24 min read

The Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship

The Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity, Cheon Il Guk, means the kingdom of heaven in heaven and on earth, realizing God's ideal of one human family with God at the center.

The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk - True Parents Legacy
The Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity, Cheon Il Guk, means the kingdom of heaven in heaven and on earth, realizing God’s ideal of one human family with God at the center.

The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk

The Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity, Cheon Il Guk, means the kingdom of heaven in heaven and on earth, realizing God's ideal of one human family with God at the center. God was unable to realize the kingdom of heaven in the beginning due to the Fall of the first human ancestors. 

Instead, with a heart of bitter sorrow, He had to conduct the providence of restoration to rectify the evils of history. Yet, the providence of restoration has been prolonged again and again due to the inability of central figures to fulfill their responsibilities.

Even Jesus, God's only-begotten Son, due to people's disbelief, died on the cross without being able to establish God's ideal on earth, leaving only the promise that he would return. Hence, the realization of God's Will was delayed once again. 

With the Holy Wedding, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, True Parents appeared on earth. They have devoted all their strength to complete the providence of salvation.

Notably, they brought the truth that had never been revealed to the world, they established the marriage Blessing and expanded it to the world, to bequeath true love, true life and true lineage, the highest goal of the providence of salvation, to all humankind.  

Finally, based on indescribable sacrifices, paying all the required indemnities, and offering countless conditions of devotion, True Parents held the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship on January 13, 2001.

Through this ceremony, they laid the foundation for the liberation of God and humankind. During the next 12 years until Foundation Day, True Parents lived each moment as if a day were 1,000 years.

Based on their total investment, they declared the Era After the Coming of Heaven, established the heavenly calendar, and dedicated the Cheon Jeong Gung Palace.

With these foundations, they built the everlasting bedrock upon which God could be securely settled on earth. 

Further, True Parents were successful in their course to recover and establish their position as the Messiah, the True Parents, and the King and Queen of Peace.

In 2009, the 50th year of their marriage, in the presence of eyewitnesses both in heaven and on earth, they held elaborate ceremonies in both Korea and the United States for the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation, to liberate God to stand in the position in which He has full authority. 

On the 8th and 15th days of the 5th month by the heavenly calendar, 2010, True Parents proclaimed that they had accomplished everything required of them as God's substantial object partners.

Upon completing, consummation,g and concluding all of his providential missions, True Father declared, 'Everything is completed.' Soon after proclaiming these words, the 17th day of the 7th month by the heavenly calendar in 2012 (September 3), True Father ascended to heaven six months before Foundation Day.

Yet, his final words meant that all the conditions needed to hold Foundation Day had been completed. Hence, on the 13th day of the first month of the heavenly calendar in 2013 (February 22) True Mother on earth, in unity with True Father in heaven, proclaimed the Foundation Day of Cheon Il Guk in front of all heaven and earth. 

Furthermore, for the sake of the settlement of Cheon Il Guk, True Mother, having oneness in heart, oneness in body, oneness in thought, and oneness in core with True Father, has had many achievements of note, including the compilation of the three Cheon Il Guk Holy Scriptures, enacting the Cheon 11 Guk Constitution, and educating and training capable leaders around the world. 

As God created heaven and earth in the beginning, True Parents have been fulfilling, step by step, the providential work of re-creation to inaugurate Cheon Il Guk in heaven and on earth for the sake of all humankind. 

Providence to recover God's kingship 

On January 13, 2001, True Parents held the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship at the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center. The providence behind that ceremony had many steps. First, True Parents recovered the True Family, which had been lost.

On that foundation, they returned the realm of ownership to God by restoring the authority of the elder son, the authority of the parents, and the authority of kingship, then offering them all to God. 

Thereby True Parents recovered God's kingship that had been lost due to the Fall of the first human ancestors and established the foundation upon which they could proclaim Cheon Il Guk throughout heaven and earth.

Having completed all this, and with a reverent heart toward God, they prepared and held the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship. The result was that God was able to gain His sovereignty both in heaven and on earth. 

1. The Old Testament Age was the age for brothers to unite. The New Testament Age was the age for children to unite with their parents. The Completed Testament Age is the age for people to unite with kingship. 

These three ages were to restore the authority of the elder son, parents, and king. 

All of this, including the authority of kingship, could have been restored in Jesus' time had the people of Israel attended Jesus as the True Parent. However, they did not do so, and the providence was prolonged. 

That is why the time for restoring God's kingship has arrived now, in the Completed Testament Age. (304-011, 1999/09/05) 

2. In the Old Testament Age, the priests sacrificed animals to pave the way for the Son and the Daughter to come. That Son is the Messiah. They offered the things of creation to prepare a foundation for the Messiah to come to earth. The providence has been advancing to take the courses of the Fall but in reverse order. 

The Son then came to earth and shed his blood. He died on the cross. If the people of Israel had united with him, Jesus would not have died. Yet, the people did not believe in him; hence, he had to shed his blood.

What was this Son originally supposed to accomplish? He was to pave the way for the emergence of True Parents. Jesus was to be the True Father, and the True Mother was to come later.

Made ready as the Bride, she was to meet the Bridegroom, Jesus, who was to right the wrongs of the world. 

For this to happen, first the Cain-Abel relationship that was lost needed to be resolved. Cain and Abel in Jesus' day were represented on the national level by the people of Israel and Judaism. In the Last Days, they are represented by communism and democracy. We must resolve this persistent Cain-Abel problem; this will be done by restoring kingship on the world level. (280-079, 1996/11/01)

3. The Old Testament Age was the age of brothers. At the time of Jesus, Judaism was in the position of Abel and the people of Israel were in the position of Cain.

These two brothers were supposed to unite, and on that foundation, they were to connect to the teaching of Parentism. First, they had to unite centering on Mother, and thereafter, they would have connected to Father. This is how they would have been able to establish blessed families centered on Jesus. 

However, this was not accomplished, and the providence in the Old Testament Age to restore the authority of the elder son came to naught. The New Testament Age was to restore the authority of the parents and the Completed Testament Age was to restore the kingship, but this all was lost. Hence, the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages all must be brought to completion. 

In the Old Testament Age, animals were sacrificed as offerings. In the New Testament Age, at the time of Jesus, the Son came to establish the nation, but when he could not, he had to become the sacrificial offering.

When the age of the True Parents arrived, the path of the sacrificial offering remained to be fulfilled before they could attend God. Thus, while True Parents were on earth, they had to follow a 40-year course of suffering to attend to God.

This was the path they had to walk to bring God down to earth. It was how they connected the spiritual world and the physical world, enabling God to work freely between the two worlds. It was how they brought liberation to both worlds.
(304-032, 1999/09/05) 

4. If the people of Israel had united with Jesus as the Messiah, the authority of the elder son could have been restored at that time. Unity between brothers comes about when they share the same level, the same values, and the same standards. Fundamental unity cannot be achieved without the Messiah, who represents the elder son.

However, the people of Israel were unable to become one with the Messiah. If they had made unity with Jesus, the Messiah could have formed a family, and the Blessing could have been given to the people of Israel as the chosen people. 

From this standpoint, Jesus needed to marry, to celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Through that marriage, he and his Bride were to have become True Parents.

Then, the Messiah's family would have become the elder son's family, and the people of the world would have formed younger son families. This would have established the authority of the parents.

If the people of the world had received the Blessing and become blessed families, then, centering on the Messiah, they would have gone beyond the national level and established a worldwide Christian cultural sphere as the Second Israel. This would have been 'One Nation under God,' a nation representing the whole world. 

This was meant to happen immediately after the Second World War. Even though it did not happen, we have now built a foundation of families throughout the world who have received the Blessing. Based on these families, all humanity needs to focus on one point and attend to God as the King. This is the purpose for which the Lord returns. (303-097, 1999/08/08) 

5. The Lord must come again because the authority of the elder son was not established in Jesus' day. As Jesus was unable to achieve this and lost his life, the Lord must restore it when he returns.

He must offer to God the authority of the elder son, the authority of the True Parents on the family level, and the authority of kingship on the global level. God will take possession of all things through the True Parents. 

All things originally belonged to God, so by passing through the era of indemnity, all things must be dedicated to God. Fallen human beings cannot hold on to the right of possession. Nothing is yours. 

You must unite with the Lord at his Second Advent and offer all your possessions to God by vesting them with the Lord because the First Adam was unable to reach perfection, God could not have dominion over the world. 

Accordingly, you need to offer everything back to God through the perfected Adam. Then, in the position that you have not fallen and have dissolved all of God's bitter pain, things will be given back to you.

From the day you receive the things that return to you, you will inherit royal authority over heaven and earth, as well as the authority of the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the horizontal authority of the elder son in heaven and earth. 

Once True Parents establish the authority of the elder son, they will then establish the authority of the parents, and thereafter, the authority of kingship. When all these expand on the global level, all people can also achieve the authority of the elder son, parents, and king even within their families. 

When you stand on that foundation, you will be able to liberate the spiritual world and the physical world. God also will be liberated at that time. Hence, you will be able to attend to the liberated Lord God and live forever in the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, which will last for eternity.

Families of the world that succeed in attaining all these levels of authority the elder son, the parents, and the king will attend Jesus as the king of kings. Everyone must attend him as the king. (303-098, 1999/08/08)

6. I have to eliminate everything that is based on the sovereignty of Satan's world, which has come down through the generations. I have to indemnify the betrayals of heaven and the betrayals of God's Will and restore God's victorious dominion. I have to sweep away everything that was corrupted under Satan's sovereignty, from the era of the individual and the era of the tribe up to the present. 

To achieve that, I must restore the authority of the elder son. I must restore the authority of the elder son and then the authority of the parents. Originally, the parents were to be the owners, but Satan became the owner and king.

For that reason, as the younger son and on God's side, I am moving forward to restore the authority of the elder son, the authority of the parents, and the authority of kingship. (248-082, 1993/07/01) 

Foundation for the ceremony 

To prepare the foundation for the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, the True Parents proclaimed the Return of the Oceans to God, the Return of the Land to God and the Return of the Cosmos to God.

On September 26, 2000, they held the Unification Blessing Ceremony for the Registration of the Four-Position Foundation at the Transition of the Three Ages. In this, True Parents acted by the authority of kingship to set up registration into the kingdom of heaven. 

Before this, on June 13, 1998, at the first phase of the 360 Million Couples Blessing, True Parents gave the Blessing to both the greatest saints and the worst criminals in history, treating them equally.

This made a foundation for the spiritual world and the physical world to become one and for hell to be abolished. Further, on August 18, 2000, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, True Father proclaimed that national boundaries should be abolished. This meant that the foundation was prepared for people to register in the kingdom of heaven. 

7. Heavenly Father, we have now come to the point in our global ocean enterprise, which we started in 1963, where we anticipate reaching the summit. In all of human history, there has never been a son or daughter who was able to embrace and love the sea from the perspective of a true owner.

But True Parents appeared and with this in mind traversed the five oceans to fulfill true ownership. 

For that purpose, in Kodiak, Alaska, which is within the oceanic realm, we conducted the Ceremony for the Settlement of the Eight Stages and proclaimed Heavenly Parentism, always placing You at the center. 

These are events that Unification Church members can never forget. That ceremony and the proclamation that followed was a big leap toward revolutionizing the foundations of world history and resolving the world's chaos. 

Now here in Kodiak, with today's Proclamation of the Return of the Oceans to God, we are connecting the realms of the land and sea, so that the Lord of heaven, the Lord of the sea, and the Lord of the land will be joined as one.
(324-109, 2000/06/17) 

8. Heavenly Father, having declared the return of the oceans to You, today on June 24, 2000, in Korea, I decided to connect North and South America. Now from the Korean Peninsula to the southernmost part of Asia, I can return to You the land, connecting all six continents.

On this day, in the name of True Parents, I proclaim before heaven and earth that by returning the oceans and continents to You, the land and sea that existed in the original Garden of Eden, made according to Your original ideal, have been reconnected before the Parents of Heaven and Earth. (324-268, 2000/06/24)

9. Heavenly Father, we, True Parents, took a boat out from Jiguido Island, near Jeju Island. While looking at Mt. Halla, we connected the mountains to the plains, beyond Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Everest in the Himalayas. By so doing, we made the final condition to return to You the realms of the ocean and the land, and we have made that proclamation. It was for this purpose that I came to Korea. 

Here, at Jiguido, representing Jeju Island, I proclaim before You, Heavenly Father, and before the entire universe, all these connections we have made. Please remember this day.

Although I could not complete all my plans by June 2000, I established more than 80 percent of the conditions, and through this, You have gained the authority to move all things in the world to the supreme position of victory with absolutely no ties to Satan. It is a victory You long hoped to achieve, and which You pursued with resolute determination. 

Upholding this based on True Parents' relational standard, I proclaim that this world will transition into the realm of liberation based on this ceremony, at this hour of returning all things in the cosmos to You. (325-077, 2000/06/29) 

10. On September 26, 2000, we held an event entitled, 'Unification Blessing Ceremony for the Registration of the Four-Position Foundation at the Transition of the Three Ages.'

The title refers to the realm of the Blessing that opens a great transition from the past three ages of human history to a new age of oneness. In this new age, you need to register your four-position foundation in God's kingdom to enter the realm of oneness formed by this transition and registration. Indeed, it is the age of transition. 

Only when you are registered will you enter the realm of oneness. The realm of oneness created through registration in this age encompasses both the spiritual world and the physical world. 

The four-position foundation must come first. God's Will, the ideal of creation, is fulfilled through the perfection of the four-position foundation. The perfection of the four-position foundation is accomplished by loving others and attending God. The four-position foundation takes root in such a place. This is the formula.
(333-281, 2000/09/27) 

11. We are treating the greatest saints and the worst murderers equally by giving both the Blessing, so that the spiritual world and physical world can become one and hell can be abolished. All the divisions in the spirit world, such as between paradise and other realms, must be removed so that all can return to one even level. 

As part of our earnest efforts to make the Blessing global in scope, I proclaimed at the United Nations that national borders should be dissolved.

Therefore, on December 3, which was before the end of the year 2000, I issued a proclamation declaring the abolition of paradise and the opening of registration in the kingdom of heaven to all.

We as True Parents declared the abolition of paradise and hell because these realms stemmed from the false parents. We made the conditions to liquidate these realms by successfully surmounting the hill of indemnity. If we had not been successful in abolishing paradise and hell, it would be impossible to enthrone God as King. (340-043, 2000/12/23)

12. Heavenly Father, beginning today, December I of this historic year of 2000, we are making preparations to usher in the year marking the beginning of the new millennium.

On this day, having surmounted the hill of bitter sorrow in the heavenly and earthly worlds, and having completed the period for resolving everything in history, we will begin to lay the foundation for the perfection of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos centered on love, to bring about the ideal world that You envisioned at the time of the creation. 

We have set the date for this new beginning as January 13, 2001, 43 days from today. We designate these 43 days as a time to make all the needed preparations to celebrate Your enthronement to the position of the King of all families, the King of all nations, the King of the world, and the King of all kings.

It will be the day when You can proclaim that liberation has come because everything has been resolved, including the bitter sorrow that You have harbored in Your heart.

As we have determined that the day on which we will enthrone You, Father, is 43 days from today, and as we make this proclamation about that day, may You help us step over the realm of death and leap into the world of liberation. 

We would like to express our gratitude to You for the grace of allowing us to usher in this era when we can establish Your supremacy.

We are grateful that we could receive this heavenly fortune based on the family-level Blessings that True Parents needed to spread throughout the world to fulfill the ideal of oneness before You, the Father of all humankind.

From this day forth, centered on the Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, and Victory Holy Ground, please allow us to make all the necessary preparations during these coming 43 days to take this giant step forward for You.
(338-311, 2000/12/01)

13. When the first human ancestors became false human ancestors, they created hell, overturning God's kingship and everything good. True Parents and the blessed families of the Unification Church need to set things straight and attend God in His rightful position as the true King.

With this authority, God will bequeath to True Parents what is needed to recover the ideals of His family, His world, and His cosmos. The condition to enable this is the Total Living Offering.

Without making this condition, people cannot claim ownership of anything whatsoever, including their nations. So without making this condition, anyone who possesses title to anything is in violation. 

For the absolute God to have the authority of kingship, He should be sovereign over everything, but He lost even love and lineage. How can we attend God to see His enthronement?

First, we have to solve the issues of love and lineage. Then we have to enthrone Him with representatives of all nations of the world showing their support. When this happens, God will be able to exercise all His power – His omnipresent authority and power. Thus, hell, Satan's world, and Satan's lackeys will be thoroughly cleaned away instantly. 

Who will perform the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship? Can True Parents do it alone? We need to do it centered on the registered blessed families. (339-281, 2000/12/22)

14. Despite undergoing persecution throughout my life, I laid the foundation of victory by going through the eight stages: the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos, and God. Achieving this has liberated God. My last remaining task is to save my enemies. Then the ideal of creation will be fulfilled. 

Through True Parents, North Korea will be saved, and the conflict between Palestine and Israel will be resolved. The United States would rather not be involved in continual conflicts between Israel and Palestine.

However, I have embraced the world of Islam. I have forgiven and saved the United States, although it acted as my enemy by sending me to prison. I embraced everyone who persecuted me. I have no enemies.

Not in the realms of Christianity or Islam, not among black people or white people, not even among those in hell do I have an enemy. I stand on the foundation of the unfallen, original family in which all people are brothers and sisters. 

In this way, we liberated God, and God now has His overall authority. At this point, I am going to recover even His throne. This is why on January 13, 2001, we will enthrone God as the King. The false parent Satan usurped God's throne. True Parents will recover it and create God's kingdom on earth. It will be a world of peace. 

True Parents and blessed families now have the privilege of bringing God back to His throne. Once God is on His throne, when people enter heaven, they will not find any obstacles in their path. Likewise, on earth, we should be able to win over the United Nations and eliminate national boundaries to fulfill the standard of world peace and secure that peace by giving the Blessing to couples from enemy nations. (339-156, 2000/12/10) 

15. On January 13, 2001, True Parents will conduct the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship. We are going to bring God back to His throne. That is the ceremony we will carry out.

We have already held two ceremonies for this purpose at the formation and growth stages. The coming ceremony will be at the completion stage. We must establish God's kingship. 

I am proud of the fact that we as human beings could do something that God has not been able to do for Himself. We declared the abolition of hell and paradise, and we dealt with other matters that God has not been able to deal with because Satan destroyed His authority as the king.

That is why True Parents need to restore God to His original position and recover for Him the world where He has all authority to exercise His power, being immanent in all and present everywhere. (339-065, 2000/12/06)

16. Since I declared the abolition of paradise and hell, there is no longer any path of indemnity on the course laid out by True Parents. Now that we are free to build the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, and now that the fallen archangel is gone, God is now the True God and King who can return to His original place on His throne. 

God could not do this by Himself. The false parent expelled Him from His position; therefore according to the principle of indemnity, it has to be the True Parents who bring God back to His throne. If they do not do it, God can never assume the throne. 

It is we human beings who must bring God to His throne. That we can now do so is mainly because the Savior, the True Parents, established their authority to give the Blessing to us on earth and in heaven through God's love, life, and lineage. The Blessing empowers us to establish all the new traditions of God's nation.

Those who stand in the realm of God's blessing are tied directly to God by bloodline and have no ties with Satan. It was Satan, the false parent of humankind, who turned everything upside down; but now True Parents have removed Satan and abolished hell and paradise, so that now only the kingdom of heaven can remain.

On this foundation, we shall enthrone God at the center of His kingdom. This is the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship. (339-087, 2000/12/07)

17. Heavenly Father, today, January 1, 2001, the age of the night has ended, and we are heading toward the year 3000 in the age of day. In the name of True Parents, I sincerely desire that we can establish the sovereignty of love under the Great Sovereign of Heaven and Earth.

I sincerely desire that we can realize the independence of Your fatherland, where everyone acts out of a heart of love without any reservations, and where everyone has the authority of freedom in both the vertical and horizontal realms. 

May You guide all humankind to know the highway that we have built to take them straight to heaven so that they can be active and advance, with minds that are free and with bodies united with their minds, and with the authority of people who have autonomy to be family kings and queens, and kings and queens of the nations and the cosmos, while in attendance of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. In the name of True Parents, I proclaim our hope and desire that You will establish Your eternal reign of peace. (341-155, 2001/01/01) 

18. With the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, we are ushering in the age when God can exercise His authority and power in all immanence and omnipresence.

We are advancing toward the age when human beings as autonomous owners can complete building God's kingdom on earth, which He has long desired. For this, we have mobilized the spirits in all the realms of all the religions.

Especially since True Parents came with the authority of autonomous owners, we now will welcome the grand age of victory and liberation, when the earthly world and the heavenly realms will march forward in step. 

Beginning in January 2001, families that received the Blessing on earth and in heaven must unite in heart and establish a firm foundation to take root on earth. To this end, those in the heavenly realms need to inherit the positions of the elder son, the parents, and the kings based on Adam's foundation on earth, and restore to the younger son the authority of the elder son.

Through this, we will usher in the revolutionary era when the authority of the younger son can replace the authority of the elder son in heaven and on earth. (342-263, 2001/01/13) 

The Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship and His Liberation

The Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship returned to God everything that He had lost in the beginning due to the Fall of the first human ancestors. It was a right to restore to God the cosmos that had come under Satan's possession and to announce that God had recovered His kingship.

This ceremony marked the moment that released God from His bitter sorrow over the Human Fall by claiming back for Him both earth and heaven, the two worlds that had fallen into Satan's hands.

For True Parents, who had completely invested their entire lives for the sake of liberating God and humankind, it was the culmination of their victories. 

The Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship marked the start of the 13-year course toward the Foundation Day of Cheon Il Guk, the day for embarking on the realization of God's ideal of creation.

During the first days of those 13 years, True Parents proclaimed four major articles of Heaven's constitution: the requirement to preserve the pure lineage, the prohibition against violating people's hearts, the prohibition against misusing public funds, and a mandate to establish exemplary true families.

These are the fundamental laws and goals that citizens of God's kingdom should uphold to complete Cheon Il Guk in the new era. 

19. It is of the utmost importance that blessed families protect God's kingship. Your primary responsibility as blessed central families is to guard His kingship. Hence, you should take the greatest pride in having supported the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship. And now that God is enthroned, supporting His throne should be your number one aim and your supreme goal in life. 

You should praise God's sovereignty and testify to it. Resolve to invest everything to uphold it. 

Always Remember that it must be your absolute, sole, unchanging,g and eternal determination to protect and expand His kingship. Your blessed families must protect His kingship throughout your lives. (343-120, 2001/01/21) 

20. You need to carry the absolute sovereignty of God in your hearts. God's sovereignty must be the foremost principle of your lives. This sovereignty begins from one individual the perfected Adam and connects to the family, tribe, people, nation, and the whole world.

Even all creation longs to be connected to the family of the perfected Adam. You must understand and believe in this principle. You should exalt God's sovereignty more than anything in the world. 

However, until now, God could not rejoice in His sovereignty but instead had to undertake the sorrowful and painful task of leading the providence of restoration.

In the Last Days, the responsibility of religions, nations, the Messiah, and the True Parents is to bring God back to His original position and status. God's exercise of His sovereignty is the central point for redeeming all beings. 

Until now, God was unable to assume His sovereignty, and for that reason, He could not be the absolute, almighty God. Now, however, God has reclaimed His sovereignty.

Through the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, God has become the center of all creation. Even the tiniest, seemingly insignificant creature was created by the one and only God. 

After the Human Fall, God lost His throne. But now He has been returned to that original position. This was possible thanks to all the families who received the Blessing.

Therefore, you ought to carry with you the thought of God's absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal sovereignty. (343-121, 2001/01/21)

21. Even God must be liberated. He longs for liberation, yet liberation has eluded Him. Why? It is because of Adam and Eve. They followed the false parent and took a path opposite to their original path. 

So, we must now follow the right path, be liberated, and finally enthrone God as the King. 

The false parents turned the cosmos upside down with their false lineage, but I have set it straight. 

Formerly, sinners were trapped in hell's deep hole, but I filled that hole. We gave the marriage Blessing not only to saints but also to murderers. We gave the Blessing not only to Unification Church members but also to members of religions that opposed us.

We granted them entry into the Unification Realm, the realm of liberation, linking all of them together even with the True Children and all saints by giving them all the same Blessing. (341-016, 2000/12/29) 

22. We, as True Parents, must liberate God. God could not become the Parent of humankind, and we must secure His position as the Parent. Furthermore, God was unable to become the Teacher or the Owner of humankind, so we must secure His positions as the Teacher and the Owner.

Further, we must make sure that He can settle on this earth in His hometown, in His fatherland. To this end, we conducted the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship. (361-084, 2001/11/20)

23. Do you think that we as True Parents could hold the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship any way we wanted to? We needed to know about the protocols of God's kingdom and had to carry out the ceremony in the proper manner. Otherwise, we could not have conducted it.

The ceremony was held following the detailed protocols of God's kingdom for an enthronement ceremony. As a result, spirits who had been like prisoners in the spirit world, whose minds and bodies were disunited, were finally liberated. Now they are free to come and go between heaven and earth. (519-291, 2006/03/06)

24. Only the True Parents can liberate God. Since the false parents ruined everything, it is up to us as True Parents to straighten everything out. We now have completed everything we needed to do. We offered the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship.

What else is left to do? We have done everything humanly possible on earth. We gave the Blessing to 400 million couples to connect people to God's lineage and create a world in which all people are members of His family.
(343-190, 2001/01/29)

25. Who will take responsibility for the wretched, pathetic history of humankind? No one who remains in ignorance can take responsibility. The person who must take responsibility is the one who knows what to do.

The surgeon who holds the scalpel and all the surgical tools in the operating room is the one who must take responsibility for saving his patient's life, even risking exposing himself to a fatal illness. True Parents are like that surgeon. 

Individuals, families, nations, and heaven and earth are all trapped in hell, in the realm of the Fall. Who will liberate them? The Lord has returned as the True Parents. They established true kingship over the family, tribe, people, and nation before finally holding the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship. 
(418-251, 2003/09/25) 

The Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of
The Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk was held at the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center on February 6, 2003.