The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
True Parents declared the era of the Family Federation for World Peace (FFWP) on May 1, 1994, exactly 40 years after the founding of HSA-UWC, on the foundation of True Parents' Holy Wedding and the condition of having completely indemnified the 33 years of Jesus' life.
They founded FFWP to realize the kingdom of heaven on earth based on families since the age for individual salvation had passed. On July 30, 1996, they proclaimed this to the whole world through the founding assembly of the Family Federation for World Peace, held in Washington, DC. On April 8, 1997, True Parents added “and Unification” to the name of the organization.
True Parents established and proclaimed the Family Pledge as the guideline for all families as we entered the FFWPU era. On October 13, 1997, they established the tradition of Hoon Dok Hae, asking us to read True Parents' words regularly and to actualize them in our daily lives.
True Parents appeared and led the providence of salvation based a restoration through indemnity. In 1989, they proclaimed the Era of the Garden of Love and Pal Jeong Shik (the Settlement of the Eight Stages) and stated that we had entered the era in which the payment of indemnity was Before no longer required.
On the foundation of Pal Jeong Shik, which restored the authority of the elder son, True Parents opened the age of Heavenly Parentism. On July 1, 1991, the True Parents proclaimed Chil Il Jeol (7-1 Day), the Declaration Day of God's Eternal Blessing, which completed the course of historical indemnity, and they declared an eternal blessing upon all humankind.
True Mother then appeared on the world-level public stage for the first time, touring Korea, Japan, the United States, and other countries to inaugurate WFWP globally. In so doing, she announced the long-awaited true freedom of women, in public appearances, with a heart to bless all humanity.
During the 31st Parents' Day ceremony, held on March 27, 1990, True Father had already declared the “liberation of all women” and had announced True Mother as the second founder of the Unification movement.
On June 14, 1999, True Father presented True Mother with an award after she completed a speaking tour of 80 cities around the world for the Global Expansion of True Families.
This was a public proclamation that True Mother was completely united with True Father, and that they were jointly leading the entire providence together, that she had contributed greatly to the conclusion of the providence of restoration, and that, been victorious.
True Parents proclaimed the Family Pledge on May 1, 1994, at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of HSA-UWC.
Later, on October 9, they announced the establishment of the Family Federation for World Peace, and on July 30, 1996, they held its inaugural assembly in Washington, DC. On April 10, 1997, True Parents directed that our organization's official name be changed from the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
This was to clarify that the original ideal world as envisioned at the Creation comes not through religion but, rather, through ideal families.
1. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was established to gather the mothers, the sons, and the daughters, who had fallen short in the Korea Adams family, and lead them to the Blessing. From the family age of the Blessing, we move now to the tribal age.
The age of HSA-UWC was for the sake of finding Adam's family. Now we are in the course of uniting Adam's family and building the tribal-level foundation. After interconnecting the tribes we can build a national-level foundation and finally a world-level foundation.
We are now in a time of great change, so the Unification Church is transforming into the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
(284-158, 1997/04/16)
2. The Unification Church has completed the foundation on the individual level, and after establishing the family, tribe, and people, we need to settle one nation, the nation of the united world. If the Unification Church can help guide the United Nations, everything will be done. It is important to achieve the unification of North and South Korea and also to unite the Adam and Eve nations. That time will come.
I proclaimed “True Parents and the Completed Testament Age” because the family of the original Adam has appeared as the worldwide representative family that no one can oppose, regardless of where in the world it goes.
Thus, we can begin the movement to unite the global family horizontally with True Parents' family in the subject partner position. By substantially forming the heavenly individual, family, tribe, people, and nation on earth, we can realize the original kingdom of heaven.
Jesus tried to accomplish on the national level what was lost in Adam's family. In the present age, that mission has expanded to the world level. Therefore, in the age of the Second Advent, True Parents come to guide this world, which is the extension of the false parents, through the door they have opened to the new world.
Until now, we have been working to separate humankind from Satan by paying indemnity conditions. We can advance through this door by organizing families in a heavenly way. Once such families are organized, the formation of the tribe, people, nation, and world can be done naturally. We are in such a time.
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the HSA-UWC, I founded the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification as a way to welcome this time.
(264-240, 1994/11/03)
3. Do not feel sorry over the disappearance of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Instead, praise the establishment of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
Until now, the focus has been on individual salvation, but now the salvation of the family, the relatives, and the nation will be accomplished. This is inevitable. Now we have entered the Completed Testament Age, the age of the home church. There was no family in the Old and New Testament Ages.
Therefore, the Family Federation is necessary. It is a religion of a higher dimension. After the foundation for the family is connected with the whole of humankind, it automatically expands to the tribal home church, the national home church, and the global home church.
The kingdom of heaven and the ideal family exist here. The ideal tribe, the ideal nation, the ideal world, the ideal cosmos, and God's ideal for the creation have been fulfilled on earth and in heaven. Everything is finished. Finally, even God has been liberated. (285-178, 1997/05/01)
4. Even though we may start small, we have to end in a heavenly way. There is nothing to lose. So far, I have established the Federation for World Peace, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, and the Women's Federation for World Peace.
Now I am leading them to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Thus, even your sons and daughters will come and follow. Having the family as a model centering on love, we can finalize everything.
We must make the place of settlement for the ideal of creation, where both man and woman can reside.
We carved the principled path out of a history of conflict by completing the foundation where even children can settle. I have built a road with numerous bridges that all human beings must cross. Families naturally will reach the destination. (231-313, 1992/06/21)
5. When I created the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, the term “Christianity,” used in the former name, Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity was removed. Only by centering on the Old and New Testaments could the Completed Testament be established.
The Completed Testament Age was to begin with the Returning Lord re-creating on earth the model that could not be achieved in Jesus' time. Taking responsibility for the Old and New Testament Ages, he had to set conditions that Satan could not accuse. Enduring Christian opposition, there was no other way than to carry them on his back. (284-268, 1997/04/18)
6. Before Adam and Eve fell, their bodies belonged to God. Their love also belonged to God. They were owned by God. In the future, they also would come to possess the realm of heart centering on heaven.
Accordingly, before you marry you must restore the lineage, the realm of heart, and ownership. It is the general rule that you marry only after doing that.
If I had talked about this 40 years ago, there would have been rumors that I swallow young people whole, without a care. So I postponed making the Family Federation.
Now I can speak forthrightly because the world can believe and understand me. The Family Federation is the vehicle through which I will pass everything down. This is why I have to create the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
All of you blessed families must become the essential personnel of the Family Federation. You must make sure your attitude is correct so that you do not become lost, according to the standard of the Family Pledge. I cannot do this for you, nor can God. It is the responsibility of each of you as husband and wife.
After recovering the family of Adam and Eve and being victorious in the work of restoration, you must join the realm of blood relations of the heavenly country. The Principled conclusion is that fallen human beings must restore this.
(264-199, 1994/10/09)
7. Family is the root. The root must be the basis for the general rule of everything. If we look at the family horizontally, there are families on Satan's side and families of the archangels on heaven's side.
There are archangel families that can go to hell and archangel families that will be able to return to the heavenly side. They all must be grafted onto the family.
Therefore, the hope for the future of fallen human beings rests on their ability to join the Family Federation. The greatest hope for fallen human beings is to establish the foundation to receive the Blessing through which they can inherit the true lineage.
The number of generations it will require to reach that point is determined by the foundation of their righteousness and moral principles.
(264-204, 1994/10/09)
8. While we passed through the ages of history, human beings searched for the age of peace, but they did not understand unity. There cannot be lasting peace where there is no center. This means that for peace, there has to be unity. Therefore, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification emerged.
The central family represents the world, heaven, and earth. We can never have the center by only seeking peace horizontally. What we call the center must meet the horizontal at a 90-degree angle.
The overall conclusion of all this is the establishment of the FFWPU. Just insisting that there has to be peace will bring no resolution. There must be a subject partner. Therefore, we must go on the path of love of the filial child, the patriot, the saint, and the divine son and daughter.
Without accomplishing this, the parents cannot be liberated, the nation cannot be liberated, the world cannot be liberated, and heaven and earth cannot be liberated. Liberation will come only after horizontal peace is accomplished by way of the filial son, the patriot, the saint, and the divine son and daughter.
(315-302, 2000/02/06)
9. There are barriers between warring countries and between advanced and underdeveloped countries.
Eastern and Western civilizations are different. The former has a culture rooted in morality, and the latter rooted in material. The North and South represent rich and poor. Due to these differences, valleys were carved out, and these have fragmented the world.
Valleys only exist where first there are mountains. How can we create equilibrium? Most times, mountains are like barriers. How can we create level ground? In the Unification Church, we speak about the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. To unify the world, we must first bring peace.
Peace means that we make things level, and we become one. Let us bring equality between North and South, East and West, advanced and underdeveloped, successful and unsuccessful, man and women, young and old. It starts with placing things on an equal plane, yet that in itself is not enough.
Creating a world of peace is not enough. Certainly, there must be reciprocal partners, so both the world of peace and the world of unity are needed.
The world is hoping for peace and unity. After making a united and peaceful world, we must go to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and there we must settle in the family. (335-141, 2000/10/03)
The True Family movement and FFWPU
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was founded to achieve the salvation of humanity and a peaceful world on the foundation of true families.
Thus, True Parents expanded the worldwide true family movement through the holy marriage Blessing, to, realize the original ideal world of creation on earth and in heaven.
Conflict and discord between religions are the most imposing obstacles to realizing a peaceful world. Therefore, True Parents have continuously developed the movement for the harmony and unity of religions.
10. When you receive the Blessing, you must join the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and take responsibility as tribal messiahs. In that way, HSA-UWC will disappear, and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification will emerge.
We lost the family at the time of the Fall. The family went to Satan's side in hell. At this time, centering on the True Family, we can connect to the realm of direct dominion. We are becoming complete with True Parents as the center.
Blessed families and True Parents' families have to become one. How can they unite? Through the tribal messiahs. By connecting to the nation and becoming one with God and True Parents, we transition from the realm of indirect dominion to the realm of direct dominion.
This is the course we must take. This is how unity is achieved. You have the lineage of the fallen world until you receive the Blessing. When you receive the Blessing through the Unification Church, you are transferred to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. The realm of direct dominion is different from that of indirect dominion.
We must achieve a change of heart and life, and triumph over and liquidate the world of hell. (271-015, 1995/07/30)
11. True Parents expanded the Blessing with 36, 72, 124, 430, 777, 1,800, 8,000, and 6,500 couples and finally blessed 30,000 couples. On this foundation, the time came when the Blessing could expand horizontally to the whole world.
With that in place, after the Blessing of 30,000 couples, we blessed 360,000 couples, and now after going over 3.6 million couples, we are blessing another 360 million couples. This represents opening the 12 pearl gates, the 12 mountain passes, for the sake of finding the families that had been lost.
Now, after going over the 12 high mountain passes and leveling the global family, we have arrived at the age of the freedom of the Blessing, a realm without any shadow of the Fall. Now is the era of worldwide give-and-receive action. The era of the global family has begun.
Horizontally each family possesses the same value. There are no national barriers. The Blessing places everyone on the same level. This custom, culture, and tradition is universal. Previously, when True Parents gave the Blessing to families worldwide, there was opposition, but now Satan cannot oppose this.
It is not possible to settle the family using politics, economics, culture, or education. Nor is it possible to use military power. True Parents are the only ones who can solve the problem. Now even people who desperately want to oppose us, cannot. An environment has arisen wherein anyone, irrespective of position, can welcome us. We have come to be accepted.
Working through HSA-UWC was necessary until the time we removed Satan. Now, because Satan is gone, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification can join all the young people and families internationally, and orient their direction toward the original world. (287-080, 1997/08/31)
12. All the organizations that True Parents have established need to concentrate their efforts on giving the Blessing centering on the True Family. Our ultimate goal is to give the Blessing on the family level.
Our organizations are aligning their standards and direction to expand the Family Federation movement across the country. Once we establish the tribal foundation here, we will automatically form tribes across the country. This will pave a path to the place where an entire people will be able to live.
Even if the country perishes and its traditions collapse, there will be no problem if the families thrive. We are in that time. (283-313, 1997/04/13)
13. These days, people discuss a global village, but what we are heading for is the age of a global family rather than a global village. Today we need to build a world that can reciprocate with the Family Federation.
Because the Family Federation has emerged based on God's Will, an environment for giving and receiving can arise in the world. Since we have entered an era in which everyone is equal, once such an environment emerges, it will spread quickly throughout the world. I am not talking about some fantasy.
This world of death has no place to go, but the Unification Church will prosper since it is tightly connected to the center.
Then, what kind of attitude must we have on the family level if we are going to inherit a flourishing world? If we do not complete the realm of the world-level object partner in God's love, we cannot reciprocate with that world.
Therefore, as we pursue this, we have to analyze everything, remove what does not fit, and go forward while developing the content of a family and nation. This is the purpose of family life. (275-037, 1995/10/30)
14. Your family ought to establish the standard and tradition of attending the king of heaven and earth.
This has to start with the Family Federation. These are not casual words. The Parents of Heaven and Earth worked hard for the ideal of creation. Families who register must inherit that and settle completely. There the fountain of love can be connected to the nation and the cosmos for thousands of generations.
Please live with that consciousness. You should understand that the Principle and the record of True Parents' life course are the roots of heavenly law, and you should live your life aligned with these fundamentals. In your daily life, whether in your family life or at higher levels, you should never lose this.
You should not be caught by your worldly circumstances.
Because I became the king of the family, you must attend the family king, and thereby liberate the king's authority to the level of the king of tribe, country, world, and heaven and earth.
Only by reigning above all this, can the authority of the kingship of the Parents of Heaven and Earth be liberated. The realm of the liberation of the eras of the individual, family, tribe, race, nation, world, heaven and earth, and God will arise.
That is why we took down the Unification Church sign. Now it is the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. (337-242, 2000/10/27)
15. The era of religion has ended. That is why we dissolved HSA-UWC. Now it is the era of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
It is not religion, but God-centered families that we need to find peace person can life deny this. I put things in order one by one and traveled the path of indemnification.
In truth, I have been pioneering a path of indemnification that was hundreds and thousands of times wider. I was thereby able to liberate God. FFWPU is attached to God by a chain of love, signifying an inseparable relationship. (351-046, 2001/08/21)
16. The God-centered family is the place in which all religions are fulfilled. Religions emerged to seek the family that was lost in the Garden of Eden. Accordingly, in the Unification Church, we have been performing the Blessing ceremony centering on true love, true life, and true lineage, thereby connecting everything to God.
After this, we will transcend the realm of religion. Therefore, HSA-UWC will disappear, and we will move forward based on the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
When families settle centering on true love, true life World Peace, peace, and true lineage, the responsibility of religion will be finished. (362-156, 2001/12/12)
17. We took down the HSA-UWC sign and put up the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification sign. To achieve peace, we first have to realize unity – hence, we now have the name Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. This is the settlement of God's core teaching.
If you hope to unite, you must harmonize and reconcile. Peace can be realized only after everything is made level and harmonious. We seek not just the harmony of the Christian denominations, but the harmony of the world's religions. Christianity is not united; Christians are fighting among themselves.
Neither are the Buddhists or the Confucians united. The standard on which the different religions and nations can harmonize can be found in the family, which the Unification Church is firmly hoping to establish. It is called the Family of World Peace and Unity.
I am not trying to cause conflict among religions or denominations; rather, I am determined to bring unity, no matter how much I have to suffer for that. If denominations become one, the world will become one. (531-100, 2006/06/30)
18. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification must develop into a tribal federation and an international federation. Once these are established, the nation and the world will be included on the same platform.
Therefore, the tribal federation is significant. When it is in place, traditional religion will no longer be necessary. The family that lives in attendance to God does not need religion. To achieve this, the family of God's ideal of creation must settle. (285-010, 1997/04/19)
19. After demolishing the rough and difficult obstacles in the valley, True Father has built a highway across the plain that enables us to attend to God in comfort. Therefore, we see that religion is disappearing.
As true families arise, the need for religion dissolves. When we have a true family, true parents, true couples, and true children, we do not need traditional religion. I am saying that religion is not necessary
for a family where God can visit and say, “I will live in this house together with you eternally,” and give His seal of approval. No religion whatsoever will be necessary. (282-085, 1997/03/10)
20. I am mobilizing the spiritual world and the physical world, centering on three generations of sons and daughters and bridging the gap that divides the spiritual world from the physical world. Furthermore, I am bringing you into the realm of benefit associated with the Blessing.
Jesus hoped to unite the spiritual world and the physical world, and you need to know that I am substantiating that now.
The settlement of the family is the highest goal of religion. As we settle the family, we outgrow the concept of religion. Accordingly, on April 8, 1997, the Unification Church removed the HSA-UWC sign and on April 10 we started to use the name Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
I am talking about the family that can settle on earth in the united realm of heart centering on what I have taught. That family will be able to go directly to the kingdom of heaven.
It can go into heaven, the liberated world, or the world before the Fall existed. It is possible only by following the principle of restoration through indemnity. You cannot do without it.
You must bequeath to your relatives and descendants the relationships and traditions that you have inherited from True Parents. (378-229, 2002/05/13)