19 min read

Educating Society's Leaders

After the 1970s, True Parents carried out extensive education in Unification Principle, Unification Thought, and Victory Over Communism for leaders of society,

Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes - TP Legacy
The Holy Wedding of True Parents, held on April 11, 1960 (16th day of the 3rd lunar month), is the starting point of the new providential history.

Victory Over Communism 

After the 1970s, True Parents carried out extensive education in the Unification Principle, Unification Thoughtdid, and Victory Over Communism for leaders of society, including Christian leaders, college professors, and government officials.

True Parents' purpose in doing this was in part to inform these leaders accurately about the Unification Church, but more importantly, it was to prepare for the reunification of North and South Korea, and, in this way, shortly to secure the foundation for world peace. 

1. We had the responsibility in the 1970s to change this nation. We must overcome this environment. As we entered 1970, we held public Divine Principle discussions and invited Christian ministers to attend them. We also held Unification Principle seminars for professors.

I believe this will help connect the environment of this nation to us in the 1970s. We need a new general direction to facilitate this. That is why True Parents implemented this strategy. We need to carry out and strengthen this strategy primarily on college campuses. I also foresee a time shortly when we will need to educate our movement in Japan about Marxism. 

We need to realize how important our responsibility is. Just because you no longer face the difficulties of the past, you should not idle away your time. If you become relaxed, it will be that much more difficult for us to break through and overcome on a wider scale.

The greater the hardships that approach us, the more we should empower ourselves with the conviction that we will overcome even that which we failed to overcome in the past.

There remains a course of sacrifice, suffering, and adversity in front of us. When we can break through and prevail in this environment, that achievement in the Republic of Korea will expand to Asia. (042-146, 1971/03/01) 

2. Communists say that religion is the opiate of the people, and they try to eradicate religion. They even deny God. There has never before been an ideology that opposed God by claiming systematically that He does not exist.

Though some thought that God did not exist, eventually, they admitted that He did The fact that there has appeared an ideology that openly says there is no God shows that we truly have reached the final episode. 

We have the principle with which we can prevail over both the Christian and communist worlds. In Korea, we have textbooks elaborating our new philosophy.

They explain in full and in detail the true nature of conventional theories of education, logic, and so forth. We use these textbooks to educate people from leading social classes. We teach Christian leaders and professors about the Unification Principle. 

Korean scholars presently believe that Korea can become the mother nation with an ideology that can guide the world. From this standpoint, many professors proudly support the Unification Church from behind. The number of scholars who assert that only the Unification Principle will work is increasing. 

Christian churches are recognizing that nothing apart from the Unification Church will suffice. No one will be able to defeat us when we thoroughly, in heart and mind, empower academic and religious circles with our teaching.
(054-164, 1972/03/23) 

3. As we enter 1971, True Parents are concentrating on three goals: the matter of how to connect college campuses to our work, the matter of how we can open the way to educate the military in the future, and the matter of how we can inform the National Assembly, which represents this nation and its people.

As you know, we are now working on college campuses and educating the military from the lowest to the highest levels. Nowadays, we are even lecturing at the National Defense University. I believe that we can continue on this path. God has invested a great deal to help us rise to this level.

Once everyone recognizes our standard, both the administration and the National Assembly will be interested, and we can connect the government itself to this standard. As we look centering on the wider religious world, how the Unification Church forms collegial relations with Christians is the issue.
(052-027, 1971/12/01) 

4. The year 1972 is approaching, and the world situation is becoming complicated. The more complicated it becomes, the more evident it is that our time is at hand. Even North Korea is responding favorably to the movement to reunite families separated between the two Koreas.

They will coordinate through the Red Cross, but they will do so only after they have established their policy. In this situation, we easily could end up playing their game by their rules. If we do not strengthen our ideological stance, when families start reuniting, we will be driven into a corner. 

What should happen when separated family members travel back and forth between North and South Korea? Just as North Korea will deliver communist ideological education on their side, we in South Korea also must be able to counter with ideological education on our side.

There should be an organization that can provide this education, and no organization apart from the Unification Church can do this. Yet, we need to provide it in a way that harmonizes the two sides with each other.
(046-237, 1971/08/15) 

5. Since joint North-South Korean general elections will surely come, we must secure 10 million people who can prepare the country for them. The Unification Church has spawned the International Federation for Victory Over Communism and articulated the teachings of Victory Over Communism.

Our challenge is to get our nation to inspire many people to join this federation. I have expected this, and now this time is almost upon us. 

A five-year plan to revive and develop the economy is indeed necessary, but the more time-critical issue at hand is that of how to educate our people. With this in mind, the Unification Church is dialogizing with Christianity, but we and they are not yet united on the fundamentals. 

The question is how we can move in the same direction so that together, we can lead the Korean people. I am responsible for everything and have to resolve such problems as quickly as possible, so I have long pondered how to motivate Christians regarding this matter.

How can I help Christians feel care and concern over the misfortunes of this nation? How can I establish a joint front line and instill in them the spirit to gain victory over communism? (046-126, 1971/08/13) 

6. To triumph over Satan's world, you must understand the Divine Principle. To win over the communist world, you must understand the Victory Over Communism ideology.

To end the conflict between the communist and democratic worlds, you must come to understand Unification Thought. Therefore, you need a passing grade in these subjects: Divine Principle, Victory Over Communism theory, and Unification Thought. 

Our work is to banish Satan's world, abolish the communist world, and unite it with the democratic world remains. When we do these three things, everything will be completed.

Communism claims that there is no God. As long as communist ideology exists, it will block individual perfection, cause big problems for the family, and destroy any hope for the kingdom of heaven. If there is no God, everything goes to pieces.

Communism has now reached the level where it can influence people as individuals, influence families, and influence the world. We, therefore, need to overcome it and empower the world with the Unification Principle, Victory Over Communism ideology, and Unification Thought. (102-129, 1978/11/27) 

7. The movement to reunite separated families is being carried out in Korea. When the families are reunited, this nation can be restored as one. Satan and God are fighting to claim these families.

The place called Panmunjom in Korea is the only place on earth where God and Satan fight face-to-face. We are now standing at a most crucial turning point. This is why I invited Christian leaders to attend Divine Principle workshops this year.

If, during this period, True Parents and the Unification Church were to ask God to bring all Christians and nations that persecute us to ruin, this providence could never be accomplished.

Persecution is a good thing. Communist persecution has brought us rather good results. It has helped us to separate from evil and make unity. However, eventually, we need to save even the communists. 

We need to restore Adam and Eve through love. And since the archangel compelled Eve to fall through words, we also need to restore the archangel through the Word. We must save the people of the free world through love and save the communists through the truth.

That is why you should not be defeated in dialogue with communists. We are battling with the democratic world using the Divine Principle and with the communist world using the Victory Over Communism ideology.

The Divine Principle and Victory Over Communism theory are the two pillars of restoration. (052-073, 1971/12/22)

8. We need to carry out education in Unification Thought, Victory Over Communism theory, and the Unification Principle in neighborhoods and blocks (tong and ban). All it takes is for the Citizens' 

Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea to take charge of teaching Unification Thought to professors, for the International Federation for Victory Over Communism to take charge of teaching VOC ideology, and for the Unification Church to take charge of teaching the Unification Principle. 

Even if it is not possible to teach other subjects, we need to teach the Unification Principles because the sooner people learn it, the sooner they can be liberated. We need to teach the Unification Principle as soon as possible and make new family members who realize that they need to walk the path of indemnity to liberate Cain.

In the position of Abel, they must restore Cain.

Therefore, regardless of whether you are a branch leader under the International Federation for Victory over Communism or a church leader under the Unification Church, educate all citizens of Korea in the neighborhoods and blocks. Do this first. In summary, you should build your base by educating people in neighborhoods and blocks. (167-034, 1987/06/14) 

Principle for clergy and professors 

Twenty-eight ministers from the Christian churches participated in the first seminar of the Principle for religious leaders hosted by the Unification Church headquarters on November 26 to 28, 1970.

Headquarters introduced the Unification Principle to Christian pastors on many subsequent occasions. In 1971 alone, a total of 915 ministers attended 12 seminars, and most of the participants said, through their written reflections, that the Unification Principle touched them deeply.

At the same time, the church also hosted the first Professors Invitational Unification Principle Seminar, held from January 10 to 11, 1971. That seminar, attended by college professors, served as the cornerstone for hosting many public presentations thereafter.

In this manner, we conducted Unification Principle seminars for leaders from academic and religious circles. 

9. Traditional Christianity has continued to oppose me for decades. I have to say that their narrow-minded opposition damages no one but themselves. We need to make those who opposed me welcome me, saying, “The Unification Church is not what we thought.”

Since this is what we need to do, I am holding seminars for Christian believers who have opposed us. However, local churches seem to consider these events a serious problem.

They are causing an uproar, claiming that the Unification Church is taking away their ministers and witnessing to them. (062-153, 1972/09/17) 

10. Hosting Unification Principle seminars for members of the Christian clergy is expensive. Some may suggest it would be better to use that money to build regional headquarters, but I do not think so. 

Leaves eventually fall, so I believe that the trunk and the branches are more important than the leaves. 

Scholars stand in the highest position in the Republic of Korea, and ministers stand in the highest position in Christianity, so devotions and sacrifices must be made for the sake of fulfilling my responsibility to the Christian leaders. 

If they hear our Principles just once, it surely will become an issue for them. That is why holding a seminar once is great, and it has a greater impact the second time and every time it happens.

Some people say that it is a 20th-century miracle, but it is not. The question is how thoroughly we can follow the Principle to the letter as we carry out our work. Unless you stand in that position, you all will eventually drift away. 

That is why you need to offer devotion and make sacrifices. When you offer devotions, you should not do so carelessly. Care for the unfortunate people as you offer devotions.

On many occasions, as I offered devotions, I would think to myself that someone was poorly clothed, and I would remove my coat and pray for that person in cold weather. Because I had such a standard, I could set the foundation to the extent it exists today. (042-168, 1971/03/04) 

11. Though Christians marginalized the Unification Church in the past, now they are beginning to welcome us. We began this course toward acceptance in 1971. Through Unification Principle seminars, I brought together and educated more than 1,000 ministers.

Quite a few of them were deeply moved and said, “I will devote my life to fighting for the religious freedom of the Unification Church.” Many ministers are using the Unification Principle in their sermons.

You will find these Christian leaders spread throughout Korea. When they give sermons based on the Word, their congregations are fired up with inspiration. After giving Principled sermons just a few times, these preachers come to realize that the Unification Principle indeed is the Word of God. (058-268, 1972/06/13)

12. Today, we need to unite Judaism and the nation of Israel, which were unable to unite in the time of Jesus. What I am thankful for in this age is that the Unification Church and Christian leaders have begun to associate with one another.

Though originally Christians persecuted the Unification Church, we now have reached the level where we can freely associate with Christian leaders.

This means that now we are finally in a position to indemnify thousands of years of history rounds of Principal seminars for invited Christian leaders would have fulfilled the necessary condition, but by June, we will have held seven rounds.

This year, 1971, is the year of good fortune for horizontally indemnifying 7,000 years of history. That is why I plan to spare no expense and finish the 7th round of Unification Principle seminars by June 1971. When the number of Christian leaders who have attended these events surpasses 600, even by one, we will have fulfilled the condition. 

However, I plan to exceed 700. When that comes to pass, I will have fulfilled my responsibility. 

You have no idea what a difficult time I have had in fulfilling this condition. I have done most of this work without your being aware of it. The number of Unification Church followers is not relevant. What does matter is whether and how we can continue to carry out the necessary indemnification. (044-293, 1971/05/24) 

13. When the perfect plus unites with the perfect minus, the universe protects them both eternally. When we say that we are trying to become one with Christianity, it means we are trying to save them.

Standing in the position of the perfect plus, we are trying to save Christianity, bringing it into the position of the perfect minus. If those in the minus position choose not to unite with us, this will impact the country and drive it to ruin. 

A person who acts with truthfulness will have truthful results. Therefore, we should never forget that our path is within the realm of absolute protection, in which all heaven and earth have the right to protect us. 

One leg by itself cannot achieve unity. We need to keep pace, and to do so; we need to form a diagonal line and connect with our object partners.

That is why the Unification Church needs to achieve unity with Christianity and with the nation. That is the shortest path. When Christian believers are taught the Unification Principle for as little as two weeks, they will surpass the level at which they are now. This is only too obvious. You need to put this into action, regardless of what difficulties you face. (207-304, 1990/11/11) 

14. In the course of restoration, Abel appears only after Cain has been restored. Restoration cannot be achieved by boasting. It needs to take place naturally. I do not participate in the Unification Principle seminars for Christian leaders.

Though I do not make an appearance, since they opposed me, they need to come to see me and bow their heads. I will not appear until Korea is restored. I need to uphold the dignity of God. It is not that I cannot speak eloquently, but that I have to follow the Will and the laws of heaven. 

Your mission is to save Cain. As an individual, you are an individual-level Abel, so you should save Cain on the individual level. If you are Abel on the family level, you should save Cain on the family level, and if you become Abel on the tribal level, you should save Cain on the tribal level.

As for the Unification Church, which is Abel on the national level, we need to save the Cain denominations on the national level. Only then can we become eligible to deal with the nation.

So, the most time-sensitive matter at hand is how we are to become Abel. When this is achieved, all the hopes of the Unification Church will be realized simultaneously. (046-147, 1971/08/13) 

15. From January 1971 to early December, we hosted Unification Principle seminars for Christian leaders, and more than 800 ministers attended. In addition, we held Unification Principle seminars four times for professors on college campuses.

Were it not for us, these colleges could not present students with a new path. The educational authorities are viewing us from such a standpoint. Furthermore, many people are coming to hold the view that without the Victory Over Communism movement, communism cannot be defeated. Since this is the prevailing situation, we can safely say that we have ascended to the highest point, centering on the Will of God. 

Now that we have arrived at this point, Unification Church family members must reveal their value as individuals who represent the whole. Bearing this in mind, we have started working with a new national structure.

Blessed wives have gone out to all parts of the nation to carry out activities. While the wives are away, members close to their families are working to support their activities. (052-028, 1971/12/01)

16. If the Republic of Korea continues this way, it will come to ruin. This country will perish if it cannot clean up and clear out its weak and corrupt ideologies. In other words, this country needs our Principles. 

Korea most certainly needs it. At first, when the Unification Church proposed to host Unification Principle seminars for members of the clergy, people laughed at us and asked us whether we seriously believed that the Christian leaders would come.

They reacted this way because they had no idea how the laws of heaven work. In any case, at this point, it is not that necessary to have more Christian leaders attend these events. Once three or four leaders in a group come to cooperate with us, the rest will naturally follow along. (055-329, 1972/05/09) 

17. Where is the path by which the Unification Church can sustain its life? We cannot do this by ourselves. For the Unification Church to survive, we certainly need to move the religious world, which has Christianity at the center.

Thereafter, we need to impress many policymakers in the background of the Republic of Korea. In preparation for this, we are educating professors. More than 50 professors attended the third Unification Principle seminar, which just took place and was quite effective.

We are going to enormous expenses to motivate college professors to research the Principles of the Unification Church. We are doing this so that we can quickly publish a book of critiques and impressions of the Unification Principle coming from experts in all academic fields.

Others cannot credibly oppose reading a book authorized by prominent professors. Therefore, we need to make haste to finish this work. The testimonies are from the first three rounds of seminars for professors, and most likely, no one will disagree with a book that has such legitimacy. (046-128, 1971/08/13) 

18. Through the Professors World Peace Academy, we will make a global professors' association for the research of principles. We are working on this project in Korea and Japan.

As a result, professors are researching the Unification Principle and are frequently publishing their findings. Until the present, we have connected with scholars primarily through the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, which we have hosted numerous times.

Now, we need to consider how we can hold Unification Principle seminars for the leaders of the nations where these scholars live. 

The discussions should bring together the leaders of these scholars. Members of the clergy who oppose Unificationism should dialogue with these professors. Those Christian leaders will bow their heads when they do so.

Thereafter, these leaders will need to contact large numbers of people, working closely with the other major faiths. When churches flood to our side, large groups of people will also come over to our side.

By carrying out such multilateral activities, we should expect to secure and educate at least 30,000 people in groups of 600. When we move on to the national level, young people will come flocking in. (089-051, 1976/10/03) 

Workshops and international seminars 

True Parents founded the International Federation for Victory Over Communism on January 13, 1968, and they regularly held workshops on Victory Over Communism theory and Unification Thought for leaders from all fields and social classes, specifically to prepare for the reunification of North and South Korea.

The International Federation for Victory Over Communism also arranged for leaders of society to go to the United States and Japan, where they were introduced to the Unification Principle and True Parents' worldwide activities. These leaders were greatly impressed. 

19. We need to implement an organizational structure to prepare for the unification of North and South Korea. By empowering ambassadors for peace with Victory Over Communism theory, Unification Thought, and the Unification Principle, we can gather this world together.

Without fail, we must station ambassadors for peace in 120 locations. They need to be stationed in all administrative units: hamlets, villages, and towns in rural areas and neighborhoods and precincts in urban areas. Once this is done, we will have an integrated organization.

As we shape this organization, we need to empower the people ideologically day after day. (405-011, 2003/02/08) 

20. We need first to educate those people whom I have acknowledged as patriots. We need to teach the members of the National Assembly the Principle, Victory Over Communism theory, and even Unification Thought. If you do not have anything with which to surpass me, you should just follow me. 

Korea's current political trend is accomplishing nothing. This also is true for the United States and Japan. 

I have carried out the peace movement until now based on absolute values. I am the only one who has done this.

The world highly respects me for it, but it should not end with that. It needs to convert that foundation of respect into time-honored traditions and leave these as a legacy for future generations. Such a base is necessary. (402-019, 2003/01/12) 

21. Christians are amazed when they learn the Unification Principle. Many of the participants of the seminars in the United States were Christians. They could not have any objections.

By then, they had heard good rumors. In the past, when they had heard the same words, they interpreted those words as bad; their eyes read them as bad, and their ears heard them as bad. They had listened with such a heart. They feared that those words would overwhelm or consume them.

Now, however, rumors about this training have spread, and those same people are beginning to think that they should listen to it in earnest, at least once. Indeed, if they listen with open hearts, the words will hit home for them 100 percent. 

Nowadays, there is nothing to prevent good education from helping nations achieve their purposes. 

Because of this, people from the Ministry of Education came several times and asked our educators to teach them as well. Now, everyone is lining up to take part in the seminars in the United States.

At this time, I plan to take Christian elders there. Now that the number of people who have received this education is close to 20,000, I believe that most of the middle class has heard about it and that there is not one person who knows nothing about it. (206-342, 1990/10/14) 

22. The International Federation for Victory Over Communism and the Unification Church have trained and educated a great many people. You need to link together all those people who have formed connections with us.

Thereafter, you need to link together all the professors and the principals of elementary, middle, and high schools who have attended the seminars in the United States.

For this reason, we have centralized the organization of our church at this time. Until now, the students of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles worked separately from us, but the time for organizing in that way has passed, and the time has come for all of us to live together under one roof. All our enemies have collapsed. That is why we are linking our organizations. 

We now will make a student department. All the professors, principals of middle and high schools, and even elementary school teachers will be linked together through the student department.

Families naturally relate to educational institutions. Since their children go to elementary, middle, and high schools or colleges, families are impacted when those schools make a move.

Once you have turned the teachers around, the students and families automatically will move as well. We can move the students. To turn the students around, the teachers bring them together and teach the Principle. (208-066, 1990/11/15)

23. The number of people who will have participated in the United States seminars should reach at least 50,000. I believe the number of participants has currently reached a little over 30,000. If we can send 50,000 people, each country in Korea will have at least 200 of those people.

I have sent them to be trained in the United States because we need leaders who can move the country. I feel that, after they have been educated, if our country is not brought together centering on the vision of the Unification Church, it will have no hope.

Ours is not only at a national level. I know that the Unification Church Foundation offers the only way to build connections that lead to and expand to the world. People are turning to us because they realize that ours is the direction of true hope. (230-016, 1992/04/15)

24. Parents plan to focus on activities in middle and high schools. Among the teachers, principals, and vice principals of middle and high schools who have attended our seminars in the United States, about two-thirds are related to our organization.

Hence, as we become one with these principals and vice principals, we will naturally educate the students. The fastest way to make this into an educational system is through middle and high school teachers rather than through college professors. Therefore, activities emphasizing school personnel and educational curricula are necessary. Those activities need to take root. 

Colleges are a step away from that. Because colleges are divided into departments, even those who have graduated in the same year cannot easily form a connection of heart with one another.

Middle and high school students, on the other hand, have teachers who are responsible for teaching all students the same content. In this situation, the students can and do form connections of heart with one another, almost as if they were siblings born of the same parents. 

For this reason, what is most important is the method through which we can introduce principles into educational institutions.

This is an essential condition. Thus, we are providing education on such a strong underlying foundation. Once the principals and students come to praise us, the parents will automatically follow them. By educating them, we must create a family movement. (241-057, 1992/12/19)

Resurrection of Heart and Resurrection of Substance
True Parents proclaimed April 17, 1960, the day after the Blessing of 3 couples, as the Day of the Resurrection of Heart, and April 17, 1961, as the Day of the Resurrection of Substance.