Please Allow Us To Become A People That Adapts Itself To The Laws Of Heavenly Fortune

Father! Please look with sorrow at the present situation of this nation and please remember it.

Father! Please look with sorrow at the present situation of this nation and please remember it. From now on, Father, you will have to take responsibility for the destiny of Korea. There is no one who can lead this nation, and there is no one who can take responsibility for it; only you can bring this nation into oneness with the direction of heavenly fortune.

So we earnestly hope and desire that you will act, Father, to connect our hearts and the hearts of these people so that amid your care these people may find the direction that will allow them to become one with the Will you desire.

However great a person may be, no one can block the way of heavenly fortune. Each time that we think that we should adapt ourselves to the wave of heavenly fortune and follow it, we ask you to fill to overflowing with your heart the hearts of the many people leading this nation, and in the face of these final, decisive circumstances please reveal the one point where we must conclude your will of the providence.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Become Children Longing For Our Real Father
At this time an inadequate group of small numbers has gathered before you.
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