Day of All Things
This day is to be celebrated every year on the 1st day of the 5th lunar month, which was the day after the proclamation of the completion of the three-year course in 1963 (June 21).
The words of Reverend Moon dedicated to the Day of All True Things
This day is to be celebrated every year on the 1st day of the 5th lunar month, which was the day after the proclamation of the completion of the three-year course in 1963 (June 21).
You all need to keep records and publish your autobiography.
This is the key point. Even though I have plenty of dreams, there is no day or night or lunchtime in which I can take my mind off the urgent task of heaven.
The Day of All Things, Parents’ Day, and God’s Day are all included in the root of this principle.
We have learned, through Principle, the importance of God in making the creation and putting man at the center of that creation.
Today marks the ninth Day of All Things. Since the Day of All Things was established on May 1, 1963, this year marks a full eight years.