The Certificate To Enter The Heavenly Kingdom
So, if you know God's word and practice His word 100 percent in your life, Satan will attest to you saying, "Without a doubt, you have completed God's word 100 percent.
Sermons on Kingdom Of Heaven
So, if you know God's word and practice His word 100 percent in your life, Satan will attest to you saying, "Without a doubt, you have completed God's word 100 percent.
In Christianity they talk about God's love. They believe that Jesus is someone who showed God's love to human beings.
You will have to live with your family until the day you die. In your families, the members are leading lives full of both happiness and misfortune.
If we think that we are to live in this world for our own sake, that is a misunderstanding.
We do not know the nature of our value; we only know that we are valuable.
The people of this world are impatiently waiting for peace. Furthermore, everyone without exception wishes to enjoy freedom.
We know that ever since the human ancestors experienced the sadness of losing Paradise, there has been sadness of mind, sadness of body, and sadness of life.
The only purpose for God's providential work in history was to establish Jesus, the substance of hope, and to realize the hopes of Heaven
Because of the human fall, God's hope crumbled, and human beings' hope also dissipated.
In the passage just read from Genesis, it says that God created man and blessed him. Yet this blessing was not a realized blessing; it was a blessing of promise.
We know that the created things have lost their master. We know very well that this is true of us as well.
If we delve more deeply into the sphere of the original nature, we will not be able to deny that our minds and bodies are not our own.