons and daughters, then comes the ones who were good husbands, and wives, then comes the ones who believed in a religion.
Why is that? Even though it wasn t the nation of God, the ancestors who were loyal to their countries had to sacrifice themselves and their families for the sake of their nations. For this reason, upheld highest by God are those who have loyally sacrificed themselves for the sake of their nations.
According to Father, soldiers who die in a war, or soldiers who are sacrificed in an incident such as the Cheon An Ham sinking can ascend to high places when they go to the spirit world. Father told us that even if they remained on Earth and worked very hard, they could not have done anything that would have put them in a higher place in the spirit world than their sacrifice for the nation.
Father also said that even though they have gone to very high places in the spirit world, there are still even higher places they can go, so they will come back to Earth, to their family members or tribal members, and help them sacrifice themselves for the sake of their nation. If they succeed, they will go to even higher places in the spirit world together with the people they helped. They assist their close ones to achieve the level of sacrifice for their nation; this is something they weren’t able to achieve when they were alive.
Father then told us that we need not worry too much about the soldiers who were sacrificed for the sake of this nation when we know what will await them in the spirit world. If you know someone close to you whose intimate loved ones sacrificed themselves for the nation, please give them your condolences and cheer them up.
Furthermore, God also wants to have his own family. God does not have a family on Earth. However, God is moved by those good sons or daughters who overcome much hardship to attend to their parents on Earth. Also, God highly regards those who keep their fidelity to their spouse. Father said that 36-couple family members have such people in their ancestral line.
It could also be that our ancestors who have done a lot of good deeds could be in a very high position whereas our ancestors who have done many bad things could be in a low place or even in hell. Those ancestors who are at a higher place in the spirit world want to quickly save their own tribal members who are at a lower place or in hell. Wouldn’t you want to save your members from lower places in the spirit world or hell?
That is why even when the blessed family members go to higher places in the spirit world, we will still feel pain. People are one body with their tribal members, so it is never comfortable for those, even in a higher place, when some of their tribal members are suffering in lower places. Father said to us, "If you do not restore your tribe, you will never feel that you are in a good place no matter how elevated a place you find yourself in the spirit world." That is why Father told us to become tribal messiahs.
Similarly, even if our ancestors have done a lot of good deeds and went to a good place in the spirit world, they are eager to save their tribal members who are suffering in hell.
This is why they push their descendants to join The Unification Church as one of the 36-couple members. What then happens? All of the ancestors can’t be redeemed just because there are few ancestors with many good deeds. Since the sins of the ancestors are
so great, they can’ ascend to a higher place right away.
I will give you an example. It is just as you see your report card and see that you receive an A or B in the subjects that you like, but you receive lower grades in other subjects which then work to bring down the average score.
We can tell where our ancestors are in the spirit world by looking at these things.
Just as our average grade would be low even if we received good grades in some subjects but bad grades in others, this person (the other person)’s ancestors(B) may not have many good deeds but their average would still be somewhere in the middle (D).
Therefore, the average good deeds of the ancestors (D) would go up just as subjects with similar grades would bring the average upward. Then such people don’t need to join the church so early on. Those who joined the church in its early period had to go through more suffering. Then the ancestors would force their descendants to stay in the church until they feel like they’ve had enough. That is why territorial behavior cannot be found in the Unification Church.
Father wanted to buy us small presents but he took us to the Nam Dae Mun market because he didn’t have much money. When we went to the Nam Dae Mun market, there were so many people that we kept bumping into others. When we came back to the headquarters church, Father said "I saw a lady who had very good ancestors. I was so happy that I almost tried to shake her hand." I thought "But her ancestors still couldn’t have been better than our ancestors who joined the church."
However, Father also told us once "Families who joined the church after they get married sacrifice themselves even more for the Will of God." We should not look down upon members just because they were married outside the church. When the donation providence started in Japan, many Japanese members who made great contributions were wedded outside the church. People like us didn’t have much to give because we already sacrificed so much.
When I had a chance to look at these families who were wedded outside the church, they looked all very handsome. However, 777-couple and 1800-couple members were full of wrinkles like elderly folks. The couples married before they joined the church
are like the fence of our church. Please be proud of that. We joined the church first and received more persecution. We were helped by the ancestors who had lots of good deeds to join the church first and also so that we can resurrect a greater number of ancestors who are in lowly places.
If the good deeds of the ancestors(70%) of the person that I am trying to witness are higher than the good deeds of my ancestors(50%), their ancestors try to prevent their descendants from joining the church. If this person is to join the church, their ancestors have to give a bit of their good deeds(10%) to my ancestors. But they must come down to a lower position in the spirit world if they do that.(70%-10%=60%) But they don’t want to come down. Being at a high position in the spirit world means that they will receive God’s love more, they will shine more, and they are in a position where they are happier. They naturally don’t want to come down. So they grab their descendant by the hand and tell the person "Don’t go. If you go there, we have to repay the debts of the ancestors of the person who witnessed to you."
When that’s the circumstance, that particular person will not join the church no matter how hard you try. When you feel as if the good deeds of your ancestors are outdone by the good deeds of the ancestors of the person to whom you are trying to witness, then you must offer sincere jeongseong in the heart of repaying the debts of your ancestors(G).
If the amount of jeongseong goes beyond the number of good deeds of that other person good deeds, then any repayment becomes unnecessary because your ancestors now have more good deeds. Then that person’s ancestors will let their descendants go. Father told us that there is no bargaining when it comes to the ancestors in the spirit world. It is very precise.
Father once told us in the past that we must treat our guests in the best way possible.
Only then the ancestors of our guests and our ancestors in a high place in the spirit world can relate to each other. Korean people know this well because they are spiritually bright. Korean people have the unconscious urge to be good to their guests even though their living standard is low because that is what their ancestors in the spirit world want.
When we meet someone, when we become friends with someone, when we marry someone, or when we make any human relationship with others, it means that our ancestors and their ancestors meet together. It can’t be avoided because the spirit world is the cause and the Physical World is the result. We strive to live our lives according to our liking but the reason why that does not work is that we must repay the debts incurred by the sins of our ancestors.
The way to restore the sins of ancestors through indemnification
We are talking about the sins of our ancestors here. The sins of ancestors can be categorized through the order in which they fell, and that became our ancestor’s debt.
What does it mean by debts of ancestors? Father said that there are three different types of debts according to the order of the fall.
The first is the debt of shimjeong, ie. the sin of shimjeong. This comes from the spiritual fall. The spiritual fall is where the first love of Eve was taken. Love is the problem in the end. In our human society, many conflicts are aroused due to the complications of love.
Second, we find the debt of the physical body. This comes from the physical fall.
Approximately 80 percent of why our physical bodies weaken become diseased, and experience suffering is due to our ancestors having done physical harm to others or having committed sins of that nature. Father said that physical suffering is a phenomenon resulting from that.
Third is the failure to have dominion over all things. It means that we human beings have debts owed to all things. That is why we suffering from financial difficulties.
Because Adam and Eve became husband and wife through illicit love, which God did not allow in any way, they have failed to fulfill the blessing of having dominion over all things after perfecting themselves. As a result, they ended up having to use all things by stealing them. That is why in the book of Rome 8:22, all things groan in pain.
Human beings had to go through much suffering because they failed to pay the indemnity for these three debts. God wants to have these three things and Satan also wants to have these three things. We human beings have also considered these three things as important.
What will humans need more if their problems of love, health, and material are all solved? Wouldn’t it be a fulfilling life to live in happiness, good health, and have a small abundance of material?
Then how can we pay the indemnification for the sins of our ancestors? Since the fall happened in this order, the restoration must take the opposite course like this. The order is reversed. 1 is material restoration, 2 witnessing, and 3 is blessing.
We must restore the economy first; that is the reason we tithe. Economic restoration means that, just as God first created all things in the environment in which Adam and Eve could live in abundance, we must first restore all things that Satan has stolen and create the environment in which we can re-create ourselves. Only then we can be recreated.
Next comes the witnessing of fallen humans since we lost our physical bodies due to the physical fall.
Third is the problem of love. If we are to fundamentally eradicate original sin and restore our lineage to that of God, we must receive the blessing. We personally have to receive and we must lead other people to receive the blessing as well.
Father told us, "I must bless the whole 7 billion people in the world before I go to the spirit world. Only then, we must sever the lineage of Satan and be restored to the lineage of God, and only then the Ideal World can be established." Father said that this is Father’s mission. However, how difficult would that be? Father said that he still has to accomplish it.
Two people will have difficulties in their relationships if these become their problems. If my ancestors brought harm to this person’s ancestors in the form of love, health, or economy, then my ancestors become the perpetrator and the other person’s ancestors become the victim. Therefore, the descendants of these victimized ancestors keep harassing me with these problems. Then we will feel that this person is our enemy.
However, Father said such a person is not our enemy but our teacher. Why is that so? It is because we were oblivious to the sins of our ancestors but thanks to this person, we can now realize, ‘ Oh, my ancestors had committed sins to your ancestors.’ That is why we must love our enemy. If you wave off your enemy, if you simply avoid your enemy and leave them, your ancestor's sins will not be indemnified. If you don’t make the indemnification, your descendants will have to make the payment. That is why we must be good to those who harm us and we should be more good to the enemies than to the people who are good to us.
For example, when a beggar comes knocking on your door, asking for some food, you must not turn them away empty-handed. Why did the beggar come to you?
Father told us that it was because one of my ancestors was a beggar and one of this beggar’s ancestors gave food to our begging ancestor when the position was the other way around.
When Buddhist monks come knocking at the door, Christians close their doors, but we offer them food. Giving something means that we are paying for the debts of our ancestors. That is the way we see it.
Father once told us something famous now. The debts of our ancestors’ desires must materialize in this physical world. Therefore, there is a reason behind meeting good people and there is also a reason behind meeting bad people who do bad things to us. We must not avoid the people who are bad to us because these people come to us so we can receive salvation through love. If we do not treat with the utmost sincerity of heart, the resolved debt will become our descendants’ burden. This is karma; what comes around goes around.
Father concluded, "If there are debts to be repaid, we will not run into people (good or bad) and nothing(good or bad) will happen."
As I have said earlier, seven generations of ancestors receive salvation when a couple becomes a blessed family, but there must be a condition. If we are to receive salvation and save our ancestors, we must first bring into the open all of the sins that our ancestors had committed while they were on Earth. However, our ancestors are ashamed and embarrassed about that.
Think about it. After robbers or murderers commit sins, do they run or go to the police station, saying ‘ Take me in.’ Don t they run as far as possible? It is the same in the spirit world. They had committed sins but their sins are covered in the spirit world. Then, if we join The Unification Church, the fact that my ancestors are perpetrators of crimes and the other person’s ancestors are the victims is revealed.
Then, my ancestors who are perpetrators must give to the descendants whose ancestors are the victims. That is when the work of indemnifying for ancestors' sins happens. So when you come across an enemy, you should not hate the person who has done bad things to you but rather think that you are making indemnifications for the sins of your ancestors.
Even in the same brothers, the ancestors at work are different. Also, if you resemble your father, then you are affected by the ancestors of your father, whereas if you resemble your mother, you are under the influence of your mother’s ancestors.
When we look at how Father assigned ministers their fields, Father used to place the ministers who were working in the fields with little results in places where they yielded lots of results. In opposite, Father used to send the ministers who were doing well in their work to difficult places where bringing results was very difficult. Father kept changing. Even the faithful members with high attendance to church would not come to the church if a minister with bad ancestors came to their church. On the other hand, when a minister with good ancestors would come, even the people who didn’t come to the church so often would begin attending.
Ministers are sometimes faced with difficulties even as they offer great jeongseong.
Even if that may be the case, ministers should not blame the members. If I am here to work as a minister, it may be that I’ve become the minister because of the problems of my ancestors. You may have to make indemnifications for the sins of your ancestors like that.
When your grandfather has a lot of debts but can’t pay them off, the lenders don’t come knocking at the door. However, if his son or grandson is in a ministerial position, then of course the lenders will come to you, saying ‘ You must make the payments for the debts your father and your grandfather failed to pay.’ When we look at this world as a result, the same is applied to Unification Church members.
Unification Church ministers become both the messiahs and priests. In other words, Unification Church members become both priests and judges who will make the indemnifications for not only the sins of their own ancestors but the sins of their members and their ancestors as well.
However, since the ministers can only help the members make atonement for the sins of their ancestors after they make the necessary atonement for the sins of their ancestors, the Father can’t help them before they make such atonement. The people in providential companies are in the Cain position and they receive payment for their work because the providence won’t be able to advance if they complain.
However, Father said he can’t give monthly payments to pastors. Father then said that the ministers can receive their payment from a portion of their member's tithing.
We will become the second and the third True Parents. Our Unification Church members live in many difficulties but Father said that nobody will be able to ignore us in the future.
However, we must endure the bone-shattering difficulties until our ancestors are finished being accused. We must endure it throughout our lives. We can’t blame others for this. When we are faced with a difficult situation, we must realize that this is become of our ancestors. Then, only when we continuously offer jeongseong, we will receive God’s pity, and also the pity of the victimized ancestors.
This is possible because we know the Principle of Restoration. The meeting between the human beings that are the fruit of the fall is all meant to be the meeting between enemies. Adam, Eve, and the archangel were supposed to build a relationship of love and kindness, but they became enemies because of the fall. God’s providence however is to return this relationship to that of loving the enemies.
Blessed families are also unions of enemies. Father blessed us with Japanese people who are our enemies. That is because new history can only dawn when the enemies come together and resolve their hatred through the relationship of love called the blessing. If we follow Father’s specific intention, we will love, understand, and develop together with our enemies instead of fighting them. That is why Father tells us always that we are enemies but we must love each other.
If the Japanese wives come to Korea after marrying Korean husbands, in other words, if they sacrifice themselves, the Korean husbands will be grateful to their Japanese wives. As a result, the victimized ancestors of Korean husbands come to forgive the ancestors of the Japanese wives. The cross-blessing between Korean and Japanese people are work of resolving enmities.
We bring enemies into complete natural subjugation. If we keep being good to our enemies and move their hearts by serving them, we can bring them to natural subjugation. Then, the sins of my ancestors will be unresolved one by one from my actions. If my enemy’s heart is moved and if he is brought to natural subjugation, his ancestors will no longer hold their grudges against my ancestors. This is the question we must ask ourselves in our everyday lives.
When we think about this in terms of our ancestors, we begin to disregard people we don’t like, people we hate, and things that we like and hate. If we consider that the difficulty coming our way is the word of God to help resolve ancestors’ sins, our path of faith becomes a lot easier. I believe this will be of great help in living your everyday life.
Resurrection of evil spirits
Resurrection of evil spirits means the resurrection of the spirits in Hell. It was difficult for me to understand as well, even after reading Divine Principle many times over. I can however give you an explanation of it as I understood it from listening to Father’s Words.
Father said that the people who succeed in this world have good ancestors. Scholars keep appearing in the families where they gave birth to many scholars, and doctors in the families that gave birth to many doctors. That is because the ancestors cooperate with their descendants.
Father told us that we need cooperation from the spirit world if we are to achieve great success in this world. Father also walks the path of the Messiah from the time was eight years old with the help of the spirit world.
It is hard for us to become a master of something only with our physical body and head. We need the spirit world’s cooperation.
There are people around who fall into more difficulties without any particular reason. Such things happen to these people because their ancestors do not have a lot of good deeds under their belt. They did several bad things and many of them are murderers, robbers, or other criminals.
Some of these bad ancestors even went to the spirit world without receiving punishment for their crimes. They go to the spirit world and realize ‘ Oh, I came to the spirit world without paying indemnifications for my sins. What shall I do?’ They become anxious. However, such ancestors don’t have a way to make the necessary payment since they no longer have their physical bodies. That is why they need the physical bodies of their descendants. That is also the reason their descendants unconsciously commit the same crimes that their ancestors had committed.
Then what happens? Such people (the descendants) will go to jail when their crimes are revealed. Father said, that if a person receives 20 years for his crime, "He should not blame someone for it or try to avoid the sentencing but rather receive it gracefully." Why is that?
That person may think that he does not deserve such punishment. He may think how is it possible that he finishes his 20-year-long sentence? He is receiving the punishment for the sins of his ancestors as well. Father taught us to think that way. If our ancestors force us to commit sins, and if we repent after receiving the punishment, he will be forgiven and his ancestors will be forgiven together.
Bad ancestors don’t know how to do good deeds. Since bad ancestors go to the spirit world after only doing bad things while on Earth, they make their descendants repeat their crimes, lead them to be punished, and have their sins forgiven together with the sins of their descendants. This is what’s important in the resurrection of bad spirits.
The next thing I am going to tell you will be an example of how evil spirits can be purged on Earth.
When you work as a minister, you will meet a lot of unusual people. Father taught us to completely change the schedule of such unusual people.
For example, if a crazy person keeps appearing after midnight and goes to bed at noon the day after, then changes his schedule. Father said that this is evidence that he is being dragged around by evil spirits.
If the crazy person likes to climb mountains, let him climb mountains. If he likes watching movies, let him watch movies, too. Make him active during the daytime. He becomes tired during the daytime he won’ have any energy to get up at the night, even if the evil spirits try to wake him up. Failing to make him act as they wish, the evil spirits that once controlled him will leave.
As such, evil spirits in the spirit world are eager to use the people on Earth to do their bidding. That is because they are trying to relieve their sorrowful heart and make atonement for their sins.
Joy of Life Centering on the Principle of Resurrection
How does Father, who knows the principle of resurrection, live? Father told us "I always think of two things when I meet someone."
One thing is, as we have mentioned earlier, since people are born of one sungsang out of God’s twelve sungsangs, and Father treats whoever he meets with the sense that they are precious people, whether they be children or elderly folks,
It’s hard for us to get close to Father. Father said that he treats anyone he meets with a humble heart and thinks ‘ God wants me to learn his certain sungsang!"
Then his heart becomes so joyful. Father said that it is just like the first day of school, ready to learn new things. Father enjoys meeting people because there are always new things to learn. He never gets bored or tired.
Father loves Mother in ways that change over time. Father sees Mother in the morning and feels the beauty of spring, the beauty of passionate summer in the day, the beauty of the refreshing breeze in the autumn in the afternoon, and the coziness of winter in the night. Then when Father wakes up the next morning, he sees Mother and feels different kinds of love from different perspectives. So he never gets tired of his love for Mother.
Father once told us: that we should not think our spouse is ugly, but look at it as their uniqueness. In Japan, people say that when people are in love, even the ugly features look pretty. If your spouse’s nose is t placed straight or small, look at it carefully.
Then you will later think that your wife has a unique face, and she will look pretty if you keep thinking that she is pretty. We must eternally own and become joyful of the uniqueness of our spouse. Father lives such a life and he never becomes bored of life.
The second thing Father thinks about whenever he meets someone is ‘ How will I make this person happy?’ He said that he realizes that method if he keeps thinking about it.
Omnipotent and omniscient God’ means ‘ the love of God.’ since God is our parent, he said that he is bestowed with the knowledge and ability to make people happy.
Therefore, God’s omnipotence and omniscience mean His love.
So when we deal with people, the sheer fact of thinking ‘ How will I make this person happy?’ brings great joy. When we experience the happiness of others, then their happiness can become our happiness and their joy can become our joy.
Father told us that there is nobody more pathetic than those who think ‘ How will I use this person?’ Father said that we should therefore only think about how we will make other people happy. All that effort will ultimately return to us.
Father used to ask us on occasion "What do you want to eat?" One time I answered, "I want to eat cold noodles." A long time has passed since back then, but Father still looks at me and sometimes says "Gil Ja! I’ll buy you cold noodles. You like it, right?" Father amazingly still remembers that. Father once asked me "What color do you like the most?" so I asked him back, "Father, what color do you like the best?" Then Father answered "Jade!" Jade is the color of jade stones (pale blue) made in Korea.
Father offers sincere jeongseong in order to make what other people like happen. That itself becomes Father’s joy.
When we make other people happy, not only do those people become happy but we can become happy ourselves. Rather, we gain even greater happiness. How about that?
When we live in such a way, would there be people to hate, people you don’t like, or
people you think are bad? That’s Father’s perspective on life. Father lives like that and that is why his days are always filled with joy. He is excited to see everyone he sees.
Let us live like that as well.