May You Blossom, My Beloved
From True Father's letters, we can sense his heartfelt love and expectations for True Mother, the True Children, and the members, as well as his feelings about the tour.
Sermons about Word Of God
Latest Spiritual Messages
From True Father's letters, we can sense his heartfelt love and expectations for True Mother, the True Children, and the members, as well as his feelings about the tour.
When we read the Principle of Creation, there is a sentence that says, “How can we know the divine nature of the invisible God?”
The Meaning of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
People who do not know the Principle think about the Last Days and imagine that it would be an age when the ground splits open and fire rains from heaven; in other words, the complete annihilation of humanity.
The chapter of Resurrection first deals with the providence of resurrection for people on Earth. How will the providence of resurrection for people on Earth happen?
God’s predestination in terms of His Will is absolute according to the Principle of Predestination, and the core of the teaching is that when people fail to fulfill their responsibility, someone else will take their place.
What I am about to tell you is what I’ve heard often from Father. This is not in the Divine Principle.
We are gathered here to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Women’s Federation for World Peace in the United States.
Father discussed the core of the Principle: through Hoon Dok Hae we must know the way of God and True Parents.