Don’t You Want to Share This Truth?

My speech today was only about one hour long; however, it includes the entire 6,000 years of restoration since God’s creation.

Do you study the Divine Principle? Have you missed True Parents? You are lucky.

Why are you fortunate? My speech today was only about one hour long; however, it includes the entire 6,000 years of restoration since God’s creation.

Furthermore, it includes 2,000 years of history since Jesus Christ. Upon the victorious foundation that True Parents laid, we could proclaim True Parents and the Completed Testament Age.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
Worldwide Speaking Tour On November 20, 1993, In Kyiv, Ukraine

The Completed Testament Age means living with True Parents and serving God. God has been longing for this time. For 6,000 years, God has been waiting for the Completed Testament Age. As you understand from studying the Divine Principle, a fallen man cannot go to God without paying the proper indemnity.

Without indemnity, nobody can get close to God. That is why it took 6,000 years for God to find the right person.

You are very fortunate, once again, because throughout history there has never been a time like the Completed Testament Age. This first year, 1993, will not recur in the future, and it never appeared in the past. You are living in this unique and precious time. You are very fortunate, particularly after the liberation from communist domination, to experience this precious time.

I am touring the European continent; that is why I came to your country today. However, after the European continent, I will go to Africa and South America. In Africa, there are many countries, and almost none of them were ever visited by True Parents. Our church has been in African countries for fifteen or twenty years without being visited by True Parents. When you think about that particular situation, don’t you feel fortunate? [Yes.]

Well, let us be honest then. If you people are fortunate and happy, are you content to keep that happiness just within yourself?

When you studied the Divine Principle and learned about True Parents and God, did you feel like giving this truth to somebody else? Did you feel you had to share this truth with somebody else, and otherwise you do not feel comfortable? [Yes.]

Therefore, my final instruction to you, now that you understand the Divine Principle and have accepted True Parents and God, is that it is your responsibility to go out and witness to people and spread this truth to everybody in your country so that you can restore Ukraine and the entire former Soviet Union as well.

I also understand that your country is in some difficulty, internally and externally. Economically, your country is having a difficult time. You Unification Church brothers and sisters should take responsibility to save your nation. Therefore, have confidence, and conviction and go out and do your mission courageously.

Mrs. Hak la Han: The Smiling Wings of a Purple Crane
The November 1982 issue of Yeou Won, one of the most well-known women’s magazines in Korea. This is the first interview Mother has ever given to the press.
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