Seoul, Korea
We need to understand what the Day of Victory of Love means. How did human history come to need this providential day?
What should our attitude be on this day?
The Day of Victory of Love is the day that symbolizes the substantiation of the ideal world through the interconnection of God's providence and human will. No matter how much the spiritual world alone or the physical world alone makes an effort to accomplish God's providence of salvation, the problems of these two worlds cannot be solved unless they become connected.
These problems came about as a result of the human fall. If the original human ancestors had not fallen, then all the holidays we celebrate in the church would not have been necessary. The meaning of these holidays originates in the restoration of the fall.
Even God cannot fulfill love by Himself. Love can be fulfilled only on the foundation of give and take. God created human beings to be His eternal objects of love. Centering on this ideal of love, God and human beings have a relationship that is indispensable for creating the perfection of love. Human beings were not created incidentally; we are indispensable beings.
All Things Originate In Love
All existence originates in the love of God. All things are designed in the image of the human being, which is the center of creation. Human beings began in love, and will be perfected through love; hence, we cannot survive without love, and it is only through love that the world will realize happiness.
Everything revolves around a grand movement of love. We can even see that history moves cyclically toward the fulfillment of the ideal of love. It is our destiny to fulfill this ideal. There is no way it can be avoided. We should understand that the Unification Church revolves around love. It forms the core of love based on true give-and-take relationships.
A human being consists of the mind and body. Individual perfection comes about when our mind and body perpetuate give-and-take action centered on the love of God. After such a love foundation is formed, God will come to dwell with us. Without a good give-and-take relationship with God centered on love, we feel pain which is proportionate to the discrepancy between our present condition and the ideal.
When one is born in love, grows up centered on love, and bears the fruit of love, he or she is said to be perfect. Without mature love, no foundation for bearing fruit can be formed. Just as everything was created according to the law of love, so everything is created anew according to the law of love. When the stamen and pistil of a flower perform give and take, the fruit can come into being. The animal kingdom and humankind likewise exist and multiply through the circular movement of love. All beings can be brought into existence and perfected only through a love relationship. It is by uniting with our object that we develop our capacity for love.
Many questions about life have remained unanswered by religion and philosophy.
For example, how can the spiritual and physical worlds be perfected?
How and why did humans become such unreasonable beings? The effort to answer them has been a strong force in the development of human culture. Since human beings did not know the ultimate cause and purpose of their existence and historical phenomena, they have emphasized the significance of human progress alone.
What caused human existence?
Love did. Then what do you think the purpose of human life is?
To fulfill the ideal of love. We came into being through love, and the purpose of our existence is to form the foundation of love, to expand our love by connecting it with others, and to perfect love. To fulfill this ideal, a man and woman should form a relationship and become one and connect themselves with other beings in all directions – up and down, side to side, backward and forward.
The mind is plus (+) and the body is minus (-), and they should be harmonized. Because of the fall, the body did not take the minus position of the mind. The body united with Satan and became established as a plus entity preempting the mind, bringing the two into conflict.
Adam and Eve tried to become one centering on false love, but conflict was the only result.
Nature Teaches Us the Ideal
Take a look at creation. The world of all things was created as the object of true love to human beings. It is a kind of museum whose purpose is to educate us in the ideal of love. Even worms and insects perpetuate the survival of their species by pairing.
What does the life of a bird center on?
If it is not exposed to danger, it has plenty of time to look for food. The bird expresses its hunger with a certain song before it stops to eat, but it sings an entirely different song when it expresses the pleasure of love. Most of its songs are in response to or in search of a partner to love.
The male of many bird species the pheasant, for example, is far more beautiful than the female. Birds by nature want to multiply: the more babies, the better.
Therefore, the female bird is dominant over the male and the male bird wants to be attractive to her. In the human world, a man's beauty is no less than a woman's.
The older men get, the more their beauty comes out. And women spend night and day with their make-up trying to look more beautiful than men!
If we go to a mountainside and sing a song, we can enjoy it because we feel we are getting a response. We have a mysterious faculty through which we can assimilate the response of nature and spirit. For example, when the mind feels what the body feels and the body responds to the mind, a resonance develops between them, which creates sound waves. Harmony is the resonance of plus and minus sound waves of the same cycle.
Sound is connected to motion. Without motion, human beings cannot survive.
Children especially like to watch moving objects. Every moving thing generates sounds, big or small. Sounds that are generated from motion have a mysterious, harmonious beauty about them.
Radio antennas work through the relationship of plus and minus electrical charges. For an antenna to function best, it must be put in the highest place and a grounding wire must be buried as deep in the earth as possible. This polarity symbolizes the mystery of the relationship between heaven and earth.
In this respect, we can say that the highest mountain is the mountain of love and the deepest valley is the valley of love. People travel north, east, south, and west searching for true love. The sea of love is limitless. We can embrace this universe not with knowledge but only with love.
In human life, the most sensitive time is adolescence. During our adolescence, if the plus and minus cycles in our lives resonate in harmony and become one, then we can realize all the principles of the universe, and as its master,r we can develop a relationship with all its creatures. This is the foundation for love. All human beings have this capacity to love all things.
Parental Love Never Changes
Parents' love is one of the greatest loves in the human world. Even people in high positions are cowed in the presence of their children. Parental love is unconditional and limitless; it is the kernel of all other loves.
Orphans always seek parental love. The orphans,ge they may have a place to sleep and food to eat, but even if they have a decent life, they are not happy; they always feel a lack of parental love. Working or playing, asleep or awake, they think about their parents and miss their love. They cannot forget about them even when they grow up. This is because all human beings are meant to grow up in the bosom of parental love. The love of parents who lived on this earth thousands of years ago is no different from the love of parents today; parental love never changes.
In love, there is no need for a revolution. Love in its original form is eternal, unchanging, and absolute. The source of happiness for human beings is to live in the bosom of love.
What is human happiness?
Is the rich man with diamonds happy? Or the woman who wears a lot of perfume?
Of course, the happiness of one person cannot be compared with another's, but genuine happiness comes only to those who fall in love with their partner. Those who hear their lovers whisper in their ear, the way they always dreamed about, are the most happy.
When did God plan to be the time of greatest happiness for His sons and daughters? In childhood and adolescence, people are filled with the most hope.
People in their twenties are just like flowers in full bloom; their bodies are more flexible, balanced, and beautiful than at any other time. In their fifties people become inflexible, wrinkled, and tire easily; they are stepping into the final stage of their lives. And those in their sixties or older can hardly cope with their weak, old physical bodies and feel that the end of their lives on this earth is coming soon.
When is a man happiest? When is a woman happiest?
When they are having give and take of love with one another. Love between a man and a woman can never be created through force or the power of the mind.
Only when the husband embraces, protects, and loves his wife can she be happy?
When a man expresses his loving mind through his body, and the woman responds in mind and body, they can be a happy couple. Would God be happier watching an old couple laugh and dance and talk about love? Or would He be happier watching a young couple singing and dancing and loving each other in body and mind?
Spherical Motion Harmonizes Us
The most happiness comes in the time of youth. The omniscient and omnipotent God gave human beings their youth as the time of blossoming. He intended for them to develop their happiness centered on their youthful love. In youth we are overflowing with the power of love; we can wholeheartedly embrace each other and become one.
When children begin to experience the physiological changes of adolescence, their beauty and their curiosity about life make their eyes twinkle; they begin to be concerned about their appearance and become interested in the opposite sex. When the time comes and they connect with their partner, a reaction will automatically occur generating energy and causing a revolving motion to begin.
The action of going around and around in a spherical motion, not just moving back and forth, harmonizes us with and preserves our environment, and creates a certain mystery. This is the principle of heaven and earth. In this revolving pattern, we center on our partner, not ourselves.
God, who wants to build a world of harmony, thinks that there is nothing more beautiful than the circling motion of love in which a man and a woman become one. It is when we are engaged in this motion of love that God finds the world the most interesting. If there were only men in the world, there would be nothing but fighting; if there were only women, the situation would be the same. Therefore, a happy world is filled with both men and women loving each other.
I matched you as husbands and wives to be a perfect fit. You are still living together because you indeed fit well with each other. If people marry who does not fit together, either one may suffer or even die before very long.
Love contains everything joy, as well as pain and sorrow. The sorrow that comes from lost love is the deepest kind of sorrow in the world. The joy that comes from fulfilled love is the greatest kind of joy in the world. Everything that is generated centering on love is the most intense of its kind.
On the day that love comes to an end, the world will go dark. Eyes that lose sight of love will become worse than eyes that are blind. Ears that lose love will be unable to hear. Noses without love will not be able to smell.
Whatever eyes see will be darkness; whatever ears hear will only be mocking tones; whatever a nose smells will only be foul. Even a word lacking in love will lose its meaning and fade away. Love is the only true base for great power.
I Searched For the Principles of Life
When I was a little boy, I caught a pair of birds. I put them in a cage because I wanted to see if they would kiss each other. I wanted to watch them sing and express their love for each other. Of course, later I came to realize that genuine love can only be fulfilled in a natural environment, not in a cage. This was one of the naughty things I did in my childhood, but I conducted such an experiment in my search for the natural principles of life.
Through many different experiences, I came to learn a great deal from nature. The natural world taught me a more fundamental kind of knowledge than school did. Over a long period, I came to understand about love.
I was born in the countryside. Each season was completely different from the one before, bringing different kinds of birds and flowers with it. New forms of natural beauty would emerge with the changing seasons. In the city of Seoul today you cannot observe the beauty of nature at all.
Encounters with the natural world humble people and teach them a lot.
In my village, when a new season came with new kinds of birds, I would chase after them and try to watch how they conducted their lives in their nests. Sometimes it took me as long as an entire week to find a nest. I would spend up to ten days watching a bird lay her eggs, sit on them, and give birth to her young. I understood the mystery and love of God by looking at how the young birds resembled their parents. I could see that they did not come into existence merely through evolution. They were born from love and the body heat of the mother on her eggs.
Sometimes I would bring baby birds home and take care of them. Even though I thought the mother bird didn't know that I had taken them, she would cry every time she saw me, insisting that I bring the babies back. The love of the mother bird was so strong that she would fight against an intruder at the risk of her life.
Whether or not you love the natural world, it will not change in itself. All that changes is your feeling about it. If your mind is full of love, you will feel that the natural world is beautiful. If your mind is full of sorrow, you will find nature to be sorrowful.
Whether things look beautiful, sorrowful, or even hateful depends upon your state of mind. Even your body changes to reflect your state of mind. When people feel love, their eyes twinkle. But when they feel hate, their eyes appear to be thirsty for blood.
If children do not resolve the hatred in their minds, they will become troublemakers when they grow up. A good and gentle girl can make her environment comfortable after marriage, whereas an ill-tempered girl will easily become unhappy.
Many people complain to God about their unhappiness, but eventually, they will come to recognize that God is truly impartial and that their environment is of their own making. If they are not responsible for the unhappy environment around them, then it must be their parents' or ancestors' fault, and they have to indemnify that.
Universal Laws Are Impartial
Human vicissitude follows impartial universal laws. The distance between the ups and the downs in our lives corresponds to the extremes of good and evil within us.
To build stable and steady life rhythms, we must persevere in leading a life of goodness. We should not complain if we meet with misfortune. After going way down, we are bound to go back up again soon. If we retain hope and faith in our minds, then we can surely continue to go up until we reach heaven.
The major blessing for young people is to look forward to their marriage. Without fulfilling this ideal of a relationship, nothing has any real value. Dr. Sun Myung Moon
Men and women must take a long time to grow and mature to be able to find happiness with their ideal spouse. Even beyond getting an education, their ultimate purpose should be to meet a good spouse; then money and honor can come to them as well.
We may lose our opportunity for a good marriage if we choose a partner based on selfish love or external qualifications. Some women may esteem money or an academic career while forgetting about love, health, and developing qualities that are truly important. These women are making a mistake. Ignoring love, or subordinating it to money or other external conditions, creates the base for an unhappy married life. The same is true of a man who chooses a woman only according to her external beauty. A human face gets a lot of wrinkles, and finally, the body perishes; an evaluation of a partner's temporal physical beauty is not based on eternal or fundamental considerations.
When we feel that our partner is beautiful in the true sense, we will continue to feel that way when he or she grows old. A true estimation of beauty is made with a loving mind. A face that looks ugly in the daytime may look very beautiful at nig, because the loving mind is so adaptable.
Love is the strongest and most fearful power in the world. If you become sick with love, no doctor can heal you. If you fall in love with someone, there is no alternative; the only possible course you can think of is to have your love fulfilled.
Love can make a man's power as weak and gentle as a spring breeze before a woman. Among men, the power of the fist decides a lot, but that fist can become as soft as cotton before a lovely woman. Therefore, women don't need to be afraid even of a wild man. The wilder he is, the more he deserves your love.
Husband and wife should be complementary, so a wild man and a gentlewoman can make a happy couple. A man may open his eyes wide when he laughs, while his wife may close hers a little bit when she giggles. If the husband's eyes are getting bigger and bigger while his wife's are getting smaller and smaller as they laugh together, then this couple must be intoxicated in love.
The conversation between a husband and wife who love each other is more beautiful than any poem or picture in the world; even just the words, "you and me together" or "we two" are incredibly beautiful!
Marriage Opens the Door to Happiness
It is a marriage that opens the door to human happiness. It is good to study marriage, but we should not be in a hurry to experience love. The door of love opens only in due course, and we should wait until it opens to enter.
We should open the door with dignity after we have become the masters of love. Our wedding ceremony is the ultimate event that reveals and confirms our love. It is the gate to an eternal palace. Love is indeed the greatest power; it is beyond time and space.
God designed couples to be happy with each other. A husband and wife should not fight with each other from the time they pass through the door of the Blessing.
Whispered words between a husband and wife together in bed at night can resolve all the fatigue and hatred of the world. You should express to each other the conviction that you were each destined to be reborn through the other.
Love should never be used as a means or an instrument to get something; it is an end in itself. When you open the door of love with your mind and body united, then your mind will resonate along with the entire universe. You will want to have a relationship with the universe in all three dimensions; you will realize and understand all the natural principles of life. When you watch the leaves falling from the trees, in your imagination they will be like flowers. You may even want to write a poem or novel to express the intoxication of your love.
A wife who has tasted love will want to put her head deep into her husband's bosom to take a nap. A happy woman does not have a sober mind; she will miss her husband so much that she will want to see him many times a day, and even call him at work asking him to come home for lunch! The same is true for her husband.
He will want to use her lap as a pillow and go to sleep. He will rush home any time he can. And he may even be willing to do housework that he would not do before he was married. Such a change occurs in men and women after they get married.
A wife should not think that her responsibility toward her husband is fulfilled just by serving dinner to him when he comes home from work. It is most important to take time at the table for give and take of words of love. If a wife consoles her husband with the same loving voice she used when they met for the first time, he will completely recover from his fatigue.
Preserving the Original Love
A husband does not want to see any radical change in his wife's character, nor a wife in her husband's character, from the time when they first fell in love with each other. Each wants to preserve the original impression they had at the beginning of their love. They want their love to persist in a pure, unchanging form forever. They don't want any revolution in their love.
When something changes between them, when they no longer care about the love that once intoxicated them, couples want to divorce. Human minds might change even though love itself never changes.
God's heart maintains certain laws for all beings, for the sake of happiness. All beings are to go through a certain process of building eternal happiness and settling down within the territory of God's love.Dr. Sun Myung Moon
This is the basis for true life, the foundation for ideal existence.
Human beings are born in love, grow up in love, look for partners in love, love each other, and then go to the spirit world in love. The foundation of horizontal love is connected to the vertical axis of love by giving birth to offspring. Human beings should fulfill the ideal of love through the four-position foundation, fulfilling the twelve objective purposes centered on God's vertical love.
Where the four-position foundation is established and perfected, people will be strong enough to overcome any kind of darkness. If you are together with loving people, then you will be happy even if you are traveling on a dark and rugged path. Neither day nor night will cause any problems for you. A path centered on love does not lead to despair, but to hope.
When a loving couple stands on the mountaintop after having overcome many difficulties, their joy will be proportionate to the amount of suffering they have gone through. Victory won by overcoming suffering through love is truly invaluable.
A rice cake is not necessarily a perfect object for an offering. But if a person puts the rice cake in a perfect bowl called "love" and offers it sincerely to God, then He will find it delicious. If the container is perfect, He will eat even the imperfect rice cake. Thus, whatever is given purely can be received purely. All the principles of the universe operate perfectly, just like a perfect bowl of love. The present you receive from the person whom you love is infinitely valuable.
Some presents are not wholesome. A present offered by a merchant may not be valuable because his motives may be mixed with his business interests; it may be a kind of bait. Women should be especially careful if a man wanting love approaches them. A present coming from a false person is a trap that will lead them to unhappiness.
A man who traps a woman is a tyrant and a hypocrite; he may try to own love, but in the end, he will destroy every cell of love. Women should be warned about such tyrants of love who can destroy them in body and mind.
Unchangeable Things Are Precious
For example, gold, diamonds, and pearls are precious because they do not change.
Human beings consider unchangeable things precious and use them as a measure of value. We can measure the value of changeable things only through an unchangeable yardstick; this is what makes comparison possible. Nothing tangible is precious. If love were changeable, then it would have no real value.
The earth has a geographic reference point which is absolute. It is the Greenwich Astronomical Observatory through which the first meridian passes. If this point is changed, then every other geographic reference point will change accordingly. By utilizing longitude and latitude about this point, we can accurately locate every other point on the surface of the earth. Therefore, the Greenwich meridian shouldn't change.
God is the measure of value for all things because His characteristics do not change.
Then what is the yardstick for measuring the entire universe? True love.
True love is valuable not only because it is unchanging, but also because it cannot be exclusively owned by anybody. It can be shared by everybody. Love transcends time and space, even in heaven or hell. Love is the cause of all beings, and so it has more value than the universe itself. The true value of love is so absolute that no one, including myself, can measure it.
Even God Himself cannot change the value of love, and He cannot go against love.
If He were to ignore love, then He would lose His essence, perfectness, omniscience, and omnipotence. Since He lost human beings as His partners of love, He had no other choice but to work His providence to save them. He has been calling out to us, because no one, not even God, can own love by himself.
Love is fundamental for human beings, but true love is never influenced by any environmental factors; it is not influenced by the seasons. If it were, human beings would not pursue it. How many people throughout history ever had such an absolute criterion for their love that they could not be influenced by environmental factors?
When an individual's mind is not perfect, the love in his or her mind also cannot be perfect. If a woman's mind changes more often than a man's, then a woman's love will be deemed less true than a man's. People say that a woman's mind is just like a reed, with roots that are not deeply planted; they say that a woman's love is not based on eternal value but on immediate reality. Human beings want unchangeable love because there is an unchangeable nature deep within their original mind.
You should think deeply about why I am talking so repeatedly about love today.
Especially those in their adolescence need to seriously consider matters such as love and value.
Inwardly they ask themselves many questions: Does God indeed exist? Where am I in the cycle of life? What is the meaning and value of my life?
Why am I so affected whenever I see a beautiful young woman? The bigger the changes in your mind and body, the more vulnerable you are to the temptation of love. But you can control your sexual curiosity if you understand the value of love.
If you pursue love before successfully controlling your impulse to experience it, you will ruin yourself, the world, and finally the whole universe. There is a proper order and time for love.
If you think that you own love and declare that your parents should not interfere with your experience of love, then you will destroy the social order built on God's ideal, and His world will come to an end.
Love Transcends Law
All living beings want to submit to love. Even all the laws of the cosmos want to submit to the realm of love. Love transcends law; in love, we can even forgive the world's criminals. If the great order of love is firmly established, then there will be no more war and this world will be filled with freedom and happiness.
In all of history, there has never been such a world, because human beings fell and lost true love. Because of the fall, the vertical line and the horizontal line of love could not meet perpendicularly. Instead, they came to run parallel to each other.
[That is, Satan's realm, dominating the horizontal line, imitated and rivaled God's realm, centering on the vertical line.] The four-position foundation of love was never established; thus, no three-dimensional sphere was formed, and no motion in the true sense was made possible. Therefore, the idea of love could not be established. That is why all men and all creation are now running to find fulfillment in the Last Days.
The country of Denmark is famous for its high standard of living. Denmark's initial idea for a well-established welfare system was good, but in practice, it is causing many problems. Danish law provides for the jobless to receive from the government as much money as any employed person earns. But after giving a lot of money to the jobless, the government cannot even pave the streets. How do the welfare recipients spend all their leisure time? Too much free time has resulted in decadence, and the ethical foundation of the nation is falling to pieces. A rich country is not necessarily a happy one.
People are happy to work when they feel loved, even if they can only eat one meal a day. Human beings can overcome hunger or any kind of hardship if they have love.
There is nothing more beautiful or valuable than hope shared between two people who love each other. This wild and rugged world cannot destroy a tower of love built in such a way.
If your happiness is not proportionate to the amount of money you have, or if you earned money at the cost of love, can you say that you are happy?
In a similar way, can a person who has lost the value of love be helped by a college education? That person may receive a lot of knowledge, but he may turn into a materialistically minded individualist. Just like a rice cake, education must be placed in the offering bowl of love to fulfill its true purpose.
People Never Tire Of True Love
People who have tasted true love will never forget it and will never change their minds about it. We can easily get tired of fast food. If we can get love just as easily as we get fast food, then such love is probably not true love.
Today many people just cannot see any difference between instant love and instant food. This is a very great problem. Even a luxurious bubble bath will not deepen such a person's sense of love. The love between a couple living in the countryside who gratefully share a cold bath will be purer and deeper.
It is not natural for lovers to brush their teeth before they kiss each other. They want to smell each other's distinctive body odor. Do they want to taste love or toothpaste? Lovers who criticize each other's appearance and insist that their partner be dressed up all the time must have a self-centered motivation. Such artificial and egocentric demands make love false and deceptive. This kind of love, which is so prevalent, will cause this world to perish if it is not changed.
The primal cause of our existence is God, and the immediate cause is our parents.Dr. Sun Myung Moon
These causes exist and interact through love. The universe has its laws of existence and interaction, and without love, no one can adapt to them. For one thing, we survive physically under the protection of the universe. Without the appropriate atmospheric pressure, our bodies would burst into pieces and return to their original elements.
More essentially, we need genuine love to exist and harmonize with the universe. Then the value of our existence will be recognized everywhere.
At the point where the true vertical relationship and the true horizontal relationship come together, a human standard centered on true love will arise which is one with the standard of the universe. Blessed members of the Unification Church stand on the line of true horizontal relationships through their position as husband and wife. They form the line of true vertical relationship through giving birth to children. All of the positions thus established are relative to God, who is at the top of the vertical line.
Children eventually grow up and arrive at the point where they have the same stature as their parents. This point of arrival is the crossing point of the vertical and horizontal lines.
Young men and women who arrive at this point have no further place to go; it is the very last point they can reach on their own. After this point, they must make a new start by harmonizing with their spouse as well as with God; there will now be three parties. Through such continuous harmonizing, there will be eternal, revolving motion in the universe.
Preparation for Love Takes Time
Until adolescence,e everybody holds an ideal of, and a belief in, pure love. A young man should grow up with a mind to love the natural environment, his parents, and his country. Such a mind is clean and pure. When his mind and body come together, resonating with God's will, he has matured centering on the core of love.
He has perfected himself. This means the time has come when he can play the role of a man.
Before a man's beard and mustache start to grow, his sperm cannot fertilize an egg.
The growth of his facial and body hair is a signal that his sperm haha saturated and can bring forth life. You cannot find this information in any medical text, but it is true according to the Principle. Women are also fertile from the time that their underarm hair begins to grow.
During this time they blush easily, and their hearts throb when they hear tender love stories. These are signs that their eggs have ripened and can bear the fruit of love. Men and women should wait until this time before meeting their partners in marriage. God gave the commandment, instructing minors to wait, because the preparation for love takes time.
As the Principle explains, the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil means the fruit of love between a man and a woman. If you think that because you are blessed, the fruit of your love does not carry the potential for evil any longer, you are mistaken. You were not blessed at the perfection stage but at the top of the growth stage. You still have to go through a seven-year course to reach the perfection stage.
If our human ancestors had fulfilled their responsibility, God would have been able to deal with them directly. There would have been no fall. Their responsibility was to perfect the unity of their minds and bodies as individuals, and they should have become a true man and a true woman with ripened sperm and ova respectively.
Then, with God's blessing, they could have become one in love, releasing the seed of life and bearing its fruit.
When a man and a woman are blessed and become one in love, they form a core of expansion through their children. Such a core is eternal and is connected to the love coming from God Himself. The core of human perfection has no way to connect to the original core of love unless human beings turn to God. In being tapped into God, love becomes circular and eternal. When these cores are connected and united, human beings cannot get out of this revolving love – nor can God Himself!
God Cannot Deal With Imperfect Love.
Originally, the vertical love core of God and the horizontal love core of human beings should have come together at right angles and formed a base of universal love automatically. However, our ancestors fell and formed a false base centered on Satan's love.
God cannot deal with such a false and distorted love base. It has no connection to the absolute reference point, and it causes confusion and conflict through its wayward motion. Its orbit is imperfect and irregular and has nothing to do with the original orbit of God.
If our ancestors had fulfilled their responsibility, their children could have been born from the one love of God and they could have inherited God's own divine nature and power as owners of God's creativity. Then God's ideal world of love could have expanded through the generations.
Adam and Eve should have perfected themselves and come back to God with the whole universe in their embrace; being blessed and establishing the four-position foundation would have been a culmination as well as a new starting point. Because of the fall, human beings lost the awareness of their destination. Creation now has no core or axis of love for eternal and orderly revolving motion.
All created beings are centered on the false love of Satan; their axes do not merge with the original love axis. Thus, their motion throughout the millions of years of history has not been joined to the original motion of God.
What is a blessed marriage?
Man and woman are the incarnations of God's original masculinity and original femininity. Through marriage, men and women should perfect themselves as the incarnation of God and start to fulfill the ideal of relationship, harmonizing with each other as representatives of polarity in the world centered upon God's love. All created beings are meant to be connected through the relationship between a man and a woman.
Since the fall, marriage has lost its original meaning and value. In the process of recreation, marriage is a union of a man and a woman which can be established only through making indemnity conditions that will enable them to become engrafted to the son of God, the Messiah.
God wanted human beings to have children so that they could experience joy in the giving and receiving of love. However, since our ancestors bore children by abandoning their responsibility to God, babies born in this world have no connection to Him.
When a true man and woman share love and give birth to children, they cannot go through such a holy process without crying tears of joy. In their love, they whisper secret words to each other: "I cannot do anything without you. You are everything to me." Their union is based on trust and absolute love.
The beginning of human life was supposed to be like this, but after the fall, human beings lost this absolute standard and went astray. The union between a man and woman is now made only with the physical body, not with absolute love. Couples cannot unite in the true sense, because the motive of each person is different.
Everything Evil Must Perish
When the responsibility of Adam and Eve was invaded, they came to have another parent Satan. In the ideal, there should be no enemy before God. No such enemy should ever have existed. The orbit of love centered on God was supposed to be eternal; however, Satan invaded this orbit. It became the orbit of fallen love. The world was begun with the original motive but was distorted by the fallen motive.
Therefore, everything evil in this world cannot help but perish in the Last Days.
As the Last Days approach, people come to forget the original meaning of love.
Relationships between men and women are not based on holy love but on carnal desire. Perverted forms of love between man and man and between woman and woman are prevalent and cause a lot of confusion. Women sell their love; men freely change partners; and partners often leave each other as soon as they are sexually gratified.
Children ask their parents, "Why did you bear me? You bore me not for the sake of true love but for your pleasure, didn't you?" Sometimes children don't even know who their father is, so they eventually leave their mother, also.
We cannot find the true order of love in Western European countries or America.
America today is a hell of love. There are a lot of broken families, illegitimate children, and betrayed lovers, all resulting from the collapse of family order and ethics. As Unificationists, we should change this situation. Neither money nor power but only God's love can work to create new relationships and expand them into a unified world of true love.
Up until now, God could not own anything in the created world. Since the rise of the Unification Church, however, God has begun to reclaim His ownership. Liberation will come through the True Parents by the formation of a unified realm centering on the love of God.
When people meet me, they come to feel soaring happiness and joy r, suiting from the power of true love. Everywhere I have been, established Christian churches have come to unite, and different races have begun to harmonize.
When human beings fell, they fell into the position of a servant; therefore, in God's providence of salvation, all religious leaders and spiritualists have been men.
[Editor's note: Father may be referring to the fact that the central figures of the Old and New Testaments were always men. He may mean here that because angels, who have been only male, were created to be servants of God, only men can restore Lucifer's position. This is only a suggested interpretation.]
The age of the Unification Church will bring about the liberation of women centering upon men and the formation of true families. After this liberation, centered on His love, God will be willing to be owned by human beings.
God Can Now Reclaim Ownership
This reclamation has been made possible through the True Parents. I entered the realm of common ownership together with God. Therefore, that realm is mine as well as His. My ownership is also Mother's ownership since she and I are one centering on love.
Our children can also claim common ownership when they are one with me and Mother in love. And once God can reclaim the ownership of His children and all things centered on His love, He will own them forever.
Love has unifying power. Therefore, no one dislikes love. Yet before marriage, no one can claim ownership of love. To claim ownership, you must become one with the realm of God's love, and to enter heaven, you, as a couple, must be authorized as being owned by God through His love.
In the Kingdom of God, ownership is based on God's love. You should ask yourselves if you can belong to God in any situation. You should be able to assert that you belong to God in such a way that nobody can deny and everyone can recognize. You should also consider if your ownership of your children is based on God's love or not.
To return to God, you must start in the position of a servant, then go to the level of a servant, then adopted son, and finally true son. You cannot belong to God fully unless you come to stand on the level of Adam who did not fall. The same is true for me, as well. It has taken my entire life to attain the level of the original Adam and to be accepted into the realm of God's ownership. Without going through this process, no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
You must not forget that because of the fall, you are a false olive tree. As a false olive tree, you must be grafted onto the true olive tree; you must meet the Messiah and be saved. You must walk the path to become God's children according to His love and Principle. You can do this only by becoming one with the Messiah through belief and love. He will restore the love which was lost and bequeath it to you.
I have passed through suffering, persecution, and imprisonment to belong to God. I could endure suffering because I knew that the joy of belonging to the realm of God's love would be great enough to offset any difficulty or hardship. I was destined to gain recognition as one belonging to God on the individual, family, society, nation, and world levels.
Therefore, I could not sleep when I was tired; I could not take a break. I could not even kill myself. I could only go one way. Now I have to teach those who do not yet know, how to belong to the realm of God's love.
Victory Has Not Been Won Easily
Ever since I started the Unification Church, the world has been trampling upon me as if my character were not worth one penny. Standing in the vanguard to save humankind and liberate God, I have passed through persecution in a position that attracted no sympathy.
People have just pushed me and pulled me in all directions, and I have had to persevere through all kinds of pain. Through this bitter process, I could be recognized as a son of God. When I received that recognition, God and I were so happy that we could not say even a single word. But it was a moment of sorrow and defeat for Satan.
As my recognition was sealed on the levels of the family, society, clan, and nation, God became happier and happier, while Satan was overcome with sorrow. As Satan tried harder and harder to maintain the dwindling sphere of his ownership, my path inevitably became increasingly difficult.
I started on the way of God's will in 1945. The year 1985 marked the fortieth anniversary of my beginning point. I asked the blessed couples to participate in mobile witnessing activities from 1983 on because I knew that all of the mistakes throughout the entire history of the universe could be indemnified during the last three years of these 40 years.
The purpose of having you offer yourselves in such a way on the altar of the True Parents was so that your entire family including your parents, your children, and even your belongings could be recognized as belonging to God.
You did not understand the meaning of this period and only complained. Many of you, if not all of you, disobeyed and went your own way. I even heard that some of you behaved shamefully. What do you think about that? I never expressed my anger or resentment, and I pretended not to know.
Now, after fulfilling my responsibility and freeing myself from all burdens, I want to teach you clearly: From now on you should realize what is right and what is wrong, what should be done first, and what should be done last. Since Korea is my country, I came back, and I am patiently telling you about the bitterness in God's heart. You should become the ones to resolve for me all the insults and the bitterness that I have suffered on the way of God's will.
Ever since I was called by God, my life has been a succession of one suffering experience after another. It has been a lonely fight to bring light into the world of darkness. In America, I had to enter Danbury prison to establish a realm of victory on the worldwide level, and I even had to offer my beloved son, Heung Jin, to connect victory on earth with the spirit world. His sacrifice was based on love and is eternally valuable. It brought about a day of victory on earth. Thus the Day of Victory of Love could be declared.
The victorious foundation of the Unification Church has not been won easily; it has been won only through sacrificial love amid persecution. But I have never shown my frustration or disappointment. Now you are responsible for creating the Kingdom of Heaven by attending and protecting your True Parents. When you fulfill your responsibility, you will be connected to the true realm of ownership of parental love.
What kind of promise do you think God made with me when I began to walk the way of His will in my youth? He told me His promise would unfold in one of two different ways: One was that I would build the Kingdom of God on the 2000-year foundation of Christianity without any suffering; the other was that I, like Jesus, would go through incredible suffering but then emerge victorious.
The first promise foretold that if Christianity and America were to accept me, the Kingdom of God would be built automatically. If, as the victor of World War II, America had indeed united with Korean Christianity and accepted me, then the ideal of a unified world would have materialized in seven years.
However, I foresaw early in my life that suffering was destined to follow me wherever I went. Therefore, I was well prepared internally before God ordered me to go to North Korea and, later, to America.
In North Korea, I went to prison, to a place that even Satan couldn't stand. There I established a standard of love much higher than Satan's. I came out of that prison with a victorious proclamation that I would return to the North with a love that was far beyond the individual level, and win the final battle.
Without such a standard of love, it is not possible to liberate humankind from Satan. Even individual liberation is not possible unless we belong to God, centering on love. After individual liberation is accomplished, we should go forward to liberate the family, the nation, and the world.
America Turned Her Face Away
When I went to America, carrying the mission to liberate humankind, no one welcomed me. America turned her face away. Try to think about what my sorrow was like at that time. White Americans especially just watched me suspiciously while I worked for the providence. Even the American members complained about my activities. I reminded myself of the persecution I had gone through in Korea and consoled myself that it was not so strange after all to be persecuted in America, since I had been persecuted even by my parents, my wife and child, my hometown, and the government of Korea.
If I had not been so bitterly persecuted in Korea, I would have gone back there as soon as I was persecuted in America. At first, I thought that persecution by foreigners would be stronger than by Koreans, but I discovered that it was weaker.
I told myself that I could not be angrier because I knew my way was destined to be the most rugged of all.
My suffering has been bigger and deeper than that of any patriot who ever longed for the liberation of his country. Because I never avoided suffering, but rather fought and overcame it directly, my life has been indescribably painful. I dedicated my youth to building the Kingdom of God and sacrificed my individual and family happiness.
Right after I founded the Unification Church, the extensive persecution from Ehwa University began. From even before that time up until today, I have passed through a way of suffering more pain than treading on thorns with bare feet; it was heartbreaking.
You, who have walked together with me on this way since joining the church, should examine yourselves. If you have done anything which you feel is unforgivable, I believe you know what to do to repair it. In your minds, who am I?
What do you feel about me? Please think about whom I have been dedicating my life. I never lived for myself as an individual. Because I am in the position of a parent, I have dedicated my life to you and your children. I have been bearing the cross for all of you with joy.
I have fulfilled my responsibility towards the blessed families. The 36, 72, and 124 Couples always had at least the minimum standard of living necessary for their activities. I have lived in such a way that the blessed families could never accuse me. I provided homes, food, and clothes for blessed families, and they received money when they were in need.
Yet I could not even buy a handkerchief for my physical mother. I could not fulfill the dictates of filial piety toward my physical parents while they were on earth, but I have been fulfilling them for Heavenly Father. That is the more genuine, precious, sincere, and eternal filial piety.
Thus I have set up conditions for my physical parents to be proud of their son in the spirit world. On earth they complained about me and were opposed to my ways; now in the spirit world, knowing that I walked the way of the dearest and pious son of God, they can understand and feel gratitude.
In The Very Whirlpool of War
In the year I was born, an independence movement arose in Korea. From 1920 the Korean people suffered seven lean and hungry years and were ruthlessly exploited by the Japanese. They had a hard time both from within and from without. This difficult situation came as national indemnity for the sake of the birth of one baby sent by God, foreshadowing that his life on earth would be a miserable one.
My life began in the very whirlpool of war, and I grew up experiencing the vicissitudes and painful events related to war. During the first 40 years of my life, human history faced sudden changes again and again, and in this body, I have confronted and passed through many monumental events of this ever-changing age.
I was always hungry until I was over 30 years old, although this was not due to poverty. While I attended school in Seoul, I cooked for myself but I did not eat well. I strictly economized in all aspects of my life. I supported myself by pulling a hand wagon whenever I had time, and I helped my friends with the extra money I earned. During vacation, many of my friends happily went back to their hometowns, but I did not go to mine. I kept working because I did not want my mother to worry about my tuition and fees.
In my school d, as I used to pray more than 15 times a day, even while studying. At that time I had to go outside to the well to wash. In the winter the water was very cold, and when I came back to my room, which was also terribly cold, I felt as if my whole body were freezing.
Nevertheless, I persevered and kept on praying. I used only a single-layer quilt for warmth. My youth and my diligent prayer life must have made it possible for me to endure those cold winters.
I also kept a diary, but I could not keep it for long. Since Korean students were often involved in independence movements, Japanese police would investigate our homes and arrest people without the slightest provocation. I could not write about many important things, so I committed them to memory instead.
I did not wear fine clothes and had no time to get dressed up or hang around on the streets. My clothes were always very simple. I could not go to the barber shop very often, so my beard would grow out. Still, I never forgot to attend church.
I Was Popular With the Children
As a Sunday school teacher, I was very popular with the children. I used to tell them interesting Bible stories and fairy tales. Once I started, I wasn't likely to stop. Sometimes I spoke all day long! I loved the children very much, so they followed me happily.
Whenever I visited the neighborhood churches, the parents as well as the children would surround me and listen to my stories. Some of the children I taught in Sunday school are now Unification Church members. They say that my story-telling was really interesting in those days!
I worked hard because I considered that teaching in Sunday school was my preparation for establishing God's will on earth. From my school days, I was always concerned about how to realize Heavenly Father's will in this fallen world. I did not create goals for individual achievement, but I committed all my efforts to finding the original human world.
Since I have undertaken the way of God's will, there is no place I have not been. I know the customs of every corner of this country. Sometimes on my journeys, I could not find any place to sleep, so I would spend the night at beggars' shelters, talking with the men until late into the night and praying for God's will to be fulfilled even through them.
I worked on the mountainside together with the peasants who make charcoal, praying that God's will would one day rise just like those flames. Wherever I went my heart was given to God. I knew that I could not enter the realm of God's heart if I could not plant my own heart in the ground of God's will. I always lived single-mindedly so that I could represent God's inner situation at all times.
Later I went to Japan, where I continued to study and lead the same lifestyle. My life in Japan was miserable. I filled my days with nothing but study and manual labor. With the money from my jobs, I paid my tuition and fees and helped my friends to pay theirs, just as before. My life has been lived for God and my neighbors in every way.
I am voluntarily walking on a rugged and sorrowful path. Do you know why I am going through such a difficult process? It is the unavoidable way of destiny. You are people who have pledged to follow me. You say that you love and respect me. If this is so, you have to consider what you have done for God, for me, and yourselves, and how much you have achieved in your mission to restore other people.
God tried to fulfill His will by sending the Messiah to the people of Israel, who helped prepare for his coming for 4,000 years. They should have believed in and attended Jesus as the son of God, and they should have realized the true meaning of all the historical events through which God had called them to lay the foundation of faith.
They should have offered their wives, their children, and their belongings, as well as their minds and bodies, to Jesus. They should have offered everything in obedience to God. If the family-level ownership of love centering on Jesus had been established in this way, the Kingdom of Heaven could have been built on Earth automatically.
Yet because Jesus was betrayed and nailed to the cross, this providence was delayed until the time of the Second Advent.
The Age of Completing God's Will
On the path of God's will, I had an extremely difficult time until I was 40 years old. This was the period in which I surmounted Jesus' course. When I married Mother at the age of 40, I took the next step to the family level. From there I was to build a stable worldwide foundation until I reached the age of 60. Forty years from my 60th birthday we will be in our third millennium, at which time the providence should be fulfilled completely.
The original world of God's ideal should be built by that time. In this age of completing God's will, we have to pursue stable progress rather than adventure. The age of adventure has passed away.
Now nobody can exterminate the Unification Church in Korea or America with any kind of power. The communist world cannot do anything against us; we have a firm foundation for the church even in the communist bloc. Even after I go to the spirit world the Unification Church will continue to exist forever on the earth.
Now is the time when the final trial is being held. This is the most important moment for me to stand before you and give you God's message, although even if I don't speak to you, God's will is destined to be fulfilled. As parents, husbands and wives, and sons and daughters, you as well as all your belongings must be given the qualification by God to be the true owners of God's love.
Without inheriting this qualification through the True Parents, there is no way you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You will not be able to enter if you miss the deadline.
Even though you may be billionaires, or even if billions of you want to enter, no one will show you the way. Only when you inherit true ownership centering on God's love can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
The purpose of establishing the Day of All Things was so that men and women could be given the qualification of true ownership. Restoration through indemnity is necessary because the fallen world still owns parental love and children's love.
Without liquidating the love of the fallen world, you as individuals cannot enter into the realm of true ownership under God's love. To be individually recognized by God, you must relate to True Parents, the unfallen ancestors, in the direct dominion of God's love. You must be free from all fallen nature according to the standard of the Principle.
You should ask yourselves, "Have I become absolutely one with God's love as a son or daughter in my motivation, my actions, and my life goals?
Have I been given the qualification for ownership centering on the true love of God?" How can you freely eat or sleep without having fulfilled this requirement?
Before hoping to attain dominion over the universe, you must complete dominion over yourselves. The biggest obstacle to this is your habit utilized fallen nature.
Without removing your fallen nature, you can never perfect dominion over yourselves. Everyone wants to fulfill his or her desires. The desire for eating, sleeping, and sex are the main desires of people in the fallen world, and we should fight and overcome them at any cost to stand in front of God. These three desires are the most important targets of our struggle.
My Fight Against Human Desires
In my school days in Japan, I considered the fight against these three desires to be of utmost importance in becoming free of fallen nature. To complete dominion over myself, I had to struggle incredibly. I had to consider beautiful women as stones or wooden objects. I could never touch any woman to quell the normal hot-blooded desires every young man has, nor could I fall into that sentimental kind of love that comes so easily to young people.
Schoolgirls would often visit me in my room. I tried to think of them not as women but as sisters, and I advised them in the right way of life. As a foreigner, I also had to be cautious of entering into any liaisons with people.
Among the schoolgirls who visited me was the daughter of a very well-known rich man from Hwang Hae Do. She used to come to my room when I was out and leave money there. Normally in such a situation, people would think me lucky to have a rich girlfriend, but I made it my goal to fight against any seduction by rich women.
I never touched that money. Only after six months did I invite her to my room.
Then I told her about my ideas and my historical position. I told her what we had to do for the sake of the future of Korea, and how diligently we should study in the face of ethnic discrimination.
After listening to me she said that never in her life had she known a man like me.
She said that I possessed the true soul of Korea a genuine Korean spirit. She bowed to me and shed tears, asking me to forgive her for not understanding my deep purpose and expressing hope that she could attend to me as a sister. From that time on I took the best care of her among all the Korean schoolgirls I knew in Japan.
When I was young my only desire was to see God cry with gratitude and joy. I have been living to see the day when God could shed tears of love and tell me, "You have resolved all my historical resentment toward all countries and all peoples!" If God could shed such tears because of my effort, then I could say that the purpose of my life was fulfilled.
Living with this kind of heart, I never cried for myself, even as blood spurted out of my mouth when I was beaten in prison. In the same way, I never shed a single tear for Heung Jin until his Seunghwa ceremony was over.
If I had cried to see my beloved son dead, how would God feel? I would gladly make a sacrifice of one thousand or ten thousand sons if it could relieve God's heart of pain and resentment.
Only after Heung Jin's Seunghwa ceremony was over and I had fulfilled my responsibility as a parent did I shed any tears. First I had to clear away everything that remained to be solved before he died in confrontation with Satan. If I had not set up indemnity conditions, including the Unification Ceremony and the Day of Victory of Love, Heung Jin's death would have been meaningless.
From 1983 through 1985, Satan launched an all-out offensive against my family, which did not cease. Satan used every available tool to attack them. Hyo Jin strayed during this time because of satanic influence. One day he said he drove home from school but could not remember at all how he had driven home; to him, those hours were a blank.
Around the same time,e Hyo Jin had a vision: He saw a black car driven by a black driver speeding toward him. This vision came not once, but three times. Satan attacked in such ways as these.
Either that which remained to be indemnified historically or mistakes that blessed families had made allowed Satan to work. At that time, when we were connecting our worldwide progress with Korea, any indemnity for what had not been fulfilled on the national level had to be paid.
Someone had to assume the position of enduring suffering centering on God's will to complete the indemnity. If nothing had happened to my family, then this nation would have been in tremendous danger.
The rally at Kwangju was the last phase of our national IFVOC campaign in December 1983. The rally was staged successfully despite government opposition.
The auditorium was overcrowded, and more people were standing outside than inside. As the atmosphere at the rally grew more and more victorious, Satan could do nothing to stop it. He was perplexed and anguished, and as the rally drew to a rousing close, he struck Heung Jin.
Love at the Moment of Death
Heung Jin was driving down the highway [with the two sons of Mrs. Mal Sook Lee] when the accident happened. The usual response of any driver in an unexpected situation is a reflex action to save his own life.
Heung Jin could have swerved to the left when the truck skidded across the median into his lane, but without panic he stayed spiritually centered and swerved to the right instead, letting the driver's side of the car collide with the truck.
Why do you think Heung Jin risked his life?
After thinking about his behavior, I could not help being deeply moved. I realized that he had saved the lives of Jin Bok and Jin Gil with great love and a sacrificial, altruistic spirit. People often talk about love and sacrifice, but at the moment of actually facing imminent death themselves, not many will sacrifice their lives and safeguard those they love; but Heung Jin did.
It was well known that Heung Jin especially loved the two Lee boys. He often studied and ate together with them. Heung Jin showed them a great deal of love because their father, who had faithfully followed God's will, had already gone to the spirit world. In tears, both Jin Bok and Jin Gil testified to the love and sacrificial spirit that Heung Jin had shown at the moment of the accident. Now they are trying hard to inherit Heung Jin's heart and will so that they can make an important mark in history themselves.
I felt such joy and gratitude for Heung Jin's spirit of love at that moment of death.
Heung Jin was not a loser; he was a great victor. The death he died on earth was not a death, but a Seunghwa toward the Kingdom of God. As his father, I was deeply proud, and I congratulated his departure for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Satan did not know how deep Heung Jin's heart was. He tested Heung Jin with death, thinking that he would only be concerned about himself. If Heung Jin had been saved instead of Jin Bok and Jin Gil, Satan would have attacked my family severely.
Satan intended to accuse us, claiming that we were not qualified to be the central family of God's providence. After my absolute victory in Korea, however, Satan was baffled. He set the accident as a trap; it was his final, desperate tactic to invade.
My real problem was that the Unification Church and the rest of Christianity were not united. At that time Christianity was still opposed to me, and America was dragging me to court to hinder my activities. To indemnify the problems in America and Korea, my own family had to pay indemnity. Such indemnity was also needed for the spirit world.
Foundation of Heart
Up until now, those who have gone to the spirit world were not born of the lineage of True Parents. Today, we are in the age of worldwide restoration into Canaan, the completion stage of the providence, where the realm of the indirect dominion can become one with that of the direct dominion. Heung Jin is the only one who has gone to the spirit world on a foundation of heart that extends worldwide.
Heung Jin was born as the second son of the True Parents, on the heartistic foundation we established on earth. As Heung Jin grew, he became more and more deeply concerned about my security. Once he even said, "I don't know whether we should trust Father's security guards. I saw them sleeping during the Chicago ICUS. I will take responsibility myself for training blessed families for Father's security:'
Sometime later he said, "I will be just like a bulletproof wall for Father in case Satan tries to shoot him:' At the time I just laughed, but now I am deeply moved, remembering how he showed such great love and willingness to sacrifice himself.
My first son Hyo Jin is in Cain's position; Heung Jin is in Abel's position. The second son is always Satan's target. President Hyo Won Eu, the former president of the Korean Unification Church, was the second of the original three blessed couples. He was also attacked and went to the spirit world. Satan attacked him because he thought President Eu was the one I loved best of all among the blessed couples.
Every event in the process of restoration through indemnity is not incidental but is based on providential necessity. Even Heung Jin's birth was extraordinarily difficult and painful for Mother; she was in labor for three days, and Heung Jin shared her birth pangs in the womb. Satan always tries to interfere with the second son, whom God loves. If Satan's accusations are strong and unceasing, even God has no choice but to allow the second son to be offered as a sacrifice.
By offering second sons to Satan, God has been paying indemnity throughout history. The year 1984 was the second of the last three years in the 40-year wilderness course. To indemnify the wrongs of America, Christianity, the Unification Church, and the blessed families and their children, God did not stop Satan.
Who could indemnify all those wrongs?
You should know that even if all the blessed families had been sacrificed as indemnity, the payment would not have been enough. Only a member of my own family could pay the debt, and Heung Jin was offered.
My Promise to Heung Jin
When the doctor notified me of Heung Jin's passing, I made a promise to Heung Jin to hold the Unification Ceremony. If I had been an ordinary father I would have just lamented his sorrowful destiny. Instead, I held the ceremony to clear his way into the spirit world. I had to take responsibility to liquidate historical resentment for the wrongs that Judaism, Christianity, and Unificationism had committed.
The 40 days after Heung Jin's passing corresponded to Jesus' resurrection period. The Holy Spirit came to earth 10 days after Jesus' ascension; therefore Heung Jin's wedding was held 10 days after his 40-day period was over. Through his spouse, Heung Jin can now relate perfectly with the earth, centering on the ideal of love.
His ownership of conjugal love was established by and centered on parental love, so he could freely work on earth. All of this is according to the principle of creation.
Jesus walked the way of God's will, aiming to open the providence up from the national to the worldwide level. From the spirit world, he could establish the foundation of tradition for the ownership of love, but he did not leave a physical foundation behind him on earth. Through Heung Jin, however, the foundation was laid for the entire earth to become one with the spirit world. Though he went to the spirit world, his ideal spouse is in the physical world; thus we can say that he is the first fully realized son of God to enter the spirit world.
Through Heung Jin's sacrifice, the original order of love between the elder brother and younger brother can be restored in front of God. Jesus, as God's substantial son who went to the spirit world before Heung Jin, should become one with him centering on love. Jesus is in the Cain position and Heung Jin is in the Abel position. Jesus can come to True Parents only by becoming one with Heung Jin.
On the foundation of their relationship, a campaign has begun on earth for the rest of Christianity to become one with Unificationism. What was resolved in the spirit world can now be resolved on earth. Therefore, other Christian ministers have begun to unite with the Unification Church. This foundation of unity must be connected at all levels, beginning with the individual, family, and clan levels; then we can march forward together into the national and worldwide realms.
God-Centered Relationships
Now the nation of America can be influenced by providence. Today the American Unification Church is in a position to influence American Christianity and all American citizens. Unificationists are standing on the front line, and Christian ministers are following them. Although the Unificationists are in the Abel position, they should put the Christian ministers before them for them to come to True Parents. The purpose of this is not so that they can make only a vertical connection to God; it is to open up the age of God-centered horizontal relationships among people.
Up until now, God's providence has focused on teaching people in both the Cain and Abel realms about their vertical relationship to God; it allowed them to stand on the spiritual foundation of others who devoted themselves to God's will. From now on, however, centering on True Parents, people must learn and establish a tradition of absolute obedience by developing a horizontal relationship with Heung Jin as Abel.
Centering on him, past Christians, kings, loyal servants, exemplary wives, and good spirit people from our mission countries all around the globe should come back to earth for resurrection. The Principle is one unique and absolute in value both on earth and in the spirit world. But where should this Principle bring unity first? It must first bring unity to earth.
Jesus was able to return to earth only on the foundation of unity with the Holy Spirit, who has the power of ownership centering on love. Without the Holy Spirit, Jesus could not have a relationship with the visible substantial world, because he did not complete the heartistic foundation to gain such ownership while he was alive.
Through whom do you think the qualification to gain the ownership of love will come today?
It will come from God through Heung Jin. You should know that your resurrection through the Second Coming is possible only when you set up the condition to receive substantial ownership of love through Heung Jin. These words that I speak about providence are the Principle, and you should be able to go the right way by realizing the true meaning of my words.
What is the meaning of the Day of Victory of Love?
Up until now the spirit world and the physical world have not been connected centering on love. Instead, they have been disconnected, and Satan's dominion of death has prevailed. However, Heung Jin's sacrifice erected a tradition of love that spans both that lds, so that Satan can no longer freely dominate the experience of death.
Now, since the Day of Victory of Love was established, a gate has been opened through which you can go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven rather than having to return to Earth for resurrection. The foundation to create this unified realm centering on Jesus, Heung Jin, and True Parents was laid by the love of Heung Jin and Hoon Sook.
The power of ownership centering on love was granted. By connecting with that unified realm, everyone can have a chance to go to heaven directly from earth. In other words, the realms of indirect and direct dominion have been completely unified.
Parental Love Can Overcome Death
Since a direct path from the earthly world to the heavenly world is now open, the age of the absolute realm of God can begin. Heung Jin went to open the door to the Kingdom of Heaven, so we should not be sorrowful about his departure. The three days following his death were a period of resurrection, and we had to be able to praise his victory; Mother should not have cried.
Parental love should have a power that makes it possible to overcome even the death of a son. Through True Parents' unconditional love, all other providential requirements can be connected and the way can be opened for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven freely.
Through Jesus' resurrection and return and the descent of the Holy Spirit, 120 apostles could be established on earth. Similarly, returning resurrection today is made possible by the fact that Heung Jin Nim was blessed during his period of resurrection. Now that the substantial Holy Spirit is on earth, people of 120 nations in the spirit world who believed in Jesus while on earth can become one centering on Heung Jin.
The restoration of Cain and Abel through the unity of Jesus and Heung Jin also makes returning resurrection possible. If the kings who ruled 120 nations while on earth come back to earth and become one in heart with the kings who are currently ruling in those nations, then the kings on earth will automatically come to be connected to the realm of True Parents' love.
Therefore, the kings of every nation, their people, and other notable persons should be moved, even beyond their conscious intent, to join the Unification Church. Then all nations will be connected centering on the king of kings.
Through the connection of all these nations to me, their historical responsibility and the worldwide course of indemnity will have been liquidated up to the completion stage. All conditions for Satan to accuse these kings and notable persons will have been indemnified, so they can be grafted to the absolute realm of love. The foundation for this was accomplished through my victory during the 120 days after my release from Danbury.
This means that we are already at the age in which there is nothing we cannot do centering on True Parents. Now the age of darkness has passed away, and the world is becoming bright. After the gray of dawn, we will see the sun rising; the darkness will disappear, and a bright new world will come to us.
From now on, people of all nations will throng to the church. Due to the cooperation of spirit people, they will unwittingly be attracted to us. Centered especially on the second generation with their clean minds and personalities, a new history will unfold. From the moment the door of love between the spirit world and earth was opened, this historical movement could begin.
When Two Generations Unite
That door was blocked because up until now a relationship between you and a son of True Parents had not been established. In the substantial course, neither I as a parent nor Heung Jin as a son could open that door alone. It was when the two generations, parent and child, became one that the door could be opened. If John the Baptist had become one with Jesus, Jesus as Abel could have risen into the position of parent and the providence could have been fulfilled at that time.
Everything, including the wrongdoing of my children, was liquidated through my victory at Danbury. Now religious people in every corner of America are welcoming me. The flames of repentance from America are beginning to spread around the world.
I only speak to you after I have lived what I speak about. I do not speak any word without living it first. Whenever I have pushed you to do something, I have done so only after trying it myself and finding that it was possible. The words of God result in creation; when He speaks, there is already a predetermined result. Yet if human beings as His partners fail their responsibility, God Himself must take responsibility for them. Similarly, there is a predetermined result behind my words, but if my partners cannot fulfill it, I must take responsibility.
You should know that I went to Danbury to also indemnify Hyo Jin's wrongdoing.
Parents are responsible for the mistakes of their children. It is because I must indemnify wrong results that I am always concerned about Hyo Jin's behavior.
Hyo Jin has not been healthy for several months. To get well, he must make a breakthrough in faith. There is no way to restore health without faith, and this law of indemnity also, of course, applies to Hyo Jin.
No one can ignore this law and avoid indemnity. That is the Principle. The Principle spares no one. Everyone must go through the process of indemnity, just as a student must complete all required courses to graduate.
You are in the Cain position and Hyo Jin, who is from the central family, is in the Abel position. My children have the birthright even though they were born later than you. Cain should recognize Abel as the eldest son in God's realm. From witnessing to Christians you know very well how difficult it is to subjugate people in the Cain position and bring them to God's side. Based on your understanding and experience you should become a good Cain who sincerely attends the central Abel on God's side.
You should first become one with Heung Jin and through him become one with Hyo Jin. When the foundation of the substance of the second generation is harmonized, all conditions to accuse the parents are liquidated. This is the natural and reasonable way to attain victory.
You Must Be Able To Say "I Won"
You should understand that the victorious foundation of the Unification Church today came from Heung Jin's costly sacrifice. Now you are in the age when you can establish unity within yourselves and with each other. From now on, you will not be persecuted; you will be able to receive all the benefits of the age if you just follow God's will and don't betray Him. In the Kingdom of Heaven, there are already spaces reserved for you, and you are eagerly being awaited.
Your five percent dispensational responsibility was imposed upon you because the world has not yet become unified. Through the home church,h you should gain the right of ownership centering on God's love, inherit all the indemnity conditions I have fulfilled during the 40-year wilderness course, and be recognized as victors.
You must be able to say, "I won't and have Satan as well as God notarize your proclamation.
Because you can know and attend to your beloved True Parents, you can accomplish this. To inherit from them, however, you must be free of the nature of the false olive tree. You cannot just meet your desires regardless of whether they are good or not. A person who behaves in this way has nothing to do with God but belongs to the satanic world.
Home church is the vehicle for you to be given the right to inherit all forms of love in the Kingdom of God. You, my children, and all of creation will be judged as to whether or not you qualify to own and be owned by God's love. Once everything in the universe comes to belong on God's side, the home church movement will no longer be necessary. Suppose 10,000 people in Korea do home church among 360 people each.
Then each of the 360 people will not only be a home church member under his or her leader but a home church leader to 360 others at the same time. Eventually, the whole world will be one home church.
If we fulfill the indemnity conditions to form this interlocking home church system, everyone can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Everything can be solved autonomously within the system itself; if a problem arises, it can be dealt with through discussion by the entire membership since everyone will be a co-leader.
Everyone will be able to know, understand, love, share with, and be concerned about what happens to everyone else. Satan would never be able to affect such a community.
The Kingdom of Heaven will expand based on the home church, as home churches become one with each other and centered on love. If the home church grows from the family to the world level, then the home church itself will be the Kingdom of God on earth. Therefore, the organization of the home church is the alpha and the omega.
Establishing the Right of Ownership
The building of the Kingdom of Heaven horizontally will be based on the expansion of the right of, ownership centering on God's love. The realm on earth, where the alpha and the omega connect and God grants ownership, is the physical Kingdom of Heaven.
That realm in the spirit world is the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. I have suffered all my life to establish the right of ownership centering on God's love worldwide. I believe I have finished everything by gaining victory over suffering in Danbury.
In the future, there will be no persecution of the Unification Church. Now is the time for us to gain results according to the effort we put forth. Persecution is disappearing from Korea; it will completely disappear once our present three-year course is completed. From now on anyone who persecutes us will be subject to indemnity 10 or even 100 hundred times heavier than before. This is the age for restoration through indemnity on the horizontal level; therefore, everyone's actions are subject to immediate judgment.
Individuals and nations who persecuted me, as well as Christianity, will have to repent. The world is naturally supposed to come toward one point; it is now moving in one direction. You should understand the trend of this age exactly.
I established God's Day, Children's Day, and the Day of All Things to establish a standard for the ownership of love. You should be able to declare confidently before heaven and earth that you are God's son or daughter, centering on His love.
You are not only the son or daughter of your physical parents: You belong to True Parents. You should remind yourselves of this unceasingly. You should call out True Parents' names, witness them, and love them so eagerly that you forget about everything else. Otherwise, the structure of your consciousness will not change and you will not truly be able to attend them.
The castle walls of Jericho collapsed when the people of Israel marched around the city, blowing their bugles, beating their drums, and shouting. Likewise,e you should shout, "I am a child of the True Parents! The granting of true ownership is at hand. Come quickly!
Unless you listen to me, you will suffer great loss": When your cries reach beyond your neighborhood and all over your country, the walls of Jericho will collapse. Then the restoration of Korea and all things will be fulfilled.
Never feel ashamed of working for God. I was not ashamed of myself for entering Danbury prison. I never cared that I was insulted by the jailers. I just did what I was supposed to do.
When I came to America I exerted myself day and night to fulfill my mission to witness. I have lived my whole life with the conviction that there was no one but me to witness the truth about God. I traveled all around America to teach about God's heart and the Principle. You should know and inherit the tradition of God's love, Jesus' course, and my life course.
Now, on the foundation of his sacrifice, the second generation centering on Hyo Jin must stand up and go forward. This course of events was devised by the hidden work of God.
If Heung Jin had died in an accident as the son of fallen parents, he would have had no place to go in the spirit world. Through the Unification Ceremony, connecting the earth and the heavenly world, his life became eternal. This was possible because he was born of True Parents.
Before Heung Jin ceased breathing, I taught him how to reach his destination. I promised to hold a wedding ceremony for him and give him an adopted son. I asked him to go in comfort and happiness to the spirit world and assured him that his lineage would continue on earth eternally. I did not cry over Heung Jin's destiny, but I prepared everything so that he could live and be loved by the eternal God. So intense is the love between father and son.
Heung Jin thanked me for such great love and departed. You should remember Heung Jin so that his love will be a light for you. You should do your best to fulfill your mission, firmly believing that even if you die in the process of following God's will in attendance to me, your blessings will be guaranteed. Go forward with a grateful heart, knowing that an eternal world is prepared for those who are sacrificed.
March forward following the model of my life. Never be disappointed in fighting Satan. Then you will surely win. I have never been disappointed in my life course.
When I was lonely or tired, I pushed myself to live aggressively for God without any shame so that God would not worry about me.
The way that Heung Jin left behind remains before you. Take responsibility to protect the True Parents. If you fulfill that responsibility, you will surely be connected to the realm of the ownership of love and become True Parents' inheritors. I hope that God's love and Heung Jin's love will be with you always on the path ahead.