Beloved Father! Together with all the things of creation which you made, we hope to offer before you, who oversee heaven and earth, praise of your glory and majesty.
Father! We know well that while passing through the eventful course of history, you have come through a history of re-creation that was extremely full of suffering to restore the mistakes of our human ancestors. We realize how much misery and suffering filled the historical indemnity you paid have each of us individually return to your original point by going beyond the path of the servant of servants, going beyond the path of the servant, going beyond the path of the adopted son, going beyond the path of the child, and going beyond the relationship of true parents.
As human beings whom it is proper to punish because we sinned, we have walked a miserable course of sorrow-filled suffering, but as though there was no relation to that, you took responsibility for everything. We offer our sincere gratitude given the mighty accomplishments you attained while carrying out the work of re-creation, taking the lead, and going through all sorts of difficulties.
Father! We have come to understand that there is not a single person who has not been touched by you, and we know that there is no country whatsoever that has not been led through your hope. Furthermore, we know well that by going beyond national borders, you are leading all people to the present point to lead them into the original world which was your ideal.
When we think that in the world that must remain in the end, there will be only you and your beloved sons and daughters and the heavenly forces of angels, we see that in this world the power of Satan and the people of Satan are far too great. We know that we Unification people are in a position where we cannot hope to resolve this for you.
We have the name of the True Parents and the name of the True Children, and we praise that family. We realize the fact that our Unification Movement has the extremely precious responsibility of having to achieve on earth and in the spirit world the original state of the angelic world which is able to attend that family.
When we realize that, we are in the position of having to inherit the accomplishments of the position of having become parents and at the same time inheriting the accomplishments of the sons and daughters.
Father! Your young children must pass through your touch and become the material for re-creation in your presence. We have already understood that it will not do unless we become like clay and can be molded as we wish and adapt ourselves to that.
Since we have understood that the only kind of mind we can have is to become a faithful servant of your absolute will and a mind that adores your absolute love, oh, Father, please accept us, take dominion over us, and make us into the vessels you want.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
2 min read
Please Take Dominion Through Your Touch Of Recreation
Beloved Father! Together with all the things of creation which you made, we hope to offer before you, who oversee heaven and earth, praise of your glory and majesty.
Please Allow Us To Become The People Who Resolve Historical Grief
Today when you look at this world, Father, is there a place somewhere that gives you joy?