Oh Father! Please Let The Suffering Of This Nation End

No one has known how difficult it was to go over the peaks of restoration which are so filled with grief.

No one has known how difficult it was to go over the peaks of restoration which are so filled with grief. How often have you gone back and forth on that path until now, Father? When you cared you had hope that you would find a son of hope, but as you returned you were infinitely disappointed.

How can we describe that, and with what words can we comfort you?

Father! We have come to know that you feel pity for these pathetic Korean people.

Until now no one knew this, but now through our tragic course of history, we have come to know that you have been in the background of our people with our history of blood and tears.

Now while reflecting on our history, we have come to think that the tragic history of this people symbolizes your tragic history, and this people's having been surrounded and attacked by the powerful nations of the world resembles your lonely situation, Father.

We know that you lamented over that, Fathe and that by finding one nation, you were seeking to bless one person related to that country. We thought that it was our misfortune that we were in a position to dash out centered on your heart which is connected to the history of Korea. But now because we have come to realize that it is an infinitely fortunate thing, we cannot help but offer our gratitude to you, Father.

After the liberation, these people were not able to go the path they should have gone. Christianity, which represented this people, did not fulfill its responsibility, and this people is a nation without a name that still cannot participate in the U.N. Therefore, Father, please let the suffering of this nation end.

We are your children, Father, and at the same time for the sake of that day when all the nations of the world will be able to bow their heads to this nation, we should know that we are also your ambassadors who have received solemn orders from heaven.

Father! Through the fifty years of my life, I have come to realize that I was born with a destiny that cannot cast aside these people even if I die.

Therefore, even along the way of rejection and even from the position of sorrow, loneliness, and being falsely accused, I have clung to you, Father, and comforted you. I thank you that you could bless me and let me have times when I could do that.

I have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Please Urge Us On This Path To Achieve A World Of Unity
Each time we bow down and pray before Your sacred majesty, we consider even more the fact that You are not joyful, and we feel more ashamed and remorseful.
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