Han Nam Dong
This is the first Hoon Dok Hae of the fifth year of Cheon Il Guk. As we enter Cheon Il Guk, we have to return to nature. We must live connected to the Ocean and the Water. We have to return to our countryside to love nature and return to God's original ideal.
This is the time of substantially entering Cheon Il Guk. Therefore, Heavenly Law is now becoming a central point. Everyone must have a Cheon Il Guk ID Card. Who has their card here? (then everyone pulled out their cards.)
The spirit world cannot protect those who do not have the Cheon Il Guk ID.
Without this ID, you cannot participate in Hoon Dok Hae at Han Nam Dong. Korean is also essential. Every UC member should speak Korean. There will be no translators after four more years.
We must be aware of the environment. We must purify the water and the environment. We must be very sensitive to the environment from now on as we have entered Cheon Il Guk. To achieve this, we must take care of the immediate environment around our homes.
Korea must become the highest form of a Garden of Flowers. There are 4000 Islands around Korea. All the world's cultures and nationalities should be planted there. So that Korea will become a microcosm of the world.
Blessed Couples will move to Korea. They will bring all the seeds of vegetables and flowers from every nation, and then we can create Korea as the center of all creation. We must keep the concept of Sal Ja (living well).
There are challenges to the Kingdom, however. The symbol of communism is red with the hammer sick which symbolizes red blood. We must be aware that communism is still alive and trying to make a comeback.
Love is the key
Disciplining someone with love is not bad. Parents should discipline their children.
The picture behind me was painted by Heung Jin Nim. It is a beautiful work and his ability came from Father. (Mother said with a smile he was so handsome and that came from me.) Blood Lineage is the most important. The grandchildren don't understand my thinking yet.
Motto: Let us complete the internal and external ideals of Cheon Il Guk. Internal means the spirit world, the external means the physical world. This means we are now creating the Kingdom of God in the spirit world and on earth. The spirit world is going to come down in full force to earth now. Blessed Couples must understand.
The coronations of December 22, Feb. 4, March 23, and August 20th were all connected to the fulfillment of responsibility of the first, second, and third Israel.
Then the Coronation of December 11 was the Religious world and the Political world supporting the King and Queen of Peace. The final coronation of IIFWP and Mongolian Peoples Federation will conclude this providence. It will be supported completely on the Cosmic level (which means supported by heaven and earth.)
February 14th Father will give another second generation blessing. The candidates should be 18–24. Representing the Garden of Eden the couples should be as young as possible. Dr. Yang, understand. (Yes).
They must have pure love, pure sex, pure harmony. This is significant. Father gave special directions to Chung Pyung to check them. Exchange marriage couples will be at the top of the kingdom. Because they loved their worst enemy. A tsunami that could destroy Japan cannot touch Korea because of the mountains of Korea.
Japanese Blessed Couples should prepare to immigrate to Korea. When the direction is given, they must come immediately. Japan must make the sacrifices necessary to make the north boundary of Korea at the Yalu River then Japan can be blessed. Otherwise, Japan may perish.
Japanese blessed families should sacrifice everything for the Kingdom. Without that, Japan will perish. Korea, Japan, and America must be one. Through cooperation between mother and son and Father and son, they have to attend Abonim. America should come to Korea through Japan and should connect to Cheju Island.

Coronation for Cosmic (Spirit world and Earthly world) Unification will be held on Feb. 14th. Today is the first Hoon Dok Hae in Cheon Il Guk Five Father gave us a special teaching concerning Korea as the Garden of all creation. We must make Korea the flower Garden of all creation. The highest level.
Concerning my name Sun (symbolizes ocean and land) and, Moon (truth), the Sun Moon means the truth of the ocean and the truth of the land.
At 3 am this morning I offered a special prayer. It was to make Korea the Fatherland the Garden of all creation, a garden of all flowers.
There will be 16 Volumes of the Cheon Seung Gyeong. (The heavenly scriptures). I read the New Testament so many times to search for the original problem.
Michael Jenkins, you have to continue to change and go up. Do you understand? You must go up and up. You must learn Korean. (Al gey sumnida! I understand).
True Father bequeathed to his children his responsibility: Hyun Jin Nim (western world: focusing on business) and Kook Jin Nim. (Eastern world: focusing on business), Hyung Jin Nim (church and the religious world),
The second generation should gain subjectivity when they go to the satanic world.
When blessed couples make chapter 2 problems their ancestors and descendants are trapped in hell. This is the most serious of all concerns.
When Father was in the hospital the Doctor misunderstood and thought Father had Sars so Father was held like a prisoner there.
(Father called four leaders from South America, then had them do scissors, paper, and rock to see who would be the one leader of business and other activities. One leader was established: Rev. Cho.)
Every two to two and one half years Father will change the representatives of the church and the economic foundation. Through evaluation, promotion should occur.
Father had one Korean sister from China sing. Then Father gave her the flower from the vase in front of him. He pulled the ribbon off and gave it to Mrs. Kang. (wife of Augustine).
Father then emphasized that we will build the Kingdom of Heaven - we must love creation and create the heavenly environment to do this. (He then gave Rev. Kwak, Rev. Sun Jo Hwang, and Dr. Yang each one of the flowers from the vase).
Father ended by speaking with the sisters as he was walking out. The atmosphere was one of vast depth, stability, and security that the Kingdom had already come, and it will now rapidly expand.