True Father, the Messiah at His Second Coming
As a result of the Fall of Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of humankind, Heaven had to undertake the providence of restoration through indemnity
Sermons on The Second Coming of Christ
Latest Spiritual Messages
As a result of the Fall of Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of humankind, Heaven had to undertake the providence of restoration through indemnity
True Parents come to build the original world. In that world, people will establish a new culture by inheriting the tradition of families that are centered on True Parents.
The foundation for the providence centered on the Lord during, the Second Advent was established through the victory of God's side in World War II centered on Christianity.
True Mother spent most of her childhood at the house of her maternal grandmother
Father liberated God by exercising the prerogative given only to the True Parents, and he opened wide the way for God to directly govern the earthly world and the spiritual world.
People did not know if God existed and why there was suffering. Everything went wrong because of the blood lineage.
That is why we need to remember that we owe much to all the people in the spiritual world, and therefore we should make a new determination to pay back our debts.
We can hold this ceremony because all the people on Earth and in Heaven were blessed and formed a homogeneous nation.
The oriental way of writing is always vertical, whereas the Western way is horizontal.
Those who neglect to attend official gatherings such as this are the ones who don't care about their lives.
The time has come when God's providence is progressing to the point of culmination. There should be one goal set by God and True Parents.
The purpose of the creation was to see the coming of the True Parents who would create an ideal world.