Father! Each time we bow down and pray before the majesty of our sacred Father, the more that we consider the fact that we are not joyful, there is no way to keep ourselves from feeling ashamed and remorseful. Father, amid he vastness of heaven and earth there are no people worse than our Korean people, but you have chosen these people. Among the many persons of humankind,d there are none worse than we are, but you have come to us.
When we consider that you have protected and kept us a hundred, a thousand times even though we are behaving so foolishly, we come to feel once again that you love these people, and you love us unconditionally. You have come to us immature, ignorant people and granted us the concept of the blessings of heaven and earth which are so hard to be equal to. And we are grateful that you have allowed us to have this day in which we can call you, "Father," with hearts that overflow like never-ending springs on a foundation of holy grace which others cannot even imagine. We feel all this as the caress of your love.
When we consider how you have raised us until now and what you have done to have us become standard-bearers who can carry out your commands, and when we consider how your path must have been as you went forth to prepare the way of restoration setting aside complaints and enduring the sorrows of the past, we cannot help but repent once again for the past when we have been unworthy children millions and millions of times. Please establish in front of this nation and this people a movement that, even as it is driven out, can go forward to the standard of final victory that you have gone over until today.
Please let us become people who can bow to you of our own accord, feel ashamed, and urge ourselves on. When we realize again that you have come filled with your mighty Will, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to feel on our own that there is no way for us other than offering gratitude and more gratitude, and hymns and more hymns thousands of times before our glorious Father.
Father! We were people without a country. We were refugees who had lost their nation. We were beggars who were starving to find the nation we had lost.
Since we have come to understand that your will to find and establish a new hometown, a land of the original homeland, is the truth, we will have to find the land of the original homeland and the original family that we have lost and take revenge against Satan.
And we will not stop there. We have realized that it will not do unless we retaliate and indemnify everything, no matter what kind of difficulties or what kind of suffering there is, combining every authority we have inherited as heavenly means of blessings which Satan cannot take advantage of, we will face Satan, who is our historical enemy, our enemy in the present age, and our enemy of the future.
Therefore, Father, please give us strength. We earnestly hope and pray that you will give us the ability to offer all our loyalty and filial piety to you.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
We Offer Thanks And Praise For Your Having Chosen Us
Father! Each time we bow down and pray before the majesty of our sacred Father, the more that we consider the fact that you are not joyful, there is no way to keep ourselves from feeling ashamed and remorseful.
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