Please Allow Us To Become The People Who Resolve Historical Grief

Today when you look at this world, Father, is there a place somewhere that gives you joy?

Today when you look at this world, Father, is there a place somewhere that gives you joy? Humankind is not thinking about which place will become that kind of central point. Moreover, this nation, this people who should take responsibility for all the historical problems and who should lead, this people does not know.

Father! Multitudes of people are looking for their happiness, and many nations are seeking their own nations' profits. All those things are being realized in ways that do not follow your will; rather, they are increasing your sorrow and enmity, and are ravaging your heart. We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that you will take pity on these nations and people who don't know what they are doing.

You know that historical sorrow and historical grief have sunk deep within this people and us. Because your desire remains to resolve these historical resentments, we know that we who understand this cannot help but come forward.

I know that there is no one seeking to make a new history for this people or weeping for the sake of this nation and this people.

But now that I have gathered unification workers who seek to take on this task, Father, please carry out your providence through them. Even though they may not seem like people you can believe, still they have heard your voice calling in the new age. With trembling and sincere hearts, with impatient hearts, they worry that they might once again bequeath grounds for grief which you do not desire. Because of that, Father, please look upon them with compassion.

Father! You must remember the grief of these people. You must take responsibility for the wretchedness of these people. I earnestly hope and desire that you will not take back from these people the promise that you made to them. I earnestly hope and desire that the tears of these people and their suffering will become conditions for resolving the grief remaining in restoration.

Father! Because the time is coming when a final decision will have to be made through us about the will and idea that you are hoping for in the Last Days, I earnestly hope that you will not allow us to be found lacking during the remaining course of restoration while we are carrying out this mission on the level of the people.
I have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Let Us Go Forward With Brave Courage Like David
We are in the awesome and fearful position of having the problem that whether or not we will be liberated from our tragic history depends on our course of action today.
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