Sunday sermon given by Hyo Jin Moon

It was very unusual for me, but it was also very inspiring to see so many people at the rallies, and they sat through the whole speech.

Hyo Jin Moon
Hyo Jin Moon

As you know, Father asked four of the True Family members Jin Nim, In Jin Nim, Nan Sook Nim, and myself to give the main address on behalf of Mother at several Women’s Peace Federation rallies during her forty-city tour. Ye Jin Nim did six cities, In Jin Nim did seven, I did five, and my wife did two.

It was very unusual for me, but it was also very inspiring to see so many people at the rallies, and they sat through the whole speech. It is practically a Divine Principle lecture: we talk about Chapter 2, about what has to happen in order for men to restore themselves to an ideal position, and how the only way that it can happen is through true life, true love, and true lineage.

All the rallies were overflowing with people. Most had over one thousand people and, in some places, four or five thousand. Where the cities were small, practically half of the women in that town showed up, but even with just five hundred to six hundred people, it was still very successful.

Everywhere we went, we projected that a certain number of people would show up, but at all the rallies, more people came than we had seats available. So, it was a complete success in terms of the number of people attending, but the most important thing is that these people were listening.

People were feeling the need for the importance of family values and of women taking a role in society because practically everybody agrees that men have failed in their responsibility to guide this world in a God-centered direction.

Rally’s theme

All the women who gathered were feeling the theme of the rally, which is that since man has failed the responsibility of leading this world toward God’s direction, women must take charge in restoring a God-centered world. I was truly moved to participate in it because everywhere we went, there was such a sincere embrace.

People who were attending truly felt Father’s accomplishment, and through his accomplishment, they felt close to Mother and what the Woman’s Federation stands for. So, I felt welcome. All of us were very well received.

Most of the people who attended the rally were women who were holding a certain position and were active in society teachers, people associated with the women’s movement, and of course, a lot of housewives. To a certain degree, they are the leaders of their town or village, so in that sense, it was truly successful.

The government projected that this rally would not last more than twenty days, but it went on over two months and is still going on. Everywhere we went, we were packing the places to overflowing. In that respect, it was a tremendous signal to the politicians that certainly what Father is doing is legitimate, and is being accepted, and they must wake up and realize the value of what he has initiated. It is a tremendous political statement, as well as a social victory. Also, it is a very strong religious signal.

Sacrifice Is The Shortest Way To Heaven
The primary purpose of the Providential History for Restoration is to recover the individual’s and family’s horizontal relation with God.

One of the main themes of the keynote address is that sacrificing for others, including even for one’s enemy, should have been the main Christian value, but Christians generally have failed in respect to that value. After revealing what all Christians should have done, Father states that the way this world can be restored is through accepting True Parents and by being engrafted into True Parents’ lineage.


Father talks about the importance of true love, Godism, and head wing, basically, True Parenting. It was a very close and almost intimate pronouncement to Korea that the Messiah was here. In this time of transition, centered on Mother, True Parents are going into all different regions of Korea and touching people individually, gathering people in a very crowded auditorium,m and talking to them very personally.

It was just a tremendous experience. This event is inspiring all the members, and a lot of people are giving testimony that they have now rekindled the fire which they had in the beginning, but unfortunately lost. They are inspired and eager to go out and keep this movement going. It’s not just going to die away, but it is going to continue.

Of course, the fire has to be lit in America, too, but I don’t know whether you are ready or not. If you want to make something happen in America, then you have to prepare yourself for that time to come soon.

For those of you who have been wondering, “What can I do?” one direction, specifically for American women, is to prepare for this worldwide women’s peace movement to flourish all over the world, including America. It’s big, but it can be done.

For me, it was a great experience partaking in a women’s movement rally. Before I started, I said: “As a man, being obedient to Mother, I have come to this rally to be united with her vision and to support her and to assist her, to serve as best as I can. That’s why I’m attending these rallies-so please, bear with me.” Father ultimately wants to develop the women’s movement into a family movement.

Speech by Hyo Jin Moon Filial piety
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