21 min read

The Total Living Offering

True Parents came to bring closure to all aspects of the providence.

Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America - True Parents Legacy
God has been leading the providence of restoration to save fallen humanity. According to the Principle, God’s providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation.

God's right of ownership 

Due to the human Fall, the world was taken from God's dominion and placed under Satan's dominion. That is, because of the Fall, the realms of heart, lineage, and ownership that should have been centered on God changed to being centered on Satan. In the providence of restoration, God has been working to reverse this dominion. 

True Parents came to bring closure to all aspects of the providence. As the condition to complete the restoration of all material things under Satan's dominion, bringing them back to God's dominion, True Parents instituted the Total Living Offering.

True Parents specified that to fulfill the Total Living Offering, every single member of each family had to make the condition of offering in their names a designated portion of their assets to heaven. They emphasized the importance of this offering as the foundation to substantiate God's kingdom on earth.

They also said that this condition is even more important than an individual's absolute faith because it sets a condition for all eternity. 

1. As a result of the Human Fall, everything that had been God's was separated from Him and became Satan's possession. This is a tragic fact.

Everything in Satan's possession must be returned to God. In the Old Testament Age, it was the things of creation that were returned to God; in the New Testament Age it was the children; and in the Completed Testament Age, it was the parents.

More specifically, the Old Testament Age was the time for making sacrificial offerings of animals and other created beings; the New Testament Age was the time for offering the Son, Jesus; and the Completed Testament Age was the time when the True Parents offered themselves. 

Everything that was separated from God must be brought into oneness with Him. When this happens, one's right of ownership will disappear. Looking at your family, the things your family owns belong to the Old Testament Age, your children belong to the New Testament Age, and you as the parents belong to the Completed Testament Age.

All of them must be given up to heaven. That is why you need to make the Total Living Offering. You need to deny your current personal right of ownership and offer everything to God. By offering everything to God's side, all things in the cosmos will follow you, and thus, you will be able to reach the realm of perfection. 

The Total Living Offering is a condition to separate God's possessions from Satan's possessions. It sets up a dividing line, a borderline between the two. In this way, the ownership itself is transferred.

So, through making the Total Living Offering, all the possessions within your right of ownership are returned to God's ownership. When everything is given back to God, then your possessions are His possessions, your children are His children and you and your spouse also belong to God.

Your entire family is under God, and it can stand at the starting line in the position of perfected Adam's family, having nothing to do with the Fall. (315-198, 2000/02/01) 

2. The Total Living Offering is about eliminating the realm of death and uniting with the realm of life. 

The ritual of this offering is about making a condition to determine the right of ownership. In the Israelite ritual of animal sacrifice, the object that was offered represented the person who offered it. Likewise, the Total Living Offering represents you, and therefore those who offer it regain life. 

Everything in the Garden of Eden, where human beings lived before the Fall, was alive. It all belonged to God. However, after the Fall, all of it was thrown into the realm of death. It must be restored by going the reverse way. 

To offer all of your possessions to heaven, you must not remain attached to anything, even to your name. You have to give up all attachments to your country. You should offer everything to God so that it is his. 

Nonetheless, there is no one among you with whom God lives in a realm of perfect partnership. 

Therefore, He delivers all things of creation as conditional objects to True Parents. Those objects are alive. True Parents will therefore use them to engraft families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the world into God's great family.

Once that is done, all things of creation become God's possessions. Then the age of sacrificial offerings will be over. Offerings will no longer be needed. This is the significance of the Total Living Offering. (325-051, 2000/06/29) 

3. Your material possessions are a microcosm of the entire universe. You need to offer them as a living offering to God through True Parents. When you offer them, you must not think about your children or your future.

You must deny all such thoughts. However, the purpose of this living offering is to take us to a new level, beyond the realm where we have to deny ourselves. 

We have been living in the age of indemnity. During that history, offerings were cut in two and killed, just as the spiritual world and the physical world, and heaven and hell, have been divided. 

They Were divided like life and death. 

The Total Living Offering is needed to make these two worlds into one. That is why you need to make a living offering. When you make it, you have to offer something alive.

Thereby, you can bring life to the Old Testament Age, to the New Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age. The Total Living Offering makes everything alive. (325-050, 2000/06/29)

4. The right of ownership only comes into being when you establish a bond of love. All rights of ownership within the fallen realm are rooted in Satan. You can only have dominion over creation after you become an owner of love centered on God and His true love.

That is why you must make the Total Living Offering; it is to wipe away Satan's right of ownership. 

This offering is greater than absolute faith. Absolute faith is limited; it has to be renewed in each generation. On the contrary, this offering sets the absolute standard for all eternity. This is a serious matter.

You cannot govern the spiritual world and the physical world unless you become an owner of love. Even God cannot become the owner of the spiritual world and the physical world unless He establishes bonds of love within His lineage. (320-115, 2000/03/31)

5. Until now, because God was still pursuing the course of restoration, for anything to be separated from Satan's possession it had to be made into a sacrificial offering and spill its blood. Now there should be no more spilling of blood.

God must become the Owner of all living things. That is why we need a ceremony to make the Total Living Offering. In this ceremony, the offering refers to the assets that are being offered. Those assets are the conditional object that enables God to claim the right of ownership over all that you own. 

Until now, whenever an offering was made, it was divided into two; one part was claimed by God and the other by Satan. None of it belonged to the offerers. However, the entire Total Living Offering must be given to the Third Adam so that he can transfer it to God.

Otherwise, you will lose everything. By making the offering in this way, God can claim all of it and reign over it. 

For this, you have to do something so that God can fully reign over you; all of your families have to register in God's nation. However, because we still do not have an actual nation in that position, I gave the direction to register everything to the ownership of the church.

Then, once we restore a nation, everything belonging to our church will be naturally transferred to God's nation. Until that happens, Adam and Eve have no rights of ownership. 

In other words, on the national level, centering on God, each nation will have to offer all of its assets as a Total Living Offering. That is how all nations can connect to the ideal kingdom of heaven on earth, where God can freely move about standing above all nations. That is why I tell you that you should not have the concept of owning your possessions. (326-139, 2000/07/06) 

6. Thus far in the fallen world, Satan's possessions and God's possessions have been mixed. That is why they must be divided. This means that you need to negate yourself completely.

Any worldly habits and traditions that pervade your life will turn into walls and block you. For this reason, you need to liquidate all that you have and offer it. By bringing your offerings to me, I, as the representative of history, will make the Total Living Offering to God. 

That is, I am trying to unite the world that has been divided and offer it as a whole to God. To make this offering, I am bringing together individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, the world, and heaven and earth. (328-222, 2000/08/04) 

7. Making the Total Living Offering establishes the condition to determine ownership. Hence, until everything belongs to God, you must not claim anything as your own. 

In the Garden of Eden, Satan stole God's possessions. Therefore, if you stole anything from the church in the past, you must return it to God's side as soon as possible. Once you return it, God will forgive you. He will store everything in His storehouse. 

That is why throughout my entire life, I did not have anything I could call my own. My right of ownership is determined by the number of people whom I restore to become citizens in God's nation.

If you claim personal ownership before God's nation is established, you are violating Heaven's law. (331-241, 2000/09/03) 

8. Elderly members of the Unification Church should not leave money behind for their children but should donate it to God's nation before they die. That too is the Total Living Offering. You should place your assets in the name of the church and then go to live at the church. By doing so, you will be setting a condition that you live on heaven's assets. 

The era of individual ownership of property is passing, and we are entering the era of joint ownership of property. When you donate your assets to the church, you will not have to pay any inheritance tax. We are moving into an era when we will have nothing to do with inheritance tax. 

Heaven commands that people who made money dishonestly, who sold out their nation and the people of the world, should not bequeath that money to their descendants. Instead, it must become church property. 

Individuals should donate their property to the church. Churches should devote their assets for the sake of the nation. Thereafter, each nation should devote its assets to Cheon Il Guk, and finally, these assets will arrive in the heavenly kingdom. (365-020, 2002/01/04) 

9. The Old Testament Age was the age to offer all things. The New Testament Age was the age to offer the Son (children). The Completed Testament Age was the age when the parents offered themselves. 

Based on these offerings, you must offer to God your family, your children, and all things of this world. 

That is the Total Living Offering. Globally, all families should come together and offer the things of creation, their children, and their families to heaven. 

God's true love, true life, and true lineages are everything. Therefore, you should not think of anything else but the love of God and True Parents. This is the point from which the new world emerges.

Therefore, everything should be brought together and offered as a whole. You must determine that everything you own belongs to God, centering on True Parents. Eventually, all the sacred items offered to heaven will be bequeathed to families whom God loves, to become their possessions.

It is at that point that we can claim our right of ownership. This is where the kingdom of heaven begins. (408-269, 2003/06/16)

10. God has prepared a feast for His children and is waiting for them to come. Happiness comes when you share everything you have with everyone. The Heavenly Parent has a heart that wants to give and give, and even after He has given all that He has, to give still more.

That is why He made the spirit world in such a way that it is being replenished all the time. In the same way, if you enjoy giving and still want to give even more, you will receive infinite blessings from the eternal world. You will be drawn to a world where you can give infinitely and have more to spare. 

When I work, although I have money in my wallet, I never think about what I would like to eat or whether I should buy something nice for my children. Whenever I have money, I think about how to use it for God's Will. If you use money that is earmarked for God's Will for yourself, the money will cry.

See what happens if you place that money in your pocket and use it for yourself. It is like cutting away your flesh and chiseling away your bones. That is what you should fear. Plundering public money is a serious sin. It is the same when making the Total Living Offering.

You must invest yourself completely and forget what you have invested. A person who sets up his or her domain and boasts about it is the most foolish in the world. (345-082, 2001/05/29) 

11. What establishes you as an owner is that you receive God's love through His lineage and that you can love others on behalf of God. It is at this point that you are granted the right of inheritance. 

Otherwise, your inheritance will not be acknowledged. 

Private property is not recognized in communist societies. Since they have already made all assets into national assets, all that is left for them to do is offer them and their nations to the Lord at the Second Advent.

That is how the entire world can belong to God. Then God, through the Returning Lord, will redistribute all those assets back to the people. We have to do something similar. Only then will we enter the age in which we are entitled to personal possessions? 

This principle must be taught to the big business groups. When the age of the Unification Church comes, I will meet the corporate leaders of the world and have them listen to my lectures for three or four hours.

I should be able to impart sufficient understanding to them so that when I ask them whether their assets belong to them or God, they will answer, “They belong to God.” Then I will ask them whether they will return everything to God, and they will answer, “Yes.” If some of them refuse to return everything, misfortune may strike them. 

When they finally return everything to God, the world will fall into place overnight. But until then, God is loosening His grip on the rope so that people can be merry, eat well, and enjoy their lives.

He is lowering the rope and letting it loose so that it sways in the wind here and there, but He is still holding on to the rope. Now people are eating well and enjoying themselves, but in the future when the time is ripe, God will yank on the rope, and they will all come looking for the Owner. Then the world is bound to emerge in one place. (143-112, 1986/03/16) 

12. To this day, we as True Parents have been making sacrifices to attend to God. It is a tradition we have observed throughout our lives. Because our material possessions belong to the Old Testament Age and our children belong to the New Testament Age, we have had to sacrifice them.

We also had to make sacrifices as a couple. You must do the same; it is the way you can attend to God. 

Before you attain unity with the ideal realm of love in heaven and on earth, you have to pass through the stages of formation, growth, and completion. There is no other way to attain perfection. It is your portion of responsibility that you need to fulfill. Everyone needs to follow this principle that I have taught you. 

That is the conclusion. 

I am sharing everything with the people of the world. I own nothing in my name. I have no right of ownership. It is because God has no right of ownership.

Therefore, everything that we have ever owned is in Satan's grasp, and it must be offered to God. Thereafter, God will redistribute all the wealth that He has received. Only then will the kingdom of heaven on earth emerge. (213-143, 1991/01/16)

13. Now the time has come to establish ourselves as owners. If you wish to become the owner of what you have, you must first offer everything to God and then receive what He redistributes to you. If you insist that you have the right to own what you have now, you will not be able to stand in the position to receive blessings. 

Originally, ownership was supposed to be established only after Adam and Eve, without falling, had received the Blessing. They were not supposed to own things first and receive the Blessing later.

They were supposed to receive ownership of all things in creation after they had received the Blessing from God; it was to be a gift to support their family after they gave birth to their children.

Therefore, even though you may have already received the Blessing, you need to indemnify the fact that you owned things before the Blessing by offering everything. Only then can you be granted ownership. 

During this process of restoration, you must return what you own to heaven. This will be temporary since in time you will receive it back when the redistribution takes place. You will offer your possessions to the True Parents, and they are the ones who will return them to heaven.

Since the first human ancestors, the false parents, turned everything upside down, True Parents must turn it right side up. Then, on the foundation of having blessed all the people of the world, they will redistribute everything and bequeath the right of ownership.

From that point on, our right of ownership will be established. This is the viewpoint of the Principle. (475-182, 2004/11/10) 

The wealth of God's nation 

The ultimate goal of religion is to create one family under God, where everyone will live free from discrimination. True Parents established many companies and developed marine resources to save people from starvation.

By promoting the equalization of wealth and technology, they have been striving to create an environment where all nations of the world can live in prosperity.  

True Parents have been emphasizing that the way to achieve the equalization of wealth is for the rich to share their wealth with those who are in need, and for wealthy nations to help impoverished nations.

In this way, we can create a world based on true love, which manifests the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universally shared values. Their teaching is that building such a world where God's Will is fulfilled is the way to achieve the ultimate social justice.

Hence, throughout their lives they have poured out their hearts, souls, and resources for the establishment of God's nation on earth, the kingdom of God on earth where all people live in happiness. 

14. People should care for the less fortunate and live for their own sake. Whenever you see someone in more difficult circumstances than you are, you should have compassion for that person and be grateful for your situation.

Do not simply be grateful, but actively help that person. Anyone who lives this way will be welcomed in their nation and other nations as well. 

If we look at the people who are considered patriots and saints today, very few of them came from wealthy families. Their societies, nations, and even their families were going through times of confusion, but they moved forward with a vision for a better future.

Even though they lived in such circumstances of confusion, they were proud to have been born in their nation and proud of their parents. Yet although they loved their parents greatly, they cared more for the nation and the world and worked to save those who were less fortunate than them.

With that heart, they gathered supporters and paved the way for a better tomorrow. That is how they brought changes to the world. 

A new history began where those people extended the love they had for their nation, their parents, and their teachers horizontally to help the less fortunate and correct injustice. From that point, this new history transcended the nation and extended to the world. History has advanced because of such people. 

A rich man who is ungrateful for his riches and labors only to gather more money will perish in the end. 

A rich man who is grateful for what he has earned and grateful to his nation and people for allowing him to earn it, and who devotes his riches to helping others, will gain even greater wealth.

You can become rich, but if you forget how to be grateful and only pursue your ambitions, you will dig your grave. (033-286, 1970/08/21) 

15. In the Bible it says, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

This passage states that rich people do not do what is required to enter the kingdom: love the world, love their nation, love their people, and love their families. I am not saying that I am going to take money from rich people. Even if I were in debt and a nation offered me financial assistance, I would not accept it. 

You should be willing to offer your personal property to heaven. You should be willing to offer it to your nation. Then, since a nation's assets grow on the foundation of its people's assets, the nation and its people will not perish. Its families will not perish.

Nations grow proportionally what their people invest in them; their investment is what brings total unity. Likewise, your nation needs to offer everything for the sake of heaven and earth; even the world needs to offer everything.
(302-052, 1999/05/18)

16. To build a united world, we should not be content to eat good food and live a good life in beautiful places. We should want to bring equalization so that all humankind can live at an equal level. 

Rich people should willingly pay 70 percent of their income in taxes, and poor people should willingly pay 30 percent in taxes; this will make a balance. They should willingly pay them, not pay them while complaining about it. 

Christianity developed by accepting tithes, ten percent of people's income, but the next step is to offer 30 percent of one's income. To save the world, rich people should set aside funds in a bank account that can be used to build facilities in underdeveloped regions in Africa. This cannot be done all at once. 

Therefore, rich people can draw lots every year to determine who will donate their funds. If you set up that kind of system, no one will complain. (378-108, 2002/05/06)

17. Now True Parents, the perfected Adam and Eve, are in the position of the first human ancestors on earth. Therefore, the time has come for you who have received True Parents' lineage to be registered in God's nation. You need to make the Total Living Offering. Then God will be able to say to you, “All of My love is yours.” 

Until now, sacrificial offerings were divided in two, but no longer. I am talking about the Total Living Offering. You need to offer 30 percent of your income so that you support the church and go beyond the church to support the nation and the world.

Of the 30 percent, 10 percent should be used for the development of the church, 10 percent for the nation, and 10 percent for the world. This is needed to connect the realm of liberation to the global plane. 

Hence, throughout your life, you need to offer three-tenths of all your income. You are not liberated from this duty until the day you enter heaven. When you offer three-tenths of your income, the third one-tenth is what engrafts you to God's realm.

The growth stage rests on the formation stage, and the completion stage rests on the growth stage. Once you fulfill the completion stage, you can recover everything. (353-204, 2001/09/07) 

18. The issues that remain to be resolved during this century are the cultural gap between the East and the West, and the gap between the haves and have-nots in the North and the South. How can they be resolved?

It is through my teaching of “living for the sake of others.” The philosophy of living for your own sake belongs to the fallen world; the philosophy of living for the sake of others belongs to the heavenly world. Wealthy North America should live for the sake of its younger sibling, Latin America. 

North America should willingly sell its assets to help its younger sibling prosper. Only after North America helps Latin America to prosper at least as much as it does, if not more, should it invest in its people. That is how both North America and South America will become places where God's ideal will eternally reside. 

Western people believe that their nations will forever remain the leading nations of the world, but that is not heaven's desire. Western civilization has stood in a leading position, but it opposes investing its highest level of technology for the development of countries in the poorer regions of the world.

If Western civilization continues to take that position, its decline is inevitable. Even if you suffer a loss, you still have to invest in the nation, invest in the world, and invest in heaven.

You should be grateful that you can still make that investment. If you invest to the very end, even though your life is in the lowest of places, people will emerge among your descendants who will inherit riches and rule over nations.
(179-171, 1988/08/01) 

19. If we are unable to build God's nation on earth and live there, we cannot enter the heavenly kingdom in the spirit world. This is a principle. That is why God is not content to have a home on the family level, but is seeking His home on the national level. God wants to have a nation through which He can create the heavenly kingdom. 

Today, socialist nations require all property to be in common and do not recognize private property. 

Although humankind does not know it, this is a result of the advancement of restoration through indemnity that is being made in this era.

The socialists justify what they do by saying that if rich people freely walked around with their bundles of wealth, it would be difficult to control them; that is why they require them to turn over all their assets to the nation as common property. In the Garden of Eden, the first human beings lived naked.

Therefore, in the Last Days, we must return to a position as if naked, having nothing to claim as our own. That is why it is wise for you to quickly offer all your treasures to God. (143-196, 1986/03/18) 

20. Once the Abel UN is properly set up, you will entrust all your property and assets to one bank. You will deposit your assets at the designated bank, and the bank will set aside a certain percentage of the accrued interest to share with those in less fortunate circumstances.

I am saying this because it is a way for rich people with a lot of money to willingly distribute and share their wealth with their needy brothers and sisters so that they too can live a prosperous life. 

People who have accumulated many assets in the wrong way are nothing but thieves. As a result, their ancestors in the spirit world are blocked on all sides. If these people do not share what they have, their ancestors will not get the benefit of equalization.

When their descendants on earth break down the barriers to sharing their wealth, then the ancestors in the spirit world will be liberated and be free to go in any direction, enjoying complete freedom. We may enjoy freedom on earth, but spirits in the spirit world are not free.

We need to work to build a world where every person in the spirit world enjoys complete freedom and is no longer in need of liberation. Then we can all go straight to the kingdom of heaven. (551-035, 2007/01/03) 

21. When people marry, it is customary for the mother and father to give them a share of their wealth. If young lovers take money or property from their parents without going through the process of getting married, what they take is considered stolen property.

They have to return it with all the interest that had accrued during all the years that they held it. However, when young people marry and their parents willingly give them their share of the inheritance, wealth is equalized.

We, True Parents, must also receive God's approval before we can give you shares of our inheritance. If any of you takes something apart from that, your entire clan in the spirit world will be accused. Even your nation will be accused. 
(482-031, 2005/01/07) 

22. When the world becomes united in the future, there will be a huge migration of people. People will no longer consider the land of their birth to be their fatherland. The land that they migrate to will become their fatherland.

Who knows where it may be? It may be in a desert. Well-off people might end up going to a place like the Gobi Desert, and work to transform it into a flourishing plain. They will need to sell their land and assets in the country of their birth and bring it with them to their new home.

That is how equalization will take place. 

Ideally, human beings should not die in the same place as they were born. You should go through your life in four different nations, living in a different nation in your twenties, forties, sixties, and eighties.

You should live in four nations in each of the four directions – north, south, east, and west. When that system is created, people will not keep any attachment to their clans.

Instead, people will attend heaven while living together in three-generation families. (542-242, 2006/10/19) 

Economic Activities in the Early Years
In the first years of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, members raised money to finance their witnessing efforts by collecting and selling postmarked stamps