Please Establish Us In A Position United With Your Standard Of Heart

From every aspect we look at, we know that the present is that kind of time.

Father! We know that today is a time like the 40 years when the people of Israel wandered and couldn't find their way in the wilderness, and like the time the people of Israel were struck by the rod of heaven and were consumed due to their unfaithfulness. From every aspect we look at, we know that the present is that kind of time.

Father, you are hoping for work that can cope with this kind of age, and we are also hoping for that. But if on our own we are not able to control our minds and decide the direction, and determine which way we must go, and you show us the direction we must go, we know that even if you tell us to go to that place, we will not be able to go there.

We know that the problem is not all the things of the earth being scattered; it is the center of my mind being scattered, and having lost the direction we must go and the position we must face. We are looking at the phenomenon of the last days like that, without knowing the direction we must go and without knowing the position we must face. If we have now realized that you are the center, we will have to kneel dnd bow our heads and offer devotion of our own accord to match the standard and position that you are hoping for.

Since we know that in the Last Days, we should pour oil on our hair and go into a secret chamber and pray, please allow us to become those who establish ourselves in a position of oneness between the standard of your heart and our hearts, and find the condition of victory in our lives, and become those who discuss the value of that. If we cannot do that, please allow us to understand that we will not be able to stand in your presence.

We are facing this kind of position, and we are watching the present situation of this kind of world and this kind of society, and our minds and bodies are suffering in this kind of environment. Therefore, please remold us since we are like this, and please establish the standard of our hearts, and please show us works centered on you, and please sanctify the center of our hearts and minds. Please sanctify our bodies and our environment and allow us to be able to be close to you.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Let Us Have An Universal Idea And Truth
Oh Father! Please don’t leave us only to ourselves.
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