15 min read

The Seven-Year Course and the Birth of True Children

True Parents' Holy Wedding was performed on the foundation of 14 years of indemnity.

True Parents’ Advent and the Era of True Parents - Cham Bumo Gyeong
Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, should have obeyed God’s commandment, “Do not eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil,” and safely passed through the growing period.

The seven-year course 

True Parents' Holy Wedding was performed on the foundation of 14 years of indemnity. The following seven years was the period in which True Parents' family had to set a condition to be free from Satan's invasion and complete the foundation of the original family that could enter the realm of God's direct dominion. 

At the Holy Wedding, True Parents' family went beyond the completion level of the growth stage. 

During the following seven years, they had to go through the completion stage while fighting against and prevailing over attacks from the spiritual world and the physical world. At the same time, that seven-year course was the period during which True Mother had to set the indemnity condition of absolute obedience to God's Will and during which she was responsible for becoming absolutely one with True Father.

For True Father, this seven-year course was the period to raise True Mother to the standard of perfection and thus establish the foundation of a partnership centered on God's Will. In short, it was the period in which True Father and True Mother had to unite as one in faith and love, as well as substantially in body. 

It was also the period during which the blessed families had to go through their first seven-year course. True Parents led their families and the blessed families as they pioneered the seven-year course of the completion stage, a path never before trod in human history. Finally, they prevailed. 

 As True Parents went through this seven-year course of internal indemnity, they instituted Parents' Day, Children's Day, and the Day of All Things to recover what had been lost due to the Human Fall. The ensuing proclamation of God's Day on January 1, 196,8 completed this foundation of victory.  

1. What did I do until 1960? Like Jacob, I walked a 14-year course. Thus, although the 7 years starting in 1960 is the first 7-year course for you, for me, it is the last part of my 21-year course. Through this 7-year course, we need to create the heavenly fortune that will enable us to successfully reach out to the people of this nation. During the first three years, God wanted us to establish the internal standard of the family, and during the remaining four years, He wants us to establish the external standard in our relations with society. 

For us to accomplish this, I had to make the conditions to establish my family as the representative of all families, of the nation and the world. For this latter purpose, I set up the Day of All Things, and upon that foundation, I established holy grounds throughout the world. (017-135, 1966/12/11)

2. Jesus should have been able to establish a road of victory based on unity with Joseph's family, representing David's tribe, and then restore through indemnity the nation of Israel without opposition from the people. But he was unable to do so. Hence, the Unification Church is now working to indemnify this. This is why I am trying to establish the Unification tribe by restoring individuals, families, and clans. 

Centering on the Unification tribe, I set up the first seven-year course and worked to fulfill the mission of restoring the people of the Republic of Korea. Now that we have laid this foundation, Korea cannot block the path of the Unification Church. I am saying that through this condition, we now stand in the position of having restored a realm that Jesus wanted to achieve in his time, from which we can launch a new world with the authority of Jesus' resurrection.

By completing the first seven-year course, we set an indemnity condition on the level of the Korean people to establish the foundation to restore the nation, which is what Jesus had hoped to do in his time. (019-165, 1968/01/01)

3. To dissolve bitter pain and sorrow, the events that caused them must be cleared up and indemnity must be paid. This is why there must be a course to complete restoration. I went through a course of struggle to restore and perfect Adam and laid the foundation for his victory; hence, I can stand tall as a man. Likewise, for Mother to stand tall as a woman, she as Eve must go through the course of restoration through indemnity. This requires her to undergo a course of battles in heart, body, and faith that no one else can fathom. The path that Mother had to pioneer was as dangerous as walking a tightrope. 

While she was completing that indemnity by the end of her first seven-year course, we instituted Parents' 

Day, Children's Day, and Day of All Things. Then, on January 1, 1968, we welcomed God's Day. 

Thereby, Mother finally qualified as the original woman on earth and stood in a position equal to mine on the family level. (059-284, 1972/07/27) 

4. After paying indemnity to complete my 6,000-year, I established my family in 1960 and entered the path of the cross on the family level. Since I had to fulfill the mission of indemnifying the 6,000-year history of the providence, I focused on paying indemnity to carry the cross on the family level more than on you and the church. 

While pursuing this path I instituted Parents' Day, and Children's Day, based on Day of All Things, and when I completed it, I instituted God's Day. You cannot fathom the internal tribulations Mother and I had to face and deal with from 1960 until I proclaimed God's Day on the first day of 1968. By winning a victory in the fight against Satan, I laid the foundation to secure the family level. (030-334, 1970/04/06)

5. During the period of the first seven-year course, we the Parents struggled internally before heaven and earth. We paid indemnity to clear up all the tangled bitterness and sorrow that originated from the Fall. 

This was the period when we could resolve and clear up all the historical circumstances that arose from Adam and Eve's mistakes in the area of lineage. To move forward, we had to sort out relationships that could be offered to heaven, offered for the sake of the Will not only in mind but also in body. This is how we were finally able to complete the first seven-year course and True Parents could emerge into the world with victory. (077-215, 1975/04/12) 

6. The Unification Church launched its activities in earnest in 1960, based on attending Mother. 

Despite persistent opposition from the nation and three Nim Christianity, you laid the foundation to push through that opposition so you could welcome Mother and attend to her. 

However, this did not mean that Mother could just live with me right away. Just as you had to go through three to of separation after your marriage Blessing, we too had to do dispensation work to secure our family. The path of the Principle is the same for everyone. 

During the first seven-year course I had to indemnify all the complicated problems within the first family, that of Adam and Eve. Thus, the first seven-year course was the period in which to establish the family-level foundation, centering on Mother.

Since Adam and Eve fell in the completion level of the growth stage, we had to pass through that level to enter the completion stage. (106-267, 1980/01/01)

7. What has God been doing for the past 6,000 years? What has been His unchanging desire throughout history? It has been to find the one person, True Mother. It is to find her through Adam, after re-creating him and sending him to Earth This is re-creation. Originally, God created Adam and then created Eve from Adam; therefore, for re-creation, Adam has to come to earth first and then find Eve. In other words, he must find and establish Mother. 

To about To Adam lost Eve because he failed to fulfill his responsibility. Thus, it is Adam who must set the standard of victory, by restoring years Eve as well as bringing Satan to submission. I am fulfilling this purpose during these seven years.

Moreover, having established this standard, I have to raise Mother, in the position of Eve, to that standard in heart and spirit. This is how we can reverse through indemnity the failure of the fallen parents. This is how we will secure the foundation of the True Parents. (017-322, 1967/04/10) 

 8. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have completed this first seven-year course. This was the path they were required to take to become True Parents.

Therefore, regardless of what accusations Satan threw against us, Mother and I had to make a breakthrough during this period. I paved this path, leading the way as the representative of the family during the first seven-year course. During this period, we, Father and Mother, had to unravel all the tangles of history. 

In particular, this seven-year course was the time when I had to reverse Eve's dominion over Adam and completely secure Adam's authority. For this, I had to educate Eve. In other words, during this period I had to educate Mother in such a way that she would set a standard of absolute obedience and compliance before me, even at the cost of her life. (073-245, 1974/09/22)

9. It was not easy for us to secure the family of True Parents. We had to, to the highest position in the world. We had to pass through the formation, growth, and completion stages. There was a seven-year course to reach the completion stage. Since Adam and Eve fell away at the completion level of the growth stage, my family had to walk a seven-year course beginning from that point.

Until the establishment of God's Day on January 1, 1968 Mother had to travel an arduous path as a woman. She passed heaven's tests without any problem, and this is why she could become what she is today, our great Mother.
(170-034, 1987/11/01) 

Establishing the four-position foundation 

After the Holy Wedding 14 True Children were born in the True Parents' family, starting with the first daughter, Ye-Jin Nim, and the first son, Hyo-Jin Nim. With the births of their first daughter and their first son, True Parents completed the four-position foundation that Jesus had not been able to establish. The completion of the four-position foundation in True Parents' family was a milestone in the providence of restoration that people need to replicate and realize in their families. 

Even as she gave birth to her children, True Mother shared the same heart as other church members who were working on the front line. She lived a humble life, eating meager meals of steamed barley mixed with a small amount of rice, something usually only poor people ate because they could not afford white rice. 

The church members, as the Cain-type children, needed to become one in heart with the True Children and thus set the condition to be reborn with the same rank, as if they were twins. To have them meet this condition, at the dedication ceremonies for Ye-Jin nim and Hyo-Jin nim, True Parents distributed three kinds of gifts to the members as three conditions of offering and fed them three kinds of food: rice, seaweed soup, and milk.  

10. Through the birth of my sons and daughters, the path has been paved for all of you to be reborn. To, be reborn, you have to go through a ceremony that establishes the same conditions as if you had been nursed on True Mother's milk.

So, following Ye-Jin's birth, a ceremony was held throughout Korea in which all members ate some seaweed soup with rice in it. This ceremony was also held when our son Hyo-jin was born. These ceremonies set the condition that you also were born from True Mother when she gave birth to those children.
(054-225, 1972/03/24) 

11. You all should establish the condition that you existed as seeds within me that were yet to be born, and that then you were reborn through True Mother's womb. You cannot be born on your own, so a condition has to be fulfilled by which you are born alongside my children. For this purpose, at the birth of both my first son and first daughter, we held a ceremony during which you ate seaweed soup with rice in it.

The first occasion was when Ye-Jin arrived. Ye-Jin is our first daughter. By paying the necessary indemnity, I established the condition so that all women who participated in that ceremony were reborn through the True Mother's womb. All of you must conduct your be ceremonies in which you resolve to unite with her for three years. Hyo-jin is our first son, and the men must go through the same ceremony. 

Therefore, all women should celebrate Ye-jin's birthday as the birthday of their Abel, and all men should celebrate Hyo-jin's birthday as the birthday of their Abel.

Then you need a conditional period in which you become one with him or her substantially. (054-274, 1972/03/25)

12. Before the end of the 4th lunar month of this year 1963, all the entanglements of heart among church members should be resolved. And then you must pray for blessings upon your enemies. This would be the period when any member who left the church before 1962 would be Unification Church would begin to return. By doing this we can set the condition to command Satan's world to open the gate to us. Because I know this time is coming, I do not hate my enemies. Today is the 21st day since Hyo-Jin's birth. On this day, you should rejoice over him more than Mother and I do. (012-131, 1963/01/18) 

13. For the title “True Parents” to be established, there has to be a basis to bring oneness among the children. Because the first human beings fell, there are two kinds of children in the world: internal children and external children, or Abel and Cain. From this perspective, the birth of our daughter Ye-Jin and our son Hyo-Jin between 1961 and 1963 made a profound contribution to the Providence of Restoration. Their birth and your oneness with them brought about the Day of All Things. And on the foundation of their birth, when the first seven-year course came to an end, I was able to proclaim God's Day. 

Ever since 1968, following the end of that first seven-year course, the Unification Church could begin to develop normally. The proclamation of God's Day has the same significance as Adam and Eve reaching the completion stage in the Garden of Eden without having fallen. (069-301, 1974/01/01) 

14. Since Jesus was rejected by the people of Israel, a difficult job lies ahead at his Second Advent. He needs to restore you to your original position. Of course, since you were already born in the flesh and have grown up to become adults, you cannot return to the position of a seed within the body of perfected Adam.

Therefore, you need to establish the condition to be born again by uniting with True Children who were born from True Parents. 

There is a principle that through Cain's complete surrender to Abel, both can be restored. Since the True Children were born free of original sin, they stand in the Abel position. Accordingly, you in the Cain position need to unite completely with the True Children. By uniting with them, you will become resurrected children and receive the same benefits they receive. 

For this reason, when True Children without original sin are born from their True Parents, you have to establish the condition of having shared the same food and received the same things as them. You should do this so that you go through the course of participating in the True Children's position. 

Through whom can you make the condition to unite with the True Children and be reborn as a child? It is not only through True Father; that is not enough. You truly must go through the True Parents. No matter how important Father is, you cannot be reborn unless you go through both the Parents and their children.
(055-119, 1972/04/01) 

15. For three years, from 1960 to 1963, all the blessed families in Korea went through the course of restoration on the national level. Since the national-level foundation was lost in Jesus' time, all members of the church left home and participated in mission activities to restore the nation. 

During that time, as they worked on the front line, Father and Mother joined them in heart by eating the same meager food. When we ate, we did not place our food on the table but on the floor, just as many members did. When we did so, we had even the child inside True Mother's womb set the condition of participating with other church members to make the condition to restore the nation.
(054-225, 1972/03/24) 

16. Some of you here must have eaten seaweed soup when Ye-jin and Hyo-jin were born. This was to make a condition that both Cain and Abel were born together.

Your You blessed families are in the position of Cain, so you must attend the True Children in the position of Abel as if they were God or even higher. 

You must attend them more sincerely than you attend True Parents. 

Do not look at this from a secular viewpoint. You, have been united with them from the time when both of you were in the womb. You should have been born like twins. As twins, you should restore the authority of the elder son. As Perez and Zerah reversed their positions as twin sons in the womb of Tamar, you should reverse your position with a particular True Child. As soon as he or she is born, you should bring your blessed family to connect with that child with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. 

These should not be just words. Since God created human beings with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience unless you blessed families engrafts to the True Parents by demonstrating the same elements of absolute faith, love, and obedience in, circumstances, you cannot create the realm of partnership with the people around you. (308-256, 1999/01/10)

17. You cannot enter True Mother's womb, so you must become one with True Parents' infant children. 

For three years you need to be in the position of a baby inside the womb. This is why I gave you these mottoes for the three years from 1960 to 1962: first, “Let this be the year of the best result of our lives,” second, “Let us become Heavenly Father's representatives,” and third, “Let us become people who have something to show and who can be proud of ourselves.” What I mean by “show and be proud of” is the restoration of the four-position foundation by restoring many people. 

Centered on the three stages expressed in my mottoes, all of you must make the condition of eating and living together with the babies in the True Mother's womb. For those three years, Mother ate barley rice, the same as you did on the front line.

When you went out to do church activities, she participated alongside you in the same activities. Ye-jin and Hyo-jin were born when Mother was making the same conditions you were making. In other words, Mother lived with the same heart as all of you. (035-228, 1970/10/19)

18. The archangels were supposed to attend, serve, and honor Adam and Eve from the moment they were created until the time they were married. But the angelic world failed to attend Adam and Eve and became fallen. The bitter sorrow and resentment thus created by the angelic world must be resolved. For this reason, you need to have three spiritual children and guide them to attend to your children from the time they are in the womb. Otherwise, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. 

You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven with only your restoration. Children. Had you established the indemnity condition of gaining three spiritual children before you received the Blessing, your children would not need to have their lineage restored. If you are unable to achieve this condition before you go to the spirit world, it will become a stumbling block for you. 

In the 1960s, I had already met all the requirements of spiritual children while my children were in their mother's womb. After their birth, they were given seaweed soup, milk, and rice. That was the condition I set up for all of you to have the same birth as the True Children. (023-316, 1969/06/08) 

19. Until 1963, True Parents worked with you, sharing your situation and eating humble meals of barley rice. We had to set that indemnity condition for three years on the family level. At the same time, you had to go out and struggle to give birth to your spiritual children. Just as you ate barley rice, True Parents also had to eat it. Now we will have to offer our sons and daughters internally when we go to America for a course of sacrifice on the world level. This is what we have to do. 

All of you ate seaweed soup with rice after Ye-jin was born; it was as if you were receiving blood from Mother while inside her womb. As Mother ate soup with rice in it, you ate the same food, which was like receiving her blood. It was the same when Hyo-jin was born. Based on this foundation, I established Children's Day and then the Day of All Things. It was because we attained such a standard that I had the foundation to establish these holy days of blessing. Thereupon, when the first seven-year course came to an end and True Parents' family was liberated, I instituted God's Day. (047-340, 1971/08/30) 

True Parents’ Completion of the Providence
After the Holy Wedding and the subsequent seven-year course, True Parents formed the True Family and established the four-position foundation on the family level.