8 min read

The Place Where You Meet God

Man fell. What are the consequences of the fall?

The Words of Sun Myung Moon

Address at Sendai Church, Japan

I thought about what I should say to you tonight. I now know what I want to talk to you about. Topics that I want to share with you are, “The place where you can meet God,” “The place where you can meet the True Parents,” “The Homeland which you long for,” or “A Place where you can meet the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Tonight, I will talk about, “The place where you can meet God,” for about one hour.

Loss of Truth, Substance, and Heart

Man fell. What are the consequences of the fall?

We lost Heavenly Father. At the same time, we lost Heavenly Father, we lost the True Parents. These are the consequences. Combined with these, we lost the true family since losing the True Parents, and moreover: we lost the true tribe, race, nation, and the world. Because of the fall of man, all these came into reality.

Had our first ancestors not fallen, by heeding God's word and standing in the position to respond to God's heart, we human beings would have become the substances that God had desired. Then, not only would we have realized God's ideal on earth, but also we would have received God's heart that would move the entire ideal world. In other words, we would have stood in the position to inherit His heart. 

As a result of the fall of man, we lost Heavenly Father as well as various required conditions. More importantly, we, substantial beings representing God, no longer can inherit God's heart, enabling us to live a happy life in the eternal ideal world. We, individually, became such flawed beings. Why did this happen? This did not happen because the connection between God and man was severed. It is not.

It is because there appeared an intermediate being, this being caused the separation. This being is what is called Satan. Thinking of that, this triangular relationship caused these consequences. Thus, fallen human beings must regain the world before they fall. They need to return to their original place. 

You cannot return to the original place vaguely. To do so, the absolute conditions must be set. The restoration occurs through certain standards. This is the problem. The standard, that our ancestors did not heed God's word, became the concern – they did not believe in or unite with God's word. Thus, to be restored, you must believe in God's word. This is an absolute condition. 

The purpose of faith is to create a substantial being who is one with God's word.

The highest and final goal of believing in God, through a lifestyle of truth and faith for a certain period, is how we create the substantial being that represents God. This representative, who is a manifestation of the word, whom God can absolutely trust and who can stand proudly in front of all creation, must be created. 

What should you long for after creating such a substantial being through your life of faith? The ultimate purpose of this providence is to unite such holy beings with the holy heart of God. This is the highest purpose of the path of truth by this providence. As a consequence of Adam losing God's word, substance, and heart, all were separated from Heaven and Earth, God and us, True Parents and children, ideal family and us, and the ideal homeland and us.

Therefore, how to bring them back together is what's important this is the question for truth, the question for the substance, and the question for the heart. This is a logical conclusion. 

Three Conditions Needed to Meet God

Where can you meet God, as I mentioned at the beginning of my talk?

Thinking of what kind of place you can meet God; first, you who want to meet God must know the truth. As you know and possess the truth, through this, you will be guided to the purpose of God's desire. Just possessing the truth is not enough. There must be a substantial being who is one with the truth. There must be a foundation. Therefore, God requires a man perfected through His word. Also, the place where you can truly meet God must be filled with a heart that He desires. Therefore, if you establish conditions to satisfy these three questions truth, substantial being of truth, and heart, God and you will meet together. 

 Truth You Need for Meeting God

Reviewing the providential history, God has been guiding us through His word.

However, even though the providence of restoration has been conducted based on God's word, then could God express His word concretely and completely?

If you read the Bible, you see this is not the case. The Bible is written in order to guide us but expressed in symbols and parables. There are so many truths remaining in the Bible that still need to be clarified and explained. These words, as expressed in the Bible, often do not directly relate to our daily life. 

Then what has history been looking for?

We can conclude that it has been looking for the truth. Thinking of that, today, the world is flooded with so many isms and philosophies, that you wonder if the Bible is really the final truth given to humanity by God. The answer to this question is that it is not. Thus, there is no one who has encountered the complete and final truth up until this present time, as we are still in the process of restoration in human history. 

The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks
You know that the coexistence of the desired Kingdom of Heaven and undesirable hell is inevitable during the restoration of fallen people.

Unless the final and complete truth appears on earth, there will be no perfect. Unless such a man can appear, it is impossible to find a man who possesses God's original heart. Then, at what stage do the human beings in this world stand, today? You must conclude that humanity is still at a relatively beginning stage in finding the truth.

Then, what does history desire, now?

First, it is more important to find the truth than to find God. The next concern is to find the substance of the truth. Then, following that, we need to find the heart reflecting the truth. Now, after finding the truth, you see, it is significant to find the substance of the truth and the heart through the substance of the truth. After these three beings are one, God will appear on earth. 

Thinking about these, is Sendai a place where you can meet God?

You now know that it is not that easy. Therefore, you must find the truth that history has been seeking. You must seek the truth. Where can you find the absolute truth that influences your daily living, entire life, worldview, and philosophy of life? It is a fact that humanity has been seeking to find the truth, going through numerous struggles, and searching amongst all the isms and philosophies throughout human history. Then, what can save this world? What can save our nation, ourselves? Power cannot do it. It cannot be done by any external things such as wealth or knowledge. No money, power, or knowledge can do it. 

However, in general, people desire money and power to control the world to gain knowledge, qualification, or confidence. Even if you gained all these in this world, you have not necessarily reached a position where God can trust you and recognize you as truthful.

Can you be allowed to come near God because you gained all those things?

If you are allowed to do so, the money you have gained, the power you have enjoyed, and the knowledge you have accumulated would be honorable by themselves. It would be nice if the truth would embrace these values. However, the truth that appears before you at this time will not accept all such elements of this world. 

 Complete Self-Denial

Religions started from a standard of denial, denying every single thing. Why is this?

Even if this world found a way to create one unified world where the desires of all people were satisfied, it would be possible that such a world would reject the truth: about what God desires, our original mind's desire, and the true mind's desire. God has known of such a possibility and our original minds sensed such a danger, therefore it is a natural conclusion that this world must be crushed and must be denied. 

This is why a religion must start from denial. How much should it deny? It should deny itself up to some point. It must deny itself completely. The realm of denial includes your own life. Why should you deny your own life? Since your existence is not what God had desired originally, you must ultimately deny even your love.

You must deny your parents and siblings. Therefore, you must deny every element of your life. This is a very hard task. This is needed to repay for the fall of man. This is a logical conclusion. 

Why do you have to go this far?

The reason you should deny everything is that this is the point where you can begin your relationship anew. For this reason, you will be able to meet God.

Then, you have to connect with God's word, and you must be one with God's substantial representative. You must connect with God's heart. This desire to inherit the heart of God is the highest aim of human existence. Thus, it is logical that so that you reach the standard of this value to attain this purpose you must cut off from all elements of the fall. From this point of denial, the relationship between God and you begin. 

The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks
You know that the coexistence of the desired Kingdom of Heaven and undesirable hell is inevitable during the restoration of fallen people.

Thus, true religion begins at the same point. However, it is not an easy task for any man to do this. Then, how can God conduct His providence of salvation while this hard task remains? Unless this issue is resolved, it creates countless problems. Everyone must meet God first. To meet God, each person must gain this victory of denial as the starting point.

For that reason, you must deny everything in the world and reach a new realm that is separated from the realm of hopes that all humanity across the globe desires.

Then, in this new realm, you must recognize God's representative who appears at this time. From this point, you must go forth with a new hope, a new lifestyle, a new life of faith, and a new view of life. 

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