Please Take Dominion Through Your Touch Of Recreation
Beloved Father! Together with all the things of creation which you made, we hope to offer before you, who oversee heaven and earth, praise of your glory and majesty.
Prayer for Resurrection by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Beloved Father! Together with all the things of creation which you made, we hope to offer before you, who oversee heaven and earth, praise of your glory and majesty.
It will not do unless we determine the position in which we are placed, and can go straight in the direction of the goal which you have determined
We are binding together and offering before you our hearts and minds which long for and adore your precious and mighty internal character.
Father! In your presence we are as naked children, so you will have to dress us, and you will have to feed us, and you will have to raise us while embracing us.
Father! Until now in the course of history, the union of a man and a woman centered on you has not existed.
Father! If we are sons who know your devotion, Father, even if we wake up in the middle of the night, we would not be able to help bowing down to you with embarrassed minds which are not able to cover up our shamefulness as sinners.
Father! Because we are those who were born from evil, we must be born again to goodness.
Father! The path that we are going is not a path we are going for some individual.
Father! Please take dominion over our minds and bodies.
Father! We hope that all the things of heaven and earth will eternally offer hymns of praise to you who are the Lord of the universe.
Father! Please allow us to consider your heart in silence and to be able to discover ourselves.
Father! Please allow your love to dwell in the hearts of everyone, and please allow us to appear in heaven and earth as eternal true people through love.