The Establishment Of The Abel UN And The Completion Of God's Kingdom Of Cheon Il Guk In Korea
Ladies and gentlemen, two months ago, I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
Sermons about Death
Ladies and gentlemen, two months ago, I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
It is because I know how the sorrowful history of humankind has been woven
Each year people have plans. Individual plans, family plans, and national and world plans.
2,000 more years were needed until today to have true parents give the blessing.
The characteristics of Eastern civilization are that of a vertical nature. Until now throughout history,y these two civilizations have conflicted.
You think you are alive, but in God's eyes, you are dead. Human history began with this history of death.
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.
A person who regrets his past at the point of facing that final, fateful moment on earth will see all the details of his life flash across his mind as images.
When people die, who do they first call upon? They call out to God.
You know very well that fallen humanity is longing for the dawning of the glorious day that is their hope and ideal.
Therefore, you must keep in mind that the history of God's dispensation forecasts the providence that begins and concludes adventurously.
Initially the term "elite troop" did not exist. It came into being because of the fall of man.