The Day of Hope
The Day of Hope banquet was held on January 16, 1975, at the Chosun Hotel, Seoul, with more than 700 prominent figures in attendance. True Father's speech was titled “A World of Living for the Sake of Others,” and this was the first public event held in Korea at which he addressed the leadership of society.
From April I to May 16, he hosted Day of Hope rallies in nine cities across Korea, speaking on “The New Future of Humankind.” The purpose was to engraft True Parents' victory in the United States to Korea.
Despite Christian opposition, the rallies were very successful, thanks to the work of the International One World Crusade (IOWC).
1. I have the mission to live one era in advance, so with three years left before completing the second seven-year course, I went to America.
The Christian foundation, even though it is a worldwide foundation, collapsed because its representatives opposed the Unification Church.
I went to America because it was God's Will to renew this lost worldwide foundation and connect it to the Unification Church. Thereby, I would build a link, even if only in the spirit, between the Unification Church and the world.
America represents the democratic world and world Christianity, and so I came to America and worked aggressively for three years. In Korea, Christianity attacked me, but on the world stage, I went on the offensive.
When I stood with heaven in a dominant position and swept over the whole of America, they opposed me but could not block our path, and consequently, when we returned to Korea on December 29, 1974, we were waving flags of victory. This signifies that we have indeed seized the worldwide spiritual fortune.
We returned to Korea, and its people recognized us on the national level. Now, in front of these people, we need to take this work to the world level, both spiritually and physically. (077-216, 1975/04/12)
2. Heavenly fortune has now come to the Republic of Korea, and this nation expects us to fulfill our responsibility.
Though heavenly fortune is gracing Korea, it has no direction forward and so is spinning round and round, creating a whirlwind. Our mission right now is to set Korea's direction. The time has come for us to inherit a heavenly fortune and creatively channel it.
When the 300 members of the Unification Church IOWC begin their work in earnest, hundreds of thousands of people will come flocking in. Further, this work will expand to the world level when those people volunteer to join the vanguard in the fight against communists and bring them to their knees.
When these things come to pass, even Japan will ask the Unification Church to take the lead and will, together with the United States, offer us national-level support.
Nations throughout the world that are trying to thwart the communists will invite the Unification Church.
The time has come when, though they may not agree with the Unification Church, those nations will welcome us with open arms because they reject communism. We seem to have paved our path to 120 nations. They are paying close attention to the Day of Hope rallies being hosted in Korea. (078-180, 1975/05/08)
3. In Jesus' three-year course, the religion of Judaism joined with the nation of Israel in opposition.
Therefore, the strategy of the Unification Church today is to confront the religion of Christianity, which is in the same position as Judaism, with the support of the nation of the United States.
Though I was attacked in Korea, if I can turn this around on the world stage and win, I can restore through indemnity everything I had to endure in Korea. That is why, during this three-year course, I traveled across the United States and waged an aggressive campaign.
The stir that I caused was a national-level victory, and so I returned to Korea after having created an environment that all Christians can acknowledge. Once I returned to Korea, I took spiritual command and engrafted the victorious Christian cultural realm to Korea.
As I do this, I also need to connect to Korea the foundation of the relationship between subject partner and object partner, engrafted into and rooted in the family. This is why the International One World Crusade now needs to come to Korea and carry out activities throughout the nation. (079-020, 1975/06/16)
4. We need to absorb the Christian cultural realm on the world level and bring it to what it was in Korea. That is why, in 1974, I went to the United States, the central nation of world Christianity, and traveled through every part of it, omitting not even one state.
I spoke throughout the country, created a whirlwind that swept across it, and returned carrying a banner of great victory.
Though I was opposed in Korea, I triumphed in the United States. Korea is on the national level, but the United States is on the world level, which includes all nations. In this way, I went beyond the national level and am now establishing the standard on the world level.
I have been attacked on the national level, but now I am fighting back on the world level. The situation is now reversed, which means that I am indemnifying what happened. Having achieved victory, I laid claim to the heavenly fortune and then came back to Korea. (079-109, 1975/06/22)
5. The Madison Square Garden rally was one of the events that consolidated the foundation of my victory in America. It was the fruit of the three-year period that concluded in 1974. As a key consequence of that event, I was finally able to appear at a public gathering in Korea, at the Day of Hope banquet on January 16, 1975. There were many high-ranking people there.
People who have been influenced by democratic culture are playing a leading role in Korea. They researched about me in foreign newspapers, only to discover that this man called Reverend Moon was not an ordinary person.
These leading figures attended the banquet. So, in this regard, a new path for development opened up in 1975, with my appearance as the starting point. January 16 was the day that I made people in the audience who had previously opposed me blush, and those who did not already know about me felt embarrassed.
Next, we needed to establish blessed families in the Unification Church. This took place through the 1800 The couple's Marriage Blessing Ceremony was on February 8, 1975.
The creation of couples of the Unification Church through international matching laid a very firm foundation for the sake of our people. The 1800 Couple's Marriage Blessing was the first event by which we shook the world and turned it upside-down.
Next, we needed to influence the citizens. We needed to determine who is stronger, the Korean people on the national level or the Unification Church members on the world level. In effect, we needed to determine who the subject partner was.
We demonstrated the answer through the Day of Hope banquet and the activities of 700 IOWC members. Even in terms of heavenly fortune, the Unification Church was destined to win. (079-021, 1975/06/16)
6. No matter how much anyone opposes us, the Unification Church must succeed. This is the of couples how God set up the providence. I strongly believe that I am creating a historic whirlwind the likes of which the world has never seen.
When I act, members of other churches will try to oppose me, but though they might, they cannot overtake me. As expected, this fight began in Busan. I was also opposed to Daegu. The same was also true in Seoul, Incheon, Jeonju, Gwangju, and Daejeon. They came to Yeouido Plaza to oppose me. Though I had to fight this battle even at Yeouido Plaza, I emerged victorious.
Now, we can move the nation and the people. We have internal power. Across the nation of Korea, I have planted roots in every sphere of society, the very roots Jesus needed to manage the tribal foundation in his time.
The buds have not yet sprouted, but I believe that on the day you are all engrafted to it, it will become one giant tree. In the end, we have set the standard, centering on Yeouido Plaza, by which we can move beyond the nation.
This was not achieved by human effort. My faith is that heavenly fortune has created an extraordinary whirlwind on this Korean Peninsula.
(079-022, 1975/06/16)
7. South Korea is equipped with an efficient national structure that has enabled it to build a financial foundation. Based upon this, it surpasses the communist world, but only on the economic level.
The Republic of Korea has no philosophy that is more powerful than that of the communist world. Fora some form of spiritual armament to protect itself from the scourge of communism.
Traditional Christianity cannot take responsibility for providing such spiritual and ideological armament.
Because I understand this, I have prepared the Unification Church and systematically connected it to the world stage, in the belief that it must provide this spiritual armament. The Day of Hope rallies powerfully displayed the internal and external results of my faith. (079-075, 1975/06/01)
World Rally for Korean Freedom
The World Rally for Korean Freedom, which was a massive Victory Over Communism rally, was held on June 7, 1975, at Yeouido Plaza, Seoul. There, 1.2 million people gathered from all parts of Korea, in addition to more than 1,000 representatives from 60 nations.
True Father gave a speech entitled “Korea in the World.” The representatives from nations across the world, in particular, cheer passionately for Korean freedom. They declared that if war broke out and it became necessary to defend the Korean Peninsula, their fatherland of faith and holy land, they would organize international volunteers to fight for Korea.
8. The International One-World Crusade came from America and moved through Japan to Korea. I implemented this specific course because it accords with the providential flow since this is the era of restoration, the sensation I caused in America has to pass through Japan and then come to Korea.
To allow the third national realm of Israel to become the third worldwide realm of Israel, I had to connect it to the first spiritual realm of Israel and the second Christian realm of Israel. This was a necessary, historic development for the providence. (077-074, 1975/04/01)
9. From the viewpoint of providential history, Korea has yet to complete its mission to form an integrated cultural realm and achieve unification. Brothers cannot become one by themselves.
Only when the parents arrive can brothers unite. Conflicting brothers are destined to harmonize and become a united Korea through Unification Thought. In this way, we can establish a God-centered, ideal fatherland. From there, we can finally transform the world into a world of peace, harmony, and unity and a world of victory.
So, the kingdom of heaven should be built on earth, too, at the same time, it needs to become one with God. God, who is the subject partner of the kingdom of heaven in heaven, should be brought down to earth to build one united heaven. This is the mission of Unification Church members.
When the parents and children finally become one on such a foundation, their life in the kingdom of heaven of peace can begin.
Since we have successfully hosted the Day of Hope rallies, we should likewise host a victorious World Rally for Korean Freedom at Yeouido. Having accomplished this, we need to use the substance of these victories to influence Japan, the United States, and a free world.
So, the World Rally for Korean Freedom should bring together the entire spiritual world and the physical world so that our descendants will have hope and eagerly look forward to the Blessing.
In this way, the World Rally for Korean Freedom will liberate God from His sorrows, liberate human beings from their sorrows, and liberate generations to come from their sorrows. We can realize all of this in one event.
(079-084, 1975/06/01)
10. When we hosted the Day of Hope rallies in nine cities in Korea beginning April 1, 1975, the Unification Church and its members became known publicly, and the Christian churches rose against us.
This was partly because there was someone who received a spiritual revelation, “If Christianity cannot overcome the Unification Church at this time, it will be the end of Christianity.” Those churches fought furiously and tried everything to bring the Unification Church to ruin, but we did not perish. We defeated them completely.
From the formation stage, Busan, to the growth stage, Daegu, to the completion stage, Seoul, and from there to Incheon, Jeonju, following, and Gwangju, they followed us through all nine cities to oppose us.
They did everything they could to discourage us. They prayed for rain when we held the World Rally for Korean Freedom at the Yeouido Plaza on June 7, and they prayed that if it did not rain, there would be blistering, blinding sunlight.
Through these battles, the Unification Church became well known. We needed to be known first as individuals, then as families, as a group, and as a people.
(079-111, 1975/06/22)
11. When you consider the current situation of the Unification Church, holding this World Rally for Korean Freedom at the Yeouido Plaza is a significant risk. It is a big risk.
It is a risk for us to try to fill that plaza, but we are meeting this considerable challenge following the fortune of the age. From the viewpoint of God's providence, we know the significance of the era in which we are living and are aware that this rally aligns with this time.
Currently, Korea is under world scrutiny, and so movements in Korea influence the entire world as well as the nation. Korea is standing at a crossroads and must decide whether to seek the path that leads to victory for the democratic world or the path of victory for the communist world.
The issue here is: Who will serve as the guide? Who will be the first one to work in accord with heavenly fortune? Who will fulfill the mission of the flag bearer?
For the democratic world to be victorious, there should be a prominent individual, organization, or nation that can provide the vision. History always develops and moves forward to a new level through an individual, organization, following, or nation.
In this urgent state, it is clear that Korea has to work following heavenly fortune, but Korea itself does not understand how heaven will work through it to reach the world.
That is why he represents religion and has this vision that he needs to shoulder this responsibility. This is to declare that, among religious organizations, the Unification Church must take on the mission of the lag bearer.
The Unification Church has stepped forward to fulfill this responsibility by hosting the World Rally for Korean Freedom at the Seoul Yeouido Plaza.
(078-206, 1975/05/25)
12. Communist forces across the world have targeted their propaganda to overthrow the South Korean government. The Republic of Korea is the leading bastion of Western civilization in Asia.
As their next step, the communist forces will proclaim the liberation of Japan, after which they will proclaim the liberation of the United States. I am certain that this is their formula and strategy.
That is why the Unification churches in Korea, Japan, and the United States need to unite as one internally. Then, they can inspire true dominion in Korea, Japan, and the United States, carrying high the banner of leadership.
The time to do so is approaching. Now, the Korean people need to decide, centering on the Day of Hope rallies, whether they will live victoriously or die in misery.
At this time, we have stepped forward with these national Day of Hope rallies. We have demonstrated through these rallies that no one can defeat the Unification Church on the religious level.
The Day of Hope rallies gave birth to the World Rally for Korean Freedom, a national movement through which we have brought together our brethren and the citizens of Seoul and made our declaration to the world. (079-079, 1975/06/01)
13. I have been working all along to move the Japanese united and also to create an atmosphere in which to form a new realm of civilization for the government and people of the United States.
Korea cannot survive by itself. Even if the 34 million Korean people united to overthrow the communists in North Korea, they would not be able to overcome communist China and the Soviet Union.
Communism emerged in the form of a religion, but of the Devil, not of God. The world has to unite as one nation within a cultural realm centered on the religion of Go and then subjugate communism. Otherwise, it has no hope.
Now is the moment when the members of the Unification Church need to unite as one and step forward as representatives of Korea and its people and as representatives of the religion of God in the democratic world.
Unification Church members in Korea should never forget that, through this World Rally for Korean Freedom, they need to foster a new spiritual attitude and new pride in the world. To carry out this work, Unification Church members from around the world have joined to work with Korean members.
They need to unite as one here through the rally at Yeouido Plazaaso so that they can unfurl the victorious banner of Unification Thought, which is unique, unprecedented in history, and based on God's Will.
On that day of victory, God will bring the culmination of people's civilization based on a providence that has passed through the Mediterranean region beginning on the Nile River, moved through Rome to Britain, formed a continental civilization in the United States, and transitioned to the Pacific Rim.
(079-076, 1975/06/01)
14. Yeouido Plaza is a historic venue, so the World Rally for Korean Freedom stands in the position to receive God's historic, unbiased judgment. It will determine whether the Unification Church is an organization that stands on God's side in world history and can truly save the people of the world.
Through this World Rally for Korean Freedom, Unification Church families need to show whether they have the leadership capability to guide and represent the people based on families and whether the Unification Church members can demonstrate leadership when dealing with this nation's people.
This event, then, is a good opportunity to receive heaven's unbiased judgment.
Not only that, but this is also a time for establishing our authority by receiving the world's unbiased judgment, and all the historical sorrows and resentments of this people, and for receiving benefits and blessings in return for the hardships endured for the public good. That is why this is a grave moment.
(078-223, 1975/05/25)
15. Many people will gather at the World Rally for Korean Freedom. In addition, billions of people in the spirit world will also attend. Each of you should have the resolution to represent 10,000 people, which means that the citizens of the 60 nations you represent are gathered here.
Can you imagine how closely your ancestors and others in the spirit world who have been mobilized are paying attention? You should rid yourself of the sentiment that “I am French” or “I am German.”
You need to feel you are transcending your native people. Otherwise, your affection for your country can impede your work for God. You should feel proud that you are each participating in this rally as a representative of 60 nations.
(078-242, 1975/06/06)
16. On June 7, 1975, there was a major confrontation between other churches and the Unification Church at the Yeouido World Rally for Korean Freedom, centered on the International One World Crusade.
This international team consisted of young people who were participating in the restoration of God's fatherland. There was a confrontation with opposing churches as well as other opposing powers. It was a time of restoration through indemnity.
Now that we have established the family foundation, we need to win the nation. That is why you need to become one with the government, making True Parents your focus. We as a movement need to become one with the government and move everyone.
In the national domain, other churches collided with the Unification Church in the four cities of Busan, Daegu, Daejeon, about and Seoul. I confronted them, asking,
“We are now holding revival meetings with international support, so why are you opposing us?” In response, their members had no choice but to raise their hands in surrender.
On this foundation, over 1.2 million people came together. At that time, even the Korean government was surprised.
People from 60 nations came and proclaimed, “When you invade the motherland of our faith, we will defend it.” Substantially, we stand in a leadership position, both spiritually and practically, to the nation.
(191-123, 1989/06/24)
17. When you received military training, you received it with the idea that you would use it to serve the Republic of Korea, but now this is no longer the case.
From now on, you need to witness people, too, form a volunteer corps. You need to mobilize police chiefs, heads of townships, and county magistrates to participate in a volunteer corps, educating them in different ways.
From now on, you should be in to form a volunteer corps and lead thousands of people who can mobilize on behalf of townships or counties in case of emergency. I am giving you this direction to create an international volunteer corps at this urgent time because it is necessary to cultivate a foundation of leadership in case of emergencies.
We should bring together Christians and all religious believers in association with the Unification Church and invite them to form a volunteer corps. Invite the police chiefs and county magistrates, explaining to them, “This is not for the Unification Church.
You maintain the real authority, and we will carry out the internal training. Further, we will provide even the top officials with spiritual armament.” The time to do this has arrived. (079-054, 1975/06/16)
18. Part of the reason Jesus died on the cross is that he came into conflict with others in the second year of his three-year public ministry. From the middle of the second year of a three-year providential course, we are overcoming the reversals Jesus suffered during his second year of public life.
The three years of 1975, 196, and 1977 are a time for connecting a physical victory to our worldwide spiritual victory. We established the conditions for spiritual and physical victory, defending the national standard, through the World Rally for Korean Freedom held at the Yeouido Plaza in Seoul.
Because of these victorious conditions, people might oppose us historically, but they cannot drive us out. I am well aware that they cannot be victorious, no matter how much they strike us, and that is why I am fighting against them courageously, with absolute principled authority. (082-229, 1976/01/31)
19. Because the time has come for the Republic of Korea to inherit world fortune, it should not oppose us.
Because the time has come for us to take action as a people, I was finally able to bring youth from around the world here in 1975.
Together with Korean youth, I hosted these historically unprecedented nationwide events, the Day of Hope rallies. A providential wind brought many people to these events without their conscious decision.
The 1975 Day of Hope rallies set a historical record that no religious gathering can break. I connected that success to everything else as the basis for national victory. The nation and the world were unable to connect to Jesus in spirit and flesh during his lifetime so that connection needs to be completed in 1975.
Based on this providential understanding, True Parents began full-scale work in the United States in 1972.
In terms of its spiritual standard, the Unification Church of Korea stands in a higher position than the attracted leadership position.
The three-year strategy in the United States was for the Unification Church to become a religion that attracted everyone's attention, despite being at the center of a commotion and despite Christian opposition; moreover, it was to connect its national-level spiritual victory to Christianity on the world level.
Not until I had connected my victorious foundation to the world in 1975 could I come to Korea and fight the battle to determine the standard of victory both spiritually and physically. This was the World Rally for Korean Freedom held at Yeouido Plaza. (084-149, 1976/02/22)