In the early 1990s, the mottoes were related to the unification of Korea. For 1990 and 1991, the motto was “The unification of my country,” in 1992, “The unification of the new nation,” and in 1993, “The new family and the unified fatherland.”
In the mid-1990s, the focus of the mottoes changed to loving True Parents and sharing about them with pride, “The Secure Settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age” in 1994, “Let us Inherit True Parents' Realm Victory, “and 1995, and “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents” in 1996.
In the latter part of the decade, the focus was on the Blessing goals, “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing” in 1997, “To proudly testify to and love True God, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan's world” in 1998, and “The cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and rooting out Satan's lineage” in 1999.
The unification of my country
1. The motto for 1990 is “The unification of my country.” From the perspective of providential history, the 1980s was an important decade. If we had not successfully navigated the turning point of the providence that came in the 1980s, an immense barrier would have remained in providential history.
True Parents were intensely focused on accomplishing this. Finally, all the necessary conditions that had to be fulfilled to indemnify providential history in the 1980s were accomplished. It took 40 years for the Unificationist family to achieve this victory and climb to the top of the world.
(196-149, 1990/01/01)
2. The motto for 1990 is “The unification of my country.” This requires us to center on God and unite in stages to realize ourselves from the perspective of the Original Root. These stages are, first, that we as individuals unite our mind and body.
Next, we have to become one as husbands and wives, and then our children have to become one with their mother and father. In this way, we can link to the realm of the ideal for the nation.
From today, you need to become people who represent the whole. You should represent God, the universe, the nation, and your people. In the family, you should be able to represent your spouse and your children.
The people of the world are the extensions of the people in your family: the elderly are extensions of your grandmother and grandfather, middle-aged people are the extensions of your mother and father, and young people are the extensions of your children.
Thus, the people of the world are at three levels connected to the three generations of your family: grandmother and grandfather, mother and father, and sons and daughters.
However, people lost this standard, which God had envisioned us realizing through all these relationships.
We lost the source, the core standard that our family, representing the family of Adam and Eve, be connected to the whole of humankind.
Now, once this source is rediscovered, it is like a frozen sheet of ice melting away as it meets the days of spring. All the problems of the world will thus be solved naturally. With this in mind, you should strive to restore your nation. (196-207, 1990/01/01)
3. In 1990, I thought about having the same motto again for 1991. Thus, the motto for this year, 1991, is also “The unification of my country.” Next year, to conclude the three years, it will be “The unification of the new nation.” Therefore, we have to practice this motto until 1992. (211-297, 1991/01/01)
4. On this day that marks the beginning of the 1990s, you must understand how solemn this moment is as you receive the command to advance toward the unification of the universe.
This is the day when I reorient the world toward the united heaven and earth. The day of “The unification of my country” is the breathtaking moment when God's hope is realized on this earth.
This is the hope God has had throughout the hundreds of millions of years of providential history since the beginning of time. Through it all, countless people of faith shed their innocent blood in unjust situations, even as they prayed to heaven asking God to dissolve their bitter sorrow, and yet died without seeing the fulfillment of their hopes. This is the breathtaking moment when their hopes will finally be realized.
“The unification of my country” that I am speaking of today concerns not only the Korean Peninsula but stands for the unification of the world nation.
What we originally would say along with “the unification of my country” is “the unification of my world” or “the unification of my country and my world.” But I abbreviated it to “The unification of my country.” When all the people of the world unite in their countries and then are engrafted into Korea, their nations will naturally become part of the world nation.
For the sake of the unification of my country, we must be proud of living every day and devoting ourselves more than any patriot or loyal subject, shedding tears as we advance and saying, “We must keep going.” We must leave behind a record that can appear in history with even a line recording of what we did to establish heaven's tradition. (211-347, 1991/01/01)
The unification of the new nation
5. These are the notes I jotted down for the first day of January 1992 in America. They contain four points under the topic “The unification of the new nation.” The first is the restoration of the authority of the elder son.
If we are going to unify the new nation, we have to restore the authority of the elder son. This has to be restored on the level of the people and the level of the nation. Second, we must restore the authority of the parents. After establishing the new parents, we must connect to them, centering on tribal messiahs.
To establish the authority of parents, we first have to restore the authority of the elder son. The parents with the authority of the elder son must appear to be the True Parents. Parents with the authority of the elder son can appear once the authority of the elder son is restored.
After that comes the restoration of the kingship; I, the parents, with the authority of the elder son, are the king and queen among monarchs.
Restoration of the authority of the parents and restoration of kingship must include the desires of the elder son. The kingship is that with the authority of the elder son. As the king of heaven and earth, this means the king of kings. This is what we mean when we say, True Parents.
Thereafter, the authority of the royal family emerges. The royal family based on the king of God's nation has not yet been established. It is said that Jesus came as the king of kings, but there was no royal family.
There was no family of princes and princesses descending from Jesus' direct bloodline, and this must be restored. Originally, Adam and Eve were the royal family in the Garden of Eden. Everything should have developed connecting to that realm of royal lineage. (225-195, 1992/01/20)
6. Adam was unable to fulfill the Will, Jesus could not complete the Will, Christianity could not fulfill the Will, and even today, in the era of the Second Coming, those who are attending True Parents have fallen short.
I have to take responsibility for all this. No one apart from me understands how to resolve these matters and reverse them. God intended that America would lead the world to victory after World War II, but that was also lost. Even for this, I have to take responsibility.
Neither Christianity nor America nor any other nation can take responsibility for this. Everything that should have worked with me in partnership was lost; therefore, I am responsible for re-creating them. All this must be repaired.
Already by 1952, seven years after 195, a new nation should have been realized; this is the unification of the new nation that I am talking about today. America is a sovereign nation based on Protestant Christianity.
As a Protestant nation, it is Abel. Protestant-centered America, the realm of the Second Israel, was supposed to embrace the entire world. Although America embraced the world, America was not its owner. America was supposed to connect the world to its owner, the True Parents who have come.
If Protestantism had made True Parents its center, religion and the nation of Korea could have become one, and the world could have stood on that foundation. Then, the True Parents-centered religion could have gone on to unify the entire world.
This is how Cain and Abel were to have become one.
Then, the body and mind that had been divided would have been united on the world level. The truth that would have emerged at that point would have been True Parentism or Adamism. (225-011, 1992/01/20)
The new family and the unified fatherland
7. The motto for 1993 is “The new family and the unified fatherland.” In the year 1992, when the whole world came together, gathered their hearts, and offered their devotion, nos passed.
Last year was a historic year when we did worldwide work with True Mother at the center, and we proclaimed the liberation of women for the first time in history. Throughout the world, women have not been truly liberated until now.
Because a woman initiated the Fall, unless a woman goes beyond the point of the Fall, the era of women's liberation cannot come. That is the situation from the providential perspective.
The work of God's providence is for the salvation of humankind. The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration, and the providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation.
From this perspective, the providence of salvation is ultimately to find the woman who could bring this liberation.
Until now, no one knew this. The providence of salvation is not only to find the man but also to find the woman. The reason human history went wrong was because of the fault of a woman.
Because the first woman went the path of erroneous love, history became a false history. If we are going to restore this, we have to do the work of re-creation. We have to go through the course of re-creation. (241-281, 1993/01/01)
8. We have to establish one unified fatherland. It starts with the family. The one fatherland, the unified fatherland, arises from the new family. I am not talking about the unification of the fatherland.
If we call it unification of the fatherland, it means that we are uniting the fatherland that is divided. However, when we say the unified fatherland, we are referring to the beginning of the newly unified fatherland.
Accordingly, “The new family and the unified fatherland” will be the motto for the coming year. We must unite in a new nation. The unity in the new nation is the liberated fatherland founded on the new family. We are now entering that age. (241-274, 1992/12/26)
9. The motto for this year is “The new family and the unified fatherland.” Unification requires that, first, I must become united as an individual. If I, as an individual, do not become united, nothing happens.
Next, since a man was born because of a woman, he truly must unite with a woman, and a woman must unite absolutely with a man. This cannot be less than absolute. This is an even stronger truth than the fact that we get hungry and must eat. It is a serious issue. It is the absolute truth.
If Adam and Eve had received the Blessing, they would have experienced their first love with God at the center. First, love is absolute. However, many people profane their first love.
After doing that, can you live well with your husband? Up to now, men did not practice fidelity. Even if you admonished men to maintain their fidelity, they could not. Yet men demanded the fidelity of women.
This is because a woman lost her fidelity in the Garden of Eden. In the Unification Church, we make the fidelity of men more important than the fidelity of women. (241-314, 1993/01/01)
The Secure Settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age
10. The motto for 1994 is “The secure settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age.”
The secure settlement has a different meaning from settlement. Secure settlement means taking your place after everything has been accomplished. Because of the Fall, the individual was imperfect, the family was imperfect, the tribe was imperfect, and the people, nation, and cosmos were imperfect.
Even for the Creator God, everything He intended to do to complete the ideal of creation failed.
However, God cannot stand in a position of failure. He has been working to recover the original position through the process of re-creation and restoration through indemnity. This work is the work of salvation. (252-226, 1994/01/01)
11. Let us bring secure settlement to True Parents and the Completed Testament Age in the individual and the family. Further, let us bring that secure settlement to the nation. This is God's ideal of creation. We must establish God's nation, the nation that connects to the kingdom of heaven.
For this, there are three rules. First, we have to bring secure settlement on the individual level by uniting mind and body. Next, husband and wife must unite with true love.
They should not fight; they should not shed tears over their relationship. They should not insist on their way. If either of them has to insist on their way, it should be based on heaven's law.
I have already taught you everything about this. Centering on the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships, I taught you everything. Therefore, from now on, that is how you should live.
Second, your family should be the model of the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven. This involves four generations: grandfather and grandmother, mother and father, husband and wife, and sons and daughters.
Likewise, each nation in the world has four types of people whom you should regard as extensions of the generations in your family: the elderly, who are extensions of your grandfather and grandmother; middle-aged people as extensions of your mother and father; young adults, who are extensions of husband and wife; and children as extensions of your sons and daughters.
Third, the individual should sacrifice for the sake of the family, the family for the tribe, the tribe for the people, the people for the nation, and the nation for the world. Centering on this principle of sacrificing for the greater good, you should elevate the people of the world above your family.
Elevate them above your grandfather and grandmother, your mother and father, your husband or wife, and your children.
Likewise, if you elevate the people of the world above the people of your country, you will reach perfection in a place that is in accord with the original palace of God's kingdom. Then, you will be able to adapt yourself to any place in the kingdom of heaven. (252-265, 1994/01/01)
Let us inherit True Parents' realm of victory
12. The motto for 1995 is “Let us inherit True Parents' realm of victory.” The realm of victory I am referring to encompasses the victories that True Parents have brought in front of all traditions in heaven and on earth, in front of all people living today and all future generations, and on all levels from the individual and family to the tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos.
All the failures of God's providence of salvation and all the failures of history are wrapped in God's bitter sorrow. True Parents pulled out the root of all the bitter sorrow that is intertwined with the history that began with Adam's family.
Although Satan had been controlling history, we have defeated him, and the record of our victory will remain for all time.
Based upon this foundation, we must complete the remaining task of eradicating Satan's history. The world inherited the realm of Satan's victory, so we now have to uproot that bitter sorrow on all levels. We must remove the root of that bitter sorrow in Adam's family, Abraham's family, Jacob's family, Moses'
family and the family of John the Baptist and Jesus. For all of them, we must cut the root of bitterness.
The question is how we can be victorious over Satan's world. There is no other way but to unite with True Parents' words and teachings.
All of our historic messages are like declarations of victory. This is why I used the expression “True Parents' realm of victory” in the motto for this year.
(267-073, 1995/01/02)
13. The time for the unification of North and South Korea is approaching. To establish the Korean Peninsula in a position where God can be liberated, we should work for this in 1995 and offer our results to heaven.
While forging along this path, I never sought help from anyone in my life. Therefore, you also should not seek help from anyone. You should not even seek any help from me.
Without getting any help from me, if you can achieve something greater than I did, then I would like to come and visit you and bequeath everything I have for you.
Once you establish the way of such filial children and loyal subjects, the way to become saints and divine sons and daughters who can be remembered in history will easily open to you. All this can be determined depending on your actions in 1995.
You must inherit True Parents' realm of victory so you can follow the path of heaven's filial children and loyal patriots without losing your way. Then, there will be no problem for you to fulfill the succeeding stages.
Once you become a filial child in the family, it will not be a problem for you to become a loyal patriot for your nation. Once you are a loyal patriot, it will not be a problem to rise to become a world-level saint.
Once you stand in the position of princes and princesses in God's nation, of His direct lineage, you will have no problem fulfilling the dutiful way of divine sons and daughters while you are on earth.
The foundation of a filial son or daughter will be your stepping-stone to becoming a loyal patriot. The foothold of the loyal patriot will be your stepping-stone to becoming a saint. The foothold of a saint will be your stepping-stone to becoming a divine son or daughter.
I went this way to restore through indemnity all the sorrowful realities of heaven. Today, for the first time, on this first day of 1995, having completed the path of a filial son, loyal patriot, saint, and divine son, I am bequeathing all this foundation to you Unificationists and the people throughout the world.
(266-297, 1995/01/01)
Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents
14. The 1996 motto is “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents.” The motto for 1995 was “Let us inherit True Parents' realm of victory.” What is the hope of God, the hope of all people, and the hope of creation?
They hope to see True Parents emerge on earth and for God's true love to begin with them. This was God's goal and hope at the beginning of the creation, in the course of the creation, and for the result of the creation.
If the first human beings had not fallen, True Parents would have appeared on earth, and they would have established a family based on true love. This was God's hope and the ideal for which He created us.
Had Adam and Eve not fallen and had they become the True Parents on earth, then with God's true love at the center, the mineral world, the plant world, the animal world, and everything in this created world would have become one.
Centering on True Parents, all things of creation would have resided in the bosom of God's love. Had God, Adam, and Eve become one within Adam and Eve's family on earth, they would have reigned over all the things of creation in love and lived with them – This was God's hope. (275-254, 1996/01/01)
15. You must proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents. When loving them, you must love them even more than you love your spouse, even more than you love your sons and daughters, even more than you love your country, and even more than you love all the fallen people of this earth.
Only if you love True Parents with such a love that has never before existed in this world can you inherit the world of love that has never before existed. Only then do you become the sons and daughters of God and the royal family of God's nation? Only then can you become God's people.
We are entering such a time. If 3.6 million couples receive the Blessing in 1997, the kingdom of heaven will unfold. How distant is the kingdom of heaven?
If you want to enter the kingdom of heaven, you have to be proud of True Parents and testify to True Parents, and you have to love True Parents. Because we must prepare for this, I declared the motto for 1996 to be “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents.” (275-301, 1996/01/01)
Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples,
16. The 1997 motto is “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.” The motto for 1996 was “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents.”
This year, if we ask what is the key to fulfilling the motto “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents,” it is “by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.” This year, a historic, cosmic event will take place: the Blessing of 3.6 million couples. Once we complete the 3.6
A Million Couples Blessing, we can proceed to the 36 Million Couples Blessing. With these victories, we will be able to surmount all the numbers that Satan completed to build his world.
Think about how many years it will take to complete the Blessing of 36 million couples, then give the Blessing to 360 million couples, and then to 3.6 billion couples, and eventually give the Blessing to all humanity.
In the family, there must be Adam and Eve, man and woman. This is absolute; this formula does not change. It is the same in every age, regardless of what kind of prolongations history has passed through.
Adam's family was the place where two people were to settle as one. From Adam's family, that process then passes on through all history, continuing eternally. (280-184, 1997/01/01)
17. If I give you the motto “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents,” it means that I must have made the condition that I proudly testify to God and love God.
So when God says, “Good job! You loved Me indeed!” based on my making that condition, you too should proudly testify to True Parents and love them. You need to understand this tradition and pass it on.
Being that I am the world-level Messiah, there have to be people in the position of national messiahs; otherwise, there is no way for others to proudly testify to me as the world-level Messiah.
Likewise, for national messiahs to educate people and proudly testify to who True Parents are, they should have tribal messiahs supporting them.
And for the tribal messiahs to proudly testify to who True Parents are in front of their ancestors and future generations, they should educate people to take the position of supportive family-level messiahs. This is the messianic teaching and the path that believers in True Parents need to go.
When we talk about becoming messiahs, we mean becoming true parents. But to become true parents, we have to establish the tradition in our family that we proudly testify to God. Even as we testify to God in our family, we should also be able to proudly testify to our parents.
As we love God, we should love them. Based on that realm of love in the family in which we proudly testify to our parents, we should expand that realm to the national level, world level, and cosmic level.
Then, in the embrace of God's blessing, we can finally live in the realm of freedom as a family of the heavenly kingdom. (280-217, 1997/01/01)
To proudly testify to and love True God, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan's world,
18. The motto for 1998 is “To proudly testify to and love True God absolutely, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan's world.” The motto for 1997 was “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.”
The motto for this year refers to the completion of the 360 Million Couples Blessing; thereafter, we will be able to cut off the lineage of Satan's world. This is the only thing that needs to be done.
Last year, our motto was about True Parents, but this time, it is about True God. Furthermore, now we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan's world. God has been toiling for this purpose throughout history, not only to cut it off but even to pull out the root.
So, we will have to pull out the root. True Parents have the power to pull out that root. (289-181, 1998/01/01)
19. We have thus far completed giving the Blessing to 40 million couples. This was a record-breaking event, noteworthy throughout the world. It was an unforgettable event that could take place only once in history. No one can ever do it again. It never happened in the past and can never be repeated in the future.
Now, another Blessing event, the 360 Million Couples Blessing, is approaching. , too, will be an unprecedented event in history. By giving the Blessing to 360 million couples, all history will be cleared up.
Through it, we should be able to liberate God, expel Satan, and completely cut off and abolish Satan's filthy lineage. An era of great change and upheaval will come.
The whole world knows that we accomplished the Blessing of 40 million couples. This fact is known in every country in the world. Now, we should build on this by going into our communities and helping them solve the problems of youth.
Youth problems are so widespread that no one family or neighborhood alone can tackle them. No nation or organization acting on its own can take responsibility for resolving them.
We should all take responsibility for them together.
The first human family became dysfunctional because Adam and Eve fell while they were still juveniles.
As seeds sown in the spring yield a harvest in the fall, the seeds of the Fall sown in the Garden of Eden are bearing fruit worldwide in the Last Days. This is not a good harvest, so we must burn it. Nothing should remain. There should be nothing left of the Fall to be harvested. We must turn everything upside down.
(289-213, 1998/01/02)
The cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and rooting out Satan's lineage
20. The motto for 1999 is “The cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and rooting out Satan's lineage.”
Rooting out Satan's lineage means that there are no more dealings with Satan.
The false cannot stand together with the truth. Because of this, in the motto I gave in 1998, “To proudly testify to and love True God, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan's world,” I included the word “true.” God should be able to stand on the foundation of being true.
Until now, as God carried out His providence of salvation, Satan has been holding Him back every step of the way. I have been striving to create an environment in which Abel can bring Cain to natural surrender.
To this end, I produced the motto, “To proudly testify to and love True God absolutely, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan's world.”
It means that when we completed the Blessing of 360 Million Couples, we cut off the lineage of Satan's world. We achieved this goal on September 30, 1998. This means we have now entered the era when humankind has been severed from Satan's lineage.
Now, the era of conflict between heaven and earth is passing. By there, I mean we have passed over this hill.
We have already gone over the hill of completing the 360 Million Couples Blessing. We've already given that Blessing to humanity while standing in the position of the original Adam and Eve.
Now that all people who should have been the extended family of the originally intended Adam and Eve have received that Blessing, the wall that was blocking heaven and earth is breaking down. This is why I am saying that 1999 is the year when we will pull out Satan's lineage by the roots. We have to pull out those
roots. To achieve that, we have to expand the realm of the grace of the Blessing by uniting the entire cosmos, the spiritual world, and the physical world.
(298-210, 1999/01/08)
21. This year is 1999. The number 9 in 999 was claimed by Satan. If we take them together, the three 9s in 999 represent the three stages of formation, growth, and completion. Each of them falls one short of the number 10, the number of liberation.
“True Blessing” means the completed Blessing. It is not just any Blessing that we are expanding to encompass heaven and earth, but the true Blessing. We want to give people the Blessing by which they can become true families and be settled.
This cosmic-level Blessing is to remove all the sorrow and bitterness that has been entangled in God's heart and to settle His heart. Thereby, we can pull out Satan's root.
This is the final stage. This is why, in 1999, we should not miss the chance to invest all of our hearts, all of our devotion, and all of our love to bless the entire cosmos. Then, the world will naturally follow us.
If you stand in the position of a plus, all those in the minus position will be drawn to you and will naturally follow you. Work with this mindset until everyone in your neighborhood has received the Blessing. Work so hard that no family is left unconnected to the bond of your love.
God, the subject partner of love, radiates the sunlight of His love over all creation, and you need to do the same. It is the only way to create the realm of freedom. If you know it but do not do it, you will fall away.
You will feel so ashamed that you will not be able to bring yourself to lament about it, even after you go to the other world. This is why I am telling you, do not ask for blessings and do not seek to be recognized.
This is the way I have been living. Even if God did not express any interest in what I was doing, I continued the work. Without telling Him what I was doing, I just continued. After continuing like that, things worked out naturally.
This is natural law. Did Adam and Eve have to report every single thing to God? If there had been such unity of heart, things would have worked out by natural law. Even if you do not report every detail to God as you work, what you need to do is to make sure to bring the result.
This will be greater than just reporting to Him without any result. This is a principle of heavenly law. (308-215, 1999/01/05)
22. The motto for 1999 is “The cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and rooting out Satan's lineage.” There are several ways to sever something: you can remove the leaves, you can cut off the branches, or you can cut the main trunk. Yet none of these is as effective as pulling out the root.
We must pull out the root of the first woman, and we must pull out the root of the first man. The beginning point of the root is Satan.
Satan put down his roots in the beginning. You are now connected to that root; hence, you have a relationship with Satan. This is the reason you have fallen into nature.
Nevertheless, God's ultimate desire is to save your family and every family.
However, the question is how to pull out Satan's route from the world. The way to pull out this root is not by striking him like an enemy or asking God to strike him like an enemy. Because it was planted with false love, the only way to pull out the root is with true love. (308-229, 1999/01/09)